Criminal Psychology
Chapter 249 Table of contents

Lin Chen was lying on the bed, as if she was asleep or in a semi-coma.

Xun Cong was lying on the side with a thin quilt wrapped around, one hand passed under Lin Chen's armpit, and the other hand clasped Lin Chen's waist. The delicate sweat covered Lin Chen's entire skin from neck to shoulder. They are close together, sticky and slippery to the touch, warm to the touch, and extremely real.

Just as true, there is sweat and blood and smell in the air.

He pulled Lin Chen's black hair away a little, arched his body, rested his chin on Lin Chen's neck, and kissed Lin Chen's side face again and again, from behind the ears to the horns, from the neck to the top of the hair. Honestly, they have n’t taken a bath today, so they do n’t smell good, but this messy imperfection and imperfection make people feel real.

Xun Lian was inexplicable, thinking of the sadness of crying for the first time in his memory.

He couldn't remember the cause of the specific incident. The reason was that his parents felt that he had to separate from the stuffed duck toy that he had been holding since he was a child.

Because the duck was very dirty and old, the cotton wool was exposed, and it was patched many times.

But he felt that he could only feel safe if he was holding the dirty and broken duck to sleep.

For this reason, parents have read a lot of books about children's attachment, tried many methods described in the book, and even took him to see a psychologist, but there is no way to solve his attachment to a broken duck .

As time went on, one day, it was no more than that he stabbed his classmates or went to the house to uncover the roof. The father finally could not help but let him throw the duck.

Of course it has nothing to do, but for the furious parents, find the most critical thing to punish the son

It was a very dim evening. The father took him directly to the lake, and the mother was there. They rowed to the center of the lake, the mother hugged him, and the father smashed the duck into the lake.

It was a heartbreaking picture to him. The cold winter winds, the blue and gloomy lake water, the things he loved were submerged into the water a little bit, and every ripple at that time he still remembered.

Losing safety is extremely painful for every child, especially the most beloved toy. At that time, he couldn't wait to jump in the river together. If it was not for his mother, he would probably have died there.

What's more, when they returned to the shore, his father took a slap and told him something like--

"You will have a lot of things in your life that you love, but someday they will leave!"

"Even parents can die, so you have to learn to take responsibility for your mistakes!"

"Do not rely on anything except yourself!"

My father said a lot of similar splicing, strong behavior education and education. For a six- or seven-year-old child, this is simply a philosophical problem. He sniffed his tears and did n’t understand it. He just felt pain. For a long time after that, he was immersed in this pain.

Recovery was very slow, but it finally recovered. His father later apologized for the rage at that time, and his mother said she had wanted to do that.

He later told this matter to Lin Chen, at that time he and Lin Chen were not in love. Of course, he wanted to hear from consultant Lin to untie the knot for him, or to give a correct psychological analysis of the matter.

However, Lin Chen was silent for a long time, and finally said that there is not so much truth in the world, but for the human soul, there is no growth that does not appear to be painful.

This is Lin Chen's consistent theory. Sweetness makes people numb, and pain can have a real sense.

In fact, Xun Lian has long felt that he no longer needs to grow up. After all, he is a retiree and the society should not ask too much of the elderly.

But just now, he remembered Lin Chen's words again and couldn't help but hold people tighter in his arms.

Just now, after enjoying a long sweet and happy love, he finally realized the unbearable pain of ordinary people.

Parting, suffering, understanding, and even epiphany are all painful.

But all the unbearable ones are also constantly expanding the boundaries of the soul. This matter is meaningless, but full of meaning. Xing Conglian thought that if Lin Chen was awake and they were chatting, consultant Lin would certainly educate him in this way. Boring, pedantic, and clear-minded enough to resist kissing him.

Xing Lian kissed Lin Chen's cracked skin and lips with **** odor, turned over to get up, and began to dress the other party.

Lin Chen obediently resembled a dummy, and Xun Cong hugged him, and then laughed helplessly and laughed at herself, in fact, there are so many fallacies and heresies, all the chicken soup in the heart is for the desperate hope.

It is difficult to hold on, but it has to hold on.


The taxi driver Xiao Zhang received a strange business at the entrance of Tzu Chi Hospital late at night.

The other side stood at the side of the road to stop the car. After getting on the car, he said that he was going to the beach of the neighboring province.

For any driver, the first feeling of hearing this kind of live is joy, and the second reaction is that there is no answer.

Long distance means high income, but at the entrance of the psychiatric hospital, a man holding another person is very abnormal.

But he carelessly let the other party get in the car first, the address asked later, and the time difference gave the other party an opportunity to make a quotation, and he couldn't refuse to pay the deposit in advance.

In short, when it comes to leasing, I am also very knowledgeable. He is not brave enough to run the night. Xiao Zhang collects the money and is determined that if the other party points to a remote path, he will definitely not go.

But along the way, no one in the back seat was in trouble. Except for the address, the shaved gentleman seemed to be immersed in his own world, dark and lonely, except for those who bowed his head and kissed his arms from time to time. He looked out of the window aimlessly, with anxiety, uncertainty, and inexplicable calmness in his eyes.

Night roads are getting darker and cars are getting fewer and fewer.

Xiao Zhang even suspected for a moment that the gentleman was holding a corpse in her arms, because the human figure wrapped in the sheet was almost motionless.

But he clearly heard the subtle and painful □ from the back seat, unable to distinguish between men and women, but desperate like alternative music sometimes played on the radio at midnight. Whenever the man in the arms of the gentleman began to struggle, he Always holding each other, almost helplessly soothing with a kiss, other than that, nothing can be done.

The weird situation in the back seat continued all the way.

When getting off the highway to Louhai City, Xiao Zhang also thought whether it would be better to stop the rental directly at the gate of the police station, but when they passed the police station, the gentleman in the back seat seemed to realize his purpose in advance and told him Light up the badge.

At the moment when he saw the badge, Xiao Zhang's heart lifted along the way finally let go. The police always gave people a sense of security and could explain all the weird words.

He couldn't help but talk to the other first, asking why he had to rush the road in the middle of the night and not use official vehicles?

"Nothing to do with you."

That gentleman's answer is so cool.

Xiao Zhang lowered the window. Outside the window was the dark sea, and on the other side were various dazzling resort hotels. He was blowing the sea breeze and whistling.

But suddenly I heard a low voice from the back seat: "Please close the window."

He subconsciously looked into the rearview mirror, only to find that the sheets in the back seat were flying by the night breeze. Taking this opportunity, he finally saw that the man Mr. Police Officer had been holding was a man.

Xiao Zhang almost wanted to blow another whistle. He drove for three and a half hours. He actually carried a pair of people from the door of the mental illness to the sea. He had hundreds of kilometers to go to the beach. A dog-blood story like Cliff Love, will he be saved or not?

Xiao Zhang thought boringly. According to the navigation instructions, he turned round and round, and finally reached an area where there were no street lights. The wind was getting wider and wider, covering the waves. He could barely see anything except the line in front of the lights. Here.

But according to his preset, there must be no remote path here, because there is almost no road here.

Xiao Zhang couldn't help but look back: "Customer, this road is too biased, are you sure you want to go on, I'm afraid that there will be no oil?"

The other person seemed to see through his mind for a moment, and only said, "Relax, you can cheer where you are."

The ghost knows which gas company in the wild countryside also has a site! But it was too irritating to go back, he had to bite the bullet and continue ...

Not far away again, Xiao Zhang suddenly realized that his mobile phone navigation had not been heard for a long time.

He looked creepy and looked down. There was no signal in the upper right corner of the mobile phone, and he was crying bitterly.

Xiao Zhang said with cold sweat, "Sir, I have grown up, I have grown up, I have young people, what do you think ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"The front is a nursing home," said the gentleman in the back seat. "It is special and has a corresponding security level, so cell phone signals in this area will be blocked."

Xiao Zhang was stunned: "This ... this is the level of the big leader!" He felt wrong after he said it. Whoever shook out the confidential place as soon as he came up always felt that it didn't fit the TV show, so he turned to Think, tempted carefully, "Can I still go home, will I be ..."

The mr in the back seat frowned. Xiao Zhang also thought that his question was a bit clueless, but the other party was still well-cultivated and patiently answered him: "No, no."

Although there are only two words, the solemn tone is really relaxing. Xiao Zhang ’s string that had been stretched in his head loosened, and the talented driver ’s talents smashed all the way. He stepped on the gas pedal of his foot, found a cigarette, and put one behind his ear, fearing that the back seat would be dissatisfied. So I dare not to light a cigarette: "You can scare me this big night, are you taking your lover to seek medical treatment, what's wrong, there is a sacred hand of Chinese medicine in that place, like in the novel?"

He looked into the rearview mirror, and the gentleman in the back seat shook his head, denying his speculation. Then naturally reached out to him. He passed the root behind his ear subconsciously, and then he was afraid he would be rejected.

But the other side didn't care, he just smoked and lit.

With Mars on and off, the man's side face was set off by the fire and looked extremely lonely. Xiao Zhang noticed that his other hand had been clasped tightly on the sheet, and it was pale and even shivered.

"Then why did you go there?" Xiao Zhang repeated the question just now.

"Because I can go."

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