Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 86 Table of contents

Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming sat in the hall and listened to a story about the home compound.

In the story, there is the hostess of the family, the little son who was used to sacrifice, Yu Caizhe, and many plots that they did not guess.

After the sacrifice of the younger son of the family, Yu Caizhe, the endless heavy rain stopped, as if the river **** in the river was really impressed by the sacrifice. The people in the small town were ecstatic, and like the festival, they positioned the day of the birth of the river god. In order to celebrate, the streets were covered with red lanterns, and the whole small town was filled with joy.

However, such a celebration has not lasted for a few days, and there has been another accident in the city.

The small town began to die, and the dead people were like being eaten by something, even the bones were not left, leaving only some hair and nails on the ground.

At first everyone thought it was a beast that was mixed into the city, but soon this speculation was overthrown, because there is no kind of beast that can make people eat quietly. The puzzle of death was quickly unraveled, and eating the things of the people in the city was not a living thing at all. Instead, the cheeks are blistered by the blisters, and the river is full of fangs.

For a time everyone was in a panic, no one had seen such a thing, and no one knew how to deal with them.

Just when everyone was stunned by fear, the hostess of the family stood up. She said that her son, who was used to worship, gave her a dream and told her how to solve it.

When everyone was happy, they heard the hostess of the family say the solution. She said: "Only the oil lamp made by human oil can stop the imp."

The people in the city are silent. Although the lamps made by human oil can stop those things, where can the oil come from?

The hostess is not eager, just waiting quietly.

And soon, her purpose was reached, and those who could not stand the fear began to work on the same kind.

"It is them, they are proposing to take the children to sacrifice the gods of the river." The voice began to appear in the crowd, and it became more and more intense.

In the end, those who proposed to be used for the sacrifice of the family, were the first victims.

They were ruthlessly killed, and the hostess with a gentle look, used their bodies to become an oil lamp.

The oil lamp was distributed to the hands of the residents, so no one died in the hands of the devil.

The residents thought that the matter was solved in this way, until the next birthday, the sky began to rain again.

The residents were once again in panic, and the hostess told them the solution.

"Need a new river god." She said, "We need a new river god." She painted a red 蔻丹's finger and clicked on a child who was still in her mother's arms and smiled. "Look Look, this lovely child, you are very suitable as a new river god."

The child's mother showed a stunned color, and then cursed with anger, like the original hostess.

When the younger son was chosen as the river god, the hostess cursed like this, but there was no use. Her child was still taken away, brought to the river and thrown into the rushing river.

He is still so small, he only calls his mother, so he is taken away from her and will never come back.

At this time, there were other people who experienced what she had experienced. The hostess was exceptionally satisfied. She watched the mother and the child separate. She watched the child being thrown into the river, watching the pouring rain stop and watching the bright light in her hand. People oil lamp.

"Call." In one breath, the hostess blew out the oil lamp and smiled more brilliantly.

Although the rain stopped, there was a new devil in the small town.

The oil lamp was not enough to start... The vicious circle began.

The whole small town was shrouded in this desperate cycle, and no one could escape until the arrival of the foreigners.

"Since they don't know anything, use them to make oil lamps." There are tiny voices appearing in the crowd, saying the deepest malice in the hearts of the people. "In any case, they don't know anything..."

"Right, what do you think, what do you think of using them to be a human oil lamp?"

The hostess was wearing a red dress and sitting in the crowd, she whispered: "Okay."

People are ecstatic.

Already hundreds of years later, the hostess still maintains her youthful appearance. But no one asked her what she had come to, and no one dared to doubt whether she was still a human, because if she didn't, she would have no oil lamps in the town, and everyone would die.

Then, everyone tacitly pretended not to see the hostess as if it had been dusted by the years, and her attitude towards her was cautious, like treating a **** that was easily angered.

The poor foreigners, this is the sacrifice of this river **** sacrifice, their body will become a lamp oil, radiating a warm light, guarding the people of the whole town, free from the damage of monsters.

The story ends here, and part of it is Lin Qiu Shi's completion with other clues. But the story of Mr. Shuo, still gives him a very important background and framework, so that he can fill the whole story.

It was another horror, and Mr. Shuo ended this long story.

"The sky is dark." When Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming reacted, the sky outside had sunk, and the streets began to become empty, and only the red lanterns were turning in the cold wind.

"Let's go, go back." Gu Longming took a nap and seemed to feel a little cold. He whispered, "How cold here, in my hometown... I didn't feel too cold..."

Lin Qiu Shi looked at him and said: "Can you wear short sleeves in this weather?" The temperature of twelve or three degrees, this person wears a short sleeve, and it is really a ghost if it is not cold.

Gu Longming said helplessly: "I didn't bring any other clothes, or I wear a short skirt?"

Lin Qiu Shi thought that you might as well wear nothing.

The two of them slowly walked back to the courtyard, and the people in the yard were having dinner.

Compared with the dining room on the first day, the dining room at this time was already empty. When Lin Qiu Shi entered, he felt that Yan Shihe’s eyes had been cast on him.

This ordinary person stole something, I am afraid that my heart will be a little empty, but Lin Qiu Shi did not know how to write the word guilty under the guidance of Minnan Candle, so he looked back at the unceremonious, saying: "Is there something?"

"Nothing." Yan Shihe smiled. "Just worried that you are coming back too late, it is already dark."

Lin Qiu Shi snorted and said: "Thank you for your concern."

The two randomly found a place to sit down and start eating dinner.

The others left, and Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming also resolved the dinner and the residence went.

Because of what happened last night, the window papers in the original place were all broken, so they changed the room with a complete window paper.

Lin Qiu Shi entered the house and lit the oil lamps they had stolen from Yanshi River.

The flame ignited on the wick, illuminating the whole room. Lin Qiu Shi looked at the fire for a while, and no one would think of the oil from the same kind of body, which would emit such a bright light.

After a while, Lin Qiu Shi took out the genealogy they had stolen from Yan Shihe.

Gu Longming sat on the edge of the bed: "Do you want to watch?" They watched it carefully many times during the day.

Lin Qiushi said: "Well, look again." He always felt that this genealogy is very important.

By the light of the oil lamp, the first page of Lin Qiu Shi opened, the first page is a photo of the hostess and Yu Caizhe. Only her on this photo, the smile is real and brilliant. When she first saw this genealogy, Lin Qiushi only felt strange. At this time, all the doubts were solved by the story of Mr. Shuo. She was not a **** to save the small town, but a mother who lost her child.

Lin Qiushi rubbed his photo with his fingers for a moment, sighed and opened the second page.

However, when he saw the photo on the second page, his breath was still in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with horror.

Gu Longming noticed the strangeness of Lin Qiu Shi and asked: "Lin Lin, what happened?"

Lin Qiu Shi did not speak, and waved at him.

Gu Longming stood up and walked behind Lin Qiu Shi. When he saw the change in the genealogy, he could not help but round his eyes: "This... this photo..."

Under the illumination of the oil lamp, the woman who had been holding the child completely changed her face. The fake smile on her face was not even seen, only the rest of the gloomy indifference, and she should have been held in her arms. The child, in this photo, was held in her hand. She grabbed the child's neck, as if she was picking up an insignificant chicken, and even the gentleness of the disguise was never there.

The child was completely softened, and his cheeks showed a swelled posture. When he looked at it, he vomited his fine teeth and tried to bite at the people around him.

The black and white picture added a bit of horrible taste to the photo. Lin Qiu Shi turned back a few pages, and found that the photos behind it were almost the same. The only difference is that some blood red highlights appear in the background of the photo. It looks like the photo was not taken, but Lin Qiu Shi looked at the highlights, but remembered the countless pairs of eyes that he had seen on the ceiling of the temple. .

The attitude of the hostess to these children who were sacrificed as sacrifices was completely soft. Her eyes were full of grievances and indifference, as if a ghost of revenge was using her own methods to afflict everyone.

Gu Longming saw this genealogy, slamming the goose bumps on his arm. He said: "I finally know why Yan Shihe refused to bring this thing to his body."

Who saw who the scalp was fried.

Lin Qiu Shi looked at the photo and did not speak.

Gu Longming looked at Lin Qiu Shi’s contemplation and said: “Lin Lin, what are you thinking about?”

Lin Qiushi said: "Nature is thinking about where the key is."

"Is there a clue?" Gu Longming said, "The river **** sacrifice seems to be coming soon..."

Lin Qiushi said: "There is a point, but not sure."

Gu Longming said: "Hey..."

Lin Qiushi said: "These little devils obviously don't like the hostess."

"Who would like to take them to the sacrifices? It would be very kind to not come back to revenge." Gu Longming muttered, he obviously did not like the genealogy in front of him, and removed his eyes from above.

"What do you say?" Lin Qiu Shi's heart was blessed.

"What?" Gu Longming looked arrogant. "I said... who would like to take them to the sacrifice..."

Lin Qiushi said: "No, it's the last sentence."

Gu Longming: "Can you come back for revenge... Wait, what do you mean?" He also understood the meaning of Lin Qiushi's discourse.

Lin Qiushi’s hand patted the table and said: “Have you forgotten how the river **** sacrifice started?”

Gu Longming: "It is the child who was thrown into the river and turned into a devil to come back for revenge!"

Lin Qiushi: "Yes, revenge, is revenge--" He stood up. "The hostess's child is in revenge, the hostess is also revenge, their enemies are dead, then these little devils, these little devils are still No report!"

They are not active victims, but innocent victims.

They were forcibly taken away from their parents by the hostess and thrown into the rushing river with a sacrifice.

Resentment has not lasted for a long time.

But because of the oil lamp of the hostess, they have no way to revenge. Lin Qiu-Shen feels that he has seized the most crucial clues.

Gu Longming said: "What do you mean, we have to kill the hostess? But don't we know that she is not a human?" What can live for hundreds of years is impossible.

"Yes, she is not a human." Lin Qiushi sounded softly. "We can't kill her, but those things can."

Gu Longming understood Lin Qiu Shi's meaning: "Do you want to use a little ghost? But this will not be too dangerous!" The little devils obviously don't have a good control object. The double-edged sword is not good enough to hurt himself.

Lin Qiushi said: "The river **** sacrifice is coming, we can't wait any longer." He closed the genealogy in front of him. "On that day, we may not be able to survive. If we are lucky, we may only live one - but seven points. One of the probabilities, do you dare to gamble?"

Gu Longming did not dare to gamble. He looked at Lin Qiu Shi and smiled bitterly: "Well, listen to you, after all, your experience is much richer than me."

Lin Qiushi nodded and went back to the bed and lay down. He said, "Let's sleep, otherwise the oil lamp may light up at night."

Gu Longming snorted, and after the oil lamp was extinguished, he lay down beside Lin Qiuishi.

Lin Qiu Shi sleeps outside, just to see the window next to it. At this time, the shadow on the window paper is awkward. The silhouette above looks like a tree shadow blown by the wind, but when you look closely, you will find a tree shadow. Tall and thin silhouette. This figure Lin Qiu Shi is very familiar, it is the hostess in the yard. Lin Qiu Shi closed her eyes and could remember that she was wearing the red dress and stood in the middle of the yard quietly watching the appearance of their room.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, the whistling wind is like a person's mourning, the night is already deep, and Lin Qiuishi closes his eyes and forces himself to fall into a deep sleep.

This night, Lin Qiushi finally woke up halfway, and slept until the next day, and was awakened by the sound of Gu Longming getting up.

Lin Qiu Shi blinked his eyes and changed clothes to wash it. He went to a place where he had a breakfast. In fact, he is not too hungry, but he really wants to know if there was any accident last night.

After arriving at the restaurant and counting the number of people, Lin Qiushi confirmed that there was no accident yesterday.

However, he had no appetite. He had a porridge in front of him. Gu Longming and his appearance were completely opposite. He happily held the bowl in front of him and buried his face.

After the meal, Lin Qiuishi planned to go to the woman's residence. Although the place was particularly dangerous, he had a detailed plan in his heart.

Gu Longming followed Lin Qiu Shi and asked him what he was going to do.

"Look for a big bag." Lin Qiushi said, "Stolen all her lights."

Gu Longming was shocked: "Stealing lights? Why steal lights?"

Lin Qiushi said: "You forgot what the light does?"

Gu Longming stunned: "What do you mean that the woman is not dead, is the credit of the lamp? But we went in to steal the lights and were found to be hacked to death on the spot."

Lin Qiushi: "...there is such a possibility." He turned his head and looked at Gu Longming. "So this is a multiple-choice question. Is it chosen to be killed by a kid or to be hacked by a hostess?"

Gu Longming thought for a moment and compromised: "Or hacked, at least you can leave a body."

Lin Qiu Shi: "I don't necessarily stay, maybe she will be made into a lamp oil."

Gu Longming said: "Then I am willing to give you lighting, turn it into a spring mud and protect the flowers..."

Lin Qiu Shi thought that this poem is not so useful.

The two of them quietly went outside the hostess's yard, Gu Longming looked at his head and looked inside: "She doesn't seem to be."

The door is still open as before.

There is really no sound inside, Lin Qiushi said: "You are giving me the wind outside, I am advanced."

Gu Longming said: "Don't go, let's together -"

"No." Lin Qiu-shi said, "At least what happened really, there is also a care outside."

Gu Longming still wants to say something more, but sees that Lin Qiushi has a firm attitude, so he has to give up and stand outside the yard and watch Lin Qiu Shi go in.

When Lin Qiushi arrived in the yard, he quickly locked his target in the room where he had entered. He didn't dare to delay the time. After entering, he put the oil lamp into his backpack. Until the bulging of the backpack, the remaining oil lamps on the shelf were thrown directly into the fire that burned the hot pot not far away.

The oil lamp is in contact with the flame, giving off a strong oily smell. If you don't know this smell, you may feel nothing, but once you know that it is the smell of human body oil, you will inevitably feel extraordinarily disgusting.

The same is true of Lin Qiushi. He resisted the feeling of nausea and threw all the oil lamps into the fire. Just when Lin Qiushi threw away the last lamp, the inner room was crying from the child. The crying was sharp and sharp, and the stabbing Lin Qiushi even felt the ear hurt. He was about to go to the inner room to see the crying thing, but he heard Gu Longming’s voice.

Gu Longming, who was looking at the wind at the door, suddenly picked up swearing words and used the northeast accent to politely smash a string of eighteen quality.

Lin Qiu Shi instantly understood the meaning of Gu Longming. He did not dare to enter the house again. He turned his backpack and turned and ran. He did not dare to run toward the gate of the yard, but first went to a remote place.

Sure enough, at the entrance of the yard, there was a woman in a red dress. She seemed to hear the crying of the child from the room. The black eyes were slowly widening, and there was an uncontrollable face on the face without expression. anger.

Lin Qiu Shi saw the trepidation.

The next action of the woman is to hang a large lock in the yard as usual, and then turn around and plan to enter the house.

Lin Qiu Shi knew that he had only one chance. He held his breath and ran away after the woman entered the house and slammed the big lock hanging at the door.

He quickly pulled out his card and wanted to open the lock in front of him.

Hurry up, hurry up... Lin Qiu-shi overflowed with cold sweat on his forehead, but his hand was steady. He forced himself to calm down and no longer control the footsteps behind him, but he opened the big lock in front of him with one heart and one mind.

With a bang, the padlock opened and the footsteps of the woman had already arrived. Lin Qiu Shi opened the door for a moment and felt a strong wind behind him. Gu Longming, standing at the door, showed a very frightened expression behind him. He shouted: "Lin Lin - Run!"

However, it was too late, Lin Qiu-Shi saw a shadow, slipped behind his back, and then something slammed down towards his back—he finally understood what the shadow was at this moment. It was a long knife in the woman's hand, and this long knife had been cut on his back. He felt an extremely powerful force and swept him out.

Lin Qiu Shi fell to the ground.

Gu Longming couldn't help but sighed in a trough and hurriedly went forward: "Yu Linlin, Yu Linlin, you are fine!" When he checked Lin Qiushi, he turned his head and looked at the woman, saw the woman standing in the yard, showing a distortion to them. The smile is obviously determined that Lin Qiu Shi is definitely dead.

When she was carrying the knife, it seemed that she could not leave the yard. This made Gu Longming feel a little loose, but when he thought of Lin Qiushi, his heart could not help but sink. In his view, Lin Qiu-Shi, who has been so stunned, is probably a fierce.

However, when Gu Longming thought that Lin Qiu-shi was so gone, he saw Lin Qiushi’s heavy coughing several times, and climbed up from the ground, saying: “I...”

"I oh, you are all right!" Gu Longming said indiscriminately swearing, "Yu Linlin, you are arrogant."

Lin Qiu-Shi also thought that he was dead. He turned his head and looked at himself behind him. He found that his backpack was cut, revealing the oil lamp that was filled with him. There was a deep slash on the oil lamp. There is no doubt. It was these lights that helped him block the deadly blow.

He survived successfully! 2k novel reading network

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