Criminal Psychology
Chapter 187 Table of contents

Of course, Xun Lianlian would like to say that you are going to die because of my fart, but he did not accidentally see Duan Wanshan's pale horns, and he swallowed a lot of irritable words.

He looked at each other and knew very well that if he turned around now, he would not be back home in a short time.

But although the two reasons that Dr. Duan said are not lengthy, each of them is justified.

Debt repayment is justified, and I'm almost dead, so you have to pay off the debt before I die.

This attitude reminded Lin Chen of Lin Chen.

So he turned around, returned to the room, and kicked the subordinates who were stubborn sitting on the ground and refused to leave: "Tell me how you were saved. Is it true that I want to pay the debts for you?"


At the same time, in the monkey room, Lin Chen endured his soreness, barely lifted his spirit, and said to Duanyang, "Tell me about your plans."

Duan Yang was holding the key and opened the door of the innermost laboratory.

The central air conditioner's cold air came on.

In front of them is a complete set of professional medical experimental equipment, which is different from the pure poison manufacturing factory outside. According to Duanyang, there are more centrifuges and reactors ... and there is even a dissecting table inside. Of course, the dissection table should be prepared purely for rhesus monkeys outside.

In general, the equipment is excellent here, the only problem is that the entire laboratory seems to be unused for a while, and there is a thin layer of gray on the experimental bench.

Duanyang carefully swept across the table with his hand, glanced at the surveillance camera hanging in the laboratory, and asked, "Counselor Lin, will there be eavesdroppers here?"

Cold air spewed out of the air conditioner, Lin Chen was frozen and shivering. The current environment may not be as good to him as the previous sweltering cellar. He looked at Duan Yang and said, "It doesn't matter if we have it, we will die in two days anyway."

"Ah ..." Duanyang sighed long and helplessly.

"There are no wiretaps here." Lin Chen turned sharply.

Duanyang froze: "How do you know?"

Lin Chen didn't answer directly. He hooked his fingers at Duanyang and pointed at several experimental clothes hanging on the wall.

Duan Yang immediately noticed, tore off all clothes and wrapped him.

The sudden warmth makes people feel very comfortable. He put on an experimental suit, opened his eyes barely, and asked Duanyang, "How many clothes did you bring?"

"Six ... seems like six?"

"What does this mean?"

"Six people were experimenting here?"

"Not necessarily so precise, but there are signs that there were people here, so where are they now?"

Duanyang swallowed: "Has it been chopped?"

"Why was it minced?"

"Killed because you didn't complete the research?"

"If the research is not completed, then why did you analyze it from the mask monster, he asked you to analyze the poison components from the blood of the monkeys outside?" Lin Chen paused. "The monkeys were fed What is poisonous in the blood? "

"Of course it is poison." Duanyang said.

"Since it's poisonous, why is the research not completed?"

"Consultant Lin, what do you want to say?" Duanyang was confused, of course, he was not the type who could pass the sentence.

"Well, let's start from the beginning." Lin Chen asked him, "Why do you think you were kidnapped?"

"Because I offended Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical?"

"To be more specific, what is your reasoning about the cause and effect of your abduction?"

"Because I accidentally exposed myself during the investigation of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical, they were abducted to study in Dana area?"

"That is to say, do you think this entire laboratory is the industry of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical in Dana, right?"

"Is not it?"

Lin Chen laughed: "Student Duanyang, I think you are more confident than I thought."


"After all, you think that your personal ability can replace the entire R & D department of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical, otherwise why would they kidnap you far away?"

"I ... I didn't mean that, I do think they kidnapped us here, it was weird." Duanyang's face was going to flush. "So ... Counselor Lin, why do you think they kidnapped me?"

"Because you may be the person closest to the findings."

"I don't understand." Duanyang frowned.

"If you don't understand, don't expect me to understand." Lin Chen looked at Duanyang, gestured to turn backwards, and turned his back to the camera. "Don't be so obvious that you're chatting with me, pretend to be working . "

Duanyang hurriedly turned around. The first thing Nabu began to do was wipe the test bench. This kind of clean habit was really helpless.

"I can probably guess some, but it's not complete." Lin Chen lowered his eyes slightly, and the high fever made him look at everything as if with a ghost image. He gently unwrapped the white lab coat and looked at the cuffs and the edge of the pocket Where it is easy to wear, look at the label again. In the end, his eyes fell on the offset printed logo on the chest of the lab coat, which was still the cheetah and python pattern, but the gold offset was cracked. Obviously, this lab coat has been worn and washed for some days.

"Counselor Lin, what's wrong with this dress?" Duan Yang asked.

"It was worn for a long time." He emphasized the last two words.

"Yes, you just made it clear, which means that someone in this lab has been doing experiments, but now those people are gone, but what does this mean?"

"It ca n’t explain too much. You can think about it from another angle. There was a laboratory related to Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical deep in the rain forest. But now, there are no people in this laboratory. This is what we see now. Result. "Lin Chen coughed twice. He held back the * who wanted to cough violently, and continued." From the result, I think there are two possibilities. The first one is as you said, here. The successors of poison researchers did not complete their work, so they were chopped for feed. "

"What about the second?"

"The situation in Dana is complicated. Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals should not have so much energy to have such a large armed force here. So the only possibility is that they have found militants in Dana as a partner, which is the owner of the python cheetah totem. . Contacted Mr. Duan's drug research, it is very likely that Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals had carried out new drug research and development here. After the research was completed, they patted their butts and left, leaving their 'partners' at a loss and can only be ill Get medical advice, catch people in the east, catch people in the west, and finally find you who has made a wild move in this matter. "

"This is impossible!" Duanyang immediately said, "Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical is developing drugs that are not poisons. As you said, they can find too many people. Why must they find me?"

Lin Chen was struck with a headache and finally couldn't help but cough violently.

Duanyang hurried to squat in front of him: "I don't say I won't say anymore, you continue."

"I don't understand the relationship between drugs and drugs. This is not my specialty. You should check it out, but if you are not professional enough, I will not say it." Lin Chen looked up at Duanyang. "There are also many possibilities about why the other person found you. Maybe it's because you look so handsome. But you should think about where you posted the report letters and the results of the research on the new drug, so that The other party found you. "Lin Chen solemnly said.

Duanyang's face tightened, and he seemed to realize something, and suddenly said: "If you say, then the new drug launched by Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical really has a serious problem. It may be a new type of neurological drug or a corresponding one. Derivatives, Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical's R & D personnel withdrew from the country after the experiment was completed, leaving only experimental animals, so they fiercely put the militants in Dana together? "

Lin Chen said: "This is only inference, there may be loopholes and unreasonable places."

"Yeah, according to you, the researchers who researched here before are Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals. Then they can send someone to catch me. Why can't I catch the previous researchers? And also, who is that mask man ?, Since Zhou Rui Pharmaceuticals completed the research in this laboratory, the original researchers here should also have relevant research materials. Why do mask people have to kidnap us with a lot of trouble, and also say that all our research materials are only here Monkeys ... oh no, and the people he said, where did they come from? "

Duanyang has too many problems, and Lin Chen only feels a headache: "I'm not sure of the reason to catch you. It is most likely because you are better at catching and your research results are closer. Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical needs to find a partner in Dana. But according to their domestic strength, it is still very easy to hide a few researchers. "Lin Chen supported his head with one hand and looked at the young man in front of him, a smile on his face." And your second question, I can answer it for you, because all my inferences are based on the answer to your second question. "

"Advisor Lin ..." Duanyang said with some depression, "I find that you are a little bit like selling off the cake."

"No, I just give you some time to think." Lin Chen whispered, "Well, the answer is, you haven't seen a real psychopath."

Duan Yang hit a shock.

"In fact, the mask weird you just saw was a liar." Lin Chen poked her lips, disdainfully.

Duan Yangxuan, only a few words later said: "Trick ... liar?"

"Specifically, the more ignorant and backward the region, the easier it will be for scammers. Often some small tricks can convince others, so the sacrifices and shamans of the primitive tribe have a say."

"I don't mean that, why do you think he is a liar?"

"A person wearing a white ceramic mask and using an electronic throat, do you think he is terrible?"

"Yeah, it feels mysterious. Will he be our acquaintance and don't want us to recognize him?"

"You are talking about one of the possibilities. But if you look at everyone here and see him strangely, it means that he has always been this dress, so I think this mystery is the feeling he deliberately created , Mainly by acting and costume support, not by his own character. "

Hearing the words, Duanyang courageously said, "Do you have any evidence?"

Lin Chen felt so funny, few people so mistrusted his judgment. However, he nodded and said, "Do you remember the office we just passed, outside the office?"

"That's his office?"

"Yes." Looking at the young man's doubtful face, he proactively said, "Hanging a photo of him with the head of this militant on the office wall, so I can basically confirm this." Lin Chen coughed and continued "But what I'm talking about is not his pig-like office, but the white board on his office wall."

"I remember that."

"Do you understand what he wrote on the whiteboard?"

Duanyang shook his head and said very honestly: "That should be something like a calculated chemical formula, but I am not a chemical major and can't understand."

"That's not his calculation formula, but the formula he didn't know where to find it, copied it on the white board, and deliberately made people look foolish." Duan Yang kept squatting in front of him, Lin Chen explained, "Copy the handwriting and The fluency of handwriting is different. Generally, if we do smooth calculations, pauses will appear at the end of each formula, and he often finishes writing half a chemical formula, so let the pen stay on the whiteboard for a period of time. Copy things, and then continue writing. If you still have a chance to get out of this lab, pay attention to some prominent ink marks. "

"I see." Duan Yang thought for a moment, then suddenly turned straight. "If it was a fraudulent liar, all of this can be explained. The liar does not know how to convince the leader of the armed elements to believe him, so he is in charge of the entire experiment. He has been working smoothly before, but suddenly one day, the leader of the militants decided to cooperate with Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical to study new drugs. The research results should have been shared, and the militants would definitely send people to pay close attention to the entire research. Driven by the huge benefits of drugs and drugs, the people of Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical also saw that the militants sent them to supervise them, and they decided to put their own partners together. As the mask person in charge of the entire research, they became ill. Invest in disorder, keep catching people to complete drug research? "

"Congratulations," Lin Chen said lightly.


"You will make up a story."

"Counselor Lin, don't make fun of me."

"No, I'm really bragging about you," Lin Chen said earnestly. "Some of them are tight-fitting, and they are trying to restore the truth step by step in the search for clear evidence, but sometimes, you have no evidence at all, and you have only scattered pieces. Fragmentation, then look for a possibility to connect everything together and roughly restore the truth of the event. "

"It's the same as our doctor's diagnosis of incurable diseases." Duanyang said.

"I'm glad you can touch the by-pass." Lin Chen said weakly and half-jokingly. "But there is another important reason for him to find Chinese people instead of people from other countries."


"Because he is also a Chinese, in this place full of Dana, only he can communicate with us, and there is basically no need to worry about who we are going to tell."

"I see." Duan Yang froze, "but you suddenly mentioned this because it was important?"

"Of course it is important." Lin Chen said, "But Mr. Duan, I am still a patient. I have to sleep for a while before telling you why this is important."

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