Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 106 Table of contents

When Luo Luofeng saw the group, he was subconsciously afraid, but the enemy found him at this time.

Chen Xing’s heart was “squeaky” and it’s awful, forgetting that there is a hatred between the car and the car!

Sure enough, by abandoning other people, the horse turned and rushed to the car, and leaped from the horse back, and the car was smashed. The item is half-hearted, and the hard-boiled will be the horse, and he has to turn to save the car.

Chen Xing joined the battle group, and the center of the hand flashed, such as the flat ground. In this dark snow, the reflection was especially obvious, and the group was cleared out of a gap. Chen Xing said: "Xue Shu! Watch out for your peace of mind!"

The story finally had to shake his right hand and his palms unfolded. Chen Xing went all out to pay homage to the heart.

Then the narration of the body protects the martial arts, "嗡" a white robe flying, the golden martial arts shines, flying from the horse back, rushing to the car that is taken away by the wind.

The gold armor he covered changed his hand.

Chen Xing immediately returned to God and said: "Fold his hand!"

As the gold fire meteor, the item broke through the squadron, and the rushed to the car and the wind, and the left hand was guarded in front of him, waving with the glittering golden shield!

Chen Xing: "???"

what is that? ! Chen Xing was dumbfounded when he saw the shield.

The story is very different, but it has already come to the front of the body, too late to think about it, with a shield wave, "when", by the more grasp of the car Luo Feng's arm was broken by a move, followed by the story turned, and then homeopathic The second wave of the shield, came a perfect shield. "咚" will ring, and will be knocked out by more!

Car Luofeng fell in the snow, and got up hard, looking at the brightly lit story.

As the story goes toward the distance, Chen Xing has come to the scene and will receive the heart lamp. He will be stationed in the horse and shouted: "Let's leave!"

Sima Yi was the first to get closer, and opened the chain of his hand, which would be bundled up.

The hustle and bustle was scattered and fell into the plains. The story of Jin Guang retreats, looked at Chen Xing, still with a cozy look. Xiaoshan came and looked at the two people and said, "How come you?"

After an hour, Akler camp.

The shield and sword of the story disappeared only after a moment. Xiaoshan, Sima Yi, Che Luofeng, Tuoyu and Chen Xing were sitting in the tent. The Akler sent milk tea to the cold. .

Chen Xing said: "We copied a short road and grabbed you in front of you."

The item does not speak.

Chen Xing added: "I can't think of your goal, but also Barkol Lake."

The story has been heard by King Akler, and he has keenly grasped the key – Zhou’s stronghold is in the lake, and Chen Xing recalls the last offensive, guessing that the armor army that was besieging Hala and Lin at that time should Not far from here. Since Zhou Wei retired, he needed to temporarily think about the whole team and go to the place. There was two places, one was the Yinshan Canyon; the other was the Barkol Lake. Yinshan is too far away from Hara and Lin, and Zhou Wei should not travel long distances to the mountains.

In the north, if you want to hide the position of the ambush army, it is only in the lake of Balikun. After the Akler camp was withdrawn from the lake, Wang Hao specially sent a scout to investigate. There was a strange altar on the island of the lake. There was a huge behemoth wrapped in many animal skins.

There are strange forces on the island that are preventing the mortal from approaching.

"The law is empty?" Chen Xing asked uncomfortably.

I thought that in front of so many people, the story will at least give a face, and the story is still the same, always go its own way, in the crowd quarrel is simply a piece of cake for him.

Xiaoshan: "???"

Car Luo Feng still remembers the moment when Xiang Shu was incarnate and was completely shocked.

"An answer," Che Luofeng could not help but ask, "What happened when you saved me?"

"I don't know." Xiang Shu finally spoke up. "Give me all the time."

Tuoba looked at Chen Xing, and then read the story, taking the lead. Car Luofeng still wants to say something more, but the article is not impatient: "Go out!"

Everyone had to leave the tent in turn, and Chen Xing was still sitting and looking at the person who left, and Xiang Shuo looked at him.

"Oh, including me?" Chen Xing said depressedly. "Would you like to go to the island? I thought you were deflated."

Item: "Don't go, do you want to cause Zhou Wei to be alert? What did I say? Why don't you stay in Hara and Lin, let you follow? What do you think of the Lonely King? In your eyes, there is no big Single!"

Chen Xing: "..."

Chen Xingxin thinks that you are protecting the law! I am not a Hu person. Why do you want to be a big one? You can't control me a Han Chinese!

Chen Xing argued with conviction: "I am afraid that you will be out of the situation last week."

Item: "The Lone King has said that he will take back his magic weapon, do you not believe it?"

Chen Xing has probably figured out the temper in these days. He knows that this person has always been soft and not hard. As long as he bows his head slightly, the item will immediately become deflated, but he can’t swallow it anymore. Now think about it. Well, anyway, he is angry because he eats the vinegar of Tuoba.

"What about Hara and Lin?!"

"Phoenix is ​​guarding it!" said Chen Xing.

The item suddenly frowned: "You let it help? Don't you want to ask for it?"

Chen Xingxin thinks that you are coming.

Item: "So you did something you didn't want to do, open it to him and ask it to hold Hala and Lin, just to come to me?"

Chen Xing sullenly replied: "I don't want to ask for it, I don't want to explain it! Come to you because I don't want to be separated from you, so let's say it?"

Item: "..."

When Chen Xing saw the expression of the item, he knew that the traitor was sold, and he succumbed: "For so long, the two are together, you are going north, I feel that my heart is not practical, I am afraid, okay?"

"So what do you say before you go to the stone tower without permission?" Xiang Shu is a turn of the front, and asks, "Is there a Tuoba to protect you?"

Chen Xingxin thinks enough! Why are you so vengeful!

"He is not my guardian!" Chen Xing said, "What the **** are you doing, is there such a big opinion on him? There is no enmity, why? You should not eat him if you are jealous!"

Xiang Shu was so blocked by Chen Xing, and suddenly he felt that his temper was a bit inexplicable. Chen Xing did not even talk to Tuoba when he was in Changan. Why did he see Tuoba and Chen Xing stay together? I feel that there is no reason to add it to my heart?

"You..." said the article, "Isn't he coming for you? What vinegar to eat? Lonely king... you talk to me... pay attention!"

Chen Xing said: "Do you ask him yourself? I told him to come in."

Item: "..."

Chen Xing opened the curtain and went out. The story got up impatiently. In fact, he did not expect Chen Xing to follow it, as if he would come to Barkol Lake.

"You ran so many times!" Xiang said, "Which time is not a lonely king to chase you, do you dare to look at me? I see that you have never been a lonely king, is it in front of others? The top of the face hit me, you think..." Speaking of this, the item suddenly stopped talking, and the brow was twisted, full of sorrow.

When did this happen? The item does not remember at all, and it is a moment to leave Hara and Lin alone with Che Luofeng. In fact, it is not unreasonable to bring Chen Xing, but I don’t know why, there is a little revenge in my heart, as if I know Chen Xing. Will definitely catch up.

Sure enough, Chen Xing is now chasing, but it is protected by Tuoba, and the story is even more uncomfortable.

what on earth is it? The doubts in the story can no longer be doubted.

"Big single," Tuoba came in and said, "I and Chen Xing are definitely not what you think. I think I need to explain it to you..."

"Roll!" The item is simply not to fight one place, and it is necessary to get up and down.

Chen Xing passed through the camp, and Xiaoshan immediately chased him up and said, "What happened to Hara and Lin?"

Chen Xing said: "A little trouble, but there is nothing wrong with it, Lu Ying? White?"

Xiaoshan replied: "I let it go back to Carlos, and stay outside Carrefour. When are we going to save the land shadow? Is it necessary to purify Zhou?"

Chen Xing looked at Xiaoshan and made a gesture to signal that you decide. Xiaoshan stood still, thinking for a while, said: "Or grab Zhou Zhou first, Lu Ying's corner is in his hands, do you remember the last time in Yinshan?"

Chen Xing remembered it. At that time, Sima crossed the white deer's horn and re-refined with resentment. This corner was a magic weapon that fell into the hands of the prince's night many years ago. The gongs and drums can awaken the dead, and under the power of the antlers, the white bones will re-aggregate. I have to think of a way to take the antlers together with the gongs and drums.

Although Xiaoshan is still small, it is still the appearance of the two when they first saw it. The mind retains the cognition before the tide of the ancient times. Compared with the original, it has matured a lot, and it is very organized and thought-provoking.

“When will Zhou Wei come?” Chen Xing said to himself, looking out to Barkol Lake outside the camp.

Xiaoshan said: "I sent the wolf to investigate, and the pile of bones is moving towards Balikun Lake."

Not far away, the story and Tuoba left the tent, it seems that a settlement has been reached for a while, and Xiang Shu began to command people to set up on the shores of Lake Balikun, preparing for the ambush back Zhou Wei. Since arriving in advance, Xiang Shu decided to use all the power in his hand and smashed Zhou Zhou here.

"Let's go and see more." Chen Xingchao said Xiaoshan.

It was **** in the remote of the camp by chains, surrounded by Aklers. Apparently they were extremely shocked by the resurrection of the former prince. There are people who are full of sympathy and want to feed him with water. No need to drink water.

Sima Yi was guarded by many, and the turbid eyes could not see a little bit of look.

More than tied to the pillar, only quietly head down, motionless.

Chen Xing approached more and put his hand on the heart of the lot. Sima Yi suddenly said: "He has a strength in his heart, helping him to hold himself."

Chen Xing replied: "I know that he has not completely lost himself, but what is this power?"

The last time, Chen Xing also discovered the situation. As a beggar, he did not seem to be completely obeyed by Zhou Wei and Yu Wang, but had a small amount of his own consciousness, but he was obsessed with revenge for Zhou Wei and Che Luofeng.

Chen Xing injected the heart lamp into his heart and found that the heart had a strange demon power.

"Take him to the tent..." Chen Xing said, "I will try to expel the grievances on him. If you are lucky, maybe you can... oh? This chain..."

When Chen Xing took the chain tied to Zhou Wei, he suddenly found that the chain was full of runes, and with the aura after the resurrection of the law, there was a faint light.

"This is a magic weapon!" Chen Xing said, "Who is looking for it?"

Xiaoshan said: "Have you forgotten? Lu Ying asked Bai Bai to go to Yinshan. He said that you might be able to use it."

Chen Xing remembered, this is the last time he was caught in the Yinshan Mountain, used to tie his chain! At that time, Xiaoshan couldn't break open with a crack in the sky, and it was a magic weapon that was extremely powerful!

Chen Xing tried to inject the spiritual power into the chain, and the chain suddenly became smaller and closed, and it was like a dog chain on the neck. Chen Xing seems to look at it, always feels less polite, so he will untie the chain and lie on one of the remaining arms.

From a little more movement, Xiao Shan immediately clawed out and watched him with vigilance. Sima Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it on the shoulders of the arm. They were all embarrassed, and they seemed to be more able to accept the comfort of Sima Yi and gradually calm down.

Sima Yi pushed him again and let him turn around. Chen Xing took the chain and led him into the tent.

"Let him lie flat." Chen Xing whispered.

Sima Yi will be put down on the ground, Chen Xingyu sitting beside him, offering a heart lamp, just like the influence of Sima Yi and Feng Qianxi expelling the blood of the demon god, the handle is pressed by the chest.

In an instant, the light of the heart lamp is filled with more and more meridians, and it is constantly gathering towards his heart.

The heart is still beating! That is a heart that has not yet died! It has been completely demonized by the blood of the demon god! It is separated from the body and exists independently of the body. The heart is large and almost takes up nearly 30% of the chest.

"Where did this heart come from?" After Chen Xing injected the heart lamp, he found that things were not as simple as they thought. The light gathered at the heart of the heart, and soon the body was cleaned up. Struggling, then gradually calmed down with the dissipating of grievances.

However, the strange demon in the chest is still pulsing and resisting the invasion of the heart lamp!

Breaking through... Chen Xing did his best, but he heard the impatient voice coming from outside.

"Do you dare to stop the lonely king?" Xiang said.

"Let him come in." Chen Xing said.

The story reveals that the curtain has entered the tent. When Chen Xing is being treated, he suddenly stopped.

Chen Xing: "What's wrong?"

The eyebrows were wrinkled, and the outside was noisy. Chen Xing said: "Is Zhou Hao coming? It is a critical moment... Xiaoshan, you go out and see."

"The king of Akler is going to be born," Xiang said. "Will you deliver a baby?"

Chen Xing: "..."

If Chen Xing now withdraws the heart lamp, the grievances that have become more embarrassing have been dispelled, and the light in the heart has not yet been ignited, which will surely make him a complete dead body. Wang Hao has moved his tires because of his war, and he has to produce it. What should he do next?

"I... I am saving her eldest son," Chen Xing said. "Can you hold it for a while?"

The item frowned: "How long do you have to wait?"

The demon power of the heart is extremely powerful, constantly resisting the heart of Chen Xing, this is not the prince night can do, must be removed from the big monster, and then transplanted to the more!

"I... I don't know!" Chen Xing said.

At this time, King Akler also rushed in and said: "Doctor, please save my wife..."

Halfway through the words, King Akler saw the scene and was also stunned.

"Where," Chen Xing had to say, "Give me the Wang Hao, and give it to me. I will treat the dead while she will deliver the baby."

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