Chapter 3 Table of contents

Gu Qian is still sending messages.

[NSN-GU]: [He will pass the warm-up match with your team next Monday, and it will be unavailable. ]

[NSN-GU]: [Do n’t make trouble when you see it. ]

[NSN-GU]: [You are not a child anymore. ]

[NSN-GU]: [I should n’t have said that, I am worried that you will suddenly know that this will affect the game. ]

[NSN-GU]: [Although the warm-up wins and losses will not affect the team ’s annual points, but I do n’t want to win, you should adjust your mentality in advance. ]

Shi Luo smiled enough, looking at the screen fascinated.

I do n’t know if Yu Yong is next to Gu Qian ’s computer in the NSN base at this moment.

Is it watching Gu Qian give himself a vaccination?

Shi Luo rubbed his back neck, typing and asked: [What to adjust? ]

[NSN-GU]: [? ]

[IAC-Evil]: [Will I fight him at the competition venue? ]

[IAC-Evil]: [Old things, long forgotten. ]

[IAC-Evil]: [By the way, Gu team, you brought your team a big rhythm, I am driving live. ]

[NSN-GU]: [...]

[NSN-GU]: [... you. ]

Shi Luo smiled and typed: [Gu team's hand speed is too fast to stop. ]

Knowing that Shi Luo didn't speak anymore after the live broadcast, Shi Luo didn't speak anymore, the two pushed flatly across from each other, and then quit the map without greeting after the game ended.

Naturally, the e-sports forums at the same moment were not so calm. Gu Qian blew himself up with such a big news that the forum exploded immediately.

Players want too many points, some have imagined that NSN is expected to win the World Championship next season, unfortunately NSN still lacks a good sniper, and there is no excuse for seeing the excitement. It is a pity that Yu You failed to be with Shi Luo Yes, there is still old hate and unforgettable, still cursing Yu Yong, the garbage that betrayed the zone is not worthy to come back. Reasonable discussions and personal attacks are flying together, and there are countless black players with private goods in the middle to take advantage of the opportunity to create rumors. Forum administrators have to seal and seal successfully for a time. It gradually subsided after the next down.

After enough quarrels and scolding, the rest of them calmed down and suddenly realized a problem: Today is Saturday.


In other words, another day will be next Monday!

Every year after the end of the FOG World League and before the start of the new season, there is a three-month rest period. During these three months, other teams must secretly exchange blood for themselves. The professional league team that failed to relegate last year will go to the qualifiers. The new transfer team coaches should be familiar with the new team and new teammates ... In the messy three months, in order to keep the attention and stickiness of the players, the league inserted a one-month preseason game, that is, Gu Gan said in the mouth. Warm up. "

The warm-up wins and losses do not affect the team's points, purely for profit in order to maintain the topic, and to allow players after the transfer to practice for the next season.

The warm-up game is a single-cycle BO1 system. One game is set to win or lose. Except for the two teams that failed to relegate last year, ten teams still in the league will participate. Take turns and play with each team again. The preseason will be unveiled next Monday. The battle is the IAC team where Shi Luo is playing against the NSN team where Gu Gan is.

IAC vs. NSN, a game that was quite popular now because of Yu Yong's joining the topic has rapidly soared, but in two days, the fans of the two teams and Yu Yong's local fans have fired the fare of this warm-up game. More than ten times, the fans were surrounded by fans outside the game venue on the day of the game. Shi Luo fans and Yu Yong fans also had a little bit of contention. The supporting cards on both sides were one game and one game.

In the IAC team ’s nanny car, manager Zhao Feng looked out through the co-pilot ’s window, and said: “Scary ... Shi Luo, your fans and sisters are a bit uncomfortable today, this is a crossfire.”

Shi Luo said nothing, leaning on the backrest of the car seat with his eyes closed, wearing headphones and blowing the chewing gum.

Zhao Feng looked back at Shi Luo and said, "Wear headphones again, can you hear me? Alas ... I don't hide from you, the boss also wants to watch the live broadcast of the game today. He is very concerned. He just sent me a WeChat just now. You give I'll make it clear, what do you think our winning percentage is today? "

Shi Luo chewed the chewing gum and took off the earphones on one side. After a while, he said: "Twenty percent."

Zhao Feng was bitter when he heard the words, and the other players in the car relaxed in an instant. Shi Luo said that there was little hope of winning, and it was normal to lose! No need to backfire, no scolding!

The other three teammates were more relaxed and started to laugh and tease, Zhao Feng was not too stubborn: "Do n’t, it ’s okay to be popular with others? The snipers of NSN are average, and their team has n’t gotten along yet. , That ... I told you all, the boss is watching. "

"The boss sees it is 20%, and not seeing it is also 20%." Shi Luo didn't want to make a military order in order to make the club owner happy. "We used to play NSN with a winning percentage of 50%, now ... "

Shi Luo paused for a moment and continued: "Now they have changed the medical division and patched the team's short board. Our winning percentage will inevitably become smaller. Is this not true?"

The reason is naturally clear, Zhao Feng smiled: "There is no such thing as extraordinary play on the field, well, no pressure on you, just try your best later."

Fans should be helped away, the nanny car drove into the underground garage, Shi Luo put on his team uniform and prepared to get off: "Try your best."

IAC team members and entourage went to their lounge under the guidance of the staff of the competition venue, and walked through the long corridor. When passing the lounge with the NSN team logo, Shi Luo stepped and looked at the NSN tightly. A glance at the closed door.

Manager Zhao Feng's heart instantly raised his throat.

Although Luo was working as usual during the past two days, he worked together for two years anyway. Zhao Feng could clearly feel that the young master had been holding on to the fire since he learned that Yu Yong had returned to China, and this fire was definitely not small.

He is now very worried that Shi Luo will suddenly kick the door of the NSN lounge and make social news.

Fortunately, Shi Luo just glanced.

Shi Luo wore headphones and blew a big chewing gum bubble expressionlessly, carrying his peripherals into the IAC team's lounge.

The IAC coach seized the time to emphasize the key points for each team member and adjust everyone's pre-match emotions. There was nothing to be told to Shi Luo. The coach generally does not waste time and talk to him nonsense. Any ideas? "

Shi Luo kept looking down at the mobile phone, and heard the news, looking up: "What's the idea?"

The coach was not as cautious and delicate as Zhao Feng, and straightforwardly said: "Our team is new, only you are familiar with Whisper, any points to mention? Need to pay attention to."

The coach said: "Whisper's style of play, you should know it best?"

Shi Luo took the phone.

No one may be more familiar with him.

Shi Luo's medical doctor at that time was Yu Yong's hand, one by one, one by one, detail by detail. Shi Luo was known as "Little Whisper" at that time, not only because his medical doctor played well, but also because his game number almost completely copied Yu Yong.

No one will understand Yu's customary play better than Shi Luo.

Shi Luo nodded: "Nature."

The coach reassured: "This is a big advantage for us. We listened to Shi Luo's command for a while. We must pay attention to this point of Whisper. We must never treat him as a medical therapist. He can kill people. Take the head, it is better not to let him eat even the auxiliary points in the early stage. Once this person can use the public economy, it will be terrible. If he is asked to buy three photon shields in the later stage, he will be even more unable to fight. Pay more attention to Shi Luo ... "

Shi Luo raised his head and the coach emphasized: "Don't put all your attention on Gu Gan today when playing NSN. Look at their medical practitioners and target Whisper. Is that all right?"

Zhao Feng looked at the coach with a shocked expression, with a look of "I'm always mentioning Whisper, are you afraid of death"?

To Zhao Feng's surprise, Shi Luo looked as usual: "For Whisper, no problem."

The coach emphasized a few things to be aware of. When it was about ten minutes before going on stage, the staff of the venue confirmed the player ’s information for the last time, and then knew: "The NSN team opposite the starting team, sniper ROD, assaulter Dry, assaulter Xinran, medical doctor Wawa. "

Shi Luo's eyes: "What?"

Everyone at the IAC was stunned, and Zhao Feng confirmed: "The opposite medical doctor is Wawa? Whisper is not up?"

The staff nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Feng didn't understand very well and asked again: "Whisper is coming?"

The staff said: "Come here, I just saw it."

"Hey." Zhao Feng smiled. "It's amazing. NSN didn't know how much money it took to buy Yu Yong, so he didn't want to let him play? Is it possible that he didn't want to expose too many tactics in the warm-up? As for it, do n’t Yu Yong know your teammates well? "

The staff did not say anything, smiled, and left after confirming the information, Zhao Feng said to everyone: "Come on, come on, Whisper is not up, this is much better, Shi Luo ..."

Zhao Feng asked: "What is the winning percentage now?"

Shi Luo frowned slightly. He didn't know what medicine was sold in the NSN gourd. He said: "Forty percent."

Zhao Feng was dissatisfied: "You just said in the car that we have a 50% win rate for the NSN without Yu Yong, how could it become 40% in a short while?"

Shi Luo opened the peripheral package and fetched his keyboard and mouse, saying: "Important bonus."

Who does "momentum" refer to?

Zhao Feng was right when he thought, holding the ace of Whisper, no matter whether the ace is on the ace or not, the whole team's confidence is sufficient. Zhao Feng smiled indifferently: "Well, everyone will do their best. This is already good news. Warm up. Everyone cheer for the opener of the game! "

Everyone nodded, Zhao Feng glanced at Shi Luo again, and after confirming that his emotions were stable, Zhao Feng let out a sigh of self-deprecation. Maybe he just thought about it more, and Luo Mingming looked normal again.

A few minutes later, after the staff came again to notify the team members that they were up, everyone got up and followed the staff to the front court.

Shi Luo walked to the front, he walked to the stage as usual, and finally discussed a few sentences with another commando in the team. .

Less than five meters from them, NSN's lounge door opened.

The NSN coach and team members came out one after another.

The NSN coach walked in the front, followed by Gu Gan, behind him were Rod and Xinran, who were hooked shoulder to shoulder, followed by Wawa, followed by ... patted Wawa on the shoulder It's a person in private clothes.

Perhaps because of the rush to join the team, the uniform with his ID has not been released yet.

The man didn't seem to have cut his hair for two years, and his brown hair was over his shoulder.

German food is probably not good, and people have lost a lot of weight.

There was so much change, so much, that the rest of the IAC asked with a confused look: "Who is the tall guy behind Wawa?"

Only Shi Luo recognized his former captain through this completely changed back.

Shi Luo looked at Yu Yong's back and was nailed alive.

Starting from knowing the news of Yu Yong's return to China, Shi Luo thought that he was still calm. He hadn't lost his gaze. He was not agitated, irritable, and no longer dying or clamoring like he was two years ago.

Shi Luo originally thought this was because he was an adult and mature, and he could calmly face the past and face this person.

Unfortunately, this is just "Shi Luo thinks."

Shi Luo's chest fluctuated slightly, and the mouse snapped with the right hand.

"Shi Luo, Shi Luo?" Zhao Feng frowned, patting Shi Luo gently, "What's wrong?"

Shi Luo took a deep breath and choked inadvertently.

Zhao Feng looked confused, and he glanced forward: "Who is that?"

Shi Luo's expression gradually recovered, saying: "Whisper."

"I am **** !!!"

Everyone in IAC was startled, Zhao Feng was dumb: "This, this ..."

Everyone was moving, and the NSN team members who walked in front turned back, including Yu Yong.

Yu Yong froze when he saw it.

Shi Luo's chest fluctuated more and more, he squinted to avoid Yu's gaze, and he couldn't help but squinted and carried his peripherals across the NSN.

Shi Luo walked all the way forward. He didn't expect to let him and his teammates' staff walk a few steps through the waiting area and walk directly into the dazzling reception of the lights. A burst of cheering from the tsunami broke out in the audience outside.

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