Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 55 Table of contents

I don’t know why, but suddenly I became exhausted, but my consciousness was still sober. Chen Xing took him to the backyard and let him lie on a sickbed in Huichuntang. Xie Dao was diagnosed with a pulse and looked at Chen Xing. Did not speak.

"Have you been in contact with someone during this time?" Xie Dao asked.

Chen Xing: "The two of us just arrived in Jiankang the day before. We saw more people, but we didn't... strange people."

Xie Daoqi also asked: "What have you eaten?"

Chen Xing couldn't remember the memories. They lived in Xie's family. Xie's family had everything as usual. Yesterday in Dongzhe, Xiang Shu did not drink tea from their home, but he drank a lot. After entering the night, he only drank wine at Feng Qianxi's house. Feng Qianxi could never count them.

Chen Xing answered in turn, and Xie Daoyi knew that the guest of his own little uncle's family was Chen Xing.

Chen Xing grasped the hand of the item and injected the heart lamp into the body's meridians. The strange thing was that there was no abnormality.

"It won't be..."

Xie Daoqi did not answer.

The item did not fall asleep, only raised the other hand, and the thumb hit a few times in front of the eyebrow. Chen Xing said: "Zhu Shu, are you sleepy?"

"Not sleepy." The story is frowning, that is, no strength, "Go back first."

At this time, Gu Qingduan took a bowl of thick soup and came over. Chen Xing smelled a strong taste. The article said: "I don't have to drink this, I am not sleepy, not a plague."

"Do you drink and watch?" Chen Xing said.

The story seems a bit annoyed, reaching out to stop, Chen Xing can not help but say: "I feed you, you obey."

Xie Daojun observed the relationship between the two, and looked at Gu Qing, Gu Qing smiled and nodded to Xie Dao, meaning "it is what you think." Xie Dao's brows were slightly wrinkled and seemed a little worried.

Xiang said: "Well, I drink it myself!"

Chen Xing knew that Xiang Shu did not like to show his weakness in front of people, so he did not force him, and he went to drink the bowl of soup, and he was mentally on the spot.

"What kind of medicine is there?" Chen Xingchao asked.

"Ginseng, Eucommia, Dipsacus, psoralen..." Xie Daojun's face was as usual, and he repeatedly said that he had more than ten flavors of medicines, all of which were the remedies of the yangyang medicine. "Master's prescription."

After getting out of the medicine, the subject got up and didn't want to stay in the pharmacy.

Chen Xing followed up, but I should know it anyway. It was probably clear from Xie Daojun. I had to apologize. Xie Daoyi did not ask for medical expenses. So Gu Qing sent the two to go out, prepared a car, and sent them back to Xiefu. .

"Is it better?" Chen Xing was half-stunned by the story, and half also scared himself. After all, Xiang Shu has always been an omnipotent image in his mind. Gradually, he forgot his high skill. After all, he was going to eat, drink water to sleep, and suddenly he seemed to get sick. Just panicked, anxiously worried, not in the car according to the description of the pulse.

The item is thinking, did not answer Chen Xing, Chen Xinglian called a few times, Xiang Shufang returned to God, met his eyes, a little angry said: "I said, do not sleep, you do not believe me?"

Chen Xing had to nod. He didn’t know what to do at the moment. He only hoped that it was not a big problem.

"After more than two years ago, I investigated the whereabouts of Keela. When I went down from Luoyang, I encountered the same situation," Xiang said. "It was captured by the Jinjun."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Chen Xing remembered it. At that time, he was still surprised for a while. How did he learn how to be arrested?

"In a flash, I lost all my strength." Xiang said frowning.

"How good is it later?" Chen Xingyi said differently.

The item said to himself: "I don't know, maybe it's good to eat your medicine, maybe it has been restored before I saw you, but the Han people don't provide food and water, so I can't break free. I was caught in Fuyang. In the future, I have been weak for a while."

The item raised his hand and raised the epee, barely able to lift it, but the movement showed obvious delay and weakness.

"It’s like suddenly, the strength is completely dissipated," Xiang said muttering. "What happened? Chen Xing, can you calm down?"

"I... What's the matter with me?" Chen Xing did not know what to do. "I look very flustered?"

The subject frowned: "You look like a plague. The last time was good, this time will certainly be able."

Chen Xing calmed down a little and said, "I... because I am a little scared."

Chen Xing took the hand of the article and let him look at him for a moment. Chen Xing finally calmed down and said, "Let's take a day off and see."

On the same day, Chen Xing observed the condition of the case and suspected that it was a certain ill-health. This situation made him more and more confused. The story was not as sleepy as the general sleepiness described by Xie Daoyu. His expression was normal, only a little tired, maybe not infected. plague. However, it is also possible that the body of the subject is strong and the symptoms are not obvious after the illness.

This night, Chen Xing moved to the house of the story and stayed with him on the couch. The next morning, Xiang Shu woke up. Chen Xingxin thought it was really thankful. When I got up, I went to follow the pulse of the item. The pulse is powerful and normal. It is normal.

“How are you feeling?” Chen Xing asked.

The story got up and tried to bring up the epee and said, "No, it is difficult to even move out. If there are enemies coming, it will be quite troublesome."

Said, Xiang Shu exchanged a look with Chen Xing, and felt the danger to each other. Chen Xing whispered: "Is it going to be them? Is the hand of Gu Hai already here?"

The item said: "Not necessarily, at least so far, there is no trouble finding a door. They may not know that I am weakened. We are still in the dark, but we must be very careful and take it seriously. From that day, I heard Feng Qianxi. After telling the story, I always felt that it was not right. The corpse could not give up the South. He must have started the idea of ​​Jiankang before the battle of Fuyang."

Chen Xing initially suspected that the plague was related to the corpse, even if the corpse did not personally send a hand to Jiangnan, the spread of the epidemic was all due to the rise. Many complicated information interfered with his judgment, and made him feel that this matter may not have much to do with him.

Did you guess the wrong direction from the beginning? Chen Xing began to feel the hustle and bustle of Jiankang City, and there was some unknown danger. If it is assumed that the corpse of the corpse has been lurking in the south of the Yangtze River, the premeditated subversion of the Jinan, but the implementation of his plan is not as smooth as the northern land, then everything in front of you can be said.

"You are right," Chen Xing admitted. "I took it lightly."

The item nodded as if the momentum was not reduced due to the loss of force. Chen Xing also found out that the story is only a loss of physical strength, but the mind is still clear, not as described in the usual case of "missing souls."

Chen Xing has adjusted the prescription, please thank the family to buy the medicine, remove the a few drugs that Xie Dao opened, to enhance physical strength. Xie An followed the example and asked Chen Xing and Xiang Shu to use rice. Chen Xing began to ask, Jiankang, Danyang, Huiji, and Fuling, whether there were strange people in the past year.

"No." Xie An thought and thought again, "What's wrong? I heard that you went to see you yesterday?"

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu had a simple discussion before, and decided to go to the investigation seriously today, and can no longer drag, so he said: "In the past few days, you will not disturb you, we have to go and see."

Xie Anchao Chen Xing said: "I sent a person to Kuaiji a few days ago to find a place where I can't move the mountain, and I estimate that I will be back in the next two days. I will not wait any longer?"

Item: "The things in front of you are more important. Keep it first. Maybe you can meet it in Kuaiji."

Xie An stopped talking and said, "After a moment, I asked, can I help you? Why are you rushing to go?"

Chen Xing is not suspicious of Xie An. I really have to calculate their early calculations, and I will not wait until now, but the martial arts have lost everything. One person knows that it is always good, so she only said that it is related to the plague. Xie An Wenyan slowly nodded. At this moment, Xie Daoyu came with Gu Qing.

"Is it better?" Xie Daoyu said at the door, and nodded to Xie An, saw the ceremony, came over to check the pulse of the story, and looked at Chen Xing, Chen Xing slowly shook his head.

“Is the brothers uncomfortable?” Xie An asked.

"No." Chen Xing replied immediately.

Xie Daoqi checked and found that the item was similar to yesterday, but it was not sleepy, and it was not a plague. Not a moment, the outside came again to visit Xie An. It is the Dongzhuang Qianzhuang Dongjia, but this time, it is no longer Wenzhe, a few men.

Today, Xie’an’s family is really lively and lively. I saw a stranger holding a scorpion filled with a title deed. The dynasty said: “There is a landlord, this is the land lease brought by my wife. I don’t have so much money in the bank. However, I had to get some of the industries that I had set up in Jiankang, Huiji and other places before, and I don’t know what you mean."

Xie An has already listened to it. Chen Xing waved his hand and told him not to ask. He had seen the title deed. It turned out that Wen Zhe went back and calculated that there was not so much money, and perhaps he did not want to pay the money to the account, so he thought about it. Such a move.

"Let's let go," Xiang said as usual. "How much is left?"

The people respectfully said: "The land lease and industry here are equivalent to one million and two silver. There are still two million to pay, and the lady asks the law to give the adults another grace period of six months."

"Hey! Xiaoshu!" Xie Daoqi was busy going forward to Xie Anshun back, Xie An Wen Yan has almost passed out.

"Yes." The item said that the other party even took out the title deed. It was good faith. It was always difficult to force people too much. They agreed to the grace. The people seemed to have said that they had to say this early, and they followed the words and took out the pen paper. I am pleased to say: "This is to ask the adults to leave a note, and the small one will go back to the intersection."

"I said that the law is empty, isn't it counted?" Xiang Shu said coldly, "You can return now, otherwise I have to change my mind."

The man had to be arrogant and retired. When he left Xiefu, he came again. It was Feng Qianxi.

Feng Qianxi and the ambassador passed by, and he was informed that he had heard about it today. He said: "You brother, are you okay?"

The people in the hall made a look at him together. Only Xie An was subconsciously running. Feng Qianxi was impatient and said: "Do not chase your debts, thank you, and then grace you for another year!"

After half an hour, the item is in the room.

Chen Xingzheng packed up his clothes. Feng Qianxi sat down and observed the face of the item. The article frowned and asked: "What are you doing again?"

"How dare I not come?" Feng Qianxi listened to Gu Qing last night and said that it was broken. Today, early in the morning, he sent people to listen to the wind outside the house of Xie, and to see Xi’an down, so he rushed to see the situation. The wine that I drank at my house in the evening, something happened yesterday. How dare I come?"

The replies replied: "It doesn't matter to your wine, I know it."

Feng Qianxi said: "You are going to go to Kuaiji?"

Chen Xing replied: "I can't wait for the news of my brother, I have to take a trip as soon as possible."

Feng Qiang took the initiative and said: "I am going with you."

Chen Xing looked at the item, and the item nodded. It was also the purpose of Feng Qianxi to find out the whereabouts of the corpse, and the current strength of the item was lost. Feng Qiang was in, and finally, he must be safe.

So Feng Qianxi went to the management, and in the afternoon, the three started their journey and went to Kuaiji.

Somewhere in the dark ground, several twists and turns of the underground river meet here, and when the river passes through the lowlands, it is actually lit with a slight flash. On the banks of the river on both sides of the underground river, there are strange glowing flowers.

Huahai reflected this dark space into blue, and the flowers were covered with butterflies with white wings and white light. The butterflies radiated a faint light powder and spread to the center of the flower sea.

In the Huahai, the river shoal, there is a tortuous array of nearly acre of land, and the dark blue shimmer is flashing in the array. This array of images draws energy from the millions of butterflies on the ground. Fear and weakness.

In the center of the array, there is a huge snake lying on it. The head of the snake has a broken corner. The body is surrounded by a steady stream of black gas, and the eyes are closed.

Wen Zhe stood outside the circle of law, holding a small hand clock on his left and quietly watching the snake.

"Yesterday, according to your instructions, the power of the binding dragon array was enhanced." Wen Zhe's slender brow slightly picked up and said, "But I don't understand, what's the use?"

"A try." said the man behind Wen Zhe.

On the night of the prince’s night, the prince’s body appeared on the periphery of the glowing flowers. Three black warriors waded alongside the water. Wen Zhe suddenly felt an accident. Looking back, the three kings appeared at the same time, which made her very surprised.

“What to try?” Wen Zhe asked again. “It’s a quick refining process. At this time, it’s suddenly augmented with the Dragons, and the corpse, what do you want to do?”

The prince held a black fan in the night and shook it carelessly. He said: "The power of the dragon is fully open, in order to confirm the identity of a person. The facts have proved my guess. I still can't take it lightly."

Wen Zhe scornfully said: "As for?? Send me three?"

Wen Zhe turned and looked at the three kings who came to the front.

The prince night said: "The enemy is inferior, and the fiasco of Feng Qianxi, Zhou Wei and Zhou Wei is inflicted. The king is more derogated from the two. My master has already ordered the strict, Wen Zhe, never turn the boat in the gutter."

Wen Zhe: "That wouldn't be the case. The grievances collected by the soul-sucking clock are limited. If you continue to do so, the strength of the soul-splitting from the veins may not last long."

The prince replied in the night: "Do not tighten, they can't force now, what is their movement?"

Wen Zhe: "The exorcist left Jiankang today."

The prince night said leisurely: "I know that although the truth is already out of ten, it is always good to confirm it carefully. I will go there for a while."

"Be careful," Wen said.

The prince made a gesture in the night and took away three kings. The remaining Wenzhe was alone. After a while, Wen Zhe entered the chain of dragons and gently touched the eyes of the giant python, showing a gentle expression.

Two days later, Jiankang went to the official road of Huiji.

"Title, are you okay?" Chen Xingchao said.

The sword of the story is tied to the horseback, followed by Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi, and the horses are transferred into the forest. The spring is full of greenery in the south of the Yangtze River. The hills are full of terraces, which makes people feel happy.

Feng Qianxi slowed down the speed of the horse, and Xiang Xiang said: "Remember that more than a year ago, we were also in Chang'an, unconsciously, it is a year passed."

The item did not speak, and Chen Xing feared that he was weak and deliberately slowed down a little.

"I should stay in Jiankang," Xiang said. "Tow you both."

Chen Xing frowned: "How can you say that?"

Xiang said: "Put the magic weapon in Xifeng, after all, it is a bit unreliable. But let me go to Kuaiji alone, I am even more reassured."

Feng Qianxi: "I have heard all of my brothers. It turns out that in your eyes, I am not a person..."

Item: "Money."

"Don't!" Feng Qianxi immediately said, "Brother, I am not a person! I will go ahead and show you the way!"

Before Chen Xing and Xiang Shuo went out of the city, the Yin Yang Jian and the gongs and drums and the ring were temporarily stored in the secret room of Xifeng Bank. After all, Xiang Shu’s strength was lost. If there was an accident, he was afraid that the magic weapon would be lost again.

"There will be no problem," Chen Xing said calmly. "Occasionally I can protect you. My luck has been good, as long as I don't leave me too far."

The three men passed through a canyon, and Feng Qianxi, who was at the forefront, suddenly slowed down.

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu stopped behind Feng Qianxi.

“What did you guess before?” Feng Qianxi said, “Chen Xing, do you think it’s the corpse that makes the brothers sick?”

Chen Xingsi said: "Maybe, but still need evidence to support."

Feng Qianxi asked again: "What did Xie An say? What did he send to Changji to check for you?"

Chen Xing: "???"

Item: "..."

I saw Feng Qiang’s horse, and went deep into the canyon. On a tree in front of the stream, a pale body was hanging. The corpse was dressed in Jin costume, and a waist card was hung on it.

The three men dismounted, Feng Qianxi took the waist from the body and wrote the number "Da Jinzhongshu Jianlin".

Chen Xing detailed the waist card and said: "This is the person of the book supervisor? It is the subordinate of Xie An. How is he... dead here?!"

Suddenly, the corpse screamed, and it was actually smashing the eyes, and grabbing Chen Xing!

"Beware!" Although there was no force in the item, the reaction was not slow. Pulling Chen Xing, Chen Xing was shocked and raised his hand to pay attention to the heart lamp. The living body was glazed, and when he was afraid, he was afraid. Hey, the neck is tied to the tree, there is nowhere to escape, only struggling, the appearance is extremely horrible!

At the height of the canyon, it seemed interesting to watch the prince's night in this scene, so I laughed.

Behind the three kings, each of them stood by the sword.

The prince waved a fan and ordered: "Go."

Then, the kings of the squadrons all fell into the shadows and flew from the cliffs!

The next moment, Feng Qianxi suddenly left his hand to the back, his right hand pressed his waist, and instantly came out with two knives. The story turned around and the side shoulder hit Chen Xing and took him to the side.

In the air, the three kings of the squad at the same time took out the sword, each took one person. Feng Qianxi had not turned around, and the backrest held a double knife to block a move. Chen Xing was thrown on the ground by the story and rolled over to avoid it!

"Enemy!" Feng Qianxi said, "You are going!"

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