Kaleidoscope of Death
Chapter 87 Table of contents

The oil lamp that fell from the backpack rolled off the ground.

Lin Qiu Shi turned around and saw the hostess staring at them at the door of the yard with a knife and a smack. Let Lin Qiushi sigh with relief. She doesn't seem to be able to leave the yard, so she just looks at them from afar. Although this scene is more horrible, it is not dangerous.

Gu Longming slaps on the shoulder of Lin Qiu Shi and sighs: "Lin Lin, you are really amazing..."

Lin Qiu Shi did not know what to say, just smile, and said: "You should first put the oil lamp into your bag."

"Well, okay." Gu Longming nodded and began to quickly clean up the oil lamps on the ground.

There are a lot of deep knife marks on the oil lamp in the backpack. I don't have to think about it. If the knife is not cut on the oil lamp, it is cut on the back of Lin Qiu Shi. It is estimated that Lin Qiu Shi will be cold on the spot. Although the oil lamp was cut out of the gap, the good lamp oil was solidified. Under the watchful eyes of the hostess, the two of them hurriedly picked up the oil lamp from the ground and turned away.

They stole a total of seven oil lamps, and they calculated that they could finally reach the end. However, if Lin Qiu-shi’s guess is correct, something will happen tonight.

The two of them went back to the house, put the oil lamp on, and did not plan to go out again. The plan was to be kept in the house. After all, so many lights are too heavy to carry around, and it is not safe to put them inside the house. In case it was changed by Yan Shihe, or if it was stolen, it would be worth the loss.

Gu Longming was still immersed in the scene just now. He said: "Lin Lin, do you often encounter such a thing?"

Lin Qiu Shi recalled, nodded.

"Looking in the trough." Gu Longming admire his face, do not know how to praise the autumn stone, he danced and danced. "You don't know how terrible it was at the time. Forty-meter-long big knife - fortunately you run first Thirty-nine meters!"

Lin Qiushi: "..." He didn't know what to say for a while.

They were afraid that the oil lamp would be stolen, and even the lunch was eaten in the house. Lin Qiu Shi was really bored. He turned the genealogy out of the bag and wanted to see if there was any clue.

Who knows that after turning on the oil lamp, the family tree on the genealogy has changed again. Lin Qiu-Shi discovered that there are a few photos in which the children disappeared, leaving only the image of the hostess.

Gu Longming stood by Lin Qiushi and saw the change in the genealogy. He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Qiuishi. He said: "We have disappeared after taking the oil lamp. It seems that it is really the hostess. Turn them off..."

Lin Qiushi nodded: "It should be." Then their guess is not wrong.

Gu Longming hesitated: "But..." His fingers pointed to the remaining photos that remained intact. "What happened to these little devils?"

Lin Qiu Shi said: "Yangtang."

As soon as he said, Gu Longming immediately remembered the oil lamp that was placed in the brightly-lit ancestral hall. Obviously in this small town, putting the cards in the ancestral hall is not only the role of offering, but also suppressing the little devils.

Originally, Lin Qiu Shi thought about whether or not to release these little devils. However, in view of the fact that Yan Shihe had taken the lights before, and the last person who took the lights was very miserable, Lin Qiu-Shi did not want to take this unless necessary. risk.

The two of them thought so at first, but soon, Lin Qiu-Shi discovered that things were not quite right.

In the evening, the hostess appeared outside their window.

Although she didn't have a knife in her hand, she stood in the hallway. The black eyes were very obvious, and it seemed to be waiting for something.

Gu Longming first discovered her and quickly called Lin Qiushi.

"What is she doing outside?" Gu Longming now looks at her and feels creepy. She licks the goosebump on her arm. "One pair is waiting to kill us..."

Lin Qiuishi raised his brow and felt it was not right. He thought about it and stood up from the house and walked outside.

The hostess is still staring at him.

Lin Qiushi tried to walk outside the yard. He didn't expect that the hostess would follow him. Although the speed is not fast, but it seems like a ghost behind, the malicious look is almost stuck on the back of Lin Qiu Shi.

Gu Longming looked at Lin Qiu Shi and said: "What are we going to do?"

Lin Qiu Shi licked his lips. He looked at the sky. The sun was already going down the mountain. The sudden abnormal situation on the hostess was obviously indicating what was going on. He thought for a moment and gritted his teeth: "Go, let's go to the temple."

"Go, go to the temple?" Gu Longming listened to Lin Qiu Shi's words a little embarrassed, "but not all the ghosts there?"

Lin Qiushi said: "Do you see the hostess?"

Gu Long sounded.

Lin Qiushi said: "You don't think she is waiting for the evening."

Gu Longming: "..." Lin Qiu Shi did not say that it was okay. When he said that he had a feeling of ignorance, the hostess followed them and apparently wanted to fear that they would run away, but would be afraid that they would run away, and it would also explain her. What will they do for them at night?

Because they took the oil lamp of the hostess during the day, they also said that what happened at the party.

"Go." Lin Qiu Shi sees the sky will soon be black, no hesitation, all the oil lamps into the bag of Gu Longming, the two walked toward the temple.

When they went out, they happened to meet Yan Shihe. Yan Shihe saw their look in a hurry. He smiled and asked: "So late, where is this going?"

Lin Qiu Shi ignored him and went straight.

The ancestral hall was still far from the yard where they lived, and the hostess followed them out of the door until they reached the ancestral hall.

She seems to be very scrupulous here, the expression of fear in the expression of grievances, and even slowly took a step back.

Lin Qiu Shi saw a loose heart.

Gu Longming said: "Wow, she really went back..." He saw the hostess turn around unwillingly and slowly left.

Lin Qiushi sighed: "Well... finally left."

The two of them went to the door of the ancestral hall and saw that the goalkeeper was still dozing off and did not intend to greet them.

Lin Qiuishi was slightly hesitant. He saw the cards in the door and the vacant positions. The lights there were stolen by the people brought by Yanshi River.

"First, let's talk about the three lights." Lin Qiushi said, "Put the empty place."

Gu Longming nodded.

They took the lights, lit them, placed them in an empty position, then sat down against the corner and began to wait for the night.

I have to say that overnight staying in this place is really a test of the courage of people. Sleeping is definitely not asleep, Lin Qiu Shi leaned against the wall, and began to play Sudoku with his head down. Gu Longming was bored and looked around. He looked at it for a while and said, "You play so much so much?"

Lin Qiushi said: "I like to play when I have nothing to do."

The sky outside was dark, and the oil lamp in the hall was still lit, and the whole temple was as white as it was, not as terrible as imagined.

However, there are so many cards standing behind them. The two are afraid of any accidents, and they can’t sleep. In fact, Lin Qiu-Shi, Gu Longming’s head is already a little bit, a sleepy look. It is. He also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. He broke free from sleepiness and wiped his face with his hand. He said, "Sorry, I almost fell asleep..."

Lin Qiushi: "Otherwise, do you sleep first? I have to teach you something." He looked a little uncomfortable when he looked at Gu Longming's sleep.

Gu Longming shook his head and refused Lin Qiu Shi’s kindness. He explained: “I’m really not like this, it’s the first time...”

"Okay, I know." Lin Qiu Shi waved his hand and motioned that he didn't care.

Gu Longming's helpless smile.

The night gradually deepened, and the outside was trapped in the darkness. Only the halls were brightly lit and quietly together.

Time flies to twelve o'clock, has been playing Sudoku Lin Qiu Shi, suddenly stopped the action on his hand. He heard a voice, a sound that dragged the weapon on the ground, accompanied by the sound of the footsteps. Gu Longming saw the look of Lin Qiu Shi's dignity and said: "What happened?"

Lin Qiu Shi did not speak, stood up from the wall and looked out the window. In the deep night, he saw a figure that slowly approached.

As the figure was getting closer, Lin Qiu Shi saw the appearance of the figure. She was the hostess in the hospital, wearing a long skirt and keeping a black hair. She had a long knife in her hand, and the knife was covered with bright red blood and something that was somewhat like a piece of meat.

She licked her head at the temple, and half of her face was stained with blood.

As can be seen from the appearance of the hostess, there is no doubt that she had just carried out a brutal slaughter, no one knows how many people she killed in the yard.

"There is something on her feet!" Gu Longming suddenly opened his mouth.

Lin Qiu Shi looked up and found that there was something on the hostess's feet. It was a little demon stuck on her lap. These little devils are holding their mouths and teeth. If you look closely, you will find that the meat on the hostess’s leg has been almost smashed, revealing the white bones.

They are in revenge... Although the speed is a bit slow, it is a serious injury to the hostess.

Lin Qiu Shi was thinking this way, and he saw that the hostess raised his hand and then made a throwing action, which was to directly wave his hand.

The long knife cut through the air and tied it directly to the window frame. He almost didn't cut the window frame directly.

Gu Longming was shocked and jumped a few steps involuntarily. He panicked: "She, she wants to do something, it should not be in our ancestral hall, she wants to kill us!"

Lin Qiu Shi Emei: "That can be said."

They were talking, and they saw the hostess slowly walked over to the window and pulled out the long knife. She looked across the window and looked at them with the **** face.

The hostess suddenly opened her mouth: "Even if I am dead, I will kill you." After she finished speaking, she actually went to the door.

Gu Longming was shocked and jumped up directly. He said, "What should I do?" Lin Qiu-shi’s guess is correct. Fortunately, they are hiding in the ancestral hall. If they are still in the yard, they will have no life.

Lin Qiu Shi turned his head and looked at the neat oil lamps placed under the cards.

Gu Longming saw Lin Qiushi's action: "You should not think -"

Lin Qiushi calmly said: "There must always be a fight." The hostess is not a human being, they must be beaten, but these vengeful devils may not be able to. The hostess’s legs have been wrapped around a few devils. They would have disappeared as long as they continue to delay, but the hostess apparently hates them, and is actually planning to take the last breath and understand them. .

The hostess had already reached the door, and Lin Qiuishi knew that he couldn't wait any longer. He bit his teeth and went under the oil lamp. He extinguished the oil lamp on the table in one go.

When the oil lamp went out, Lin Qiuishi felt the line of sight from the sky shield. He looked up and saw the red eyes on the ceiling. At this time, those eyes looked at the hostess at the door.

The hostess had already entered the door with the knife. She seemed to be trying to break the can and broke. After entering the house, she rushed toward Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming. Lin Qiu Shi quickly turned and avoided, but this temple is not big, the hostess went down and cut a row of cards directly.

“嘎吱 一 一 轻 , , , , , , , 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林Fortunately, Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming are not four kinds of weak chickens, and the two are not in the same hall. They are swaying in the hall. Although they are embarrassed, they also avoid the first few knives cut by the hostess.

The things on the ceiling finally fell. It was a blistering baby. They fell directly onto the hostess and began to open the fine teeth and bite the hostess's body.

The hostess was screaming and painful, and the movements in her hands were not quite good. Gu Longming was unlucky and was cut on the arm with a knife. The pain almost did not fall to the ground.

As the baby bites faster and faster, the hostess gradually changes from a human form to a skeleton, and her movements become slow, and eventually the whole person is kneeling on the ground.

I first ate the meat and then ate the bones. After the last bone was eaten, Lin Qiuishi heard a crisp sound. The sound was the sound of the bronze falling on the ground. Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming looked up and saw a striking bronze key in a pool of blood.

Although Lin Qiushi has had a faint guess, but when the key is in the body of the hostess, her heart is slightly surprised.

"The trough, the trough, the trough!!" Gu Longming was almost excited and didn't jump up in the same place. "Key, key! We found the key!!" He was planning to rush over, but saw the key surrounded by a The little devils in the circle, these little devils are all full of drunken lameness, but still a little scary.

Lin Qiu-Shi and Gu Long-ming are trying to get the keys from the innermost of these little devils, but they have found that the appearance of these little devils has changed, the swollen face has gradually returned to its original appearance, and the fine teeth have become Milk teeth that have not yet grown.

The headache that caused the headache stopped, and it became a chuckle.

After satisfying the final obsession, their bodies became transparent and finally turned into a halo and disappeared into the hall.

Lin Qiushi slowly walked over and picked up the key. He said: "Success."

Gu Longming’s happy words are incoherent, saying: “I, what do we do, go out? Keys, door??”

The key was found, and there is still a door left. Lin Qiu Shi turned around in the ancestral hall. After confirming that there was no door, he said: "It should be in the yard. Let's go back and see."

"Good." Gu Longming is very happy.

So the two returned to the yard with the night, the hostess disappeared, the little ghost disappeared, and the quiet outside made people feel peace of mind.

When they returned to the hospital, they saw the horror inside as soon as they entered.

I saw two people who had been cut in half in the middle of the yard. They seemed to be directly squatted by the hostess, and they had no breath.

"All dead out?" Gu Longming said.

Lin Qiu Shi shook his head. When he entered the yard, he heard the voice coming from the room not far away. He did not expect the hostess to actually shoot at other people after they left. According to the rules in the door, the number of murders she has in one night is actually limited, otherwise I am afraid that other people in the yard are also fierce.

Lin Qiu-Shi didn't want to waste any more time, and Gu Longming went straight to the yard where the hostess was. After entering, she found the iron gate hidden in the cabinet in the other bedroom of the hostess.

When I saw the iron gate, Lin Qiushi relaxed the whole person. He was about to take out the key to open the iron gate. The door closed behind him suddenly opened. Yan Shihe came out from the inside. His hand was actually carrying one. Put the gun.

"Good evening." Yan Shihe smiled and greeted them.

Lin Qiu Shi’s action on the door opened, and it goes without saying that he also understood the meaning of Yan Shihe.

"Give me." Yan Shihe extended his hand.

When Lin Qiushi was silent for a moment, he handed the key in his hand to Yan Shihe. Who knows that Yan Shihe got the gun and took a shot at the foot of Lin Qiu Shi. Lin Qiu Shi was not prepared for a while, suffering and screaming, the whole person fell to the ground.

"Ha ha." Yan Shihe smiled. "It seems that it is not a weapon."

"Grass you--" Gu Longming helped Lin Qiu-Shi, swearing and swearing, "Do you have a problem with your mother? Take the key and do it, and shoot what!"

"I like it." Yan Shihe coldly said, "Do you manage it?" He turned the key on his finger and said, "Let the door open, I am leaving."

Gu Longming knew that they were not Yanshihe’s opponents at this time, so although they were indignant, they still let the position open.

Yan Shihe walked toward the front. He pinched the key, opened the iron gate, and then bent down to smash the clue that fell from the iron gate.

Xiao Shi stood behind Yan Shihe and never dared to look at Lin Qiu Shi's side. Until Yan Shihe picked up the clues, Lin Qiu Shi saw that she suddenly stepped up and walked behind Yan Shihe.

Then, suddenly raised his hand and made a stinging action.

"Ah!!" Yan Shihe made a scream, and the clues and guns in his hand fell to the ground.

Xiaoshou bent over, smiled and picked up the clues, and then shot Yan Shihe's gun to the side.

I saw Yan Shihe behind him, but he was inserted with a bright dagger. Xiaoshou smiled and said, "Thank you, Yan Ge." Her appearance at this time and the previous glory of being behind Yanshihe were completely judged. If two people, she put the clue into the pocket and pulled out the dagger from Yan Shihe. She smiled and said: "If it weren't for you, I really can't pass this door." Then look at Lin Qiu-shen Gu Longming, "Of course, Thank you both."

After saying this, he went inside the door.

"Let's go." Lin Qiu-shi looked at Yan Shihe, who fell to the ground, biting his teeth. "Take his gun first."

Gu Longming, who is unable to act with Yan Shihe, will be kicked back by Xiaoshao and then lifted Lin Qiushi. Lin Qiu Shi took the gun from his hand and plunged it into his trouser pocket. The two slowly walked into the front door that radiated the light.

After passing through the tunnel, Lin Qiushi’s picture around him finally returned to reality. However, when he came back, he felt that his body had a serious discomfort. After a difficult call to Minnan Candle, he fainted.

Two days later, Lin Qiu-shi woke up from a coma.

He was used to the fact that he often went to the hospital, so he was not surprised when he saw the ceiling in the daytime, but he took a sigh of relief - at least alive.

"Wake up?" The sound of the South Candle was heard.

Lin Qiu Shi turned his head and saw the candlestick in the south. He sat in the backlight, some could not see clearly, but the sound was gentle.

Lin Qiu Shi inexplicably felt that he thought of him a little, but he quickly put this kind of strange emotion behind his head, low and low.

"It’s a high fever." Minnan’s candle said, “I’m hurt inside.”

Lin Qiu Shi thought about it, or said: "When I finally went out, I was shot."

Minnan Candle said: "Is that the one you brought out?"

Lin Qiushi nodded.

The candlestick in Minnan was quiet for a while: "Normal guns can't be brought in."

Lin Qiu Shiyi.

Minnan Candle explained: "The gun should not be an ordinary gun."

"Not an ordinary gun...?" Lin Qiu-Shi remembered the appearance of the gun. It was silver and white, and it was quite heavy in his hand. "Is it brought out from the door?" Now I want to come, Yanshihe is probably a belt. The old man who passed the door.

“It’s very possible.” Minnan’s candle said, “You should rest well first.”

Lin Qiu Shi heard the words, but he felt that his luck seemed to be good. He was only afraid that Yan Shihe would attack them again, but he did not expect to bring out the same props. 2k novel reading network

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