Chapter 2 Table of contents

Teammates looked at each other.

Zhao Feng sat in a comfortable posture and said slowly, "Today I said in one breath. You should understand the situation so as not to be unclear, and your speech will touch him."

"Before playing career, Shi Luo had good grades in school, very good kind. Shi Luo didn't want to go this way, and occasionally broadcast live. Of course, his family didn't agree with him to do this."

"Shi Luo hasn't contacted her family until now. I don't know if it was because of this trouble with her family. No one dared to ask."

"He was very famous for live broadcasting at the time, and the national service ranking was high. He was soon discovered by several clubs. Shi Luo was still playing a medical therapist. The good medical therapist is always a scarce resource. Contact him There should be a lot of clubs. He quit all, including me. The argument given to me at the time was that he did n’t want to play a career, but then he did n’t know why, so he joined the Whisper team. "

"Because he offended several clubs because of this, his forefoot told us that it is absolutely impossible to play a career, without wasting time on him, turn around and go to Whisper, huh ..."

"You will know what happened later, and it won't be long before Whisper doesn't know which rib is wrong. He betrayed the zone and led the team away, making him infamous ..." Manager Zhao Feng glanced upstairs and pouted, " Ca n’t say that, it ’s nice. ”

Zhao Feng spread his hands, "At that time, the European Division was forming the Galaxy Warfare Fleet, and lacked a top-level medical technician. Whisper suddenly decided to go to the European Division to develop, take away the people that his team can take, and sell it at a high price. Shi Luo was sold to the NSN team. "

Everyone in the room was speechless.

After a while, a member of the team whispered, "... Shi Luo was treated purely as a money-making tool."

One person said: "Yu Yong's team at that time was already the strongest in the country, and also won the world championship, why not?"

"Who knows, everyone has their own ambitions, there are indeed more signing fees over there, and the operation is also very complete." Zhao Feng continued slowly, "Because the top player went away two years ago, our region was very hit. Big, missed the World Championship for two consecutive years, Whisper has always been a good mix, he took the World Championship runner-up in the first year of going to Germany, the second year the Galaxy Warships run in well, directly took the World Championship, people are really cattle Press, it can shine everywhere. "

The snipers on the team whispered, "Go to the hostile zone to play, it's a glow."

"Hey, don't be so limited. We are in a club division, but not a nationality confrontation. It's boring, but ..." Zhao Feng said sympathetically, "I said so, but everyone still hopes that this kind of player can stay in our local division. You see, Whisper has a lot of fans right now? But this is only the remaining one-tenth of two. At first, he suddenly moved to the competition area, which really angered our fans in the competition area. Seeing that he still has so many diehard fans now, he can know how awesome this man was at first. "

A member of the team looked upstairs and whispered, "I can't let Shi Luo refuse so many clubs for him. Hey, isn't it right? Didn't Shi Luo offend many teams? Why did Luo go back then? Of the team? "

"You can sign if you are offended." Zhao Feng smiled. "The interest is the top. Who cares about this? He was originally a medical therapist known as 'Little Whisper'. Hearing that Whisper wants to sell him, which one doesn't want it? Gu Qianhe Whisper has always had a good relationship, and Whisper sold Shi Luo to the NSN team. "

Another assaulter in the team murmured, "... Shi Luo must hate Whisper."

"Probably ... who knows, Whisper's criticism was bad at that time, but Shi Luo hadn't said anything about him. Others could not speak in front of him. He would be anxious to mention Whisper." The manager shrugged. " Then, when Luo was transferred to assault, NSN was kind. He changed his job and changed his job. There was no hard requirement that he had to fight anything. However, NSN has been missing medical doctors. There is no shortage of assaulters, and he does not want to make time. Luo watched the water dispenser waste a lot of time, and after a discussion at the top, he decided to sell him to me. "

Zhao Feng smiled shrewdly, "Of course, I took the advantage. Who can think of the Shi Luo assaulter playing more against the sky, less than half a year, the national service reached the top, and after less than half a year, he is already the chief commando of our division. If Whisper knew that he had regretted his death, he would have sold him to 3 million.

Everyone laughed, and a teammate sighed: "No wonder Brother Shi responded so much ... I only heard that Brother Shi had been in the Whisper team for a few months, but I didn't expect so much to happen."

Zhao Feng sighed, "I know it is limited, but it was really chaotic two years ago. Our circle was stunned by capital shocks in recent years, and there are a lot of things. Now, these players who have Liangzi each other, Mostly it was finished at that time. "

The team of medical doctors listened for a while and tentatively said: "Manager, Whisper is back now, won't we come to our team?"

Zhao Feng thoughtfully, Wen Yan patted the shoulder of the medical therapist with a hearty smile, "What are you afraid of? Almost impossible, when you look at your brother, can you get along with Whisper peacefully?"

Everyone laughed and chatted about other gossip.

On the second floor, Shi Luo sat back in front of his plane, he clicked the "continue ranking" button on the game client, waiting for a random group.

The live broadcast is still open, and the barrage is still passionately discussed.

[Back and back] 】

[Would n’t he just know that Whisper was back home? Did you just leave because of this? 】

[So many people in the team, so many people in the circle, no one told him? 】

[No one dares to say ...]

[What team does Whisper go to? Will you come to IAC? 】

[Impossibly, the next day IAC base will inevitably carry a corpse, Shi Luo and Yu Yong, will definitely die one. 】

[Ha ha ha ha come to IAC, want to see the excitement. 】

[What do you want Whisper to get into IAC? Can the new fan shut up? 】

【Old accounts are too lazy to count, don't be tempted to recruit people. 】

[Weakly asked, is there a cp party? The knife I just inserted continued to bleed and I needed my sister to pull out to comfort TAT. 】

[I do n’t understand the barrage, what ’s wrong? 】

[Actually, I just left for five minutes, and now I can qualify as usual. I am mature and happy. 】

[It ’s not completely undisturbed, I seem to hear the sound of the lighter and report it, and Evil again secretly smokes without turning on the camera! 】

When Lomer was silent, the game lined in. He took a deep breath and pressed the cigarette **** in the ashtray, continuing to score the trumpet.

When playing this kind of segmentation, Luo does not need to take any brains. He can score points based on his muscle memory. He played five hours in a row for five consecutive games. Each game is MVP. Shi Luo ’s mothers fans They were very pleased. The little boy was mature and steady. Although he would still spray against people, it would no longer be easily affected. Look at this cloudless and breezy gesture, look at this unhurried manner, look at Unchanging operations!

Naturally, Shi Luo, a hot player, never lacks black powder in the live broadcast room. There are people in the barrage who repeat the brushing machine repeatedly. With rhythm, Shi Luo can only abuse the vegetables in the low score game.

The black fans brushed it in a while, Shi Luo looked at the barrage in the waiting queue, and happened to see one:

[Play trumpet every live broadcast, only dare people to watch your show in the low score game? There is a big show on the subject. 】

This low-level rhythm was already immune to Luo. He glanced at it and did n’t care. He continued to wait for the queue. Unfortunately, the system automatically canceled the queue when the queue was overtime. When Luo Luo simply trumpeted, he posted the league ’s special distribution to each player. National costume large.

There was a lot of cheers in the live broadcast room.

The large size has reached the top in the national service, and the queue is slower. Shi Luo ordered the queue and leaned in the e-sports chair. He took a cigarette and held it quietly, waiting to enter the game.

While waiting for the qualifying time, Shi Luo looked at the characters in his game interface, and he was fascinated for a moment.

Shi Luo was indeed affected by the news of Yu Yong's return to China.

This is not a shameful thing, there is nothing to admit, after two years, my former captain, former professional leader, once the ultimate professional goal ... and the most hated person has returned to the local division, and the mood is a bit fluctuating Is n’t it normal?

Shi Luo expected Yu Yu to return to China before, but did not expect it to be so fast.

Yu Yong's signing period is still clear. If he remembers correctly, Yu Yong and Germany should have a three-month contract.

Shi Luo gently knocked on the keyboard, silently said in his heart: three months in advance.

However, this also makes sense. Since Yu Yong must come back, he must continue to play. The new season will start two months later. Yu Yong needs to sign a new team before the start of the new season, and then spend about one month to run in the new Teammates, adapt to the rhythm of the local division, and then greet the new season in the most perfect state.

He arranged everything very well.

The live broadcast is still on, making it inconvenient to use a computer. Shi Luo picked up his phone and entered a few keywords to search for relevant information.

The news of Yu Yong ’s return to China came out three days ago in the hottest e-sports forum in the country. The news spread all over the world. Everyone ’s more controversy was still about Yu Yong ’s “treason” of the competition area, but now the local competition area is lacking. Medical doctor, he is still happy to see the players coming back. In addition, there is very little content that is really expected. Tossing and turning means that Whisper is rumored to have left the European region and will return to the registered local region.

When will you return, which team will you join after the return ... There is no useful news.

Shi Luo left the phone aside, and the names of countless teams emerged one after another.

In addition to the same Saint team with the medical team as the core, there is little hope, and several other first-tier teams are possible.

Including the team IAC he played for.

Zhao Feng said it was so good, because he wouldn't sign Yu Yong, when Luo heard this, he wanted to laugh.

Either for the overall business value of the club, or for the team's performance, or just for the topic, as long as it can bring a realizable dividend to IAC, Zhao Feng and other senior leaders will not consider their own feelings.

A purely commercial club is nothing more than a profitable player. These broken things were seen by Luo when he was a child two years ago. Now it is ridiculous to say these embarrassing beautiful words.

Yu Yong returned from such a cash cow, which Zhao Feng must have contacted, and now he just can't talk about it.

If it really comes down ...

Shi Luo's lips moved, he unconsciously looked at the computer screen, the game had not yet entered.

Shi Luo glanced down at the barrage, and the barrage was also discussing which team Whisper would join, and the analysis was blunt.

[The bottom team should not join the discussion, they cannot afford it. 】

[Saint does not need to discuss, they are the team that does not lack medical doctors, or they are the only ones who do not lack top medical doctors. 】

[IAC can also be excluded? Although IAC's medical practitioners are average, if Whisper comes to IAC, then this year's transfer period is not an earthquake but the end. 】

[Farewell, I ’m really here at IAC. I'm worried that Shi Luo will sneak into Yu's dormitory in the middle of the night and stabbed him ==]

[NSN is a bit possible. Yu Yong has a friendship with their captain, but I do n’t know if NSN wants to spend money. 】

[Comprehensive analysis, the Bison team is the most likely. The club owner has the money and can completely eat Yu Yong. It is a little too wasteful to let Yu Yong cooperate with the two Buffalo assault players. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha anyway, the Bison boss is not bad, you can buy Shi Luo also. 】

[Yeah, hahahaha bought it together, as long as they can't beat each other, we will be stable in our world championship next year. 】

[Although I really want Shi Luo to transfer to the Bison, but can't I always pull Shi Luo and Whisper together? Are you bored with rhythm? 】

[I beg you guys to stop breasting, these two guys are crazy to go to a team fan. 】

Shi Luo looked blankly at the barrage, following the fan's thoughts to calculate his possibility of being with the same team next season.

Yu Yong came to IAC.

Or he and Yu Yong were bought by Bison at the same time.

Then the probability is ...

Without waiting for a formula, his game finally entered.

The top segment always meets people who know each other. Shi Luo's other assault teammate in this round is NSN captain, Gu Gan.

Shi Luo spent two months in NSN briefly. At that time, he was very taken care of by Gu Qian. Unfortunately, NSN was proficient in assaulters, and he couldn't fit in the team. Shi Luo couldn't stay in after he was transferred. NSN, Gu Qian helped to contact the current club, and gave Shi Luo a more suitable transfer contract.

Because of this initial response, Shi Luo always respected Gu Qian.

When Shi Luo entered the map and saw Gu Gan's ID, he greeted him immediately.

[IAC-Evil]: [Gu Team. ]

Gu Qian did n’t know if I did n’t see it or what happened. He did n’t reply. Shi Luo did n’t care. He marked it on the map and started to touch it. After half a minute, Gu Qian did n’t keep up. For a moment, Shi Luo glanced sideways.

[NSN-GU]: [Yu Yong has returned to our division, you know? ]

Shi Luo looked at the screen and typed a moment later: [Just knew. ]

Shi Luo glanced at the barrage, just typing to remind Gu Qian to start the live broadcast, and the news in the team was again Dingdong.

[NSN-GU]: [He came to my team. ]

NSN, the league's least lacking assault team.

Shi Luo looked at Gu Qian's chat text in the team for a long while silently.

Thinking of the analysis on the barrage just now, Shi Luo suddenly couldn't help laughing, and then he couldn't help but hold the keyboard and laughed.

Yu Yong went to NSN, and he had no chance to join his team.

Fans can rest assured.

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