Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 104 Table of contents

Tuoba's hair was messy, but the uniform was uniform. Obviously, when the scouts found him, they took a lot of effort to subdue the guy. Although Tuoba martial arts is not as big as a single one, the title of the banned military commander is not casually sealed, and martial arts has to be personally pointed.

“The big one is early,” Tuoba said with a polite smile. “The exorcist is early.”

Chen Xing was very surprised. This time, Tuoba was still not far away and went to Muller.

“How many people did he bring?” The article also did not avoid the extension, and he started to change clothes.

"Returning to a big single, he was one when he found out." Scout.

Chen Xing looked up at the story, and the item was replaced with a robe, indicating that he was loosened.

Tuoba smiled calmly and sorted out the robes. Xiang Shu Shen said: "Is you sent by you?"

Tuoba thought for a moment and replied: "Your Majesty asked me to find out the whereabouts of Princess Qinghe."

The item said: "You are chasing the wrong place. It is Pingyang now."

Tuoba couldn't help but see Chen Xing's eyes. The item was immediately noticed, and then he turned his vigilant eyes.

Tuoba nodded and said: "I passed through Yulechuan and found that the north seems not too flat."

"This has nothing to do with you." Xiang said, "Come on! Tied him and sent it back to Chang'an! No, the head will go back."

Chen Xing: "Wait!"

“Big single!” Tuoba said immediately, “Please listen to me!”

Takuya talked with the subject, but Chen Xing was in the eye.

The eyebrows were wrinkled, and Tuoyu hesitated for a long time. He finally asked: "What happened in Chang'an City? His Majesty has become different from the past."

Chen Xing: "..."

Takuya said: "I don't care, I was shackled into income prisons, and my family's wealth was fully confiscated. After I escaped from prison, there was nowhere to go. I came to Yulechuan and wanted to ask what the prince night did to his majesty. If I send me back to Chang'an now, I can only be asked."

Chen Xing exchanged his eyes with Xiang Shu, and felt that the story did not like Tuoba, but today it seems that the ministries are very busy. When they get up for less than a moment, someone will take turns to report, and Chen Xing urges the story to deal with the chores. I also know that he is only scaring Tuoba, but he will not kill him. He will explain slowly to Tuoba and ask about the situation of the Suijian court.

After the Chang'an chaos, the Daqin court had a fierce turmoil. Bianjian was the place where people searched for the prince's night. They wanted to gather together and gather in Fuyang and Luoyang to serve as the first troops to attack the South Jin Dynasty.

This proposal was suddenly frightened by the Hanchens. However, the Murong family, who was not too busy, had a part of the Xiongnu, which had been centrifuged in the early days. Instead, he pushed for help and rarely agreed to the move. As long as the fire does not burn on himself, playing this Nanzheng war and killing the bearded brothers, why not? Anyway, the dead person is a living corpse on one side and a Han Chinese on the other side.

Only Tuoba stood on the side of the civil servants and tried to convince him that he might cause serious turmoil and instead involved Daqin. Then it really angered Bian Jian and was thrown into prison. After taking the opportunity to escape from prison, I went to Muller River. I was hungry for a few days. Tie Leren sent it to eat. Tuoba was sitting opposite Chen Xing and ate it. Chen Xing did not see him, and told the original plan of the prince night, all told Takuya.

On the face of Tuoba’s delicate and charming, only a small change in expression occurred briefly, and it quickly returned to its original state. Chen Xing thought that since I didn't like myself at the first sight, this time should have nothing to do with it?

"Looking at me, my brother, but I am in love with my father and son." Tuoba put down the teacup and took a long breath. He was helpless. "Now I am immersed in the great work of the refining army, before the prince goes." , what you said in the middle of your mind..."

This kind of thing has happened once. Chen Xing does not feel strange at all. He only thinks about the next action plan of Prince Night.

"Is there any way to restore him to waking?" Tuoba anxiously said, "I know that you must be able to. Changan's chaos is a big single in the recovery of the soldiers, in the final analysis, but after all, because of your contribution, you Can let your majesty wake up! Chen Tianchi, you must help me this."

Chen Xing reluctantly said: "I don't know the pros and cons of it? Once the sturdy heart is mad, it will be a military. After the war, it will stir up a mess. But Tuo, you still don't understand? Qinghe Princess and Feng Qianxi are demon gods. The blood effect is good, but the ambition of Jian Jian is obviously from his own desire!"

There is no seed of the blood in the heart, nor has it been corrupted by grievances, and where does Chen Xing start?

Takuya only said repeatedly: "Your Majesty was not like this before! Until the death of Wang Meng, the prince night came, and his sire became what it is now, and nothing can be heard..."

"People will change, Tuoba," said Chen Xingchao, "You have to understand that he is not your sire."

Tuoba insisted: "He will be awake, Chen Xing, this is not only his own business, but also the world."

"Need to help?" Phoenix is ​​coming again.

"Who? Who is talking?" Tuoba was shocked.

Chen Xing: "Can you help Huajian to recover?"

Phoenix: "No, but he must have a problem if he fires a fire."

Chen Xing: "No one is an emperor when he is killed? Can this be a solution? Don't mess up, go quickly."

Tuoba’s eyes are strange, looking at the flying phoenix, and then watching Chen Xing.

Chen Xing remembered the last time, they told him the cause of Tuoba’s death, and his heart was full of embarrassment. At that time, he already knew that Tuoba had not had much time. I didn’t expect it to be today, so I’m going back alone to stop Yu Jian. I am afraid that everything will be repeated once again, and I can no longer let him die.

Chen Xing said: "I can only promise you to do your best. I can't change my heart, but as long as I follow this plan, he will finally be innocent and will not happen as you expected."

Takuya and Chen Xing looked at each other for a long time. Chen Xing thought for a moment and said, "Next, what are you going to do?"

Tuoba said: "How can I plan? I will think about it when I come to Keller River. I can only help you and avoid looking at the path of your majesty."

Chen Xingben wants to say no, what can you do? But after thinking about it, now Tuoba has nowhere to go. As long as he speaks, Xiang Shuo will naturally expel him from Hara and Lin, and even have the right to banish him to the south of the Great Wall. Can only wander, and where can I go?

"I can help protect you," Tuo said. "My martial arts still draws a hand. Although it is no bigger than a big one, it is no problem to kill the enemy. The big single is in the day, after returning to the Yulechuan, he You must take the lead in combat and take care of your safety. In case you have a mistake, who will remove it?"

"Stop!" Chen Xing sees that the head is a bit wrong, and immediately stops, thinking that there is something to say, or a good heart, if there is a place where Xiang Shu can not care, there is also a strong battle of Xiaoshan.

Takuya said: "As long as you promise, finally take me to go to eradicate the prince's night and burn his cockroaches."

Chen Xing said: "Even if you don't ask me, I will do the same. It doesn't matter if you need your protection."

"It's my fault," Tuoba sighed again and said, "I didn't protect my majesty. If I stayed next to me, things will not happen until the end."

Chen Xing finally understood - Tuoba has a flaw in his heart, he wants to redeem.

He got up and patted Takuya’s shoulder and said, “I’ll ask the big one.”

Takuya: "I can follow you from now on, if you need it, just tell me."

Chen Xing: "If you really want to be martial arts, you won't be caught by a few scouts."

Takuya said with a gentle smile: "I want to say that I was deliberately arrested. Do you believe it? Or how can you see your face smoothly? Where are you going? The outside is big..."

Chen Xing: "No, what do you think of me? I have learned it too..."

When Chen Xinggang opened the door, the whole person was swept out by the wind and shouted:


In the main hall of Hala and Lin Palace, the wind is so big that the whole palace is picked up. The quarrels in the temple are endless. The patriarchs of the Hu are blaming each other loudly. The expression was gloomy, sitting on the throne, wearing two rings on his hands, and slender fingers licking the glass.

Chen Xing came to the door of the temple with the wind, patted the door and shouted: "Xue Shu!"

The item was immediately heard, and got up, crossed the crowd, and the quarrel in the hall stopped. The one-handed hand opened the stone door with a hundred pounds, pulled Chen Xing in, closed the door, and closed the door. Out of the head.

The temple was quiet and looked at Chen Xing.

Chen Xingxin thinks this is a meeting that outsiders are not allowed to attend? Then he said: "You... are you busy? Then I will go back and wait for you."

As soon as the item asked, he raised his eyebrows and handed him the wine glass in his hand. Chen Xingqiang drank a little and said, "Tuo Yu wants to stay."

The item replied: "Know it."

Everyone in the temple looked at Chen Xing silently. His eyes seemed to be very complicated. Chen Xing knew that the "know" of the story was like the "read" of the emperor, but it meant "good" or "you are happy, just." If he wants to say "no", he will say "shut up" or look at the other person's face and let people voluntarily surrender.

He looked up at the story, then looked at the rest of the people and whispered, "What happened?"

The item said: "It’s going to be a bit of a windy wind, and it’s time to discuss countermeasures and sit down.”

The item does not care about the eyes of others, let Chen Xing sit on the king's couch and sit side by side with him. It is a very high courtesy to go up in the meetings of various ministries. Chen Xing still remembers that when he went to Muller River last time, he did not let him participate in every meeting.

At one time, the people looked at Chen Xing’s hand holding the silver cup, and he still wore one of the shackles in his hand.

"The ring is still for me." Xiang Shu thought of it, and told him.

Chen Xing will pick up the ring and hand it to the item, and the item will be worn by himself.

“I’m going to do things,” Xiang said. “There is no time, and when the white winds come, it’s even worse.”

The rest of the people got up and retired. Chen Xingwen: "What is white hair?"

The article briefly explained that the white hair is a very serious disaster outside the plug. It is the snow powder in the wind. When it is blown up, it is overwhelming. The cattle and sheep are shocked and fleeing. People are instantly turning into ice in this wind. The snow and fog are connected in one piece, and the fingers are not visible. Last night, I had a strong wind all night, and the haze and Lincheng were covered with clouds. The shape and direction of the clouds were the precursor to the impending white hair.

If you are under the Muller River, you can naturally avoid it, but Hara and the forest are in the plains, and the wind is overwhelming. Chen Xing is here to see why everyone does not want to move to Hara and Lin. The storm is okay, the most terrible is the enemy! I just don't know when the enemy will come.

The outside wind was very strong, Chen Xing was blown away, and Xiang Shuo vacated his hand. He took Chen Xing halfway, left the palace, and quickly stepped onto the tower. Chen Xingquan relied on Xiang Shu to stabilize his footsteps, only to see Hara. Outside the city of Lincheng, when Blizzard talks about it, the world is already a piece of white.

"Oh, the big thing is not good! White hair!" The dog was holding the dog, his hind legs groaning, looking out on the wall, his nose screaming. Every time Chen Xing sees this monster, he has no temper and he feels like a dog is licking another dog.

"Let's make it." The item mentioned the back of the neck, throwing it aside and looking into the wind.

Hey: "If you come to the city at this time, you will be in trouble."

"Don't crow mouth!" Chen Xing and Xiang Shu also resentfully scolded.

The last time was such a snowy night, Chen Xing’s heart had a sinister foreboding, but he dared not say it. The item immediately turned around and told him: "Building, strengthen your alert!"

The torches were all blown out by the wind. Although it was during the day, the eyes were already gray and did not distinguish the sun and the moon. In that wind, the story suddenly passed over the ear and recognized the subtle sound.

"What did you hear?" Chen Xing asked nervously.

The story is now in doubt, saying: "The sound of snow."

Chen Xing: "The enemy is here!"

Item: "..."

The next moment, in the gust of wind, the first white bone corpse appeared, and rushed toward the city wall! Then, the White Bone Legion suddenly drowned the outer city of Hara and Lin!

This time, there was no such thing as a soft iron ride. There was no such thing as a huge squid that had been smashed into the city by the sacred corpse of the corpse and the corpse of the ancient corpse.

Together with the white hair, the snow powder is raging, accompanied by the flying sand, the sound of the gongs and drums is heard at the windward opening, but it is never close. Chen Xing sacrificed the heart lamp and bombarded the white bone under the wall. The heart lamp shone, but he did not distinguish the day, and he could not break the offensive. Then he shook the white tiger, but it had no effect.

The wolf, the tiger, the leopard, and even the eagle rushed one after another, and the item said: "Heart lamp!"

Chen Xing sees that he can't use the heart lamp to dispel the storm that is mixed with gravel and snow. He only has to press one hand and put the heart lamp into the back of the story. The story is sideways and instantly transforms into the **** of war. The golden light bursts and the "bang" flies out from the wall. !

I saw a flash of disappearance, and the elephant’s long scorpion came under the wall. The next moment, two giant elephants slammed into the wall! Chen Xing stood unsteadily and screamed and fell down. He stretched out his hand and held him.

"Go!" Che Luofeng shouted, "can't keep it!"

Chen Xing is still amazed, and confronts Che Luofeng. Both of them are a glimpse. Chen Xingdao: "Than... Thank you."

Xiang Shufei returned and shouted: "Shi Mukun! The order was all withdrawn into the palace! The wall was abandoned!"

In the squally winds, there was chaos in Hara and Lincheng. The bones poured into the city from both the east and the north. The warriors also had time to figure out what happened, and they went out to protect the old and the weak. The item decisively made a wise command, and everyone retired to the palace, otherwise the four walls could not be kept.

Car Luo dragged Chen Xing down to the wall, and the dog followed the dog. The dog was too excited to go around and licked the bones. Chen Xing was busy shouting: "Xue Shu! Here! Come over!"

Then, the story emerged from the wind, covered with snow powder, shouted: "What?!"

Chen Xing: "I... I am a dog... you are going to cover everyone's retreat, not calling you."

The story is furious: "The Lone King is killing you!"

Car Luofeng: "..."

Tuoba also rushed out, danced a long squat, and said: "Give it to me!"

Chen Xing followed Tuo, the car Luo Feng bowed the arrow, supported behind the story, and finally pulled into the palace, Shi Mukun and others have closed the palace four doors, leaving only one main entrance, four people rushed into the door The story is shoulder-to-shoulder, loud, and the door is closed.

At the last moment, Chen Xing saw the dense bones all over the city.

At the main entrance of the palace, the world suddenly fell into darkness, and the torches were lit up one after another. The temple was full of people of the Hu people.

The story calmed down and said: "How many enemies?"

No one answered that the Bone Corps is not a human being, and the number is no longer estimated.

"It's them," Shi Morkun gasped. "It's them, all the way to get us here."

Chen Xingliang took the heart lamp and looked at the people. The old, the weak, the sick and the sick, and the young and middle-aged, gathered nearly 120,000 people in the palace.

"What about horses?"

"There is no time to withdraw," said the Rouran patriarch. "All outside."

Car Luo Feng seems to have lost all his strength, backed by the door, and slowly sat down. Then, the outside came a white bone climbing sound, and squeaked along the gate to the top of the main hall of the palace.

"The skylight has been sealed." Shi Mukun said.

Xiang Shuwang looked at Chen Xing and Chen Xing frowned. He said: "The white tiger can't use it. This group of bones is not human."

The item frowned: "Think about the way, what is the rattle?"

"Falun," Chen Xing said, "it must be in the hands of Zhou Wei, and Zhou Wei should be hiding at the end of the army."

At this moment, the smashing sound of the stone coming from the temple, the sacral corps began to demolish the palace.

“Need to help?” said a polite voice.

The surrounding people screamed and retreated in horror. The phoenix flew and landed on the stone dragon faucet that was placed in the palace hundreds of years before the Huns.

The phoenix's body gleams and illuminates the dark palace. The rest of the people let a road open, look at it at a loss, and then turn to look at Chen Xing.

Chen Xing took a deep breath and it seems that there is no way to do this.

While he was opening his mouth to the phoenix to say his third wish, Xiang Shuo pressed his hand on Chen Xing's shoulder and said coldly: "No."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The item told me: "Shi Mokun prepared armor for me. The soldiers were divided into two ways. You went out from the back door of the palace to attract attention. The car was going out with me and looking for the whereabouts of Zhou Wei."

Shi Mokun said: "The big single is! The outside is too dangerous!"

The item was turned a deaf ear, and Chen Xingdao said: "I finally confirmed it once! Can all the magic weapons fail to break the bones?"

Chen Xing's brow is deeply locked, and the heart will either ask the phoenix to play, but this is bound to be...how to do it? The yin and yang are broken, and the white tiger scorpion and scorpion are only effective for the squadron who was a human being. Feng Qianxi and Xiao Shan are not there. In the face of the vast army of soldiers, if there is a magic weapon, this magic weapon...

"Can you build a guard wall here like a prince night?" Xiang said, "As long as you are alone for a moment, wait for me to get out of Zhou..."

Chen Xing said: "Now I have only white tigers and cockroaches in my hand. Let me try, I have to draw a circle!"

Item: "I am going to change armor. You try to try and how long it will last. Afterwards, the Lone King will attack Zhou Wei, you will stay..."

"No," Chen Xing frowned. "I must go with you!"

"There is no room for negotiation!" Xiang Shu Shen said, "The enemy is not a squadron, and your heart can't play a role."

"So take back the gongs and drums, will you use them?" Chen Xing stepped forward, with anxious eyes.

Item: "I will bring it back to you."

Chen Xing said: "The prince is angry with night..."

"There is no room for negotiation!" Xiang said with a roar, "I don't understand?! Stay here for me! Not allowed to leave the palace!"

As a matter of fact, the king is majestic and open, and everyone in the palace is shuddering. Chen Xing has become accustomed to the different items from the past. Everything is good and good, but he has gradually forgotten that he is full of power, and he is irresistible. The questionable side. I saw the people of the Yulechuan, and no one dared to attack him. He must be full of respect for him on weekdays. As long as he made a decision, no one would dare to dismiss him, not to mention the presence of so many people.

With a clear anger, the item pointed to the ground a little bit, meaning to stay here, and then turned and left.

Chen Xing stood for a while, thinking that this guy's temper could not be changed, so he said: "Go personally, help me to take the cinnabar in the pharmacy."

The story was hurriedly left in exchange for the warriors. Chen Xing recalled the defensive wall of the defensive wall and prepared to draw on the ground. However, in this palace, all sides were full of grievances, but instead isolated the power of heaven and earth, and covered the palace like a barrier.

Suddenly, Chen Xing remembered something and immediately turned and ran to the back corridor of the palace.

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