Criminal Psychology
Chapter 263 Table of contents

Xing Lianxiang was topped with cold water from scratch.

There were no tears in Lin Chen's dark black pupils, and she seemed calm and hopeless, without any vitality.

The punishment had been blank for a while, and it took a while for reason to recover, but the panic still persisted.

However, he is also very clear that if he is in a mess now, then Lin Chen is even more unreliable.

So he sat up slowly and pulled Lin Chen to sit up. They sat face to face on the empty bed, cross-legged, separated by an arm, and talked like adults without a relationship.

Xun Lian took a deep breath and said, "Let's put aside the lover relationship between us, consultant Lin, you must know that I am your boss."

"I understand." Lin Chen tried to raise his spirit, but Xun Conglian knew that he was very reluctant at the moment.

"At the juncture of the big case, I must clearly understand your mental state and judge whether you can continue to work."

Lin Chen nodded. He sat cross-legged, and a pale ankle appeared under the sun: "I understand, Captain Captain."

"So, with the trust in your professionalism, I am now in your position and ask you to diagnose your mental state."

Lin Chen had long guessed that he would make such a request. He slowly turned around, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table again, opened another page, and handed it over.

Xing Conglian took a look at Lin Chen and lowered his head, slowly moving the page information.

Baker Depression Self-Assessment Questionnaire (bdi-21)

Test instructions:

Please carefully read each description of each question according to your actual situation (last week, including today) and choose the correct answer from the 4 answers after each question ...

Question title:



Following the content checked by Lin Chen, Xun Lian continued to slide down the page. Each line of options brought him closer to Lin Chen's true mental state.

By the end, he didn't even need to look at the scores to understand why Lin Chen had done so long before.

Number 1

Factor name total rough score

Factor score 41.00

When he put down his phone and looked up again, Lin Chen lost his thoughts and wondered what he was thinking.

"41 points. According to China's norms, I'd better go to a psychiatrist. But it happens that I am myself." Lin Chen said, "But this does not mean that I suffer from depression. I just evaluated the short-term state."

Xing Lianlian thought for a moment and calmly said, "So, how long will this situation last, whether you need to take medicine, and to what extent it will affect your work status."

"When I woke up, I realized this unusual feeling, and this state of depression continued to deteriorate over time." Lin Chen's attitude was sharp and professional, but his tone was slow. "Before you came in, I found Suddenly the phone was thinking about what I was going to do. We couldn't win. I felt that life was extremely dark and everything was meaningless. "He paused for a long time, and then continued," So, I stopped, I found out the sds scale and did a self-assessment, and the results were very bad. "Lin Chen said, looking up at him," You should also feel that I have signs of slow movement. I just lay with you just now. While in this bed, I really wanted to lie down like this and do nothing until I die. "

Every sentence of Lin Chen is very serious, like reporting to her subordinates, and more like the cruelest self-analysis: "I am very depressed and depressed now. I really want to experience the happiness of normal people and hope to make people full of hope. So I want to find Shen Lian. "

"I don't agree." Xing Conglian said four words, he paused, and continued: "I wouldn't agree that you want to seek help from Shen Lian because of drug relief. Similarly, if you go to Xiao Zhan to ask Isomers of tern, I will stop. "

Lin Chen suddenly looked up, and Xun Conglian watched his lover become choked obviously. This was not the normal emotional reaction that Lin Chen would have.

But then, Lin Chen still forcibly calmed his emotions. If the soul really exists, but the part of Lin Chen's ego, it must be extremely tough and persistent.

Lin Chen said, "Thank you, but you are also very clear, Captain, you have no other choice. I must go to Shen Lian, although not now."

Xing Conglian said: "It's all based on the premise that you have the ability to continue."

"I have two reasons to prove that I can and should continue." Lin Chen said clearly and accurately. "First, this is the normal acute withdrawal symptoms during the detoxification period. Xiaowu experienced a period of time after taking the drug. And it has basically recovered. This case proves that I should also be able to overcome the effects of the drug on me. Second, if I stop working now and wait for research and advancement to alleviate the physical condition, then we may really be too late . "

Lin Chen addressed him in a formal report. Xing Conglian looked at him and wanted to pull him tightly in his arms, but he also knew that Lin Chen didn't need such sympathy.

So he kept his work attitude and asked, "Second, why is it too late."

"Just when I was talking to you, I suddenly realized that the people who organized this huge situation, I think, I might know them." Lin Chen's voice sounded humming, a little deep: "I need to go to the library, Translate that message to verify this. "

After saying this, Lin Chen bowed down, as if exhausting all his strength.

Xing Conglian felt that Lin Chen's forehead touched his shoulder socket. He lowered his head to see Lin Chen's black hair, so he stretched out his palm, clasped Lin Chen's head tightly, and hugged him all around.

He kissed Lin Chen's hair and abandoned all sense of responsibility as a superior.

"Thank you, Xing Lianlian." Lin Chen said.


In persuading people, Lin Chen is always at the leading level in the world.

After the conversation, Lin Chen seemed to recover a little bit, but Xun Conglian was very sure. That should be to disguise the dynasty when he walked out.

The Hongjing Library is very close to their home, about ten minutes walk.

Although time is now tight and documents retrieval can be done faster with a computer, since Lin Chen wants to go to the library, Xun Conglian is more willing to accompany him to go out.

Total score 41-It is recommended that when you are feeling depressed, talk to someone or vent appropriately, try to remember the previous happy experience, and do something that makes you happy; you should also find a goal and set a plan for your life and work . It is recommended to receive systematic psychological consultation and treatment as soon as possible.

Xing Conglian recites the suggestion he just saw again, and when he looks up again, Lin Chen has already gone to him.

At noon, there weren't any old ladies and old ladies in the alley. The shopkeepers didn't gather for lunch and just slept on the counter.

Xun Lian quickly walked a few steps, trying to catch up with Lin Chen.

Just then, the old man from the nearby souvenir shop came out to deliver the guests, and Lin Chen took a step closer, deliberately maintaining a less intimate distance with him.

Xun's eyes flew from the flail, many similar situations emerged in his mind, and they went through this road many times together. He was the first to discover such details as Lin Chen.

While Lin Chen and the old man nodded to say hello, he drew to Lin Chen's side, pulled his hand, and held it tightly.

Lin Chen was obviously stiff. The old man didn't seem to see this scene and turned back to the store.

"Counselor Lin, why didn't you notice when you were pursuing me? Your attitude towards same-sex was so conservative." Of course, he was referring to the moment when Lin Chen pushed him on the wall for the first time, thinking of this, he could bear Can't help pouting.

Lin Chen did not break free from him, instead he held him, but said, "After all, the social tolerance is not as high as everyone takes it for granted, so there is no need to challenge it ..."

"Consultant Lin, it's still a feudal society. These are tenants. Which feudal novel do you think the host should consider the tenants' feelings?" Xun Conglian held Lin Chen's hand, his skin was very delicate, his joints were well-balanced The punishment was so satisfying that the tone became taken for granted.

Speaking of this, Lin Chen finally turned to look at him.

"I didn't hide you, I said the first time I took you home." Xun Conglian robbed Baidao, "Where do you find an honest man like me?"

Hearing that Lin Chen finally showed a helpless look on his face. But he didn't say anything to refute him, which made Xun Conglian's vanity greatly satisfied.

They walked this road many times together, the sun was soft, and the river water in late summer showed a turquoise algae lush, making people feel peaceful.

At first, he chose to live here because it was very quiet and looked very high. It was suitable for a quiet residence after retirement, but now the word retirement has become a terrible curse.

Sentences have been considered more than once. When consultant Lin joins him to buy a new house and pay the down payment, he must first look at what Feng Shui is doing. And it is still a good commercial house. There can only be two rooms, the master bedroom and the study.

But these thoughts were thought, and they were scattered by the wind. They want to stick it in their palms, and the temperature is getting warmer.

Xun looked at him from the side, Lin Chen walked to his right, his footsteps were gentle, but his body was thin but still strong. The side face is especially handsome. The hair has grown a bit because I haven't had time to shave recently. It just covers my ears, but the outline is faint.

Actors like him, of course, immediately stretched out the other hand, pulled Lin Chen's black hair away, and stroked his ear gently.

Lin Chen turned around immediately, an incredible look flashed in her eyes and pupils, but she did not resist, but she seemed a little overwhelmed.

Anyway, it looks really cute.

There were no pedestrians passing by. The punishment retreated half a step, leaning against a willow tree by the water. He pulled over Lin Chen, supported the other's head, and licked Lin Chen's lips, feeling a bit dry, but soft and excessive.

Lin Chen still kept his eyes open and looked up at him slightly. The sunlight leaked through the gap between the leaves. Probably for this reason, Lin Chen's slightly cold eyebrows softened at this moment.

Xing Conglian carefully described Lin Chen's face, bowed his head again, and kissed him.

The teeth are light and sweet, the mouth is warm, and sweet is like a dream.

The water breeze blew through, Lin Chen closed her eyes and finally caught him.

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