Criminal Psychology
Chapter 190 Table of contents

Duan Yang turned off most of the lights in the laboratory, turned on a desk lamp, and sat down beside Lin Chen.

He was afraid that Lin Chen would suddenly not be able to survive in the middle of the night, and could only use the most primitive method to regularly disinfect Lin Chen's wounds. Fortunately, there was enough anhydrous alcohol in the laboratory. Although it was not very useful, he cut out an experimental suit, dilute it with alcohol, and let Lin Chen clamp it under his armpit and put it on his forehead to lower his temperature.

Surprisingly, Lin Chen did his best.

The air was filled with a faint smell of alcohol. Duan Yang felt that he was almost drunk. Thinking of Lin Chen's previous words, he looked at the narrow face of the consultant lying next to him. He actually asked subconsciously: "Consultant Lin, someone you love What exactly does it look like. "

Duanyang felt regretful when he said that, if he asked such questions, he would definitely have to be scolded by Lin Chen.

"A handsome man."

What Duanyang did not expect was that Lin Chen actually answered him.

"Well, it's handsome. I thought you would have some other adjectives."

"Too vulgar?"

"No, no." Duanyang thought to himself, Lin Chen's taste was really different, but she liked handsome girls.

"That's it, handsome is for everyone, but only I know his inner beauty." Lin Chen added.

"So ... does he know that you love him?" Duan Yang was a little tangled, but still tried to ask.

"I know, I confess."

As if to see his mind, Lin Chenwei opened his eyes and squinted at him: "Are you asking the next sentence: Advisor Lin, how do you confess?"

"I just ... ask." Duanyang shivered.

"At the time ... it was basically an accident, I kissed him strong." Lin Chen said calmly.

Duanyang was shocked again: "Isn't that girl scared by you?"

"What girl, he is a man."

Hearing that, Duan Yang almost bit his tongue: "What ... what do you like about men?"

"As long as you secretly love your teacher, forbid me to like men?"

"I didn't mean that." Duanyang hurriedly waved his hand. "But the person you like is also the police?"

"Yeah, be a superior."

Lin Chen was already ill, but he was still talking to him in a very decisive tone, as if a physical illness could not affect his will at all.

Duanyang asked again, "Will there be any problems, such as your leadership disagreeing, gossip among colleagues?"

"A lot of people talk nonsense every day. Do I listen to everything they say and keep it in my heart?"

"You're really ..." Duanyang couldn't help leaning against the experimental platform, his legs stretched out, "very powerful."

"What kind of evaluation is this?"

"Honestly, Advisor Lin, I really want to be someone like you ..."

Lin Chen said, "Isn't the following half sentence: If I were like you, I might be with the teacher now."

"Impossible ... the teacher cannot be with me." Duanyang interrupted him.

"Just say what you want, I won't ask why."

Duan Yang looked down and looked at Lin Chen's dark and peaceful eyes. He said, "Because, I have done too much to the teacher."

Lin Chen frowned, looking stern: "What did you do?"

Duanyang gently covered his face with his hand, remembering that night, the sense of remorse drowned him again like the sky. "On that day, we had a big project in our laboratory. Everyone had a lot of nights, and the brothers also On that day, the teacher also came and there was something wrong with the experiment. The teacher stayed late and said that he would sleep in the lounge. If there is a problem, he can call him at any time. The lounge bed was not enough. I would make a floor next to the teacher's bed. , But the teacher asked me to go to bed, leave it cold, and I went up. So, I ... I slept in a bed with the teacher. "

"Um ... then what?"

"Then we fell asleep. I really like the teacher. The teacher slept beside me. I couldn't help but hug him and kissed him. The teacher must know. After that, the teacher seemed to be in a bad mood. After the experiment, he never visited that summer vacation. Later, we received news that he resigned to participate in the medical assistance operation. He must know that I kissed him and hated me but did not want to affect me. ... "Duanyang stopped, took a deep breath, and continued," In the beginning, I kept calling him every day and sent countless text messages. I want to apologize to him. I want to say sorry, but His phone is always turned off, and the text message has never been returned. Later, I heard his news from the school sister who followed in his footsteps. I asked the school sister to tentatively ask the teacher. The teacher made it clear that I should not go. Dana, stay in the country. "Duanyang rubbed his eyes." Now I think of it, I'm not brave enough. I only found it when I came here. That's such a distance. I should have bought a plane ticket and took a few more trains. Can see old Face to face and he apologized. Dragon Boat increasingly depressed mood, thought so much of the issue after the trail of e-mail, he suddenly sad speechless, "It's all my fault, I'm sorry ...... really sorry ......"

"Come here." Lin Chen suddenly said.

Duan Yang stared at him with red eyes.

"Head down."

According to Lin Chen's instructions, he lowered his head for an unknown reason. The next moment, a thin palm gently covered his head, and then rubbed the hair on his forehead.

"Why are you so stupid. If it is because he hates your kisses and hugs, he can think of 10,000 ways to cure you, why should he leave alone?"

Duan Yang heard him say this.


When Duan Wanshan started telling stories, Xun Lian even regretted it.

Because Duan Wanshan is dying, no matter how sweet the story he tells, it is a tragedy of course. Although the tragedy is thought-provoking, it always feels bad to listen.

"In fact, I'm not that great. I gave up working in the high-paying medical school in Dana to help medical care because I like my students."

Xing Conglian's cigarettes had just burned out, and his fingers were almost scalded. He looked at the doctor who was sitting against the wall on the haystack and asked, "It's so explosive, teacher-student love?"

"Yeah, still a boy." Duan Wanshan said calmly.

Xun Lian stared at Duan Wanshan with his eyes wide open.

I probably saw his response. Duan Wanshan said: "At the time, I felt that I liked a man, or a student, just like Sunny Perak. So a green boy, taller than you, called a teacher around you every day and wholeheartedly. Respect and adore you, but what you think of are things that go far beyond the friendship between teachers and students, and feel that you are particularly immoral. Anyway, love and drug use, like stimulation of endocrine dopamine, I am happy to see him, feel I like it very much, but it does n’t make sense anyway. So compared to others, I take special care of him. He thinks that I have targeted him, and he has always looked at me with deer-like eyes. So a little bit. "

When Duan Wanshan talked about this incident, he was very indifferent, even without a bit of pain, and seemed very happy.

"From when you like someone to when you make up your mind to leave someone, what must have happened?"

"Of course. In the beginning, I couldn't think of it myself, although I didn't dare to fight for it. Of course, I thought about confessing it to the students, but I couldn't pull my face, so I dragged it. Until one day, I heard him After talking about a girlfriend, I watched the girl take his hand into the school. He reached out and rubbed the girl's head. The picture was beautiful ... I realized that I could finally let go. "

"You don't call it letting go."

Duan Wanshan just put the wine bottle on the ground, but this time he did not touch it on the ground for a long time. Xing Conglian looked at his lost focus. I am afraid that the toxin brought by sepsis invaded his optic nerve, so that his vision gradually receded. He reached out, took the bottle of Niulanshan Erguotou, and handed it to Duan Wanshan.

"Yeah, I did n’t ask to let go. I did n’t own it. Where can I ask to let go?" Duan Wanshan took a sip of wine and said, "I just saw the introduction of the Dana area and the announcement of the recruitment of MSF and went to participate. Now, when I think about it, I should still watch him talk about his girlfriend at the time, so I was angry, but there was no reason to get angry, and I could only abuse myself. Now I sent my life here, and I really regret it in retrospect. Why was I so confused? . "

"Really stupid." Xun Conglian commented.

Suddenly, Xun Lian seemed to see Duan Wanshan compare with his middle finger. This action was performed by a man who looked like an old peasant and was full of scholarly spirit in his bones. He was so outraged that he didn't have time to react at all, so he told Duan Wanshan to continue.

"Standing and speaking does not cause backache. When encountering emotional problems, not everyone can be like you, with determination, perseverance, and even full ability to pursue love. Many people do n’t even know their own Feelings, let go of true love in hesitation ... "

"Of course I don't have low back pain, because I have encountered such a person who has the determination, perseverance, and even the courage to pursue his love." Xing Conglian said.

Duan Wanshan almost sprayed out the swallowed wine, his face flushed, and he turned his head angrily, "Don't you think it is too much to show affection to a dying man?"

Xing Lian spread his hands: "I'm just telling the truth."

"I'm very envious of you." Duan Wanshan raised the bottle and paid respect to him.

"I also envy myself." Xing Conglian said earnestly.

That night, Duan Wanshan probably regarded him as a confidant and said a lot to him.

What hope that he can help bring some news out, let colleagues of Dana General Hospital temporarily act as president, host hospital affairs and the like. Speaking of this, Duan Wanshan also mentioned that the hospital recently lacked funds. Some people can invest more.

Xing Lianlian always felt that the other party was taking the opportunity to rob the rich and help the poor, but what a person like Duan Wanshan wished was so simple before he died. He also asked him if he knew any large sums of money, hoping that someone could invest some more money to promote Dana Rainforest Virus Observation The establishment of the outpost. Duan Wanshan said that if there were such observation sites at that time, AIDS might not have the opportunity to spread out of the African rainforest and kill tens of millions of people worldwide, so it is quite important.

Duan Wanshan really said too much. In the end, Xunlian couldn't help but asked, "Don't you think it's too much to ask so many people for a person you just met?"

"What can I do, I'm dying, and there are so many things that haven't been done. Tell people what's wrong?" Duan Wanshan said.

Probably because he was so self-righteous, Xun Lian couldn't find any rebuttal: "You might as well talk about you and your student. What do you need me to bring to you?"

Duan Wanshan shook his head: "Specially let him know that I am dead and bring my relics to him. This is too deliberate."

"What do you want then?"

"I think he can be a good doctor."


Xun Lian walked out of the room and closed the door gently.

Many Gao Meng people in the factory building were instantly awake and looked at him with a vigilant but inquiring gaze.

Without words, Xun Conglian glanced at the door and nodded at everyone again, signalling that Dr. Duan was still alive, but this alive was only temporary.

The torture looked around from the serial, the dynasty was operating the computer in the corner, and the rest were missing.

Xun Lian walked over, patted the young man's shoulder, and said to him, "Find out the video at home, I want to see him."

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