Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 10 Table of contents

Yan Jing suddenly sweated coldly, and felt that Xie Chiqiang was abnormal.

Xie Chi must have been inspired by the hand fiddle with the pointer, and came up with this method of throwing the dice.

A crooked way, but it worked, Xie Chi really had a conversation with a ghost who was not in one dimension.


The "audience" outside the horror film exploded:

[This is cheating ah ah wori]

[He didn't even ask people or ghosts, my mother had never seen anything]

[It makes sense. Asking the female boss is definitely blind. Will you admit it if you kill someone? If you ask a ghost, the female ghost was killed by the female boss, and she was trapped in the elevator and couldn’t get revenge. If someone came to help her, she would definitely say of]

[The question is who can think of this way? ? ]

[His, this newcomer is terrifying]


In the picture, Xie Chi Siwen's face became quieter under the candlelight, and his pupils were warm and light amber, but they were insightful and calm.

"Then how can we help you?"

Xie Chi asked this sentence and rolled the dice again.

The word on the desktop is-"down".

under? What do you mean, Xie Chi frowned slightly.

He threw it again, this time it was a word that appeared before-"lift".

Get off the elevator? Xie Chi seemed to understand, and immediately threw it again.

This time, Xie Chi did not recognize the word-"JING".

Xie Chi frowned, he couldn't help but recognize common vocabulary, and the female ghost would definitely not deliberately embarrass him.

Xie Chi pushed Yan Jing gently: "What are the English words J, I, N, and G?"

Yan Jing said in shock: "Thank you brother, don't ask me, you don't know, how could I know...Eh? Wait--"

"Jing?" Yan Jing looked suspicious, "Isn't this just Chinese Pinyin?"

Xie Chi: "..." Female ghost is plastic in English.

[Hahahahahahahaha xswl]

[There is no English word that I don’t know. If there is, it is Hanyu Pinyin hahahaha]

[It’s been eighteen years, it’s great to remember a lift, it’s worthy of praise]

[Then she **** in English. When people ask questions, they just spell "dui (right)" or "shi (yes)" if they are right, or "fou (no)" if it's not right, it's not over]

[It makes sense in front hahahaha]

Xie Chi quickly settled his complicated mood, thinking about what the female ghost wanted to express.

jing, most likely the Chinese character "井".

So down, lift, jing, together is-down the elevator shaft.

The moment this sentence was spelled out, Xie Chi’s cell phone rang--

[The progress of the plot has been updated. The actor Xie Chi goes down the elevator shaft and finds the female ghost's corpse to take it out, using this method to help the female ghost get out of the elevator and take revenge on the female boss. ]

[Congratulations, because you chose to help the female ghost, from now on, the female ghost will no longer attack you. ]

[You have made a significant contribution to the plot. At present, the personal exploration rate of the main line Red Wraith Spirit is 45%, and the personal exploration rate of the branch line Baby Head Gu is 30%. ]

Just as Xie Chi was about to show his face, Yan Jing’s phone suddenly sent a voice prompt——

[Publicity: Attention, all actors, the main line of "Red Wraith" is nearly halfway ahead, please hurry up and perform well. ]

Xie Chi's face was completely gloomy.

Yan Jing was stunned for two seconds, "Fucking" said: "Xie brother, report the progress of the main line, isn't this pitting us?! Those newcomers have always been together, and they must know each other's level. It is impossible to move forward. Many, as long as the two of us have been alone, they know that the progress of the plot must be halfway because of us, they will not entangle us with the progress..."

Before Yan Jing's words fell, the voices of several other actors were heard from the stairs. In less than ten seconds, the three newcomers had appeared on the floor where they were, and showed them close smiles.

Xie Chi snorted secretly, his eyes were cold.

After Zhou Yu and Zhang Lan died, apart from Xie Chi and Yan Jing, there were only three newcomers left, and they were all here now.

A black and thin man who was bitten by a gu worm before, a wavy woman, and a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face.

"My name is Zhang Bin, and I work on the same floor with Jiang Rui," the middle-aged man with Guozi face introduced himself with a shy smile. "We were stunned when we heard that announcement. After all, we are ashamed..."

The wavy scroll woman named Jiang Rui glanced at Zhang Bin, then took the conversation: "Zhang Bin and I have less than 5% plot exploration, so you guys are really good! It's only the next day, it's halfway through! I really can't even think about it..."

The black and thin man smiled at the right time: "The three of us have finished our work. For the sake of safety, can we stay here? After all, there is one more person, who can talk and watch each other in turn..."

Yan Jing heard the smell, and these three wanted to take advantage, but they were still very high-sounding.

Yan Jing was guilty of Xie Chi's injustice. Xie Chi was well-educated. He was a wild road and could say anything. He was about to scold someone away. Xie Chi took him a step and sat lazily on the sofa, nodding at them with a smile. : "Of course, please feel free."

The three of them didn't expect Xie Chi to talk so well, they flashed by surprise on their faces.

In full view, Xie Chi casually took away the dice and candles on the table, got up and threw them into the trash basket on the side, and turned on the light on the fifth floor.

Yan Jing seized the opportunity and leaned forward and whispered, "Brother, why are you keeping them?"

Xie Chi was washing his hands and chuckled softly when he heard the words: "They are all in the same building, they want to follow, can we stop it? Agreeing is a high-sounding follow, disagreeing is just..."

Xie Chi didn't continue, but Yan Jing understood in an instant: "Tracking!"

Yan Jing gritted his teeth.

"Yes," Xie Chi carefully wiped his fingers with a piece of paper, and said casually. "People who come here have a desire to be fulfilled. In other words, the inevitable result of extreme **** is to use whatever means, as long as they If you want points, you will definitely find a way to follow us, it's human nature."

Xie Chi's tone was downplayed, but Yan Jing was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Xie Brother, aren't you angry?"

Xie Chi just smiled and said nothing.

Yan Jing waited for her peace of mind, and asked in a low voice, "Then thank you brother, are we going to figure out a way to smash the bottom of the elevator and go down the elevator shaft?"

Because Yan Jing participated in the whole process, he shared the main line progress with Xie Chi, but the plot exploration degree belonged to Xie Chi himself.

Yan Jing is not greedy. He understands the truth that there is no diamond and porcelain, and Xie Chi is benevolent and righteous to take him, let alone take good care of him.

Yan Jing couldn't tell the worry about going down the elevator shaft.

The elevator shaft is the running channel left for the elevator in advance when the elevator is built. It is similar to the well. The size of the well head is based on the elevator size, which is generally square. The depth is determined by the building floor. The higher the building, the deeper the elevator shaft.

Yan Jing thought about the height of the building and the possible situation under the elevator shaft, and shuddered: "Brother Xie, the company building has more than ten floors, and the elevator shaft is 30 meters short. Even if there is no light, there is still a female ghost... …"

"Not going down for now." Xie Chi said lightly.

He is not in a hurry to complete the main line and leave the horror film. His branch line is currently behind the main line and needs him to explore.

The main line is also a very critical link.

Now that the female ghost gave him a clear reminder to lift the curse, she would never tell him the truth eighteen years ago. Xie Chi was extremely sure about this, so he took the dice and threw them all without hesitation.

There must be a limit to the information that a single method can obtain in a horror movie. This is to keep the story going. Otherwise, the female ghost will be shaken out, and that is a horror movie that is still a fart.

Decrypted ghost movies generally have only two major plot breakthrough points. One is to unearth the truth about the birth of ghosts, and the other is to find a way to survive (to lift the curse).

The female ghost clearly told him the latter-going down the elevator shaft and letting her body reappear in the sky, it is absolutely impossible to honestly explain to him the details of the truth eighteen years ago, and he has to find another way to advance. The plot, excavate the year.

The main line of the Red Wraith is actually very clear. To find out the truth and remove the curse, Xie Chi only needs to complete these two points at the same time to successfully complete the main line. This is indeed in line with the difficulty of the novice compulsory film.

Xie Chi's current headache is the branch line, and the branch line request is too weird-exploring the secret of the decline of the baby head gu.

What is exploring is not the birth of Baby Head Gu, but the decline of Baby Head Gu.

He had ideas for the birth of Baby Head Gu, but as to why it declined, it was still a cloud of mist.

A good gu worm, why it faded into a plain black, and its toxicity was greatly reduced, is the center of gravity of the branch.

The nosebleeds are not over yet.


All the actors are gathered together, and it is not convenient for Xie Chi to sleep peacefully.

While smoking, Xie Chi yawned and stood in front of the remote French windows on the fifth floor, watching the couple talking and laughing on the road downstairs. The thin and tall boy walked fast, stopped from time to time, smiled while waiting for her to run towards him in his girlfriend's anger.

It seems that they are lovers who have just fallen in love. They have to look around when kissing under a street light, sneaking and cautiously.

The floor-to-ceiling windows reflected Xie Chi's somewhat deserted face.

"Hiss." The smoke burned very short unknowingly, and Xie Chi was lightly scalded by the ash, and it was a bit stinging. He was just about to go and sit on his hand for a while, but a familiar and deep voice came from the bottom of his heart, with a little coaxing. : "Koike, be good, go to bed, change me."

Xie Chi was startled for two seconds: "Brother is awake?"

Xie Xinglan paused, then laughed and joked: "I feel like my boyfriend is thinking of me, so I woke up."

Little boyfriend.

The corner of Xie Chi's mouth raised, and said, "I didn't think about you."

Xie Xinglan paused for two seconds, his voice was a little lazy, unspeakably beautiful: "Then I miss you."

Xie Chi was satisfied instantly when he heard what he wanted to hear.

"Smooth less, be obedient, and go to sleep." When he said the second time, Xie Xinglan became serious, with a little beak in his tone. If he had a shell, he would probably press on Xie Chi's body, discipline him, and force him. Sleep with eyes closed.

Xie Chi twitched his lips: "Got it!"

The wavy female newcomer Jiang Rui saw Xie Chi standing alone by the window for a long time, her eyes rolled, and she took a glass of water and wanted to talk to him, hoping to get some information.

After all, he was very gentle and talkative just now.

"Brother Xie, don't you go to rest?" Jiang Rui said diligently.

Xie Xinglan frowned slightly, not talking, alienated and indifferent.

Jiang Rui didn't expect him to react like this, and bit the bullet and said, "Brother Xie, you are really amazing! The main line is 50% faster. This is only the next day."

Jiang Rui became more embarrassed the more he talked. He didn't expect Xie Chi to take care of him, but he didn't expect "Xie Chi" to give him a cold look and said, "I know this, you can't make it."

Could his little pool be great?

Jiang Rui stayed for a while: "..." This is completely different from what she expected.

Shouldn't Xie Chi express humility?

Are powerful men narcissistic?

On the other side, the black thin man got dirty to wash his hands. When he opened the cabinet under the sink to look for soap, a small white hand suddenly stretched out from the cabinet and pinched his finger.

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