Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 120 Table of contents

Wang Zhou went out to sea.

Leaving Goguryeo on the top, the ship looks more magnificent and more ambitious. The ship is equipped with a huge force for sea battles. The three-story ship has a magnificent deck and the ship's head is fitted with a sunken iron horn. The Goguryeo Navy was scattered in all corners of the ship, sailing in the wind and snow, and less than an hour, it has already left the Pyongyang harbour.

But in the offshore area, a blizzard is rolling from the north, whistling to the depths of the sea.

This weather is not a good idea, especially in Wang Zhouchi's entry into the wind circle. The heavy rain caught the ice crystals and slammed into the sails. The sailors shouted and adjusted the course.

Xiang Shugang got on the boat for a while, followed Chen Xing upstairs and went to the boat. Wang Zhou then leaned down, and Chen Xing almost rolled down the steps.

"What happened?!" said the story.

"God doesn't let us go out to sea!" the warrior's head shouted. "Or go back first!"

Xiang Shuchao Chen Xingdao: "You go to the room." Then he turned and held the compass, and in front of the swaying big ship, one step over the deck and came to the bow.

“The story!” Chen Xing shouted. “Or do you still go back first?!”

"Hide well!" Xiang Shu said.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and then the storm is rolling with snow, and the head is coming from the face. The sailors on the boat are busy pulling the sails to stabilize the direction of the king. Less than half a day after the ship was just off the shore, it was so ominous that it rushed into the offshore wind regiment.

But when the wind and snow come, it is no longer possible to look back. The subject is sideways, the left arm is hooked on the deck, and the right hand grabs the cable and screams.

The tens of thousands of pounds of sails were dragged by him. He almost rushed into the center of the wind group and wiped the edge of the wind circle. The deviation was so little. The range of the wind circle was too big, and the ship was madly rolled. Go in!

Xiang Xiang shouted: "Give it to me! Go back and hide! Find a place to fix your body!"

When the storm came, it was bound to sneak into the sea, so the Goguryeo warriors each fled back to the cabin, or hugged the ship's side on the ground, or untied the hooks on the belt and tied themselves to the mast.

When the wind swells, it is like a giant roaring, and the sea is full of anger. Just like a hand of a god, the sail is caught, and it is forcibly taken from the hand of the story. The item angered, slammed the cable, turned over, and slipped on the deck with both feet, trying to fix the sails.

"The item..." Chen Xing slipped over the sloping deck and hugged the story.

"Go back!" Xiang Shu said.

Chen Xing hugged his waist, and instantly the golden light rose up. The story changed to protect the Fawu, and the cable jerked back to himself. The mast made a loud noise, and the sail turned again. Wang Zhouchi was away from the wind circle.

"I am the way."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The story is sharp and wide-eyed. In the wind circle, a dark face appears, and the black gas bursts out...

... Chiyou!

"I am the world -"

The icy storm rushed to the surface, slammed up, and took the waves, so that the two were soaked, and then a soft fire straight out, against the wind and broken ice -

- Chen Xing holds the phoenix feathers, and faces the oncoming ice storm, which ignites the aura of heaven and earth and releases the fire.

A loud noise, the power of real fire contained in the phoenix feathers hit the waves, and suddenly the wind was pushed out!

The face gathered by Chiyou was smashed, and Wang Zhou got out of the wind circle, rushing to the sea and sailing to the sea.

"Youyou." Xiang Shu muttered.

Chen Xing put away Feng Yu and looked at his eyes. His eyes were still a little scared. The gust of wind stopped, and the two men got on the boat. They saw the dark clouds in the distance, and dropped a few beams of light. The dark sea was endless.

"There must be a sea battle site between Goguryeo and Silla, Baihui and even Dongpu," Chen Xing muttered. "You can gather such strong grievances in a short time. This time he knows that we are going to sea."

"He always knew," Xiang said. "Always monitor you in secret, don't be afraid of him."

On the occasion of the midwinter, there are no fishing boats on the sea, but Wang Zhou is only between the vast seas of heaven and the magnificent creations, but it is a drop in the ocean.

Standing on the boat for a while, the time is like the sea, Chen Xing began to understand the words of the Ming and Lu Ying, the vast time and the vast world, indeed not the power of mortal can control.

"Returning to the Valkyrie!" Haihang Samurai captain said loudly, "has adjusted the course according to the wind direction!"

Together with the north wind, the sails in the south were suddenly filled. The story looked at the north arrow and nodded. He turned and Chen Xing entered the room.

The Goguryeo King Boat is the giant ship that was supervised by the War of the Little Beast. The ship was divided into upper, middle and lower decks. There were several wartime meeting rooms, and there were also study rooms and a group of generals. The top floor is the sleeping hall where the living is located. Compared with the merchant ships that were taken last time, they are not the same.

Chen Xingjin was exhausted, and when he went out to sea, he was so suddenly and tossed, so that he was soaked and sneezed. The warriors came in and made a fire for the house, which was a little warmer in the cold weather.

"At first, I thought that it was God who wouldn't let us go out to sea," Chen Xing said. "I didn't expect him to be."

"Don't hear?" The item sat down on the side, dripping down the water and saying, "He is the world."

Chen Xing was simply crying and laughing. Xiang Shuo looked at Chen Xing if nothing had happened. Shen Sheng said: "It’s not the first time to do things against the sky. Even the old stars have taken me, how about a Chiyou?"

Chen Xingwen couldn't help but laugh, laughed a few times, and it was really shivering. The two sat by the fire on the stove, and the story was taken from the beginning to undress, and they were stripped of the red strips. They did not avoid Chen Xing and put the clothes on the side to bake.

Wang Zhou’s driving gradually stabilized. Chen Xing couldn’t help but look up at him, his face was flushed. Although the calmness of last night’s story had changed his ethics, he saw the body of the subject at the moment. After all, I was embarrassed by the inevitable impact, but I was reluctant to move my eyes.

The sound of the waves came from outside, and the big ship swayed gently, pushing Chen Xing into the arms.

The item whispered a few words. Although Chen Xing was very tired, he was not too sleepy. He tried to describe it with words he could accept, and he took the hand of the item and pointed himself to the most comfortable place in his body. When I talked about it, I was embarrassed to start up, and I turned around and laughed happily.

The item couldn’t help but laugh, spread his arms and lay on the couch.

Chen Xing felt that it was too embarrassing. The story was sideways, looking at his eyes and seriously saying: "This is really my childhood, the most comfortable and fastest time in this life."

Chen Xing: "Oh... oh yeah? How do I feel... you haven’t lived very fast... you are afraid that I will hurt, you...you don’t have to worry too much about me, though..."

The item overbearing Chen Xing came over and let him kneel on his shoulder, holding his hand, looking at his hand and looking at his eyes.

"Then I don't care if you are willing or not." Xiang said indifferently.

"Not now!" Chen Xing said, "I will die! Let me take a break!"

After Wang Zhouchi entered the sea for several days and nights, the weather was fine, the winter night starry sky, and the never-sealed vast sea showed a starry sky. The item was occasionally out of the way, and the route was fixed against the compass. According to the re-emphasis, as long as you sail toward the South Star, you can find the person named "Yuan Kun", but I don't know how long it is from the island where the monster lives.

Risheng sunset, sailing in the sea has nothing to do, in addition to a brief exchange with the Goguryeo warriors every day, the story will go back to the room and stay with Chen Xing. Chen Xing’s clothes were all collected, and the items were not separated from Chen Xing unless necessary. The two men always had a calm relationship when they had time. At first, Chen Xing only felt that it was difficult to express feelings. He is going to ask him for joy, even if Chen Xing can't move, he is held in his arms, and he is always intimate with him.

"Return the clothes to me," said Chen Xing. "At least let me wear a single coat!"

The item is very natural, standing on the edge of the window and pouring water, said to Chen Xing: "After the Qing dynasty, the clothes will be taken away for three months. You will not adapt to it in advance?"

Chen Xing can watch the story unscrupulously anytime and anywhere, but it is very quick to live, but not wearing clothes, it is no different from the beast, it is against his habits.

"Give me some water." Chen Xing said.

Chen Xingben thought that his body could not withstand such a toss, but unexpectedly found that after doing things with the subject, it was not so exhausted.

Such a kind... Chen Xing has no idea how to describe it, and the feelings of the time when the story is lingering all day long, only to feel big and big, as if everything has been thrown behind the head, have each other here, and don’t want to Separated, I just want to linger with him until the end of time.

He finally understood why some people would make a living in the world when they fell in love. Taking the sea as evidence, taking the Yinshan group as a testimony, even in the next life, and even in the next life, but if you turn around the world, you will never be left to leave.

"Yinshan will hear what we are saying?" Chen Xing, holding the item, finally got used to it.

When the sun rose, Chen Xing bowed his head and kissed the lips of the story.

"Yes." Xiang said.

Chen Xing said: "The sea will know."

"Yes," said the item, "I will never let you go."

The sea breeze blew through the building, the clear sky, the white clouds, the mountain alliance, the sea oath, the king boat has been sailing on the sea for nearly three months, the winter has passed, the flashing fish ridge jumped out of the sea, and the north wind turned to the southeast. ,spring is coming.

"The wind will stop and the snow will melt," Xiang said, kissing Chen Xing's finger and looking at his eyes. He said, "The place you are in is my gentle town."

The sea is like the last time they came, sometimes the waves waved one after another, pushing the big ship and cuddling them with each other; sometimes calm and calm, the sea mirrored the gorgeous stars like a mirror. In this quiet night, Chen Xing finally understood the phrase "take you away" that the article once said.

Leaving the Central Plains, along the Silk Road all the way west, go to a distant place, to a place where no one can recognize them, go to another world, there is no responsibility, no pain, only each other. Just like in this lonely sea, the lonely king boat, away from the dust, no one can bother them.

It is like the end of the world. Chen Xing was lying on the couch, looking sideways at the side of the story, thinking.

The story has fallen asleep. Chen Xing raised his hand and tried to pull his arm and put it under his neck. He suddenly realized a problem.

It was so quiet this night... It was unusual to be quiet, there was no wind, and there was no conversation outside.

Chen Xing pushed open the bedroom window and looked out. In the quiet night, the sea was in the middle of the sea. The king boat stopped in the middle of the sea, and the sea reflected the splendid Milky Way.

"The item," Chen Xing shook his head and said, "The ship is not gone!"

The story is just lying quietly, keeping asleep, Chen Xing instantly realizes that it is wrong - the story keeps vigilance even if it is asleep, as long as there is a strange, it will wake up immediately. How do you sleep so well?

“The story?” Chen Xing felt the danger of the unknown, but at this time, the room did not know where it was, with a faint red light.

Chen Xing immediately got down, saw the glass enamel on the shelf, and opened the scorpion, which was the feather that he had given him.

Chen Xing picked up the feathers and turned to the outside of the bedroom, and the red light became stronger.

He looked back and said that he tried to call him again, but Xiang Shu did not wake up. Chen Xing thought God! my clothes! Where did my clothes go when you got it!

Chen Xing holds Feng Yu in his hand. He doesn't feel cold at all. He leans out of the room and looks out for the enemy. If he comes to the enemy, how can he...

But for a moment when he headed out, Chen Xing suddenly stopped again.

The sail sailed in a strange position and stopped in the air. The vigil of the vigil kept the action of climbing the ladder and the traffic was solidified. The cable swayed and an open arc appeared at high altitude.

Time is still!

Chen Xing was surprised. He walked barefoot on the deck and looked around. There was no wind or waves. The Nandou star shined on the side of Tianzhu.

The bow stood with a young man in black and long hair.

"You..." Chen Xingyu looked up and asked.

The young man turned around, his face was covered with a black cloth, his face was white, with a morbid feeling of weakness, his lips were slightly moving, his mouth was smiling, and he said: "The lights are shining, the light is shining; the sword is so beautiful. It doesn't move like a mountain."

Chen Xing: "..."

Chen Xing was naked and stood up in front of the young man. He knew that it was indifferent to the monsters whether they wore clothes. They did not have many people’s moral values ​​and ethics, and many demon and living spirits were born wildly and wildly. In line with the heavens and the earth, such big monsters as the heavy Ming Lu Ying can only be transformed into clothes in front of human beings, in order to show that they are not ordinary monsters, or that they are similar. This blindfolded youth is also true, and it is a clear friend, presumably What a big demon.

“Yuan Kun?” Chen Xing asked, seeing that he had black cloth in his eyebrows, but he suspected that he was not the real nephew.

Yuan Kun reached out and headed toward Chen Xing. Feng Yu flew from Chen Xing's hand and flew to Yuan Kun in a fluttering manner, and was taken away by him.

Chen Xingzheng wanted to explain his intentions. He saw Yuan Kun squatting with Feng Yu. The feathers turned into Mars in his hands, and they suddenly disappeared. Then they nodded and realized that most of the information was sent to the feathers and passed to Yuan. Kun, he slammed the words.

"You are very smart." Yuan Kun turned his head and thought about it.

Chen Xingzheng wants to go forward, Yuan Kun turned and faced the sea, facing Chen Xing, and said: "The big exorcist, originally you and I are enemies and non-friends, and the law is to return to the silence. In the final analysis, it is the people of your race." The scourge is now more important..."

When Chen Xing heard the beginning, he was not good. He had long dealt with Lu Ying and He Ming, which led him to forget one thing. Not all the Yaozus in the world are so good to talk. Once they were demon and people, they are the opposite poles on the land of China. . The world that has returned to the past for three hundred years has made the fierce battle between the exorcist and the demon family gradually forgotten.

But Yuan Kun’s crouching big demon is not there. From his words, Chen Xing smelled a dangerous atmosphere.

Suddenly, Yuan Kun’s words stopped, as if he had been threatened.

The item appeared on the deck and was naked. After coming to Chen Xing, I obviously didn't know when I woke up. I found Chen Xing not around, and I immediately searched for it.

Chen Xing is very surprised. Yuan Kun has stopped the flow of time. He wants to use some strange and powerful spells. He only puts himself out to talk to him, otherwise the previous items will not always sleep. Now the item is actually relying on himself, and it has broken through Yuan Kun’s mana shackles.

How did the project be done?

Chen Xing took a look at the look and raised his eyebrows. The item signals him to handle it.

"You are an enemy," Xiang said. "Why should you clarify now? The Terran and the Yaozu, at least for now, have a common purpose, that is, killing Chiyou. There are more grievances, and it will not be too late to say later. What's more, the inside of the Terran There are often disputes."

Yuan Kun was silent and did not go on. When the item went forward, the feeling of touching Chen Xing's hand and touching each other's skin made Chen Xing feel a little more.

“Not bad,” Yuan Kun whispered. “Who can be said in the future?”

It is obvious that from a long time ago, he always had vigilance against the Yaozu. Chen Xingben wanted to make a round to ease the atmosphere. The story was self-evident: "So, please help."

The story is not humble. For the two communities, this is a fair cooperation. Chen Xingxin is fortunate to have him, otherwise he will not know how to deal with this guy. He immediately thinks that Yuan Kun’s true body is what? Is it a dragon? Otherwise why live in the sea?

"Well," Yuan Kun said faintly. "What do you want to ask?"

"The future." Xiang Shu Shen channel.

Chen Xing did not expect the story to come, so he went straight to the point and accurately cut the subject.

"There is no future," Yuan Kun murmured. "In front of you, there is only a vast sea."

Said, Yuan Kun went to hold the hand and Chen Xing.

“I think we can put on the clothes first,” Chen Xing said. “It’s always a bit strange.”

"Cold?" Xiang Shuwen, then Chen Xingzhen in his arms.

"Your Terran has always insisted that fate is established," Yuan Kun murmured. "It’s like the stars in the sky, but far from it."

"Fate is the transpiration of the sea, thousands of people, only the current road appears, will make this moment of the ‘may’ be a fact.”

“So,” Xiang said, “What will happen in three years, but it’s still inconclusive?”

Yuan Kun did not answer and took back his hand.

"We need to be indifferent." Chen Xing thought and said, "Lu Ying said, you have the power to control dreams and shuttle time. If you can't see the future, then let us know at least how it is made. of."

Yuan Kun’s mouth was pulled, showing a mysterious smile.

"Do you not move like a mountain?" Yuan Kun muttered. "I think that you will not be able to cast the same soldier until your destruction in China."

Chen Xing suddenly thought of something else and asked: "Can China be destroyed?"

"Don't break the subject." Xiang said whispered, and asked Yuan Kun: "Since it doesn't move like a mountain, how can you beat Chiyou?"

Yuan Kun replied: "When you release the aura of the sea pearl, you have lost the only chance to defeat Chiyou. It is reasonable to say that from that night, even if the law is revived and the tides are traced back, the future will be doomed to failure."

Item: "..."

Yuan Kun whispered: "In the beginning, if you were not the difference, you could have removed all of this, and finally released the aura of heaven and earth, and returned to silence with the heart."

Chen Xing knows it instantly! Everything in the past, maybe the guidance of the old star, maybe the fate that has already been arranged... After four years in this life, I will die, and after the story kills Chiyou, the sea pearl will also be broken. The sacrifice of the two people, in exchange for the world is too peaceful!

But everything that was arranged was broken by the story. It was only because the item wanted him to live, which disturbed their fate. However, it is also due to the fact that they lost the last chance to get rid of Chiyou!

“Not lost,” Xiang said suddenly. “The old star tells us that it is possible.”

Yuan Kun’s mouth screamed and replied: “This is the case, why not ask the old star? Ask me what to do?”

As the eyebrows wrinkled, Chen Xing did not know how to ask again. But almost at the same time, the item raised his hand, and on the arm, the nine runes that Chan Yu had given him, shimmered.

"If there is no chance of winning," Xiang Shu Shen said, "Candle will not return these nine runes to me."

At that moment, Yuan Kun’s expression produced an imperceptible change.

Yuan Kun extended a hand, and the palm of his hand hung over the arm of the subject, slowly passing over the nine runes, and the runes changed color from gold to blue, faintly emitting a lingering flame.

Chen Xing: "And, the old star said, Chiyou is dead, it can be said that it is not dead! We still have a chance!"

“Is it?” Yuan Kun said coldly. “Maybe it? Maybe some possibility, hidden in many futures. But I didn’t see it.”

After a period of silence, Yuan Kun said:

"But, as for where it is hidden, you can choose to go and look for it yourself. It is the responsibility of the heavy and clear, I can send you into the dream, to see the last one that you have not known, and then the seashell is forcibly interrupted. Years, but this dream is very dangerous, you may be completely lost, maybe you will never come back, think twice."

After saying that, Yuan Kun turned and returned to the bow, leaving the story and Chen Xing standing on the deck.

"Of course, you can also refuse," Yuan Kun said. "Go back to Jiangnan and experience the road you have experienced. This time, what will happen in the future, no way to know, no comment."

Xiang Shu and Chen Xing look at each other.

Xiang said that he wanted to go and let Chen Xing wait here, but when they looked at each other, he noticed what Chen Xing wanted to say, and said: "When you go, go together and come back together."

“Very good,” Chen Xing said with a smile. “It should be like this.”

The two held hands and were silent. Xiang sighed and looked at Yuan Kun and said, "I have not said that when I changed it."

Chen Xing hugged the waist of Xiang Shu and fell on his shoulders. The two were quietly holding in the time of solidification. The item whispered again: "I don't think this is a good thing."

Chen Xing said: "But I believe in re-emphasis, he should not deceive us."

Xiang Shu looked at Yuan Kun. In fact, they have no choice now. They thought about it and said, "Can you see it, what is he?"

Chen Xing has been thinking about this question from the past. Is Yuan Kun a dragon? Unlike, what big monsters in the world are living in the sea? In the vagueness, he thought of a possibility.

"Thinking?" Yuan Kun said lightly.

Xiang Shu clenched Chen Xing’s hand and said, “I’m thinking.”

Yuan Kun was silent for a moment, then raised his hand and took off the blindfold cloth, showing a pair of gold, silver and Guanghua.

"The world won't always be sitting in Zhuang," Yuan Kun murmured. "But the devil and the man's revenge, it's not too late to be liquidated in the coming days. Well, in this case, what is it for you? Remember, once you return to your dreams Open, everyone will be involved."

In the next moment, Yuan Kun was swayed in a black robe and turned into a swell of air. He revolves around the king's boat and then turns into a prototype in the air. It is a suspended fish that has a length of 20 feet. It looks like a giant whale. Wang Zhou, the twelve fins danced, and the two rows of glowing eyes appeared on the head!

抟 抟 乘 乘 乘 九 九 九 九 九Hey!

"The dream is real--" The king opened his mouth in the hurricane and made a roaring voice.

"Dream is the future -"

The item tightly put Chen Xing in his arms, and Chen Xing sacrificed his heart. In this dim wind, the two bodies glared. The eighteen giants of the giant cymbals illuminate the glare, and the world dims down, and then a big flash slams.

"So, start tomorrow, don't be afraid that I will die, okay? Come with me, finish this road, and I will always remember... There is a person in this world, so care about me, call him all. My friend, has spared all his family wealth. Just to let me live, stay with me..."

Chen Xing’s voice echoed between the heavens and the earth. The next moment, the item’s voice was slightly low.

"I will remember..."

The light slowly gathered and gathered in front of the two.

"...In this world, there was a man who was willing to burn his three souls and seven scorpions, only to be transformed into the world..."

"...a light."

After the light was received, it disappeared completely. Chen Xing and Xiang Shu stood in the garden, and the two men looked at each other and resumed their wearing.

"I..." The item looked down in confusion.

"The item!" Chen Xing suddenly shouted and hugged the story. The item subconsciously caught him, his eyes full of shock.

"Star?" said the mutter, "Is it you?"

"Yes... it's me!" Chen Xing realized that they actually came back together! Is this a dream? Why is everything so real? He experienced a return to the cell three years ago and quickly accepted the situation. Then he touched the face of the subject and said, "Oh my God, this is... When is this?" Water on the eve of the war! Both are back!"

"No," Xiang said in a mutter. "This is just the guy named Yuan Kun, the dream that opened for us."

Chen Xing turned and looked at the plants in the garden. He touched it and confirmed that it was true. He felt it and then rubbed his arm. The story was speechless, took his hand and said, "Don't play! What are you doing now?"

Chen Xing hesitated, suddenly remembered that he did not move, let the story turn and said: "I look?"

Chen Xing checked that it was not moving, the weapons were still there, and the dream was quite real.

"The dream is real," Chen Xingdao. "This is what Yuan Kun finally reminded us. We can't treat it as a dream. We must take it seriously."

The story is quite a bit unpredictable, looking up at the night.

"How long have you been prepared?" Xie An came over.

The two looked at Xie An together, and even Xie An appeared so real, Chen Xingyin had an ominous premonition.

The story waved and sent Xie An, saying to Chen Xing: "Follow it."

"Wait!" Chen Xing remembered another thing. He dragged Xiang Xuan to run in his room, pushed open the door, and saw the moonshell bracelet on the pillow.

The story suddenly blushed.

"Ah! Sure enough!" Chen Xing Ledao, so he put on himself, and turned over his own article, put on the item.

The item turns the wrist, and then looks at Chen Xing's eyes, and the low "Hm" sounds.

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