Criminal Psychology
Chapter 189 Table of contents


Duanyang did not wake up Lin Chen.

The soldiers downstairs seemed to feel that it was not enough. He was torturing the body of the poor woman. There was no longer a cry of pain. Duanyang could only hear the cruel laughter of wanton piercing the sky.

He closed the curtain silently, and felt that he could see it alone.

Lin Chen was still asleep. On the other side, Xun Cong even retracted his head at the same time.


Xun Lian returned to his hands and kicked the door.

Xiao Wu and Kang An were sitting together, and the dynasty and Xiao Liu were wondering what was going on.

"Boss!" The four stood up in a daze.

Xing Conglian didn't bother to talk nonsense with any of them: "Primary 5 and Primary 6 to determine the number of Gaomeng existing combatants and only ammunition reserves, we are ready to evacuate ..."

"Take ... how many people evacuate?" Xiao Liu asked uneasily.

"Everything in this building, and all Gaomen who were captured by Chalatu before."

"But where are we going to evacuate? Zarato wants Gaomeng, I'm afraid nobody in the entire Dana region, including neighboring countries, dare to accept them."

"You know what?" Xun Cong even sneered.

"Boss ..." Xiaoliu smiled.

"The Dana River estuary, Port Kagasi, I will arrange a boat to send them to countries willing to receive refugees."


The dynasty couldn't hold back, raised its hand and asked, "The boss, what about me?"

"Nonsense, what else can you do, can the five of us cover so many people to evacuate, of course we have to find someone." Xing Conglian.

The dynasty curled up his cuffs, his eyes lit up: "Are you asking the helper to copy the guy, how many people! I remember there are still many hidden military bases in various countries around here, as well as the mercenary organization Blackhawk Security here. Ministry, boss, we can call whatever you say! "

"What are you thinking?" Xun Lianlian was mad. "Look who has come to travel recently and find three more people."

"Three?" The dynasty asked.

"A sniper, a heavy fireman and a bomb expert."

"Get the order." The dynasty quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the chat group, and sent a group of messages. Soon, the crackling prompt sounded like a pop bean, "Boss ... they said, they are free ..."

Xun Cong was too lazy to care about how many tasks the group of people had to "free", he simply said: "Since there are free time, let Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and wild boar come, I will give you a list of equipment, Let them bring them. "He looked at his watch." I will see someone before 12 noon Dana tomorrow. "

The dynasty nodded strongly.

As soon as his words fell, Kang An raised his hand sharply and said, "Boss, what do I need?"

"You do me a favor." Xun Leng said coldly.

"What busy boss you say!"

"Go away, don't let me see you!"

Kang An opened his face bitterly: "I'm sorry."

"Okay, get out and grab two Zarathu soldiers to come over and ask for the layout of the mine, and then check out the specific force arrangement here."

"I see!" Kang'an finally recovered from the state of frosted eggplant, and rushed out the door as soon as he finished speaking.

"It's so bad to die." Xing Conglian glanced at Xiao Wu, coldly.


When Lin Chen woke up, she saw that Duanyang was different from the quiet side of the past.

The young man was wearing a mask and was standing in front of the laboratory bench, wondering what he was doing with a blood sample in front of him.

He coughed lightly, Duanyang hurriedly turned back, put down his handwork, and squatted down after washing his hands. His cold fingers were placed on his wrist, and his body temperature and heartbeat were simply measured, and his eyes were carefully examined.

Probably because Duanyang wore a mask, Lin Chen always felt that the young people seemed to be so cold, but soon, the cold in the eyebrows was replaced by a thick worry: "Consultant Lin, where are you uncomfortable?"

"I'm not feeling well." Lin Chen said with a smile.

"I ask you very seriously."

"I also answered very seriously, it really hurts my body. If you really develop a new poison, please give me a shot first."

"Please stop joking," Duanyang said positively.

Lin Chen sat up strenuously, and the doctor became angry, so as a patient, he should still be honest.

Lin Chen nodded and looked at the experimental platform again: "Are you really starting to study drugs?"

Duanyang was a little embarrassed: "You were just sleeping, and I checked the rhesus monkeys that were locked out. The monkeys here really have problems."

"It was injected with high-purity poisons, of course there were problems."

"There is something wrong with that poison."

"New poisons are not always the same."

"The poison injected by the rhesus monkeys here is not the same as the common poisons. The general addiction will have serious psychological cravings, but although some monkeys here are manic, they do not seem to be uncomfortable. They are manic when they get to something. They are more like they are still in the state after being injected with drugs. How long has it been, how can it be ... "Duanyang said to himself," I didn't understand before, Zhou Rui Pharmaceutical What is the relationship between the new drug and this poison, but it may indeed affect something in the brain ... "

"It's really strange." Lin Chen struggled to stand up. "Help me to see."

"You, you, don't get up." Duan Yang pressed the person to the ground. I put the monkey in the laboratory window and showed it to you. You lie down.

Lin Chen thought about it and said, "No, I should trust your judgment."


"What were you doing?"

"I think there is a solid phase column here. I want to use the most primitive method to separate out the drugs in the blood and see if I can get the recovered poison."

"I see." Lin Chen nodded. "But after you finish, remember to destroy the result, only you know it."

"I know."

"Where did you just say?" He asked Duanyang.

Duanyang's expression that you interrupted again, but he still answered seriously: "You said that the masked man caught us because only he can communicate with us here, without worrying about who we whisper to. You emphasize that this is very Important, then there is no more ... "

"Of course, this is important. This reminds us that when we make an escape plan, we must take into account the language issue. That is to say, we can only choose to hijack the masked man and escape, and we must hold his death in advance. Point, forcing him to take us alive and leave. "

"Escape?" Duanyang stared, "We are going to escape?"

"Otherwise, sit back and wait?" Lin Chen lifted off some of his lab coat and asked.

"But how can we hijack him?" Duan Yang thought for a while. "There are a lot of knives in the dissection room. I can't upload a slide if it doesn't work!"

Lin Chen said coldly: "The monitoring system here tells us that once you rush to hold him, you will soon have soldiers rush in to beat you into meat sauce with fake shit."

"That ..." Duanyang gave a shock, his face wrinkled. "You mean, just the two of us, under surveillance, subdued the mask man calmly and let him take us out, but what's the matter? Can it be done? "

"I do not know."


"There is only one general direction."

"What direction?"

"For example, do you make a puzzling medicine now?"

"What?" Duanyang's face was incredible.

"I mean, I need a medicine that keeps him from eating and doesn't know who he is, obediently obedient to us, such as a psychedelic spray that can deceive people into handing over all their properties."

"There is no such drug, it's all deceiving." Duanyang said positively.

"So, you are too honest." Lin Chen said with regret, "then we're finished."

Duanyang suddenly said: "You mean, the knife can't work, but the medicine is OK?"

Lin Chen nodded: "The reason why the sword doesn't work is very simple. We only have one chance. It is difficult for you to conceal his lifeline with a cold weapon under surveillance."

"What if it's a needle?"


"Small needle syringe ..." Duanyang looked at the monkey outside and said suddenly.

Lin Chen turned to his heart and understood Duanyang's meaning: "I think it's okay to give it a try, or die, no big deal."

Duanyang took a long breath and couldn't help crying: "Counselor Lin, you are so sick, can you be kidding me?"

"Joke is good, at least it can disguise my true mood now."

"Why are you covering up?"

"Because I'm afraid you know I'm dying now and lose my faith in persevering."

"Advisor Lin ..." The young doctor frowned again.

"Duanyang." Lin Chen suddenly exaggerated.

The young man in front of him hit another spirit.

"If you want to get out of here alive, stop writing any emotions on your face."

"I ... I try."


The setting sun of the rain forest gradually descended from the side of the Xiazi Mountains, and the darkness gradually covered the entire forest.

The former men of Xing Conglian had dispersed and worked separately, and he sat in the room smoking alone.

Outside was the sound of hungry Gaomeng people eating only dry food. The charcoal fire was crackling, mixed with the sound of parents comforting their children, the couple talking to each other, and of course, the doctor ’s last check of the patient ’s condition. Gao Meng's words fell in the ears of torture, it was hard to make him feel irritable.

He flicked his cigarette **** and fell asleep on the haystack

The door was pushed open, and a staggering figure of Duan Wanshan appeared at the door.

Xun Cong opened his mouth and did not wait for him to speak. Duan Wanshan closed the door. The moment the door closed, Duan Wanshan's entire portrait was drawn from the spine, collapsed in a state visible to the naked eye, and slammed to the ground.

The sentence rose from the flail and propped the man to the haystack and lay down. Duan Wanshan lay on the haystack, as if a candle had burned to the end of his life, and he had exhausted all his strength. He opened his eyes slightly and stared at him with a feeble but serious look, as if he had a lot to say.

Xing Conglian was very unpleasant: "Teacher Duan, you are not in the right way, it is like trying to be alone, but I don't want to listen."

"It isn't Tugu." Duan Wanshan was struggling, trying to reach out and rummaging in his arms. "I took a bottle of wine in my arms and quickly took it out to see if it broke."

Xun Cong even bowed his head and saw that Duan Wanshan was shaking with his right hand. He pulled the eyebrows without unzipping the jacket. He raised an eyebrow and helped, and sure enough, a bottle of wine was lying in Duan Wanshan's arms. Erguotou, Beishi, Niulan Mountain. "

Duan Wanshan lay on the ground, struggling to sit up.

The sentence was never seen, and he supported the person against the wall.

Duan Wanshan handed him the wine bottle.

Xing Lianlian did not answer: "What is this?"


"Li is too light."

"But love is heavy."

Duan Wanshan held his hand firmly in the air and said, "This is what I brought from my friend from Beishi, and I didn't want to drink it, and let it go for a full ten years."

"Then I can't accept it any more, because you must say in the next sentence, anyway, I have no chance to drink in my life." Xun Cong even skimmed his lips, very coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." Duan Wanshan laughed suddenly and heartily, his laughter was weak, there was a kind of careless life and death. He didn't know the strength he took, unscrewed the bottle cap, and sipped himself: "I still have a chance to drink."

In the moonlight, the doctor's face was pale, probably a person who was about to die, and Xun Lian accidentally saw some handsome taste in his youth from Duan Wanshan's old peasant-like face. In fact, the word was not correct when he was young. He has read Duan Wanshan's resume. The doctor has just passed his tenth birthday. According to the current age of the United Nations, he is only in his forties. But probably in Dana's years, it was too stimulating, and Duan Wanshan looked far beyond his true age.

Xun Lian couldn't help but say, "You can't die."

"People are going to die."

"Your current state makes Lao Tzu feel that I have worked so hard to come to Dana to help you save people. When you see me, you can rest assured that if you die, you will die. Let me think that helping you is killing you.

Duan Wanshan shook his head. He arched his knees and rolled up his trouser legs one by one. Xun Lianlian saw the wound covering the days under his trouser tube. It should be a penetrating gunshot wound. The wound was blocked by a wooden stick. In the rotten wound, the muddy blood was seeping. Duan Wanshan seems to have applied herbal medicine to the wound, but for gunshot wounds, this treatment is simply a waste of money.

Xing Conglian looked up and looked at the doctor after drinking, his face was slightly ruddy, but he was very clear that this rosy is more like a retrospective look.

"Sepsis, toxins have invaded the whole body, amputation is useless, but I have no meaning, I just tell you that if you don't come, I will die." Duan Wanshan said, "but it is not worth the death."

"Do you think it's worth your death now?" Xing Conglian asked back.

"Haha." Duan Wanshan's chest was undulating with a smile and pain. "I belong to this and I have to fight against it, otherwise?"

Duan Wanshan asked, "Otherwise," Xunlian suddenly thought about it, or else he let thousands of Gao Meng people escape and escape alone. For people like Duan Wanshan, there is no such option.

He sneered again, and he found that the number of sneers he had increased since he had arrived in Nasdaq.

"Have you ever thought that if you live, in your next life, maybe you can save ten or even twenty times more people than outside?"

"I didn't know I would die before I was shot."

"What if you knew you would die?" Xing Conglian insisted.

"You have to ask such a tough question?"

"This is a very interesting proposition. It makes sense to ask these questions to the mortal."

Duan Wanshan lowered his eyes, as if pondering deeply. Xun Lianlian clearly saw the various emotions that flashed on the doctor's face. Finally, after careful consideration, Duan Wanshan looked up at him: "I should still help."


"Because no one knows what's going on in the future, the 10,000 people in the future can save them. And I'm pretty sure that if I see these Gaomeng people dying without reaching out, I will always live in penance. In guilt, it ’s more painful than death. And I think your fellow men think so too. ”Duan Wanshan said slowly.

"Why are you dying? You still have to be a peacemaker." Xing Conglian was irritated again.

"I'm sorry to involve you in this matter." Duan Wanshan again solemnly apologized.

"What do you mean?" Xing Conglian glared at him. "Do I look like a person who is irritable because of such trivial matters?"

Duan Wanshan shook his head and sighed, "Because you have been angry with your men."

"I can't even scold my people?"

"You know I didn't mean that."

"I'm not angry because of them, they come to me, and even if you finally find me, I feel nothing ..."


"As long as the cause is right, solving these problems that make you die or live is to my hand." Xun Conglian drew a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

Duan Wanshan opened his mouth slightly and looked at him with some surprise.

"This is the meaning of the existence of people like me." Xing Conglian calmly said.

The rainforest silver moon rose at the beginning and was too bright.

After a long time, Duan Wanshan said, "But you have always been very irritable."

"I'm irritable because of personal matters." Xing Conglian's tone was bad again.

"People like you will still be troubled by private affairs?" Duan Wanshan leaned against the wall and drank from the sky.

Xun Conglian felt that Duan Wanshan was really about to reach the end of his life, and he was less and less like the old peasant before. After all, the old peasant would not be so sharp to benefactors.

"If someone is waiting for you to go home, but you can't go home temporarily, don't you feel annoyed?"

"Your lady?" Duan Wanshan asked.


"That is?"

"I ... friend, but maybe my boyfriend in the future." Xing Conglian said very simply.


"Because I was suddenly treated by silly men before we established our relationship, I don't know if he will accept me when I return."

Duan Wanshan was almost stunned by wine: "Or boyfriend?"

"Are you homophobic?"

He didn't say a word, but saw Duan Wanshan smiled unconsciously, the doctor took the bottle, took another sip, and looked at the moon out the window for a long time.

Seeing what Duan Wanshan was thinking of who was thinking about him, Xun Lian hurried back and said, "I don't really want to hear your love history."

Duan Wanshan smiled: "You listen to it, listen to the sentiment of the dying, maybe it inspired you?"

"That's fine." Xing Lianlian thought for a while, earnestly.


In the laboratory, Duanyang was hungry.

Because Lin Chen went to sleep again and the masked man did not arrive, he continued to complete the extraction work previously completed by himself, and by the way, looked at all the rhesus monkey blood samples here.

He lowered the last test tube, extended his lower arm, and looked down at the ground next to the lab bench.

Lin Chen, wrapped in a few lab coats, fell asleep again.

Although Lin Chen was joking constantly, Duan Yang knew very well that Lin Chen had been awake less and less. He had previously diluted the absolute alcohol solvent in the laboratory to 75%, which made Lin Chen simple. Disinfection, but it is clear that Lin Chen now needs a large dose of antibiotics to help him fight against bacteria in the body.

He looked at the time, squatted down with alcohol, and took out Lin Chen's injured hand from the doctor's lab robe.

Due to the inflammation of the palm wound, ulcers and ulcers, Lin Chen's originally pale and thin palms swelled, and even her fingers became red and swollen, becoming twice as thick as before. Duanyang moistened cotton with alcohol and cleaned his wound. The yellowish juice dripped down the wound.

The wound disinfection should have been painful, but Lin Chen struggled in his sleep a little uneasily, without even opening his eyelids, and Duan Yang was even more worried.

He capped the bottle with alcohol, stood up again, and put things back in place. After a while, Lin Chen barely woke up.

Duan Yang looked down.

Lin Chenqiang, who had just woke up from a semi-coma state, opened his eyes, and at the moment he saw him, the scattered focal lengths in Lin Chen's eyes gathered in a short time, and he recovered instantly.

Duan Yang thought that Lin Chen's willpower was probably one of the most powerful he had ever seen.

"Have you killed the monkey?" Counselor Lin lying on the ground sniffed the smell in the air and looked at the position of the dissection room.

Duanyang squatted: "Preparing for tomorrow's escape."

"It's all up to you, Doctor Duan." Lin Chen Qiang said cheerfully, "but if there is a chance that my physical condition will not allow it, I hope you leave alone."

Wen Yan said that Duanyang was shocked. He watched that he weakened quickly due to the infection in a short time, but he has not stopped using the various psychological counselors to stimulate him. He knelt down and put his hand on Lin Chen's hot forehead.

"Advisor Lin, I have been thinking about the" secret "you said. Although you have been saying that you are going to die, you have never given up, have you?"

Lin Chen didn't speak, but just lay on the ground, gasping weakly.

Duanyang was anxious. He felt that he couldn't understand Lin Chen's thoughts any more. He could only try to evoke the other party's will to survive: "Did you not say that there is such a person before, do you want to persevere and work hard to reach the last person? ! "

"Yes, of course." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Who is it?" Duan Yangshun asked.

"Of course it's the person I love, stupid." Lin Chen said lightly.

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