Criminal Psychology
Chapter 188 Table of contents

In the darkened hut of the dilapidated factory building, when Xiao Wu described the incident, Xun Lian had been smoking.

He didn't sit on the ground, but stood upright, like a javelin, and didn't get a bit of a wall.

The voices of the two people who passed on the ground were getting lower and lower. In the end, Xiao Wu looked up slightly and looked at him with a silent and focused look.

Xun Lian squeezed the cigarette case and found that the smoke inside had been smoked by him.

He glanced at the doctor standing next to the door. The first sentence was, "Troublesome doctor, go outside for a while."

Duan Wanshan looked at him and nodded.

The wooden door squeaked and closed, Xun Cong squatted down and looked directly at Xiao Wu's gaze.

In memory, Xiao Wu has always been a green and shy teenager, and was suddenly stricken by Kang An's pig. Xun Lian was originally in a bad mood. Now even Xiao Wu and he are talking and hiding. The child's bitterness when the parents can't help it.

"Let's make sense of the ins and outs of things." He began slowly.

Xiao Wu nodded.

"A week ago, you received a request to go to the Ghana region to investigate the Gaomeng massacre. When you passed by the Gaomeng village, the Gaomeng people disappeared. After being trapped in Zarathu, he was rescued by Doctor Duan after being injured and protected by people all the way here? "

Xiao Wu reluctantly said, "That's it, boss."

Xing Conglian sneered, "Don't call me boss, so wasteful."

When he was young, Xiao Wu's face became unsightly. Kang An didn't dare to come out.

"Boss ..." Xiao Liu was weak.


The two in front of them were trembling and cautious, and their posture had changed from sitting to kneeling. Looking at the faint scars on their faces and their bodies, Xun Lianlian was even more furious: "Come, you two talk to me. If I haven't had Alzheimer's disease, according to the rules and regulations, you only come to the Dana area To carry out an observational investigation means to see if something is wrong, just call and report back and call home. Am I right? "

"Boss, you wrote the charter, of course you are right." Xiao Liu is very dog-legged.

Xing Cong didn't even have a word for this shaved hand. He continued to look at Xiao Wu and said earnestly: "Excuse me, Mr. Lu Yanyan, your two observers were accidentally involved in the incident and stepped into the Chalatou trap. I scold you for a crap, isn't it excessive? "

"It's our fault, boss, we are greedy, we want to find out, accidentally strayed into the trap of siege of Zaratu ..."

This sentence was so false that he couldn't leave any more. He didn't want to listen to the sentence anymore. He got up and left, his legs were stiff, and he stayed where he was.

Someone hugged his leg vigorously. The person holding him was Xiaowu, who was almost as young as the dynasty. He reluctantly turned back, seeing that the dynasty also trembled, put down his notebook, and squatted beside the three: "Boss, although I don't know what happened, I just look at everyone kneeling, I don't feel good standing ..."

Looking at a row of four people on the ground, Xing Lianlian missed Lin Chen even more. If Lin Chen encounters this situation, he must hold his arm coldly, and leave without looking back. Once he thinks of Lin Chen, he becomes even more irritable: "What kind of confession is the teacher, I am not a triad!"

"Boss, it's really miserable, and we're upset." Xiao Liu said.

Across the door, Xun Lian pointed at the hundreds of Gaomen people outside and suddenly calmed down. He said, "In Dana, I have never heard the truth of the pathetic need to save people. Since you are here, Observation and investigation, after the observation, it is necessary to get rid of it, and less trouble for others! "Xing Conglian Zhengzheng said," If you don't have the ability, don't take advantage of your upper body, otherwise it will only drag others down. "

His voice fell, and the room was silent.

"When we arrived, Zarathu was killing people." At this time, Xiao Wu slowly said, "There are old people and children. When they fled out of the village at the beginning, the formation was not good, and the young people were behind. The old man was still at the front, but was ambushed in front of Chalatou. A burst of machine guns fired and many people were shot ... When we arrived, we saw this scene. "Xiao Wu didn't know where the injury was, and said two Sentence, the sound is getting lighter.

Come to think of it, that's what the massacre was like, and what Conglian didn't want to hear was these words. When he heard those anti-human stories, it also meant that his conscience would defeat reason, and let him "nosy": "Then you just copy the guys?" He said slightly.

Xiao Wu shook his head: "At the beginning, we were also very skeptical, why the information is so different from the actual situation, so just help when you can't see it."

Xiao Wu said euphemistically, but the help in his mouth was obviously not so simple, and the nonsense sentence Cong Lian had already heard it once, and there was no need to listen again: "Okay, Mr. Lu Yanyan, there is no need to repeat the process, You have said so much and have been circumventing a problem. "


"Kang An said you were crazy and lost contact with him. What happened?"

Xiao Wu lowered his head, he was quiet for a while, and just about to open, the wooden door was pushed open.

Duan Wanshan appeared on the door with a cane. He looked at the two kneeling men on the ground and said, "I have the kindness of the two, but it looks like your boss is harder than you think."

After he said it, he turned slightly from an angle, and owed his sentence, owing his debts, and slowly said, "If you want to know the truth of the matter, please come with me, Captain Penalty."

Duan Wanshan walked in front, and Xun Lian followed behind. He had already traveled through the whole plant, and now Duan Wanshan took him out and headed to the storeroom at the corner of the floor. He suddenly realized that Duan Wanshan seemed quite profound about the arrangement of the plant crowd area.

"Just now?" He asked.

"Those are patients with mild symptoms."

"now what?"

"Severe Isolation, here."

Duan Wanshan's voice did not fall, he opened the heavy iron door in front of him.

Because the door was too heavy and the hinge was too old, it made a rocking sound when it opened, but Xun Conglian quickly realized that the depressing whine after the roar did not come entirely from the fan in front of him. The door is something that comes from behind it.

Behind the door are some rooms. There are some people in the room, let's call them people.

Xun Lian followed Duan Wanshan and looked all the way to the room. Everyone in the room was **** with heavy cotton gauze. In addition, each of them had an iron chain tied to their feet to limit the range of activities. If it wasn't for Xing Lianlian who knew he was in an abandoned factory deep in the Dana rainforest, he thought he was visiting a mental hospital.

Of course, psychiatry is not his specialty, but the conditions in the room may go far beyond ordinary mental problems.

Xun Lianlian could hardly describe the people he saw.

Some of their feet were torn by iron chains, but they were eating their ankles in a particularly twisted posture. When Xun Lian passed, the other person raised his head and rushed to reveal his teeth and **** lips.

Someone tried to rush to the door, but because of the restrictions of the chain, he could only keep one foot forward. The distance between his two legs was getting bigger and bigger. He stabbed and fell, then climbed again.

However, more people in the room are looking at them with vigilant eyes. The vigilant eyes are different from humans, and more of a natural animal nature. Some of them were huddled together, while others squatted in the corners, like beasts who kept their attack posture.

Xing Conglian even saw two people who had **** in strange positions. The man above was constantly shaking his body, while the woman below was bowing his head with a twisted posture that humans could not reach, and it looked like he might be dead. Long time.

Xun looked at everything in front of him, and finally, his gaze moved to the doctor who had been walking in front of him with a crutch in silence: "What's wrong?"

"I can't tell them apart. Although it is inhumane to trespass the corpses, but you and we are now eating human flesh, gangsters are nothing." Duan Wanshan stopped and turned back, exposing a tough face to the He explained: "The man is called Kachu and the woman is called Solan. They are a pair of ordinary fishermen from the Gao Meng tribe. I wo n’t say how happy they were in their lives. After all, for the people outside, their happiness is just Very insignificant men and women love. When I saw them, they probably made love endlessly. The neighbors had endured them for three days, and sent an axe to the door to chop people. I happened to be in the Gao Meng tribe resident at that time. Investigation, their neighbors approached me and asked me if there was any medicine that could poison them. "

"What did you say?"

"I told him that the axe is more useful." Duan Wanshan looked at the two in the room and continued. "However, the axe does not work. The actual situation is that as long as he leaves Solan, Kachu will use his frequency of love to let himself use He grabbed his head and smashed his head alive. "

Duan Wanshan paused and calmly said, "Captain Captain, I won't sell anybody. After all, I really don't have much time. About half a month ago, the strange madness in the Dana area caught my attention. I was epidemic of the case. During the medical investigation, it was found that the source might be in the Gao Meng tribe's residence. By the time I came here, the situation had become uncontrollable. In the Gao Meng tribe, about 10% of the population had different levels of mental disorders. In this case, I first considered the diet and medication factors. But at that time, the outpost of the Gao Meng tribe realized that the Zarathu department was going to besiege them. For many reasons, the Gao Meng tribe decided to move. Previously, my investigation was not completed. After discussing with the tribal chief, I decided to bring those with mental disorders. "

Xun Lian tilted her head and said earnestly, "The kindness of a woman."

"Of course, I'm a doctor, the doctors are all like this." Duan Wanshan said rightly. Perhaps he said the words "I'm a doctor" were too strong, unlike the dying person, so that the original whimper in the space was all This toughness was suppressed, and the surroundings became quiet.

The doctor went on to say: "Bringing a mental patient actually dragged down the troop's journey. We also considered giving up those people during the march, so when Charathu asked us to surrender all mentally ill patients and let the rest go, I It was very, very unexpected. It turned out that the reason they were working hard was actually the patients we wanted to give up. Considering the situation in the rainforest, I suspect that all patients with mental disorders are ingesting high-purity drugs. "

"Drugs?" Xun Lian interrupted him.

"Specifically, drugs refer to all chemicals that can cause harm to the human body." Duan Wanshan's thinking was very clear, and he did not end the narrative because he was interrupted. "Therefore, I cross-examined some patients with mild symptoms about their diet. And medication problems, Gao Meng people said that before I went, a group of doctors organized by MSF will regularly check and distribute vitamins for them, but some users did not have mental disorders, while others experienced serious problem."

Xing Lian's heart trembled: "Someone posing as a doctor without borders, using the rainforest nation to conduct illegal drug experiments?"

"This is also my guess." Duan Wanshan said earnestly, "I met your men after that. After learning that they were investigating officials, I asked them to return to the village and destroy all the drugs we did not bring because there It may be mixed with drugs, and those drugs are exactly the target of Zarathu. In fact, your men are fighting me during the process of helping me destroy the drugs and accidentally ingested high-purity drugs, but His intake is very small, and after simple withdrawal treatment, he has not been affected. "

From the beginning to the end, Duan Wanshan's tone was very calm and calm, and those processes filled with blood and fire, death and pain came from his mouth, and it seemed to be no big deal.

Xing Conglian thought, it is estimated that he also used this tone when he announced to the patient that your life was short, so he can also treat his death with such a calm and calm attitude.

"I see." Xunlian said lightly.

In his words, he did not make a clear statement, but Duan Wanshan's face was full of dead gray, but a reassuring smile suddenly appeared. He said, "I can understand why you blame yourself, because if my students tell me It ’s your attitude to say that this patient will be forced to do an hour of cardiopulmonary resuscitation when he is dead. In any case, it ’s really they are helping me, they made up lies to lie that I saved them, probably just know you very well I want to stay with you to solve problems. "

"No." Xun Lianlian interrupted Duan Wanshan. "You gave them withdrawal treatment?"

This time, Duan Wanshan finally smiled bitterly: "It's just a simple treatment."

"What if you don't save them?"

"It's hard to say ..."

"Okay, I see." Xing Conglian waved his hand. "Due to pay the debts, it is just and right. The debts they owe, I will be clean before you die."

I do n’t know if it ’s because his words are so crisp, he did n’t say a word, and there was a loud noise around him, and Xun Lian smashed his mouth. After listening carefully, he realized that the noise was not where they were. The space emanates from the outside.

Duan Wanshan looked at his watch, his face suddenly sinking, with a sense of sadness beyond words.

"What's wrong?" Xing Conglian walked to the outside window while talking.

"During our migration, some tribal residents were captured by Zarathu as captives. They would kill someone in front of us every day, forcing us to get out of this puppet." Duan Wanshan took a deep breath. "Now, to this day Killing time. "


When Duan Yang heard the noise outside the laboratory, he was examining the monkey room. The monkey group seemed to feel something, and suddenly squeaked like crazy.

Cruel laughter struck through the wall. It should be human laughter, mixed with words that he did not understand at all. He walked carefully to the window, looked out with the probe, and was downstairs in the open space. The militants dragged a naked black woman into a broken factory building.

Duan Yang saw such an inhuman scene for the first time.

Someone took off his pants and put a handle on the woman's head, motioning her to open her mouth to serve him.

The woman was dying, pinched her nose and forced to open her mouth ...

Duan Yang looked away. The downstairs scene was too cruel and terrible. He heard someone count down.

He looked back at Lin Chen who was asleep in the laboratory, hesitating whether he should wake him up.


Xing Cong even stood by the window. He tried to hide himself to avoid being spotted by the less prominent snipers upstairs.

Duan Wanshan stood next to him beside the wall. He had watched a scene like this for many days.

The woman has been tortured by the sexual organs constantly entering and exiting the cavity, and the countdown has ended.

Gunfire sounded, plasma splashed, and laughter rang through the sky.

Xun Conglian looked at the corpse downstairs, looked up in silence, and looked at Dana Blue to the transparent sky.

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