Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 105 Table of contents

Chen Xingchong crossed the Hu people along the way and shouted: "Open the door!"

The car lane that guards the backyard passage: "You are crazy! The monster outside is going to rush in!"

The courtyard behind the palace is full of white bones, and it is attacking the main hall one after another.

Tuoba and a group of Hu people are guarding a window, see Chen Xing running over and asking: "What to do?!"

"Let me go out!" Chen Xing loudly.

The story has disappeared. Car Luofeng firmly guards the back door and several windows, and angered: "No!"

Takuya did not listen to the car Luo Feng command, sideways blocked Chen Xing, turned the long squat, hit a shoulder, hit a window, and then reached out to Chen Xing waist, jumped up and stepped onto the window sill.

Even if he didn't need to work hard, he ventured into a white-skinned wolf and instantly bite Takuya and dragged him out with Chen Xing! Immediately afterwards, the Rouran Warrior did not hide, and was bitten and dragged out of the palace, making a scream.

Car Luofeng suddenly changed color and said: "Closing the window! Seal it for me!"

All sides are all cheekbones, and the crows of crows, geese, and hawks are constantly in the sky. It is like a rainstorm. The bone spurs are on the top of the neck, and the body is marked with bleeding marks. Star all the way to the outside.

"What are you looking for?!" Tuoba did not ask anything, so he went all the way to the courtyard.

Chen Xing saw the stone tower and shouted: "Go to the tower!"

He remembered the stone tower. When he came last time, he went to death, and there was a ready-made guardianship under the stone tower, which made him very curious and what magic weapon was stored in the tower. Now that the law is resurrected, the door that the tower was sealed by the spell can be opened! Maybe there is something to use in it...

But there were so many bones. When Chen Xing ran up the height of the courtyard, he looked back and saw an extremely spectacular scene.

Outside the entire Xiongnu Royal Palace, covered with a thick layer of bones, like being submerged by a bone mountain, and this bone mountain is still filled with grievances, it is this layer of resentment that shields the flow of heaven and earth.

The bones are coming along the streets of Hara and Lin, and they are approaching the main hall of the palace. The bones begin to gather and smash the huge palace. The palace is squeezed by the center, and the surrounding masonry begins to slowly disintegrate.

Fortunately, it’s coming out! If this continues, the entire palace will collapse, hiding more than 100,000 people, it is bound to be buried alive!

When Chen Xing saw it, he suddenly shook his voice and shouted: "I have to open the door!"

Tuoba's body and head are all bloodstained. When the two of them appeared, the cheekbones flew toward them like a storm, entangled in the stone tower, making Tuoba difficult to get close.

“Too much!” Tuoba shouted. “I will take them away!”

Chen Xing has been unable to distinguish the type of bones. The dead bones of cattle and sheep and the dead bodies of animals that have been eaten by vultures have been automatically regrouped and gathered into countless strange monsters.

It is difficult for Chen Xing to get close to the stone tower. At this moment, not far away, there was a loud noise in the palace.

The story is a shovel, smashing through the window and rushing out with bare hands!

Chen Xing: "The Story!"

The item slammed into the sacral storm, dragged Tuoba, kicked him off, took him back to the palace, and then grabbed the soft guards pulled out by the white bones, hitting the shoulders and hitting back. In the palace.

In an instant, the story has come to the front of the stone tower. He wears a covered helmet. Chen Xing can't see his face and shouts: "I have to open this stone tower to open the guard wall!"

The story turned to block in front of Chen Xing, and the action was so fast that Chen Xing couldn’t even see it clearly. In a flash, all the bones gathered in front of the stone tower were all blasted out.

Chen Xing gasped, and Xiang Shu grabbed him and angered: "Open the door!"

Chen Xing: "Immediately! Immediately... you let me calm down..."

The story turned and turned to the stone tower with the back, facing the sacrum of the court, and the smashed bones fell to the ground, and began to combine again, gathered in the shape of countless animals, and climbed according to the ground.

Chen Xing pressed one hand on the stone tower and the other hand pointed to the sky, which attracted the aura of heaven and earth. At the same time, he said to himself: "I remember the last time... these bones can be broken and reassembled, emerging from the ground... ...why this time..."

"Open the door!"

"Opening!" Chen Xing has been a little crazy about the story.

The whole stone tower shines brightly, and the bones in all directions seem to feel dangerous. At this moment, it is launched at the same time, and the story in front of the stone tower and Chen Xingfei come!

"Not open yet!!" The story is stunned and slammed into the cheekbones!

“Opened up!” Chen Xing shouted. “Immediate! Give me a drive!”

The bones on the palace went to nearly half, and all of them flocked to the two in front of the stone tower. The scene was dark in the middle of the day. The story was turned around and hugged Chen Xing. With the back of the back against the savage and violent assault of the sacral corps, Chen Xing did his best. Inject all the aura into the stone tower, and the heart lights flash!

In the loud noise, the masonry that built the stone tower flew away and disintegrated!

The blast immediately blasted the surrounding skeleton, and the altar at the core of the stone tower appeared. Under the altar was a defensive wall, the rune was rotated, and the center appeared...

... rusted side shield.

"What is it!" The item looked up in the short empty space.

"Yes, yes... What is this?" Chen Xingdao, "What is this! It is a shield! You are holding it! Maybe it is useful!"

There is no light emitted by the magic weapon, and there is no effect of guarding the wall. The cheekbones are only blocked by the moment when the stone tower disintegrates, and then they rushed forward.

"Give me!" The shovel of the story was screaming under constant impact and had to be resisted by the arm.

Chen Xing took the initiative and seized the shield and dragged it out of the altar. He said, "It will take a while!"

Then he pressed the white tiger to the cockroach.

"How long will it take!" Xiang Shuyi shakes the shield, only to see that it is rusted, and there is only such a weapon in his hand. He has to be sideways, holding a shield on his left, a beautiful shield, and rushing to the front. Leopard bone.

"It may take another twelve hours!" Chen Xing placed the white tiger cub and the cicada cross, and sacrificed the heart lamp to infuse the bottom of the battle.

Item: "..."

A snake bone suddenly turned and shook the thorn-like bone whip, and rolled toward the two men. The item was angry and rushed toward the bone whip!

Suddenly, the shield collided with the bone whip, and the rusty iron shield was destroyed into pieces.

Item: ".................."

Chen Xing still closed his eyes and tried to push the wall to defend the wall.

“It’s fast!” Chen Xingdao, “It’s faster than I thought... What are you doing?”

Chen Xingyi turned back and saw Xiang Shu grabbed the tail of the snake bone, picked it up, and swung open the bones that could never be killed. He immediately bowed his head, avoided the bone whip, and cried: "You be careful. !"

The story is simply being blown up by Chen Xing.

The next moment, the Bone Corps re-aggregated, surrounded by the stone tower, suddenly all did not move.

The item knows that this is a precursor to the outburst charge. He immediately turned around and hugged Chen Xing from behind. When he was about to roll around and avoid it, Chen Xing had ignited the last rune in a circle around the altar.

"Heart lamp!" Xiang Shu said.

At that moment, the four sides suddenly darkened, and the overwhelming bones all rushed forward, but the altar flashed, and the whole body burst into glare, blocking the first wave of the bones.

Then a white light column burst on the altar, leading to the Tianmai, and a shock wave spread around!

The shock wave swept through the body of Chen Xing and Chen Xing, swept away to form a light curtain, and the white bones that were hit by the light curtain suddenly fell, like a hurricane blowing into the distance. The heavy white bones covered in the palace were picked up like a huge blanket, rolled up to the dark sky, and then shattered under the wind.

The light curtain is centered on the palace, sweeping through the entire hall and forest, and expanding, eventually stopping quietly in front of the outer wall.

The cheekbone is full of hala and the outer periphery of the forest. It slowly retreats like a sea tide and withdraws toward the north.

Chen Xing is full of blood, tired and breathing, and incredulously looking into the distance.

It’s safe.

"This guarding wall must be built by a great exorcist," Chen Xing walked into the palace, rejoicing. "It's too strong, it's too strong! It's up to me to arrange, at most, only protect the palace... ..."

The item throws the helmet on the ground and makes a "sound" sound. The first thing after returning to the palace is to hold the car.

"You actually let him go out like this?!" said the snarl.

Car Luo Feng was extremely angry and said: "I can't help it! Tuoba's family is taking him out!"

The item pushed the car to the side, and there were many places on the armor that were sunken, the hair was scattered, the fists were clenched, and the center of the palace stood up and gasped. Shi Mukun has led the men to reopen the four doors of the palace. The people saw that they were safe, but they still dared not go far and gathered around the palace.

On the top of the head, the body is full of blood caught by the white bone demon, leaning against the long scorpion, leaning against the palace door to gasp.

In the past, Chen Xing said, "The shield that was handed over to you before? Let me see, maybe..."

The item violently stopped Chen Xing to the side and prevented him from approaching himself, without answering.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The temple is very quiet and the needle can be heard.

"Don't be angry first." Chen Xing said, "item, next..."

"I think it's better to change your law," said the indifferent voice. "Let the kid follow you."

Chen Xing: "........."

Chen Xing stood still, feeling that the story was angry, and he was anxiously chasing him behind him: "I was wrong, I was wrong! Xiang Shu! Sorry! I... You don't want me to go anywhere, I am I didn't think so much, just think of the stone tower..."

Xiang Shi ignored Chen Xing, walked out of the palace, and told him: "Shi Mukun, transfer two thousand people to me, leaving all the fire oil cans, and set off with the army. Car Luofeng, with me."

Car Luo Feng was originally watching the two quarrels. When he was named, he suddenly became alert and asked, "Where?"

Item: "Bali Kun Lake, catch Zhou Wei."

Car Luo Feng looked around and said: "This is not already..."

"Can't you go?" The voice of the story is threatening.

Car Luofeng was afraid of being angered by the story, so he had to go back and change his mind. In an instant, Hara and Lin Palace gathered together. Chen Xing knew that most of the items were jealous. He did not wait for him before he went to the stone tower alone, but let Tuoba stay with him.

The team gathered, and Chen Xing ran out quickly. Xiang Shuo only whispered a few words to Shi Mukun, and looked at Chen Xing far away. Chen Xing was about to launch, but found that he did not have his own horse, so he said to Tuoba: "Help me find a horse."

With such a delay, Xiang Shu and Che Luofeng did not return, leaving Hara and Lin.

"The big one is to let you not leave here!" Shimukun said, "Leave in the city and guard your spells."

Chen Xing said: "There will be no problem, as long as you are optimistic about the stone tower."

Once the Supreme Wall is established, it can draw energy from the aura of heaven and earth. After years of guarding the Terran, the original yin and yang in the Yin and Yangjian, Zhang stayed in the mountains for three hundred years without breaking, the prince night tried every means to enter Don't go. To destroy it, it is necessary to have some mana. Chen Xing is not worried. He has set up a spell to protect the wall and smashes the stone, so that people stay up all night and surround the area near the stone tower. So, there is no spy. Can be close.

In fact, even if there are spies, mortals can't crack this array, but Chen Xing finally added a defense.

"That... Demon King," said Chen Xingchao, "If Hala and Lin have something, maybe I will ask you?"

Phoenix: "..."

Chen Xingcheng looked at the phoenix stunnedly, and the phoenix said coldly: "Are you not going to Balikun Lake?"

Chen Xing thought for a moment and said: "Assuming that Hala and Lin are dangerous, then I think you may fly to me and ask me 'need help?', then I will definitely say 'yes', right What?"

Phoenix: "........................"

The third wish of re-emphasis is actually used in this way, and everything is still hypothetical. If Chen Xing says: "Please help me to hold Hala and Lin", naturally, the third thing is reached. What Chen Xing said is 'If Hala and Lin are dangerous', that is, if there is no accident, then this desire is not needed. If there is an accident, the Phoenix will have to fly to Chen Xing and ask him if he needs help. Chen Xing said "to", he has to fly back quickly and help defend the city.

Phoenix is ​​dying, and finally he finally glimpsed a little hope, but he did not argue with Chen Xing and flew to the top of the palace.

Tuoba came to find the horse, so a delay, the story and the car Luofeng have run away. Chen Xing boarded the tower, and the white hairs gradually went down. The heavens and the earth were still white, and the vision was not as good as thirty steps.

Where did this guy go? Chen Xing urged the heart lamp, and the article must have felt it, just ignore him.

Tuoba asked: "Why is the big single angry at him?"

Chen Xing looked helpless and thought that the specific details of the past were almost forgotten. How did the story still remember the hostility to Tuoba? The hostility seemed to be innate. From the first sight of Tuoba, the story did not give a good face, as if subconsciously regarded Tuoba as a competitor.

Chen Xing originally thought that this was his own fault. He should not rush out when the story has not yet returned. However, at that time, the situation was in jeopardy, and he thought about it. If the person who is with him is Feng Qianxi? Or Xiaoshan? That statement will not make such a big fire. In the final analysis, it is because it is Tuoba.

But he and Takuya are nothing. The last time he was in love with him at first sight, this time, Takuya clearly has no feeling for himself, but it is for the sake of Jianjian to go outside, it can be angry.

"He eats your vinegar!" Chen Xing said with no anger.

Tuoba: "???"

Tuoba is obviously very innocent and asks: "Why?"

Chen Xing: "No, he is happy."

Tuoba: "..."

Chen Xing: "You have to find him quickly... No." This inference now makes Chen Xing a different taste. So is the story now like him? Otherwise why not target others, only for Tuoba?

Phoenix flew and stopped at the tower and said, "Need help?"

"No need! Thank you!" Chen Xingli was strong and strong.

Tuoba: "???"

"I am going to find him," Tuoba said. "Although I don't know why he is jealous, I have to explain it to him."

"Wait!" Chen Xing was busy.

Tuoba has already gone down the tower, and turned over the horse to prepare for leaving the city. Chen Xing originally came to the city, and quickly walked down, but he saw King Akler coming, holding two horses.

Chen Xing: "King Akler, you can't go out now."

King Akler said: "My wife, the people."

As the storm faded away, King Akler apparently knew it and said, "You don't know the road and follow me."

In the heart of Chen Xing’s heart, King Akler was very familiar with the road in the north. It was the first time he brought himself to Hara and Lin.

"But you have to promise me," Chen said. "No matter what time, you can't do it yourself."

"Oh," replied King Akler.

Chen Xing said: "Swear by the name of the dragon of the Huns."

King Akler replied: "I promise you."

So the two rode out of the city and caught up with Tuoba. Outside the city, the Bone Corps seemed to be called by the distance, gradually receding, foggy, covering the plains of the northern land. Tuoba is in the fog of the horse, and is marking the direction of the departure from the car and the wind.

"North!" King Akler chased him up and said, "Go to Balikun Lake."

"Not in this direction." Chen Xing was a horse, and Tuoba followed Akele King and entered a forest.

King Akler said: "This is a shortcut, listen to me."

King Akler dismounted and marched along the woods. Chen Xing and Tuoba also had to take the horse to walk. Takuya asked Chen Xing: "What is the law of protection?"

Chen Xing: "..."

Tuoba took the horse and carefully walked behind Chen Xing.

"Can you not answer?" Chen Xing was a little depressed.

Tuoba said: "The big single is your protector, you already have life and death, are you?"

Tuoba's thinking seems to be different from everyone else. It is simple and direct. When you think about Chen Xing, he confessed to him without any scruples. After the failure, he also found Qinghe Princess and Yan Jian to help. Pro-general, Chen Xing sometimes feels that he has no way to take Tuoba completely.

"Yes," Chen Xingru said. "It is indeed something that is a bit like an oath or an agreement."

Takuya said: "When did you enter into this agreement with the big one?"

Chen Xing said: "Hey... don't ask, so when he saw me going out, he was a little angry. This blames me, it doesn't matter to you."

Takuya was silent, and Chen Xing looked back at him. Takuya looked very good, handsome and heroic, and had a unique and simple temperament of a young warrior.

"I have dreamt of you." Tuoba suddenly said.

The trouble finally came. Chen Xing always felt that he was sorry for the last time, refused him, and could not save him. Even when he died, he was not around. If he was described as a worldly, he really didn’t want to provoke Tuoba in this life. Hey.

"It should be that you are very impressed with me..." Chen Xing immediately denied, "When did you dream of me?"

Tuoba said: "Before you come to Changan."

Chen Xingguo cut off: "How is it possible? You must have made a mistake."

Takuya said: "I dreamed of being in a government office in Chang'an, you are sitting across from me, teaching me to recognize words... you have been laughing at that time."

“Hey,” Chen Xing’s mouth twitched and said, “I never laughed. The person in my dream must not be me.”

Takuya: "You called me on the street that day, and I rushed. I didn't recognize it. The more I thought about it, the more weird it was. When I saw you the next day, I found out that you are the one in my dream. I don't know why. I always feel that you are a reliable person. After the trouble, it seems that there is a voice, as if I was telling myself that we have known each other in the past, and that the relationship is very shallow. Let me come up to you, you must... certain I can help me, and I am willing to help me."

Chen Xingxin will not! What should I do now? Have to come again?

Chen Xing was in a bad mood today. Now it is just a strong fight. Pretend that he can’t hear the phrase “to know the whole life.” Chao Takuo said: “If you want to help, you have to find a big one. I haven’t seen him just finished his. Hey? It’s not yours.”

This is really awkward, but Takuya nodded: "I'm sorry, I will explain it to him. I don't want to argue with you because of me. I said that those who want to protect you are taking the liberty."

"You are also now..." Chen Xingben wanted to tell him that the words "protecting you" were already very presumptuous! But for people like Tuoba, he can't communicate with him in the usual way.

"I will ask more questions, do you like big orders?" Tuoba said.

Chen Xingxin thinks that you really have a lot of mouths.

"Of course I like it," Chen Xing replied. "Do you also see it?"

Tuoba took the horse and said, "Need help? After the explanation, I can tell him..."

"Don't ask this sentence again!" Chen Xing said, "You remind me of that bird!"

"Who are you talking about?" Phoenix flew to Chen Xingdao.

King Akler: "..."

Chen Xing: "..."

Chen Xing immediately explained to King Akler that it is not too strange for King Akler, that his son has become awkward, what is the fuss about the talking birds? Takuya said: "It's you!"

Chen Xing: "Don't help, thank you! Hey? Shouldn't you be in Hara and Lin at this time?"

Phoenix replied: "Do not tighten, even if Hala and Lin are in trouble, the Lone King will let it die half of the Terran, and then go back to save. It is also a wish to complete it."

Chen Xing said: "But if you die of an innocent people, if I break the jar and break under the shackles, I can't help it. What can I do? And such a big blow will definitely make the story hate." I, and I lost my account, and I can’t guarantee that I will become confused and come up with some strange wishes.”

Phoenix: "........................"

Takuya: "You don't want this, even a bird wants to help you, you accept its kindness."

The phoenix flew away again.

Chen Xing simply didn't want to talk to Tuoba, but Tuoba always smiled, and his face was bright, and Chen Xing couldn't marry him.

“Or, can I pretend to ask you for a kiss?” Tuoba said, “In the Qiuqiu Festival, I invite you to go skiing...”

“Never!” Chen Xing finally blows up when he hears this. He thought that he should not accept the extension of Tuoba at the beginning. It may work for others. It can be changed, once he is stimulated. Maybe you ran away!

"You don't add chaos to me," Chen Xing said. "Otherwise, I am not finished with you."

"Okay." Takuya was a little depressed, saying, "I don't know why, I always want to take care of you."

Chen Xing supported the amount and did not know how to pick up the extension. Fortunately, in the blink of an eye, King Akler solved the problem for him.

"I have dreamt of you," King Akler said. "In the palace of Hala and Lin."

Chen Xing said: "The trick is really the fate of the past."

Tuoba said: "But you just said that I must have made a mistake."

Chen Xing: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Takuya: "No."

King Akler said: "Maybe our encounter is not without reason, that kind of familiarity..."

Chen Xing smiled and patted the arm of King Akler. When he came to the edge of the woods, King Akler suddenly stopped. He firmly and forcefully held Chen Xing’s hand, bowed his head and stared at his eyes. .

Chen Xing: "..."

Chen Xing suddenly had an ominous premonition. He said: "That... King Akler, you are all this age. I have to read some words, or don't ignore the situation..."

“Hey,” Tuoba said. “Let him go, what do you want to do?”

King Akler turned a blind eye to Takuya and clenched Chen Xing’s hand and said: "In the legend of the Huns, the love of the world is gone, and the next life is bound to meet again... Tell me, are you? I also think I have met before?"

Chen Xing suddenly stunned and changed his mind: "No! I don't know you!"

"How much do you have?" King Akler said seriously, "You are the reincarnation of my son!"

"No -!" Chen Xing is crazy, loudly, "You two or two, can you not think about it all day?"

King Akler said: "I always feel that you are my son, I will not admit my mistake! His soul, who has lived in your body, his body, is now wandering in the wilderness..."

Chen Xing: "How is it possible?! When you die, tell me, I am almost twenty! It’s not right for me. It’s just seventeen years old, reincarnation, this time is not right!”

"Beware!" Tuoba suddenly shouted.

A loud bang, like a rolling thunder, numerous black and dark figures rushed into the woods, lightning ignited the trees in the forest, and the fire burned.

"Yes!" Tuo dance danced long and shouted, "Chen Xing! Follow me!"

The horses fled in shock, and suddenly appeared in the front of the thousands of groups, all of the Akler's survivors, thunder and lightning, and constantly gathered around the periphery. Chen Xing remembered something and immediately said: "Xiao Shan! Xiao Shan! Don't worry!"

In the distance, on the shores of Lake Barkol.

The loud noise of the thunder and lightning alarmed the story and the car Luo Feng. The two men looked at the other side of the lake together. Xiang Shu immediately turned and ran to the location covered by lightning.

On the neck of Xiaoshan, a long scarf was attached, standing on a high place, lifting a claw to the sky, attracting a tumultuous thunder. Sima Yi rushed into the woods on the shores of Lake Balikun, led the Akler Warriors to set up a rush to the rushing out of the woods.

"Stop! Stop!" Chen Xing was protected by Takuya, and King Akler escaped from the woods and met with Sima Yi. Fortunately, Sima Yi took the weapon in time and almost turned Chen Xingyu to the ground. . Chen Xing was furious, and a slap in the Sima Yi helmet, angered: "I am! Oh! It hurts!"

Xiaoshan was shocked to see Chen Xing. He received a crack in the sky and flew down. He shouted: "Chen Xing! Chen Xing!"

Chen Xing turned back and asked, "What are you doing?! Where is this coming?!"

There were nearly a thousand Akler guards on the opposite side. When the patriarchs returned, they blew their horns and began to retreat.

Xiaoshan: "We are catching! They are all hiding in the woods."

Chen Xing looked back. The gang was obviously ambushing in the woods. Looking at the distance, I saw a woman dismounting. She rushed toward King Akler and hugged him tightly. It was Wang Hao.

Wang Hao had a big belly and actually supervised the war on the lakeside. The Akler warriors gathered again. Wang Hao shouted to Xiaoshan: "What about next? Don't let them escape!"

Chen Xing: "Where is the ambush here?"

Chen Xing immediately understood that it must have been defeated by the more powerful Zhou Zhou, and returned to the ambush on the shore of Balikun Lake. It happened that at this moment, Princess Akler discovered the whereabouts of the dead son.

Sure enough, the facts were consistent with his conjecture, and King Akler learned that after hiding in the area, he immediately ordered the entire forest. Chen Xing arrived at Xiaoshan’s side and said, “Don’t kill more, Sima Yi, you are responsible for bringing him over. I am sure to expel the demon blood on him.”

Everyone re-arranged the team, Xiaoshan blocked in front of Chen Xing, Chen Xing thought that if this is the case at this time. In the face of the hustle and bustle, the story is simply their natural nemesis.

Xiaoshan said: "I still set fire, drive them out."

Chen Xing: "Isn't you escorting Wang Hao and withdrawing to Hara and Lin?"

"They don't want to go!" Xiaoshan said, "I have no way."

"Quick hands," said Chen Xing.

King Akler has set aside the battle, Xiaoshan took a deep breath and attracted the thunder of the sky. The last time in Chang'an, Chen Xingshang couldn't really see it. Now, when Xiaoshan leads the sky, the world is changing. Thunder and lightning, just launched the wrath of the creation dragon! At that moment, the thunder and the earth were full of thunder, forming a huge thunder and lightning dragon. The arcs in all directions gathered toward the center. Wherever the electric dragon passed, the woods suddenly burned. The scorpion group was expelled like a smashed honeycomb.

King Akler ordered that the samurai warriors initiate the charge. Chen Xingchao Sima Yi said: "Look at their leader and bring him back."

More and more, rushing to the southeast of the snowfield, King Akler's men gathered around the circle, but people are too little, forming a gap. When Chen Xing was going to chase the horse, there was a horn in the distance, and the story came.

Xiang Shu led the car Luo Feng and two thousand Tyler cavalry, joined the battlefield.

"The item!" Chen Xing went straight and shouted.

The item is first and foremost, and he will not care about Chen Xing. The starlight of Chen Xing’s hand is flashing, but the item has never echoed with him.

"This guy... is still angry." Chen Xing said, "Xue Shu! Grab the more! Grab them to take the lead!"

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