Dinghai Fusheng Records
Chapter 121 Table of contents

The first day of February.

Zhu Xu went, and the Qin and Jin army were assembled in the waters of the river. Xie An, Wang Xizhi and others were leading the civil servants to leave the city in a hurry. The item was sitting on the side of the car, and Xie Daoyu rushed to drive, and the emperor left Shouyang City. At the intersection of Deli, everyone got off the bus and went to Shouyang City to pay homage to the leftovers.

"We have to go." Xiang Shu looked into the distance and said to Xie An and others.

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu stood on one side, and Wang Xizhi handed over the horse to them and said, "Take care, come to Japan to build a meeting again."

Everything in the dream is actually so real. Even Xie Daoyi has tears in his eyes and seriously said: "Xiao Shanxiao Master, I will hand it over to you."

Chen Xing nodded hard, and turned the horse with the story, took a ride together, and left with everyone after saying goodbye.

"This is just a dream," Xiang said. "You don't have to care too much about the people in your dreams. You think about it yourself."

Chen Xing always feels that there is something different. It seems that even Xie An and others are living people. He said: "What will happen next?"

The story was fascinated and shook his head. Chen Xing sat in front of Xiang Shu, and he was surrounded by the waist and controlled the horse, rushing toward the front line of Lishui. Chen Xing turned to look at it, only to see the end of the mountain, showing a blur, like the boundary of a dream.

"If I didn't think about it that day," Xiang said, "I won't leave you."

The wind got up, and the single rider galloped on the plain. Chen Xing turned back slightly and asked, "You didn't want to go, right?"

The item did not answer, and kissed Chen Xing's side face. Chen Xing understood that when he said that he had to say goodbye to him, he must have very complicated thoughts - the article could not bear him. They could not be separated from Shouyang. Go face to face together.

Suppose Chen Xing hugs him at that moment, assuming that Chen Xing did not say the same thing, assuming that the project finally chose to face Chen You with Chen Xing and die together, there would be no seaball cracking and time back. To the future three years ago.

"Try your heart light." Xiang said.

Chen Xing urges the heart lamp to shine on the dark road ahead. It is still the long night of the law, and the light of the heart is very weak. It is like a lamp that will be extinguished at any time.

On the battlefield of the distant waters, the Magical Palace rose from the bottom of the earth—the huge heart bloomed with purple light, and the heavens and the earth began to meet. It was like killing and blood everywhere, like a silent scene in a dream.

"Murong Chong!" Chen Xing found another ride that also went up against the current.

"Look ahead!" said the article, "There are too many enemies! Leave him alone!"

Murong Chong holds a long gun, licking his thin lips, his face is full of blood, a robes, trying to kill the enemy, the monks, the Han people, the Huns, the Xianbei family... as if they were on the battlefield.

The item does not move as a mountain, and a gap is made on the other side of the battlefield. The black air lingers and controls the thousands of horses that rushed toward them. Chen Xing does his best, and the heart lights in his hands. The other hand controls the shackles, and the other hand smashes the sword with one hand, in the bumps, constantly approaching the Magic Palace. Central altar.

"The law is going to be silent," Xiang Shuyi slammed into the enemy's army, and asked with concern. "Is it still consuming?"

"No." Chen Xing found out that in the dream, the heart lamp seems to move with the heart, although it does not seem to be full of light after the resurrection of the law, but it does not hurt the heart.

"Look!" Chen Xing looked up, suddenly on the altar, saw a person -

- Jian Jian!

Yan Jian is standing in front of the huge heart, his eyes flashing red and shiny.

"You finally...come," Chiyou’s voice slowly said, "Heart lights, sea beads."

Chen Xing: "What next?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him." Xiang Shu shouted, "Give me all the power of the heart lamp! Like you have imagined!"

Chen Xing suddenly shocked, remembering that they had a long time ago, when there was no countermeasure, their thoughts were on the final battlefield, burning their hearts and making a full effort.


The running horse smashed the road to the enemy, and the singer lifted his foot to the horse, and the left hand smashed Chen Xing. The right hand would not move like a mountain. The loud voice: "Follow me!"

Chen Xing sacrificed the heart lamp. In the moment, the two people improved their brilliance and burst open under the altar. Xiang Shuhuan defended the **** of war, the robe fluttered, the right hand held the mountain epee, clenched the hand of Chen Xing, and flew on the altar of the magical palace. !

Yan Jian is being transformed by the lingering black air released by the magic heart, as it was once, but in his heart, there is no seed of the heart lamp planted by Chen Xing. Seeing the light of the heart lamp, the nine runes of the sword are illuminated, and a sword runs through the chest of Jian Jian!

"Lonely is now the world--" The voice of Chiyou screamed, "I don't know, I want to use the sword in your hands to shake the heavens and the earth -"

The sword of the story pierced the sturdy Jian, but Jian Jian opened his mouth and laughed wildly, but his hands clenched his sword. Chen Xing came to the back of the story and said: "Breaken!"

Then Chen Xing fully released the heart lamp, according to the back of the item, when the heart lamp passed through the body of the story, it was injected into the mountain epee. After the sturdy body, it was a mad outburst, and the story began to compete for the incarnation of Chiyou. The magical spirit did not move through the impact of the sturdy, and the heart lamp began to purify the body of the sturdy body through the expression.

Xiang Shu and Yan Jian, the two kings of the land of China, are like shouldering their own destiny, doing their best in the center of the altar, behind the Chen Xing, who is in charge of the heart lamp, and the Chiyou who condenses the magic!

However, Chiyou’s power is too strong. At this time, the demon **** is connected with the heavens and the earth, gathering the grievances of millions of dead people on the water, and the heart lamp is already very weak in the magical hurricane.

"The item!" Chen Xing anxiously shouted.

Seeing that the magic has eroded the mountain, and turned toward the body of the story, dyed his white robes into ink-like black, and the gold armor was covered by magic gas. Full barbed hook. Xiang Shu is madly extracting the power of Chen Xing's heart. Although Chen Xing does not vomit blood, he has felt that the light of his heart is becoming weaker and weaker at the expense of burning his soul.

I am dying... Chen Xing suddenly had a strong thought at that moment.

Then, Chen Xing gave up the idea of ​​surviving, stepping forward and cuddling the waist of the story from behind.

The next moment, the barbs on the armor of the squadron pierced the body of Chen Xing, and the blood splashed.

"Xinger..." said the pharynx.

Chen Xing has turned into a light body, whispered: "item..."

The blood spreads in front of the two.

Burning a thousand miles, the light is shining!

The heart lamp broke out in the flash of Chen Xing's dying moment. Chen Xing became a light body, and the flesh was broken. The last light in the soul was completely released as he died, turning into a massive powerful energy. It is like re-inducing a world of aura in the vast ocean where the law is gone!

However, this aura is at the expense of the disappearance of life.

The story is madly shouting, holding a sword with both hands, against the Jianjian, pushing him to the devil, vying for a moment of opportunity, a sword rack on the chest, and piercing him and the magic at the same time!

Chiyou screamed, but at that moment, Chen Xing’s waist fell off, and a phoenix sounded softly in the wind of glare. Chen Xing’s body began to burn again, and the flames flew toward his body. With one.

"Infatuation!" The magical moment spurted the blood of the demon god, polluting the phoenix, and the phoenix immediately turned around, trying to escape from the **** circle. However, the magical spirit and the demon blood broke away, and they hit the star of Chen Xing, Xiang Shu and the new students.

The world is returning to the dark.

However, in just a short moment, the heavens and the earth lit up again.

Chen Xing found himself lying in the arms of Xiang Shu, and they slept on the couch of a waste wooden house and opened their eyes.

"Where is this?" Chen Xing looked around.

The item immediately got up and pushed open the door.

“We have failed,” Xiang said. “You are born again.”

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu are dressed in singles, leaving the wooden house and standing on the high ground looking down.

The wilderness is full of shackles, and the breath of death is raging and pervasive in the land of China. The sky is dark, the sky is hidden, the stars are no longer shining, there is no sun, no moon. The vegetation is withered, and a black gas is emitted from the stream.

"It should be a few months after the battle in Surabaya." Xiang Shuo speculated that the matter was roughly clarified. If he did not separate from Chen Xing that day, but went to face Chiyou together, the final trend of the matter would be Such a result.

“Heavy!” Chen Xing turned and found the Phoenix.

On the side of the thatched cottage, a red bird with a rotten body was parked. It was a phoenix eroded by the blood of the demon god. It was born again under the spiritual power released by the heart lamp, and then rebuilt the body with the power of Nirvana, and then suffered The blood pollution of the demon gods, when the law is finally lost, lacks the aura of heaven and earth, and even can not transform the human form.

The Phoenix flapped its wings, and it was difficult to fly and leave the mountains.

"It wants to take us where we go," Xiang said, "follow it."

The two found a horse in the village. The story still carries Chen Xing. In this long dream, follow the guidance of the Phoenix, leave the mountain, and go all the way to the northwest.

Shenzhou became a polluted land, and began to spread slowly in all directions, centering on the battlefield along the Lishui River. Chiyou has no idea where to go, but Chen Xing has no time to look for it. Anyway, this is just what he saw, a dream about the future.

Along the way, they crossed the stream and chased the direction of the phoenix. The surrounding scene changed again, and the wind and snow slid into the plateau.

"Back to 敕勒川?" Chen Xing asked.

“No,” said the item. “It’s not outside.”

The mountains stretched and lifted up a plateau, the upper reaches of the Jiuqu Yellow River, and the rivers passed by.

"Zuoergai," Xiang said the terrain, saying, "The hometown where the monks once lived."

Chen Xing was vaguely reminded of the legends he had read on the extremely old books.

On the plateau, there was a solitary shrine, built by the mountain, facing the vast land of the Central Plains. The phoenix flew to the temple and flew in from the skylight.

"Zuoergai." Chen Xing said, "If you remember correctly...this should be..."

The two came to the temple, and the door was engraved with nine strange runes, exactly the same as the runes on the mountain.

"Wan Yao Temple." Chen Xing muttered.

Item: "Have you been here?"

"I read it in the book." Chen Xing said, "Open the door and see if you will bring us here. There must be something to say."

The item raised his hand and pressed it on the door. Chen Xing assisted him in injecting the heart lamp, the light was shining, the door slowly opened, and the magnificent palace inside was displayed.

In the Tianyuan area, the temple has arched domes, and there are thousands of stone sarcophagi on the walls in all directions. The dragon sculptures are engraved with lifelike monster sculptures! In the center of the temple, one left and one right are two statues. The left side is the unmoving king who overlooks the open space in front of him. On the right is the fixed-light image of the hand-held lamp, and in the center is an altar. On the altar, there is a green shimmer.

The item frowned: "Where is this again?"

"Three circles, six roads, all the gods, gods," Chen Xing looked up. "There are Buddhas and Wan Yao."

"This is the place to store the species of the demon." The man's voice said, "It is also the place to seal me."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Xiang Shu immediately guarded Chen Xing, and saw that the green light turned into a beautiful man, naked, and surrounded by a peacock woven woven skirt. The phoenix lies on the man's lap.

"Who are you?" Chen Xing frowned.

"One of the three souls of Chiyou, that is, the caregiver of the magic species," the man said, "The gatekeeper of the Wan Yao Temple, you can call me Confucius."

Chen Xing recalled the classics he had read, and muttered: "The fixed light and the unmoving king, the seal of the magic species in the Juergai Wan Yao Hall, the magic species are born every few thousand years, taking away the thousand years of resentment, reincarnation as the demon Then, the human exorcist, in order to remove the demon, will take the demon to the reincarnation of another thousand years."

"Not bad." Kong Xuan replied, "The demon, that is, the three souls of the three souls, one of the souls."

Chen Xing looked at Kong Xuan and felt that they might have approached a certain truth.

The item was not moved as it was, and it was handed to Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan just looked at his eyes and nodded. "Yes, it is." Then the fingers sang in the light and gently pressed on the heavy body of the avatar.

"This is a dream," Xiang said as he walked aside and sat down in front of the unmoving king. He said, "When we woke up, we have lost the mountain and are now transformed into a magical spear... ”

"I know this is a dream." Kong Xuan replied, "I have been waiting here for a long time, for three hundred years. Since the fall of Wanfa, Chiyou has been looking for me."

Chen Xing: "!!!"

The expression of the item has also changed, muttering: "You are not a dream person?"

"The law is going to be silent," Kong Xuan said. "It also makes the seal of this place lose all its effectiveness. In particular, he wants to be completely resurrected, and the ability to return to destroy the heavens and the earth will definitely find my whereabouts. I have nowhere to hide. I have to hide in a dream."

Chen Xing slightly opened his mouth.

The item frowned: "Why?"

Kong Xuan said again: "This must be said from the beginning, and you will be defeated by Xuan, and you will be defeated. Xuanyuan will divide the ancestors of the devil into seven and seal them in Shenzhou..."

Chen Xing heard more than once, came to the front of Xiang Shu, and stared closely at Kong Xuan sitting on the altar.

Kong Xuanman said inadvertently: "Yu Youtian, Earth, and the three souls are separated from each other. The soul of the heavens is in the world, looking for the opportunity to resurrect, the soul of the earth sneaks into the earth, looking for the carrier. The soul of the soul is turned into a demon species, handed over to I am in charge."

Chen Xing was shocked. It is no wonder that every time the gods came to the world in history, there was no such thing as a special name. They didn’t even remember who they were. Instead, they had such a strong hatred for the world!

The subject frowned: "Why is his three souls not purified and taken away by the heavens and the earth?"

"...the blood of the devil, so that his influence is rooted in this land," Kong Xuan said casually. "Through the sentient beings on the land of China, they maintain each other and gain the ability to confront the heavens and the earth. Endless battles make people live." Killing each other, but also becoming a huge force to go new and keep moving forward."

"But you must not let him find the third soul," Kong Xuan put the weak phoenix in the hands of the unmoving king, turned his head and looked at the two men, and said, "Otherwise, the three souls will gather together, and Chiyou will thoroughly Resurrection, no one can subdue him."

Chen Xing violently gasped, and Xiang Shuo indulged for a moment, then said: "I need to recast and not move, otherwise it is too difficult to deal with."

Kong Xuan indulged in a moment, then said: "Do not move like a mountain, but do not move the Ming Dynasty and the fixed light burning lamp, cast by the copper of the first mountain left by Xuanyuan. Take the six kinds of light in the world, daylight, moon, star , electric flash, flame and bone phosphorus, but to really eliminate Chiyou, still need the seventh kind of light in the world."

When Chen Xing heard this, he suddenly understood that on this road, the story seemed to always have something to say about himself.

"Heart lamp." Chen Xing trembled.

“Not bad,” said Kong Xuan. “That is, your soul.”

Chen Xing looked at Xiang Shu, and Xiang Shu finally admitted, and replied: "But I will not let Chen Xing die, never."

Kong Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Even if you are willing to do so now, there is no chance. If you are not moving, you have been refining. In your hands, even if there is a mantra that is summoned by you, you have no more. weapon."

Xiang Shu Shen said: "There must be a way! Otherwise the old star will not add this variable to us!"

Everything seems to have entered the dead end again, but at this moment, Chen Xing produced a strange idea and said, "Wait, the item, I suddenly have a problem."

"The sword is the 'apparatus'," Chen Xing said. "The seven worlds of light are the 'dao' attached to the sword."

Kong Xuan said: "Yes, when the magic species is about to be born, the heart lamp will also appear, accompanied by the mountains and the people, with these seven kinds of light, remove the demon. Only this time, the most difficult thing is, You have run into the real body of Chiyou."

Chen Xing took the hand of the article and said: "No matter what the future is, let alone the past, that is, the present three years ago, this is the last year."

Kong Xuan "hmm" sounded, Chen Xing wondered: "So if things follow the original route, the story has no retrospective time, everything has not been overturned, then what will we do in the dream today?" ?"

Kong Xuan left the altar and raised his hand at the gate of the temple. The huge stone gate slowly retreated. It appeared in the deep valley outside the temple. The glory of the temple was circulated, and the sculptures in the stone scorpion flew around and surrounded the deep valley.

"You will come here and cast the power of the heart lamp into the sword." Kong Xuan muttered.

In the deep valley, the blue fire began to wrap around, and a sword slab appeared. The stone steps were raised in the abyss, connecting the temple and the sword sculpt. The sky monster sculpture sparkled, as if witnessing an ancient and modern Festival.

Kong Xuandao: "This is the place where the light is burning, and the place where the Ming Wang is not a sword."

Xiang Shu and Chen Xing held hands and stood in front of the steps. The two men were relatively silent for a while. The project explained that they were not moving, and they looked at the gods who had passed through thousands of generations. What they thought was the past and the future.

Chen Xing said: "Do you still remember the words that have been said in the world?"

"What else besides ‘need to help’?” Xiang Shu turned to take Chen Xing and wanted to leave.

Chen Xing can't smile: "He said that the heavens and the earth and the fate will be self-correcting. It will let you go back to the doomed trajectory without knowing it."

Xiang Mumei was full of suffocation and did not want to think about it. Chen Xing turned and hugged him, and they stood in front of Wanzhang Gaoya.

Chen Xing looked up slightly and looked at Xiang Shu and said, "Let me see what kind of road we will be on."

Chen Xing took over the mountain in the hands of Xiang Shu, as if holding the piano and leaning it.

The story is sharp and wide.

Then, Chen Xing turned back and smiled, and turned to the end of the stairs, surrounded by the altar of the indigo fire.

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