Qiang Jin Jiu
Chapter 8 Table of contents

The embargo was waiting to take turns, all froze and shrank.

The Batu forbidden army was originally the eight city guards. It was the copper wall and iron wall of the Batu royal palace. According to the rules, such trivial matters could not come to them. However, after the rise of the Eighth Battalion, the responsibilities of the two sides were transferred, and the embargoes became burdensome. Not only did the military academy exercises be abolished, but they also became a real mixed service in the capital. To this day, they have never seen real swords. , Hereditary military families waiting to die.

Ge Qingqing is one of the hundred households in Jinyiwei. He is not an official in Badu, but it is good for the embargoed in charge of detention. Because everyone walks in Badu on weekdays, it is necessary to take care of each other. No matter how big the officials are, they dare not respect them at will. In addition, Ge Qingqing was extremely generous in dealing with people, so the army opened one eye and closed one eye, and Ji Gang replaced the original chores.

Ge Qingqing greeted the embargo and divided the hot buns he brought. Before Ji Gang came out, Xiao Qi saw that he was thinking, and said, "If Brother Qing is in a hurry, just go in and check for the brothers."

Ge Qingqing said, "How is this compliant?"

Xiaoqi bit his bun and waved his hand, motioning for the embargoed guarding the back door to give way, saying, "The younger brother is not an outsider, and besides, we can't let the Chaosin Temple be surrounded by water, and people can't escape."

Ge Qingqing stopped quitting and turned into Zhao sin Temple.

Ji Gang was sitting under the eaves, and when he saw Ge Qingqing coming, he stood up and said, "Is it time?"

"It's okay, it's not yet dawn, Uncle Ji can stay a while." Ge Qingqing said, looking around the temple, "This place can't live in people, it's winter and moonlight now, I'll send some quilts in later."

Ji Gang saw that he seemed to have something in mind, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Ge Qingqing said, "It's not a big deal, or I just met Xiao Er on the road."

Shen Zechuan looked up and said, "That Xiao ..."

"Xiao Chiye," said Ge Qingqing, "the younger son from the North King, is also the same person as last time. I saw that he was not stable and had a strong alcoholic body. It should be drunk last night."

"It's not Xiao Jiming." Ji Gang turned to Taifu and said, "Taifu hasn't been out for 20 years. I'm afraid I don't know the four famous celebrities of Da Zhou today. Wang Bei gave birth to a good son, Xiao Jiming. Very good! "

Shen Zechuan asked Ge Qingqing: "Brother, what did he ask you?"

Ge Qingqing thought about it and said, "He asked me where to go, and I said to take a short route to the office. He also said that this road is not like going to Shenwu Street, so I perfunctory it. Think of him like this The prince, Guiyi, will not investigate in person. "

"But it involves Xiao's family. Be careful. Later you still have to go to the palace. You must draw a stroke on the value file." Ji Gang rubbed his hands with Xue, "Chuaner, punched."

"Slow." Shen Zechuan's eyes were deep in paint. "Since it is a miscellaneous alley in a residential area, he once referred to Prince Guigui, what did he do in this street in the morning?"

Ge Qingqing was also stunned, saying, "It's also said that ... the place to play is all on Donglong Street, some distance from the civilian area. He has a heavy hangover, and it's cold, why did he come here!"

"Stop waiting for the rabbit." Qi Fu, wrapped in a broken veil, turned around with his butt, and said, "The matter of Shen Wei is related to the Xiao family. I heard his foot and clearly wanted the kid's life. But people live now. Well, how can he be suspicious? "

"If he has no intention, he shouldn't say the second sentence." Shen Zechuan remembered that kick, and he had a lingering fear.

"It's bad." Ge Qingqing changed with color, and said, "blame me for being hasty, how can this be good? People are afraid they are already on the road!"

Shen Zechuan turned to Mrs. Qi: "Anyway, Sir has guessed that there must be a countermeasure."


Zhaohui arrived at the Jinyiweisuo Division, and although he was at the same level with him, he did not dare to take Joe. Leading Zhaohui all the way to the archives room, he said, "What are the generals looking for? Here is the value of today's twelve."

Zhaohui did not smile, picked up the booklet and looked at it, saying, "Brothers in the forbidden inspection, brothers Jin Yiwei, I got a hundred households called Ge Qingqing to help each other a few days ago. I am here today to reward him. Is he on duty today?"

"The twelve houses are complex, and they are all inside." Wu Shi said, moving to the wall, where the divisions clearly hung twelve duty schedules.

But this thing Zhaohui can't touch, it is taboo in the forbidden.

He asked: "The general knows where he is?"

Zhao Hui said: "I heard that it is possible to work in the morning shift.

The investigation was carried out according to the name. After a while, he turned to Zhaohui and said, "General, there is no one on duty today. May I look elsewhere for you?"

Zhaohui closed the book in her hand gently and said, "No need, I'll go to him."

Zhaohui was out of the file room, and it was bright. He returned along the road and strode out of the palace.

Shenwu Avenue has been cleared of snow, but the road is slippery, and the bearers who are sending the wealthy are not dare to recklessly. They have to go carefully and strive for stability.

Zhaohui passed by a sedan, and glimpsed that the sedan man was wearing a waist knife. Who knew it was such a glance, but he frowned.

"Slow." Zhaohui stopped the car and said, "This is the car to take the command?"

Sure enough, it was Jin Yiwei, who took the lead and said, "Know who we are going to pick up, dare to block the road? Get out of here!"

Zhao Hui raised his hand to reveal his northerly waist card.

Jin Yiwei bowed his head and said, "I have offended the general!"

As soon as the car curtain was moved, a slim hand lifted the curtain, and Jiao Yan gave a glance at Zhaohui lazily, and said to the people inside: "My lord, look for you!"

Ji Lei also returned after a hangover. Malaysia sat in the sedan with a golden knife and said to Zhao Hui, "General North! Is there something wrong?"

Zhaohui only stared at the Jin Yiwei headed and said, "Nothing. I heard that the boy was eating wine with the adults last night. Will the talents return?"

Ji Lei laughed: "I was worried about the second son! As soon as I opened my eyes this morning, the son returned to the house. Is the son looking for someone?"

"I can't rest assured." Zhao Hui saluted, "I'm disturbed."

"Anyway! I just came out of it." Ji Lei waved his hand. "Who just hit the general? Quickly pay the general well."

The head Jin Jinwei knelt on one knee and said to Zhaohui, "Ge Qingqing, a humble job, has no eyes on Taishan, offends the general, and is willing to be punished!"

Zhaohui was right.

On the waist tag on the side of the knife, Ge Qingqing's name was really written.


After listening to Zhao Hui, Xiao Chiye was still reading the story with his legs crossed.

Zhao Hui said: "It didn't seem to be true that he hadn't had time to enter the palace before being sent to pick up Ji Lei."

"Yeah." Xiao Chi's ambition was absent-minded. "It is natural to be close to the dumping tower."

"But I always feel subtle." Zhao Hui rubbed his handle with his thumb.

Xiao Chiye turned the page and said, "Can't you think of it?"

"Can't think of it."

"I tell you." He sat up sharply, crossed his legs, and supported his knees with one hand. "You entered the capital with your elder brother, the emperor welcomed him, and Jin Yiwei's ceremonies followed closely behind him. Anymore? "

"It's hard to say," said Zhao Hui, "perhaps I didn't remember it."

"You haven't even changed your robes, and you have a sword. Even if he doesn't recognize it, he won't dare to scold him in the street like this without even knowing it." Xiao Chiye said, "Besides, I don't think he has a bad memory, even I know Be clear. "

"I just think it's too coincidental." Chaohui thought, "I just happened."

"What you want is coincidence." Xiao Chiye threw away the textbook, "this Shen ..."

"Shen Zechuan." Zhao Hui said.

"Let him enter the Temple of Chaosin, it seems that he lost a move." Xiao Chiye said in his eyes.


Ge Qingqing picked the wind collar and wiped his sweat.

Wu Caiquan ran in across his legs and said, "Thank you very much! Brother Qing, thanks to you!"

Ge Qingqing said: "Little things are brothers."

Wu Caiquan grinned, and the person who turned his head to the stall called: "Lao Xu! Remember Qing brother today, he carried the sedan chair for me. I got cold last night. I lost my head this morning and got help from Brother Qing."

Ge Qingqing wiped his head down with sweat, and said, "You have a cold, and go to Xujiapuzi to drink mutton soup later."

Wu Caiquan hurriedly said, "Okay, Brother Qing treats! Old Xu, have you heard? Let's go together for a while!"

"Don't keep this in your heart." Ge Qingqing patted Wu Quancai's back. "Care well, be uncomfortable next time, and don't dangle like this time, just tell me."

Wu Caiquan nodded like a puppy, and had been stunned by mutton soup.


Qi Taifu was finally wrapped in a quilt at night. He was sitting opposite Shen Zechuan and said, "It will be the Zhengdan Festival in half the month, and the grandmother will have a banquet. At that time, the governors and prefects of the state will join the congratulations. Today's I don't know the situation, you tell me now. "

Shen Zechuan was wearing a thin coat in the snow, holding Ji Jiaquan's starting hand, but sweat was flowing from his forehead. He said: "Since the North King has been ill for many years, his military affairs have been carried out by his son Xiao Jiming, and he will certainly not come this time. Qidong Five County also has the power to rescue the driver. The first to be sealed is Lu Guangbai, one of the four generals. In the past few days, it is time for Mrs. Qi to arrive. In this way, the two military forces in Da Zhou will temporarily reside-"

"Live." Mrs. Qi pulled out the ruler from the quilt and said, "Which four will be the four?"

"Iron Horse Glacier Xiao Jiming, the flames blowing the sand and the land wide, the wind attracting wild Qi Zhuyin, Lei Shen Yutai and Zuo Qianqiu!"

"I only heard about Zuo Qianqiu. But I also know that Lu Guangbai was mostly the son of Bian Shabo and Lu Pingyan. Although Lu Pingyan later guarded the Bian County desert, he was born from the north in his early years, and he was from the North King Xiao Fangxu. A good brother who has worshiped Ba Zi. If Lu Guangbai had a sister, he would definitely be Xiao Jiayi, wouldn't he? "

"Yes," said Shen Zechuan, dripping with sweat, "Lu Guangbai's sister is the concubine Li Beishi."

"So where are the two big military forces." Qi Fu said, "With this layer of relations, the Lu family is a nail from the north to Qidong five counties, which is muddy. Besides, there are eight major camps in the capital. There are also banned troops. Although the Eight Great Battalions are not as far away from the north and Qidong, their reputation is not as brave as they are, but you have to remember that Dadu is the heart of Da Zhou, and they are holding the king's life. "

Mrs. Qi looked at the ruler, chopped the gourd, and took a few sips of wine to warm up.

"You also have to remember that although Jin Yiwei can't be called 'Bing', it is far better than 'Bing'. The emperors use soldiers, and they must be supported by famous ministers. They will be out and the king's life is not affected. You caught too much Tight, it is difficult to become a device; if you put it too loose, you may become a tiger. This scale is elusive, and you must get the right medicine and be flexible. However, Jin Yiwei is completely different. They are the fierce dogs under the emperor's seat. It ’s loose or tight, petting or abandoning, it ’s all up to the emperor's anger. This kind of sword, this dog, is you, do you like it? "

Shen Zechuan held up for a moment and said, "Like it-it will indulge! Faith is too much, and it will be a disaster."

"Your brother taught you a lot." Qi Fu said, "Yes, you must remember, you must remember! Too much faith, it will be a scourge. Although you are a virtuous person, but you are in Among them, black and white, how can we always distinguish who is a virtuous person, who is a traitor? Not to mention that even a virtuous gentleman has many things that cannot be done. But treacherous can, but a villain can. The emperor lived in the city for a long time, and he must understand the checks and balances. Tao, we must also listen to the crowd of ministers. You see, with Jin Yiwei, you have the East Factory; with North China, you have Qidong. "

Qi Taifu paused for a while, then said.

"If the water is full, then the surplus is lost, and the monthly profit is lost. Do you know why the Xiao family hated Shen Wei? Not only can there be no more battles from the Beijing War, it is the Xiao family fighting again. Defeat is defeat, and win is also Failed, they have come to an end. "

Shen Zechuan said: "Winning is also losing?"

"Win is also defeated! Xiao Jiming won the battle, didn't he lose his brother right away? He won one game in the future, and he would risk a point. This time he lost his brother, and next time it might be his wife, his father, And even himself. "2k novel reading network

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