Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 56 Table of contents

Almost at the same time, Feng Qianxi's double knives almost took off under the giant force, and people were hit and flew out. The article touched the shoulder and protected Chen Xing. The two men rolled on the ground and rolled again, three times in a row, avoiding the three tricks of the sneak attack!

Chen Xing immediately pointed his finger, volleyed to the enemy, and said: "Hey!"

The sneak attacker is the king of Sima Liang, the first two followers are Changsha Wang Sima Yi and Chengdu Wang Sima Ying, but they have not seen Sima Yi!

As the first king is a sword, Xiang Shu pushes Chen Xing, and then drags the epee in the clouds. Although he loses his strength, he uses the skill of exerting his strength to the extreme, only to see that the sword makes it soft. Force, at the same time stuck to the two tricks Sima Liang and Sima Yi cut down, with two people Jianfeng spin, staggered, actually let the two kings of the move slammed together, sizzling, themselves Get out of the way.

Feng Qianxi screamed in his busy schedule, but Chen Xing clearly saw that his three people are not opponents.

"Go!" The item also judged that it was impossible to fight, and immediately launched with Chen Xing, and the horse galloped. Feng Qiang dragged the knife and flew on the horse. He saw that the three kings did not pursue and stopped.

The three men rushed out of the canyon immediately, and Chen Xing couldn't stop looking back. I saw that the three kings waited for the horses, but they were chasing them, obviously not letting them go.

"I will lead them away!" Feng Qianxi shouted.

The item shouted: "They are just living dead bodies, not pigs and dogs! It won't be your plan!"

The horse rushed through the village, Feng Qianxi wanted to go to the village, but Xiang said: "Come back! Don't kill the dead!"

Chen Xing suddenly remembered that if he fought here, he could not help but cause casualties. He immediately shouted: "What should I do?"

"I don't know!" Feng Qianxi said, "Run first!"

The chasing soldiers behind the three men chased after a while, Chen Xing was shocked, how did the kings come to Jiangnan? How long has it been? What is the purpose of half-way ambushing one's own people? !

"They are trying me." The story can't stop breathing, as if I felt Chen Xing who looked back from time to time.

Chen Xing said: "What?"

Item: "They are confirming! Confirm that I have lost all the force!"

Chen Xing suddenly understood that the three kings did not show up on the killer, but mainly on the move, just to confirm the remnant ability of the item!

"They want to catch Chen Xing." Xiang Shu said, "Feng Qianxi! Let's score the action!"

"Take them to the cemetery!" Feng Qianxi said, "I need resentment to launch a magic weapon!"

Xiang Shu and Feng Qianxi have been connected to several towns. When the time was near Qingming, there were already many people in the mountains of Jiangnan. They went to the bamboo basket in advance to pay homage to the dead. Feng Qianxi took the two people around the foothills. Before they got a hill, they broke through the fence and broke into the tomb.

"You are going," Feng said. "I will come to the temple, meet and meet, don't worry about me! I am very familiar with Jiangnan!"

Many people in the cemetery got up and looked at Feng Qianxi, and Chen Xingchao shouted: "Run! Leave here!"

Immediately, Sima Liang first rushed in. The people here saw the black warrior riding a high horse, and immediately yelled and rushed out of the cemetery. Feng Qianxi took a deep breath, holding a Senro knife in both hands, and there was a black air on the blade.

Under the curtain of the sky, the crow flew over, and Xiang said sharply and looked up to the sky.

Chen Xing also felt that Gu Hai was observing them.

Then, the article abandoned the horse, took Chen Xing to fly, and rushed into the woods.

"Feng big brother..."

"He won't have anything to do!" Xiang said loudly, "Their goal is you!"

Chen Xing remembered, when Sima abandoned the rest of the people, no matter how to kidnap Chen Xing back to the Central Plains, it is also the order of the corpse, the focus is not on Feng Qianxi or even the story.

"This is the exorcist who demonized the demon," Sima Liang said, "but the hand is holding the magic device, and it makes you angry. When did you become a person on our side?"

Feng Qianxi said: "Sorry, I have to use the other way for the time being.

The voice fell, Feng Qianxi gathered the grievances in the entire cemetery with the Sen Luo knife, crossed the elbows, and cut the blade, and then slashed the knife, and the three knives slammed down, the knife went straight, and saw the black gas gathering along the way. Just like the entity, the three kings held the sword in an instant, and they were so arrogant that they were unharmed.

However, surrounded by mountains and forests, the land of the knife is smeared, the trees are black and charcoal, and they are throwing branches and stalking the three kings! In a few rounds, the green hills and green fields are ridiculous. As if they were rolled up by the fire clouds, there are more and more dead trees, and they have gathered together from Sima Liang, Sima Yi and Sima Ying.

Chen Xing rushed out of the woods, and he couldn’t help but gasp. He slammed the sword on the ground. When they first fled on foot by trees, as every time they were carrying Chen Xing, it was Chen Xing’s grasp of the story. Wrist, running with him.

"I can't run," Xiang said, breathing. "You have to stay physically... they will catch up, I can resist for a while, you are going."

"I... Where can I go?" Chen Xing is hard to set the channel.

In the afternoon, Chen Xing looked at the official road, and this place has entered the Huiji boundary.

"They want you," said Xiang. "Although I don't know why Jinghai wants to catch you, but definitely can't fall in their hands! Go! Go!"

Said, Xiang Shu did not pay attention to Chen Xing, turned around at the mountain, facing the woods, holding the sword in both hands.

Chen Xing looked at the subject, silent for a few seconds, turned and ran to the official road.

The item only feels that the physical strength is constantly losing, but the mind is very clear-headed. When he just happened to have an accident, the corpse of the corpse was followed, which means that everything is planned.

There was a loud noise in the distance, and the direction of the cemetery on the hill seemed to have fallen from the stone. I just don’t know how long Feng Qiang could drag.

Several crows flew, and the story slowly retreated, staring at the crows with vigilance, one, and one more, more and more crows, actually gathered around the story, just like the formation of a strange circle. The story waved with the sword and flew a few, but soon more crows came up.

Nearly a hundred jackdaws gathered around the story to form a scene that was extremely strange.

"驭-!" behind a scream, the heart flashed out, the crows were suddenly washed away, Chen Xing holding the reins, and the horse came to Xiang Shu.

"Great! I found a stopover over there! I bought a horse for them!" Chen Xing shouted. "It's good to have money! Come on!"

As soon as the item was mentioned, he immediately went to the horse and barely settled. Chen Xing turned to the horse's head and angered in the woods: "Chen Hai, you are the bastard! Go play with your own birds! I will not accompany you!"

Item: "..."

Then, Chen Xing turned to the horse's head, rushed to the official road, and ran with Xiang.

After the interest rate, Sima Liang and Sima Yi ran out of the woods, but only saw the back of Chen Xing and Xiang Shuhua as two small black spots.

"Suddenly running so fast, nothing, fleeing to the ends of the earth, can not escape my hand, do not have to chase." Prince night out of the woods, said, "binding dragon array played a role, the law is not enough, you cut the road Go ahead to the Kuaiji and wait for them to kill Chen Xing, and keep the life of the law, and the magic weapon will be handed over to you, and it must be solved once and cleanly today."

The king turned and looked at the prince night.

The prince made a gesture at night and gestured to it.

"The item!" Chen Xing turned and said, "You are fine!"

The tall body was half-pressed on Chen Xing, and he heard the words and went straight up and said, "I can't die."

Chen Xing once lost the item once, for fear of running again and running him down the horse, pulling his hands, ringing his waist from behind, and covering his back with his hand, clinging tightly. he.

Item: "..."

"The last time in Fuyang," Chen Xing said, "I'm sorry!"

Item: "What?"

Chen Xing: "I won't lose you anymore!"

Chen Xing couldn't stop looking back, seeing that the three kings did not chase them again, and finally lowered their hearts.

"The item?" Chen Xing turned back and met the complicated eyes of the subject.

The item does not naturally go too far.

"I have to think of a way to restore strength," Xiang said. "The corpse did not know what to eat, or what magic, from Jiankang to Huiji, this sense of powerlessness is getting heavier."

“Is it more serious?” Chen Xingyi said differently.

The item nodded and said: "Not a poison, I don't think it should be that I don't pay attention, let me drink the blood of the demon."

Chen Xing seemed to think of something and asked: "From yesterday when I noticed the abnormality, when I left Jiankang, my condition did not increase. Is that true?"

The item says: "Yes, what do you want to say?"

Chen Xing: "On the way to Kuaiji, it is getting less and less, right?"

The item "Hmm" sounded and said: "Maybe it is related to the move."

Chen Xing stood still and asked: "Is there anyway...where are they setting up a ban on your strength? But where are they lurking?"

Chen Xing mistakenly hit the wrong side, almost smashed the truth, but at this moment the situation has not allowed them to think about it. In the evening, the Huiji City Gate appeared in the thin and thin body.

Chen Xing ran out of breath, and when he got outside the city gate, he found that there was no one left. Even the defending guards were gone. The subject looked around and the brow wrinkled.

“What should I do now?” Chen Xing said, and asked the question: “Are you hungry?”

Item: "..."

Chen Xing: "???"

Item: "You can't think of it yourself? When I am not with you, do you have no idea?"

"Are you suddenly so fierce?"

Chen Xing did not expect that this would be awkward, but after thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case. After I have known the story, I have no autonomy. Whenever I want to proceed to the next step, I will ask the article. What are you doing next?"

"Oh..." Chen Xing had to say, "I occasionally act on my own."

Not to mention okay, when it comes to this item, there is a fire in the heart, saying: "Do you have your own idea, except for secretly going north in the middle of the night, what else can you do?"

I don’t know why, and I’m so depressed when I see Chen Xing’s appearance. I think that I’m only worried about my safety, just to drag the enemy and let Chen Xing escape. However, even if Chen Xing ran away smoothly, he didn't have himself. Most of the questions were answered by the three people. I thought about it here. The story was black. What is this guy thinking?

"We have to find a place to hide," Chen Xing said. "When Feng Dao meets right?"

"This is still asking?!" The item is difficult to channel.

Concerned about the survival of Chen Xing, Chen Xing thought that the story was due to the loss of force, and he became so arrogant that he could not comfort him and explained: "Master said that everyone always thinks very well. The so-called 'nothing to do' is a fake, and it is a mess to go all the way to the back. Only then can someone say that they are not as good as days. Don't worry, they can't catch me."

The item said: "They will come again. They must think about countermeasures before this. Don't alarm anyone. Go to the city and look for the county."

Chen Xing almost forgot what he was doing. After being reminded by the story, he remembered that it was the case of investigating the plague. In addition to checking the origins and information of the bamboo slip, the two went to the government.

With Xie An’s letter, it’s easy to meet the county’s parents. Chen Xing explained that the county’s name was called Wu Hao. He heard a sigh of relief and replied: “The court finally cares about this matter.”

Chen Xingben wanted to explain to him that this has nothing to do with the court, but he thought that one more thing is less than one thing, he said: "The first person who was diagnosed with the plague was living in Kuaiji?"

The county governor ordered the person to take the household registration book and said: "This person is still in bed, a famous francisk. Last year, he went to Maicheng and went back to the hospital. When the doctor came back, the doctors in the city would have been diagnosed. Come, the streets and alleys, the people said that the maiden corpse of the Maicheng, the lord brought the corpse poison out, only the plague was rampant. However, the rumor stopped at the wise, the government ordered, and gradually subsided."

"Go look at the situation tomorrow." Xiang Shu said Chen Xing.

"Good." Chen Xing remembered that everyone who was infected with the epidemic went into the night, and the noon spirit improved.

Wu Hao added: "Yes, Xie Daren also sent people to investigate a certain book, and the messenger left the city early this morning. Can you run on the road?"

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The item suddenly reached out and pressed on the back of Chen Xing's hand to calm him down.

Chen Xing’s voice is shaking at the moment: "He... is he surnamed Lin?"

"Yes. It is," Wu said, "Lin Daren of the China Book Supervisor."

Chen Xing was confirmed, the body is the messenger.

Chen Xing indulged in a moment and decided not to tell him the situation first. He replied: "I have to repair a book right away. Please send me back to Jiankang and hand it over to Xie Daren."

Wu Hao was a bit strange, but he didn't ask much. He took a pen and paper and wrote it for Chen Xing.

The item suddenly asked: "What kind of letter did you bring with the messenger?"

Wu Hao was surprised and replied: "Nature does not. The officer only asked him to refer to the situation of several ethnic families in the city three hundred years ago..."

When Chen Xing wrote the letter, his right hand was shaking. The messenger must have found out something important, but he did not leave a single word. Did the kings torture him? What did this person tell them?

“How is the situation?” Xiang Shu asked.

When Chen Xing’s action stopped for a while, he found that when he faced such a complicated problem, he was so calm and organized, and he could not help but admire him.

Wu Hao: "It is said that this bamboo slip is from a family in the county, and the house purchased by this family belongs to a family of people in Kuaiji more than 100 years ago..." said a smile and explained: " After the rumor is still famous, it was the Xiang Yu who had competed with Han Gaozu Liu Bang in the world, and he was a member of the family.

"Hey," Chen Xing suddenly felt a whirlwind, and the voice was far away from his own.

"Where is the family?" Chen Xing asked.

The next item finally said nothing, Wu Hao said: "The west of the city, the largest house next to the Liuqiao Bridge, is now the family has been criticized, the former Lin Daren in order to verify, but also specifically I went to visit it and it was delayed for some time."

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu looked at each other for a moment, and finally Chen Xing finished the envelope and said, "Please also send it to Jiankang tonight."

Wu Hao said with joy: "The two come from afar, not as good as..."

"No," said the item, and said, "We have to find a place to settle ourselves. It will take a few days, and maybe we have to go to the door to disturb."

Chen Xing knew that Xiang Shu did not want to cause trouble. After all, Feng Qianxi had not yet appeared. When Wang Wang chased the county, the officers and men of Wu Hao could not resist it. In the event of a chaos, it would only harm the local people.

The night fell, the two left the county government, walked through the long street, Xiang Shu is still gasping, and looked at Chen Xing in disbelief.

"I remember you said..." Xiang said.

"Yes," Chen Xing muttered. "I have said that the Huiji Xiangjia is very famous. In the past, Xiang Yu was in the anti-Qin of Huiji, and Xiangjia moved his family to this place, but... why the bamboo slip was found there. of?"

Chen Xing looked up, and he was full of doubts. He looked at the story. A long time ago, he just said the surname of the article, but he didn’t expect to have a slogan, a book that didn’t move, and what seemed to be with the family. relationship.

The item did not answer, just burying his head and thinking quietly.

Chen Xing said: "We have to find a place to sort out the details of the whole thing."

Ding Haizhu's whereabouts, the inability to move like a mountain, the appearance of the king, the plague, the life of the story... everything has become more and more confusing. But in these five things, Chen Xing always feels a strong connection, as if only one of the things is clarified, other questions will be solved in a chain.

"Maybe they just happen to be surnames," Xiang said, "There is little relationship with my mother."

Chen Xing said: "I always think this is not a coincidence. First of all, Zhang stayed in Caro, and your mother has also been to Caro. We found it in the Yin Yang Jian, and the record about it appeared again. In the house of Kuaiji..."

Item: "!!!"

Chen Xing said: "What do you think of?"

The story did not speak, and Chen Xing was protected behind him, and Chen Xing was awake from his thoughts.

I saw a straight long street in the county, and the grievances seemed to be tangible, coming from the two sides of the street toward the middle.

In front of the story, on the northern street, two singular kings, Sima Yi and Sima Ying, emerged from the grievances.

Behind Chen Xing, on the south street, Sima Liang appeared.

"I remember you said," Xiang said, "The old star will always save you."

"In theory, this is true." Chen Xing said.

Item: "You will naturally survive if you run into a thrilling situation."

Chen Xing replied: "It should be like this... but it is better not to look for death. Let's find a way to run. It's really impossible."

Item: "So you must be able to escape, follow me, find opportunities to escape, take care of yourself."

Chen Xing: "No! Wait!"

Saying, Xiang Shu did not fear at all, but he couldn’t move to the mountains and rushed toward the two kings!

Chen Xing had to worship the heart lamp, and followed the story, trying to break through, but he suddenly realized that the heavy grievances around him actually blocked the land, just like a resentment. The light of the heart lamp, suppressed by the madness of resentment, has become bleak!

Even if the force is not lost, it is extremely difficult to deal with the three kings at the same time. What's more, even the epee can't be raised now? But in any case, he must let Chen Xing break out safely, and immediately slashed his sword and smashed toward Sima Yi. Sima Yi has tried to find out that the power of the item is not enough. He slammed the item and put his whole person on the wall, and then slammed it.

The wall made a muffled sound and split. The item screamed and was screamed by the huge force, and suddenly it was painful, but it was tightly focused on the sword.

Chen Xingyi pointed to the heart, the lights and lights gathered together, breaking the darkness, the two kings immediately flashed around, and came to Chen Xing, the back of Sima Liang had opened the longbow, Chen Xing turned, raised his hand, 睁Big eyes.

"Your old star?" Xiang Shu mouth bleeding, difficult to hold up, sideways, looking at the side of the house on the side of the street, can not help calculate if you come with Chen Xing at this moment, escape is still possible.

Chen Xing: "You will not come out again! I am really going to die!"

Sima Liang puts the arrow, and the two kings raise the sword. They are disregarding the item, and they are staggered toward Chen Xing. When the sword falls, Chen Xing will be killed on the spot.

The voice did not fall, and a black shadow rushed down from the roof.

The grievances of the entire long street began to flow toward the shadows, and a teenager wearing a mask and less than the elbows of Chen Xing ran across and made a wolverine.

"Xiao... Xiaoshan?!" Chen Xing heard the voice, and it was unexpected that Xiaoshan would appear at this moment!

Then, Xiaoshan's two claws are like hooking the tangible grievances under the night, pulling toward him and clawing out!

Sima Ying and Sima Yi at the same time Jian Jian, shield broken, volley turned over, can avoid the claws, the cracked claws of the sky wiped Sima Ying's shoulders, and immediately cut his shoulders smoothly.

Xiaoshan wore a mask of ghosts, wore a dirty hunting gown, wrapped a scarf around his neck, and said: "Chen Xing! Go!"

The item did not say anything. He took Chen Xing from the house and rushed into the backyard, then slammed the door and rushed out.

Xiaoshan's eyes are bleeding, and they jumped up to the roof. The three kings on the street wanted to catch up again. I saw Xiaoshan turned and jumped up from the roof, didn't look at it, turned back, and suddenly Half of the roof was cut, the house collapsed, and the kings were pressed underneath. He slammed and jumped, followed by Xiang Shu and Chen Xing.

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