Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin
Chapter 243 Table of contents

Until Zhu Shoucheng waved goodbye to the child, Chi Xiaochi closed his eyes, wrapped his hands around Lou Ying's neck, and the strong wine fragrance of foreign wine overflowed from his breath, and the sunset, sprinkled on Lou Ying's neck on.

Lou Ying held his shoulder in one hand, took out the wallet with one hand, and asked the stall owner of the spicy skewers: "How much?"

The boss doesn't know XO, only when it is a colorful alcohol drink bought by a child from other places: "This wine is not mine. The others are 11 yuan in total."

Taking the money, the boss asked curiously, "What's the matter with me?"

Lou Ying put Chi Xiaochi on his back, holding his hands behind his knees: "I don't want to go to school, so I skipped class. I'm his brother, and now catch him home."

Chi Xiaochi lied on Lou Ying's back and whispered, "Lou Brother, I'm not drunk and can go."

Lou Ying put away his wallet, and he didn't reply, "Do you want me to hug you?"

Chi Xiaochi imagined that picture and chose to shut up.

Lou Ying turned around and saw Zhu Shoucheng putting the briefcase in the bicycle basket in the crowd.

He didn't see Lou Ying and Chi Xiaochi, kicked off the bicycle's foot support, and greeted a few students who were passing by with a smile, like a kind and kind old man.

Lou Ying looked at the data panel.

The target of their mission was Zhu Shoucheng.

Zhu Shou paired Chi Xiaochi with a goodwill value of 80 and a regret value of 0.

He watched Zhu Shoucheng silently for a while, then left this place with Chi Xiaochi on his back.

The alleys of the town are as complicated as the wires overhead, and can lead anywhere.

The sunlight of the day burned the rubber of the electric wire, and the gradually setting sun slowed down the heat. The little sparrows bounced on the electric wire of the clothes, which was very unusual.

According to the memory of "Lou Ying", Lou Ying chose a road that is not many people. It is quiet enough to not make Chi Xiaochi noisy, and it is enough for him to organize his thoughts.

Just now, Lou Ying was still in the classroom, and he couldn't disappear suddenly in the large court, so he used the time of the next half class to read through the world line.

... he regrets doing so himself.

Every second I watched, Lou Ying was tortured by a difficult heartache for a second, the chill radiated from the chest to the whole body, the blood rushed in my head, the left hand became numb, I could only tighten my fingers over and over again, and use pain to relieve something .

He wanted to find Chi Xiaochi, said nothing, didn't want anything, just hugged him.

After class, he found a teacher.

As a super top student, the ease with which Lou Ying asked sick leave to the head teacher was unimaginable.

Even if he said "I am a bit depressed today and don't want to study and want to go home", the head teacher will only tell him to take a good rest, not to mention that he is indeed pale, the head teacher sees that he is not good, he immediately took his sick leave, and even called him tomorrow Not used anymore.

On the way to Chi Xiaochi, Lou Ying thought a lot.

Lou Ying can be sure that this time they came to a parallel world opposite the original world of Chi Xiaochi.

In the last world, the main **** put Jiao Qingguang into the rank of "slag attack". In Lou Ying's view, he was very reluctant. In this world, Zhu Shoucheng was directly designated as the task object?

What does it mean to talk about a person's scum besides being nauseous and ridiculous?

It seems that the Lord God really did everything to keep Koike.

After all, the Lord God must have taken pains to find such a parallel world that was barely eligible.

In addition to this, the Lord God has iron-clad illegal operations this time.

Because while reading the world line, Lou Ying can also read the memory of another person.

... The memory of the original "Lou Ying" on this world line.

That is to say, he is now the host of "Lou Ying" like Chi Xiaochi.

The contract between Lou Ying and the Lord God has never included taking the body of a person already in the normal world line for his own use.

Even in the book-wearing world of "Xian Ren Xian Jun", Lou Ying only occupied the name and identity of "Wen Yujing" who traveled abroad.

At that time, 061 was anxious to clarify his identity in front of Chi Xiaochi, and the identity of the borrower was originally to be taken apart.

As for the design that was later dismantled by Yan Jinhua, it was all he had to do.

Previously, the Lord God had crossed the realm once.

In the world of time and clouds, he allowed Lou Ying to choose only the weak and weak body, and also delayed the release of the world line, so that he could not start normal tasks. It was a serious breach of contract.

Lou Ying has secretly recorded all abnormal data.

His original plan was to wait for Koike to leave and wait for the main **** to be able to get to Koike, and he would submit these data to the supervisory authority.

But now, Lou Ying is really worried.

At the timing node they are currently being teleported, nothing has happened yet.

The 14-year-old summer vacation of Chi Xiaochi has just begun. They have an infinite future, infinite possibilities, endless summers, endless sunlight shining through the window, hitting the young man's bones, urging him to grow up every year .

Fourteen years old, what a good age.

I firmly believe that a good grade can change everything and the future; the biggest worry is that the teacher pumped him a certain question on the blackboard too difficult; when he jumped up and touched the basket, he felt that he had touched the sky.

The most important thing is that he is here, and Lou Ying is also there.

His home is downstairs, there is no need to go from Tiannan to Haibei, and there is no need to wait for him to finish ten tasks, but it is only a distance that can be reached by raising his legs and lowering his head.

... Who can stop this temptation?

Xi Zhao fell on the two children, the temperature was just right, and the youth was just right.

The person who spit out the wine slightly behind him made Lou Ying feel as if he was carrying a wine chocolate.

He decided not to think about what would happen in the future, and Gu Hao was serious right now.

The power of the wine was strong, and the wine power slightly hit the head of Chi Xiaochi, causing him to start to faint.

Fortunately, even if I was drunk, I did not like to drunk crazy.

He coiled Lou Ying's neck neatly, his feverish face rested on the skin of the collar of the school uniform exposed by Lou Ying.

Lou Ying could feel the blinking of his eyelashes, and brushed his neck finely, and saw no peace at all.

He sighed helplessly: "Don't look at me, close your eyes and take a good rest."

Chi Xiaochi said in a tone of discovering the new continent, "Lou, you are so young."

Lou Ying: "... Huh?"

Chi Xiaochi looked at him seriously from the side: "I have grown up, why are you still so small."

Lou Ying took a step and tightened his fingers around his knees: "Yes, I'm trying to grow up."

Chi Xiaochi put a stamp on his chest with his fist: "Here's your little red flower."

Lou Ying: "Thank you Teacher Chi."

As soon as the title came out, he realized that he could look at him this time and call his name.

Bright and fair, not bound by any contract.

Lou Ying tempted: "Koike?"

Chi Koike stumbled: "Huh?"



Lou Ying tilted his head and said, "Chi Xiaochi?"

Chi Xiaochi felt a little down, and Koala actively climbed Lou Ying's neck and prone, and his forehead just happened to touch Lou Ying's forehead gently.

Two people's heads were pressed together, and only this contact was enough to make people feel at ease.

The skin burned by the alcohol was so cool that it felt so comfortable that Chi Xiaochi took a breath and responded obediently: "Huh."

Lou Ying pityed his forehead with pity, and took a few steps with Chi Xiaochi carrying his low nightmare on his back.

Chi Xiaochi's imaginary dreams were chaotic and jumped east and west, he muttered a few lines of the movie he said, and grabbed his chest clothes and whispered "Lucas, I want to pick up the drama."

Lou Ying froze in his heart.

He remembered the accidentally loose chandelier that sent Chi Koike into the system.

In the memory of Lou Ying, there is still the shadow of the old theater.

Starting from the urban-rural junction where they are, cycling for about an hour will reach a small town. The town is a well-known town of culture and has hosted several drama and culture festivals. The part-time movie theater was located on the edge of the town. It only had a few small dramas and countless movies.

When I was young, Xiao Louying and Xiaokoike had seen "Titanic" and "Paradise Cinema" here.

In the summer movie theater, there was the sound of fans and a faint sweat. Xiao Louying bought Komei for Koike and allowed him to spit the plum in his palm.

Lou Ying thought, in what mentality did Chi Xiaochi pick up the drama?

If it weren't for that drama, they would probably never see each other again, let alone go around like this and return to their place.

Lou Ying wanted to ask a question.

A question he asked a long time ago, but never got a clear answer.

After seeing the World Line, he understood part of it, but not all of it.

He asked, "Koike, at that time, how did you think about becoming a star?"

Chi Xiaochi snorted, and didn't know if it was clear, or just a drunk one.

Lou Ying asked him: "The grades are very good. Why did you drop out of school?"

... Yeah, why?

Chi Xiaochi was hazy, thinking of a certain business show, and hiding in the staircase to smoke, but accidentally hit an old man, wearing a pair of glasses, Swenwen.

He borrowed the old man fire.

The old man put on a cigarette and said gently: "Thank you, Koike."

Chi Xiaochi was curious: "Do you know me?"

"I was just off the stage, the first row." The old man said, "I was invited by a friend, and I also watched the show. I didn't expect to see you .... Your appearance and temperament are in line with my imagination that person."

Upon hearing these words, Chi Xiaochi was weird, frowning, and looked up and down.

"Sorry, don't get me wrong." The old man also realized that he wasn't saying enough, sorry to smile, and handed a business card, "I did come to you after asking for it, but I promise, I didn't Other thoughts. I'm a director, and I'm currently working on a movie. I want to see if you are interested, if you can, can you try a mirror next Sunday. "

Things that are not bad in appearance and are picked by the director are not unusual in the model circle.

However, it is strange that this person played the protagonist in his debut, and then dropped out of school, all the way to open high and go high, occasionally low tide, and often a one-shot reversal.

No one would think he was worth the dropout.

No one would ask him why.

Handsome, good condition, talented, noble, naturally should do this business, is there any objection?

But Lou Ying still wanted to know why.

He knew that Chi Xiaochi studied so hard later to test the high school where Lou Ying was. In the future, he would go to the university that Lou Ying wanted to take, step by step, to live on his behalf.

... What made him choose to give up.

Lying on the back of Lou Ying, Chi Xiaochi whispered the answer: "... Lou's little aunt and uncle are moving away."

In just one sentence, Lou Ying understood it, and closed her eyes unbearably.

"My home is gone." Chi Xiaochi buried in Lou Ying's back, whispered, "I don't have the money to buy the whole home. I don't have enough money to be a model. I want money."

Lou Ying was speechless.

He wanted to ask why Chi Xiaochi was so stupid, but after talking to him, he still swallowed.

Chi Xiaochi wants to guard the last trace left by a dead person, so he doesn't even have his own future.

Before the first movie was released, who knew if Chi Xiaochi could live on this in the future?

Iko Koike didn't know it.

Fortunately, he is not thin.

Later, he bought every room in this tattered penthouse, and as long as he was free, he would come back and live in it.

He is the last tenant in the whole building.

And now, Lou Ying was standing in front of the Tongzi Building with Chi Xiaochi on his back.

The mahjong table was set up early by the old goose yellow street lamp. If not occupying the position, this place will soon be occupied by a chessboard. A middle-aged man sits at the mahjong table with his spine blank. The scattered Mahjong looked up one by one, holding an old popsicle half eaten.

The corridor on the first floor is bustling. Boys are going to take pictures on the concrete floor. Girls are going to rubber band on the concrete floor.

The old man on the second floor was shaking the Diabolo, and it was shaking with vigor. His wife stood beside him and looked at him with a smile.

Several women who had finished dinner stood and talked at the entrance of the corridor. The children and husband have not returned yet. They are hurrying at this time and enjoying their rare leisure during the day.

Lou Ying carrying Chi Xiaochi was quite conspicuous, and a woman with a sharp eye quickly found him: "Oh, what's wrong with Koike?"

Lou Ying approached and bowed politely: "Hang out with friends and have a drink."

The woman shook her head: "Such a child, what kind of wine to drink. When you are young, you will regret it when your stomach is broken."

On the side a slightly sharp female voice rang out with a laugh: "What people say, things are grouped together, people are grouped together, and mixing with thieves, it is inevitable that they are a little wild."

Lou Ying, who was turning around, stopped slightly, but after only a moment, he looked as usual, backed Chi Xiaochi to his door, took the key, and opened the door.

By convention, if this point is not returned, Lou Ying's aunt and uncle will not return.

Lou Ying placed Chi Xiaochi, who had slept on his back for a while, and woke up on the bed, unscrewed the fan, quilted the quilt, and said, "You rest first. I'll go out."

Chi Xiaochi's head was still a little dizzy. All I knew was that this brother Lou was in front of him. "Lou brother, where are you going?"

Lou Ying touched his sweaty hair: "I'll go to Aunt Chu and make things clear."

Chi Xiaochi blinked: "You said before, leave them alone."

Lou Ying chuckled: "Before? Did I say that?"

Chi Xiaochi was stunned, pulled up the quilt to cover his mouth, and shook his head: "I don't know."

Lou Ying was amused by his appearance, squeezed his face, took out his mobile phone from the small cabinet, and pushed out the door.

Chi Xiaochi opened his ears and heard the movement outside.

Aunt Chu did not expect Lou Ying to return, and apparently came at her, and stood quietly in front of her, and she lost two points.

She was brave: "What are you doing?"

Lou Ying said, "Aunt Chu, who was that thief?"

The two old sisters around Aunt Chu glanced at each other, shut up collectively, ready to watch the fun.

Aunt Chu is not alone. In front of so many people, she also knows that Lou Ying will not move thick, so she stalks her neck.

"Do you mean me?"

"I found the semiconductor in your house, not who would you steal?"

"Okay." Lou Ying nodded politely and handed the phone out.

Aunt Chu suddenly said, "What is this?"

Lou Ying: "Aunt Chu, didn't you say you lost something? Call the police."

Aunt Chu: "..."

Seeing Aunt Chu's face turning blue and red, Lou Ying flipped the phone cover open: "If you don't report it, I will report it."

Aunt Chu was indeed a little flustered, and her voice rose instantly: "What police do you report? Do you still want the thief to call and catch the thief?"

"You go on. I'm recording what you say." Lou Ying said, "Is it a thief? You are like a mirror. You call me a thief. If you go to court in the future, you will pay a thousand more. Money. Why do you say? "

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