Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 242 Table of contents

Zhu Shoucheng on the bed reacted, and his throat made a burly, hoarse, breathing noise, like a pig with its four hoofs tied and unable to move.

Chi Xiaochi watched him: "Mr. Zhu, why didn't you tell the police that it was me, didn't you see me?"

Zhu Shoucheng slanted through the bandages through two slit-like cyan eyes, and his breathing became quick.

"Ah, I forgot, there is no monitoring in that area, and you can't prove that I hit you." Chi Xiaochi sighed with regret, "It's a pity that if you go and sue me, I can take this recording to Police, and this ... "

Chi Xiaochi took out a washed photo and shook it lightly in front of him.

The photo also smells of fresh developer water.

Zhu Shoucheng shouted "Ah", both painful and anxious, but Chi Xiaochi has taken the photo back and tapped it against the palm of his hand: "The highly respected teacher insults the students in the alley late at night, such news, It might be worth gossip than a good student burglary and falling down, do you think? "

Zhu Shoucheng was anxious, his body was trembling, his blood was rushing towards the severely damaged brain, and he was dizzy: "Ah-ah ..."

Chi Xiaochi stepped closer to the bed and stuffed all the worst information into his head: "What are you talking about? Teacher, speak louder, I can't hear you .... Where do you want me to post the photos? It's the university The bulletin board at the door is still posted on the phones of all your colleagues, or I made thousands of leaflets and distributed them to your parents at the door of your school? Let them see how you are going to eat this tender cow. grass?"

With that said, he put the photo back into the mezzanine of the schoolbag. After putting it properly, he turned his face: "How can these two things come in handy, I still have to figure it out. Rest assured, before you get better, I will keep it for you. How to use it, after that, I would love to hear your opinions. "

In the last few words, Zhu Shoucheng's son came in with a large glass of hot water.

Chi Xiaochi naturally turned to the topic: "Mr. Zhu, take a good rest and recover soon. I will come to see you often."

He stood up, faced Zhu Shoucheng's son, and smiled, "Uncle, I'll go first."

Zhu Shoucheng ’s son ’s understanding of the previous “burglary” case was limited to his father ’s oral dictation, and Zhu Shoucheng could not tell his son what he said about the police, lest he run to question Chi Xiaochi and expose himself, so His impression of Chi Xiaochi is not bad: "Trouble you, and bring things. But my dad is very bad now. The doctor said that he can only eat liquid food. You still have to take this apple to avoid damage ... "

Chi Xiaochi also refused to let go, and the detective reached into the net pocket: "Uncle, let me take one. The rest can be made into apple juice and eaten with liquid food. Apples are good for people, so Teacher Zhu can eat more , Can live a hundred years. "

Such a sentence made Zhu Shoucheng in bed anxious and sweaty. He only suspected that the apple was poisonous, but he couldn't say anything. He was afraid that his son would go to the police station to report the incident, and let the recording and photos be exposed together. The headache was like There was a pounding garlic in my head.

Such a sweet mouth made Zhu Shoucheng's son have a better impression of this child.

He sent Chi Xiaochi out of the door, and also told Chi Xiaochi that he was very busy with work. If his father still insisted on staying here, he would ask a nanny to take care of him. At that time, I also asked Chi Xiaochi to go around the house and look after his father's body for him.

Chi Xiaochi smiled sincerely: "Sure."

Watching Zhu Shoucheng's son return to the ward, Chi Xiaochi went to the nurse station.

At the nurse's station, the little apple-faced nurse who just showed him the way was still there.

Chi Xiaochi's smile was so bright that he shook his eyes: "Sister, nurse, thank you."

"You're welcome." Anyone likes polite and good-looking boys, and the apple-faced nurse is no exception. She lies on her arm, leans forward, and asks him, "So can he show you homework?"

Chi Xiaochi embarrassedly scratched his head: "I did not expect that Mr. Zhu was really so hurt."

"I lie to you." The little nurse shook her head. "He was injured like that, his head was so swollen that he couldn't see anything, and you said you wanted to show him his homework. Don't say anything, boss is a living person He may not be able to see clearly before him ... "

While chatting, the emergency pager on the wall rang.

The little nurse immediately suspended the chat.

On the other side of the pager was Zhu Shoucheng's anxious voice: "Come here! Come here! My dad is in a bad condition!"

The little nurse got up quickly and went to check the situation.

With a smile on his face, Chi Xiaochi turned away, and passed the doctors and nurses who came running.

He held the apple and took a bite.

The graininess of the apple skin and the fresh and sweet flavor of the flesh spread out in the layers of the pond and tongue.

Iko Koike knows everything.

After the blood on the iron rod was cleaned up, he used a lighter to bake the surface of the iron rod from beginning to end, went to a garbage station in the suburbs, and threw it into a pile of garbage.

He checked the information and the recording could not be used as direct evidence to prove the crime.

Last night, he repeatedly listened to the recording many times, confirming that, except for the little boy who was suspected to be covering his mouth and nose, what Zhu Shoucheng said, he could use "borrowing gloves from students" to explain.

That Koike did not give him any chance to explain.

Now that he has taken out the recording, he cannot prove his crimes, so he has to create a prison by himself and keep Zhu Shoucheng inside.

He wanted Zhu Shoucheng to rot this matter in his stomach, rot into a bitter water, rot into poison, and could only store it until he poisoned himself.

In order to block Zhu Shoucheng's mouth, Chi Xiaochi also needs a more powerful prop than the recording to hold the old fox's neck.

Therefore, he deliberately asked the nurse, Zhu Shoucheng, who had just escaped from danger, whether his eyes could see clearly.

After getting a negative answer, his prepared things will come in handy.

Sitting in the small garden of the hospital, Chi Xiaochi took out the so-called "photograph" from his schoolbag.

The situation was critical and he had no tools to shoot at all.

So he took a photo of his own collection, borrowed a little developer, painted it on the back of the photo, and deliberately laid Zhu Shoucheng into a mystery.

And in this mystery, not even one person is a white snow.

On the snow, there are two human figures holding hands.

At that time, Lou Ying and Chi Xiaochi, one thirteen and one eleven.

On a snowy day, they went out to play and had a snowball fight with other children in the Tongzilou.

Together, the two were invincible.

After winning, Chi Xiaochi, who was rolling all over the snow, ran close to him under the call of Lou Ying, squatting down obediently, and Lou Ying brushed away a large swath of snowflakes on his head to prevent the snow from melting into his hair.

Chi Xiaochi looked up at him for a long time, and called him softly: "Brother."

Lou Ying intently: "Huh?"

Chi Xiaochi said, "Brother, I want to have fun with you in the snow."

Lou Ying's hand stopped and said helplessly and funnyly: "Children's words. It's not like I've never seen snow."

Chi Xiaochi rogues: "I will."

Lou Ying thought for a while: "Okay, I hear the reasons."

Chi Xiaochi's head was full of fantasy romantic thoughts: "If we are two pandas, don't you feel happy to roll from here to that side in the snow together?"

Lou Ying: "Okay, you play the panda. I am a breeder who specializes in feeding pandas."

Chi Xiaochi was straightforward: "No, only I am a panda. How silly."

In the end, the breeder compromised and promised to be a giant panda who would be silly with the little panda.

Behind the Tongzilou, there is a large unspread of flat snow, deep enough to the knees, enough for two people to toss for a while.

As a result, Chi Xiaochi turned over by himself twice, and was a little embarrassed. He turned over from the snow and climbed up: "It seems really silly."

Lou Ying also turned up from the snow and wiped off the snow foam on his mouth: "Stupid."

Chi Xiaochi looked at him, haha ​​straight.

Lou Ying was a little surprised: "You still laugh at me, do you know what you look like."

Chi Xiaochi's small animal shook his head quickly, shaking off the snow on his face: "I don't know."

Lou Ying got up, went home, took a repaired second-hand camera, pointed at two panda prints holding hands in the snow, and clicked.

Chi Xiaochi was curious: "What is this?"

Lou Ying smiled and answered, "A memorial to the two pandas."

Chi Xiaochi walked out of the hospital and did not return to school, but returned home and returned to the site where Lou Ying fell.

In the winter a few years ago, they held hands and burned two human figures in the snow.

In the summer not far away, his body fell to the ground, leaving a puddle of dark red blood on the ground, and a human shape made of tape.

Now, Chi Koike staggered to the ground covered with a thin layer of snow, and fell on his back to heaven and earth.

Snow water penetrated the clothes on his back, and he held up the photo he had been holding in his hands, stuck it to his fevered cheek, blocking the light that hit his face.

Behind the photo is the inscription of Lou Ying after printing out the photo.

"On April X, XX, the big and small pandas remain printed here."

Now, there is only one lonely panda left, missing another.

Chi Xiaochi put the photo in his heart and made a good idea.

He wants to make full use of the recording and this "non-existent" photo to convince the surname Zhu.

Chi Xiaochi would not take these things to report the case. He would have to torture Zhu Shoucheng, tell him to learn what is fear, and let him immerse himself in the fear that is exposed at any time.

He will still carry weapons with him. If Zhu Shoucheng dares to rob him violently or burglary, he will kill him personally, and then refer to what he has done to Lou Ying, publish the recording, and blame all his charges on his head. .

However, things do not always go as expected.

Within one day after Chi Xiaochi left the hospital, the hospital issued two rounds of critical notices to Zhu Shoucheng.

On the third day, Chi Xiaochi was notified.

Zhu Shoucheng is dead.

Maybe he was killed, maybe he was scared to death.

... Who knows.

The police station had no clue about the vicious attack.

They could not find the weapon, and their footprints were completely covered by snow. Recently, the little boy who often went home with Zhu Shoucheng asked the police questions, and his mother was also very strong. It was a matter of fart for my children, even the victim himself. Nor was he able to provide valid testimony before his death.

Considering the motive, Lao Dai called Chi Xiaochi, who had accused Zhu Shoucheng of sexual assault, to inquire.

However, Chi Xiaochi, who was trained by Lao Dai himself, has learned to use "I don't know" to answer all questions flexibly. There is a hint of surprise in his calm attitude, so that Lao Daizhen can't pick up a single mistake.

In the end, the one who really helped Chi Xiaochi shed his crime was Saitama.

Pu Yu said that on the day of the incident, she met Chi Xiaochi, who was leaving school, and took him back to his single dormitory and cooked dumplings for him.

The local's low ability to solve crimes helped Zhu Shoucheng escape from crime and helped Chi Xiaochi.

Saitama took Chi Koike out of the police station and didn't say a word to him.

Since then, she has never met with Chi Xiaochi again, and even if she meets on the road occasionally, Saitama pretended not to see him.

...... The two are strange to each other like two duckweeds that only rub shoulders.

One day after school after leaving the police station, Chi Xiaochi was stopped by a woman.

She reported herself: "I'm the mother of ancient and modern times."

Ancient and modern, is the name of the little boy rescued by the pond that day.

She took Chi Xiaochi to one of the best local restaurants and asked him to order it casually.

"Courage from ancient times to modern times, I went home that day and told me everything." When the woman talked about it, she looked pleased, "Old things die well."

"Child, you can rest assured. I told ancient and modern, and completely forgot about it. In the presence of the police, they said no to whatever they asked. Since you saved him, we can't be conscience."

Chi Xiaochi smiled, chopped chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.

Cai followed the empty heart and fell into the bottomless abyss.

Revenge is indeed a joyous thing. The only thing that is difficult to resist is that after revenge, my heart is suddenly emptied, and it is completely empty to the extreme.

Zhu Shoucheng died very quickly. After his life evaporated, Chi Xiaochi revealed a huge hollow in his heart.

This hollow appeared the moment the Lou Ying fell.

... it hurts.

The pain made him cry.

The guilty peculiar to those who survived the great disaster, filled Chi Koike.

Opening his eyes every day, he wondered why I was alive.

Why did Lou Ying fall down that day?

What if he didn't ask for help, but helped Lou Ying?

What if he doesn't go to Zhu Shoucheng's home for tuition?


Countless questions Luo weaved a seamless dense net, turning it into invisible air, wrapping him tightly in it.

Gradually, opening my eyes every morning has become a matter of courage.

It hurts, I'm tired.

Is it such a sin to live.

Like planning Zhu Shoucheng's death, Chi Xiaochi began to seriously plan his own death.

He cannot die at school.

Chi Xiaochi doesn't hate this school. If he jumps up from the teaching building or cuts his wrist in the school toilet, he will definitely make a claim to the school with his knowledge of his parents.

He didn't want to die at home either. He no longer has such strong love and hatred for his parents, and his home has no meaning to him. It is not a place of hatred, nor is it a place worthy of home reassurance.

In other locations, it is not good to devalue wherever you jump.

Later, he chose a bridge.

Standing down from the bridge, falling into the water and being taken away by the water should be a good home.

In the next monthly exam, Ichiko Ichi took first.

No one can see his mood.

In the eyes of his classmates, he is no different from usual.

Someone fooled: "University bully, please eat."

Chi Xiaochi laughed and said, "Sure."

He really invited good friends for dinner. In order to avoid leaving them with a psychological shadow, Chi Xiaochi deliberately postponed for several days before climbing on the bridge he had waited for a long time in a late night without people.

In the night, you can't see the water, you can only hear the water ringing.

Chi Xiaochi imagined that the river would take him to the nearest river. He went down the river, left this suffocating place, and was wrapped in waves, like a rolling little panda, rolling. , Rolled all the way to the person he wanted to meet, then lay on his feet, hugged his trousers, and never left again.

……too tired.

As soon as I thought that it would not be so difficult to get up tomorrow morning, Chi Xiaochi rejoiced heartily.

He left a suicide note on himself and jumped into the rolling waves.

His testament is only six words.

"I've been here. I abstain."


The resonant strings of time have undergone subtle changes here.

This is the story of Ikekoike in a parallel world. Ikekoike has all experienced it and it is not bad.

He broke Zhu Shoucheng's head on that snowy night, scared Zhu Shoucheng in the hospital, and that night, he quietly sat on the fence by the bridge.

The only difference is that he didn't jump.

Just because, the original pond Koike suddenly remembered something.

... what happens when the dog meat is not fed.

His eyes are not good. I don't know if he is dead. Will he look around for him?

Will it be given a rat medicine because it is too loud?

From this, he thought of more.

Chi Xiaochi thought of Lou Ying's room, thinking that if he died, the house would be emptied and filled with baby products.

Except for him, who can really remember Lou Ying and never forget him forever.

Chi Xiaochi looked at the soles of his feet, raised his legs, and flipped back from the outside railing.

He walked home slowly, walking in small steps in this city, and finally, came to Beibei Cemetery.

Chi Xiaochi turned the iron fence awkwardly, found Lou Ying's tombstone, and leaned on it with ease.

He brushed the tombstone lightly with the back of his hand, thinking, Brother Lou couldn't see me now. It was nice.

In his mind, he will always be that wayward, naive and childish brother, not a murderous man with **** hands and **** hands.

so good.


After reading this world line that is almost exactly the same as everything he remembers, Iikeko put down his glass.

This body is still young, and it is not stimulated by wine.

... he was a little drunk.

So when a person stood in front of him with a slight gasp, Ikko's nerves paralyzed by alcohol did not allow him to respond appropriately.

He looked up, with a smile on his face: "You are coming ..."

The comer could not help but say that he directly embraced him.

Chi Xiaochi was stunned.

The physical contact made him instinctively resist, but the familiar taste and body temperature made him unconsciously lose energy.

Chi Xiaochi sticked softly in the man's arms, and just when he wanted to speak, when he raised his eyes, he saw a familiar figure in front of the public school opposite—

Zhu Shoucheng and a short boy in the second year jokingly stepped out of the school.

He looked at the boy's eyes, full of weird and weird light.

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