Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 11 Table of contents

That little hand instantly gave birth to four or five centimeters long nails, piercing the fragile flesh of the black and thin man, and piercing deeply.

The black and thin man screamed, so painful that he was about to faint, pinched the pale hand, trying to pull out his finger, but in vain.

"Help!!!" the black thin man wailed.

Jiang Rui and Zhang Bin were close, and immediately rushed to him and dragged him. With a "crunch", the door of the cabinet opened, and a broken neck dripping with black blood came out!

It's a ghost baby!

Jiang Rui and Zhang Bin were so frightened that they turned their heads and ran away, obviously not planning to control the black and thin man.

A drop of black blood dripped on the back of the black thin man's hand, causing a sizzling noise. The black thin man's facial features twitched and his screams were heartbreaking, like a ghost in the eighteenth hell.

In an instant, the flesh on the back of his hand was corroded clean, leaving only pale and gray bones, and blood and water mixed with pus dripping continuously.

" me! Thank you brother!"

No one would save him. The pain was so painful that the black and thin man called out the name of the weak new man without any hope.

With a loud "bang", one foot kicked on the cabinet door.

The change was so fast that the ghost infant had no time to shrink his head, and was caught by the cabinet door when he broke his neck.

Xie Xinglan squeezed against the cabinet door, the squeezing force suddenly increased, and the scream of the ghost infant made the periosteum tremble.

Xie Xinglan sneered.

The strength in Gui Ying's hand was loosened, Xie Xinglan seized the opportunity and kicked the thin black man away without hesitation.

The thin black man squatted out for a short while, and his fate was finally saved with a "click" of his eroded finger.

The ghost infant in the cabinet was completely enraged, and his grievances vented: "It's you again!! I'm going to kill you!!"

The cabinet was on the verge of bursting, but Xie Xinglan suddenly went the other way and opened the door of the cabinet, full of fear in his eyes.

Without the barrier, Gui Ying's hand quickly reached out, and he was about to scratch Xie Xinglan's neck. Yan Jing suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and shouted in despair, "Thank you brother!!"

Xie Xinglan didn't move a bit, snorted lightly, and vomited coldly: "If you want your mother to see the sun again, let me go."

The hand paused close to his fragile neck, and his heart trembled unwillingly, and finally retracted.

The ghost infant disappeared and the crisis subsided.

Jiang Rui's face faded, tears streaming down, Zhang Bin directly fell on the ground with weak legs.

Yan Jing breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the sofa: "Brother Xie, you scared me to death!"

He suddenly realized something, and swallowed: "Aren't you fighting the five scum...?"

Can let the ghost infant eat deflated, Xie Chi...

"No technical content." Xie Xinglan went over it perfunctorily.

Xie Xinglan just didn't want to make the ghost infant proud, and didn't have much interest in saving people, just by the way.

The black and thin man's screams were terrifying, and the pain was unbearable. He held his left hand desperately, rolling and thumping on the ground with pain.

Xie Xinglan frowned slightly and walked over to see that the corroded area on the black and thin man's hand was still expanding. After a while, most of the whole person turned into a pool of blood.

Xie Xinglan picked up a fruit knife from one side of the table, and pushed aside the silver knife with a beautiful slender finger.

He took out the lighter and disinfected the tip of the blade slowly and carefully, as if he had an innate affinity for this cold and dangerous thing.

"Do you want your hands or your life?" Xie Xinglan squatted down after doing everything, and the tone of inquiry was calm, and his expression was lazy and impatient.

The thin black man collapsed and screamed: "Death!"

If it continues to corrode, he will not just scrap one hand!

Jiang Rui and Zhang Bin watched in horror as the sharp blades cut through the skin of the black and thin man bit by bit. The good ones were kept and the corroded ones were cut off. The whole process was as fine as art.

——If he is not cutting human flesh.

The man with the knife had a cold face, his expression was indifferent, and it seemed that nothing could make him make waves.

Jiang Rui and Zhang Bin looked at them, and a dense chill gradually appeared in their hearts.

How stupid they are, they feel that the person in front of him has a good temper and can be used to it. They were actually playing Xie Chi's abacus before.

When the two of them thought of the thoughts they had had before, their legs became weak, as if they were already a pile of dead meat under Xie Chi's knife.

This person was able to complete half of the main line in only the second day, not by luck at all, but by the actual terrorist power.

The audience outside the horror film was silent for a while:

[This person is almost... ice and fire]

[The contrast is so big, my scalp is tingling]

[He has a lot of faces, which one is real, my goodness]

[Even if the IQ is crushed, it's still **** good, the cabinet is chucked, when has the ghost baby been so angry? I will go]

[It feels more...perverted, but I like it! ]

[I see his method, his job is not a doctor, but... Forget it, I will not talk about it and think carefully]

[Real name Mu Qiang, I follow]


The situation of the black and thin man is not optimistic. Fortunately, Xie Chi considered possible injuries when he went out to purchase on the first day. He was equipped with a medicine box with bandages and medicines.

Jiang Rui and Zhang Bin spent a lot of time, and the black and thin man's situation barely stabilized, and it was absolutely no problem to support him until he was sent to the hospital after get off work.

Early the next morning, when Xie Chi regained control of his body, he found himself sleeping on the sofa in a comfortable posture, covered with a thin blanket, and the strong smell of disinfectant on his hands.

His head was dizzy and the lymph nodes were a little bit painful. Xie Chi reached out and probed his forehead, feeling that the temperature was a bit hot.

It seems to have a low-grade fever.

Xie Chi was stunned for two seconds, and he said in his heart. Sure enough, the disease was brought to him by horror movies.

He will not get sick on his own.

Seeing that the person woke up, Jiang Rui had deep fear and respect hidden in his eyes: "Thank you, brother, are you thirsty? I...I'll go and pour you some water."

Xie Chi caught a glimpse of her hand shaking slightly, his eyes condensed.

Is Jiang Rui afraid of him?

"No," Xie Chi slowly sorted out the folds on his shirt. "Where are they?"

Jiang Rui said dryly: "Yan Jing went to buy breakfast, Zhang Bin was renting out downstairs, and he was going to accompany Zheng Ming to the hospital..."

Zheng Ming is the name of a thin black man.

To the hospital? Zheng Ming was probably injured last night.

Xie Chi was surprised at Jiang Rui's attitude, but didn't ask too much. Obviously, his brother did something terrifying last night, and Xie Chi took it for granted.

"How is Zheng Ming?" Xie Chi asked casually.

Jiang Rui smiled bitterly: "The left hand is completely abandoned, and I hope to live until the end of the filming and recover. Thanks to you, he can have the hope to survive."

All the injuries suffered by actors in horror films belong to "character" injuries, so once the filming is over, the actor leaves the role, and the actor will naturally be safe.

Rebirth from severed hand is a trivial matter for the app.

Xie Chi nodded lightly, and got a glimpse of what happened last night from this sentence.

"Just said to go to the hospital?" Xie Chi tidied his clothes and stood up, thoughtfully, "I'll go there too."


When he arrived at the hospital, Xie Chi paid for a blood test.

While waiting for the results, Yan Jing sat on the chair beside the inspection room and handed the siu-mai bought to Xie Chi: "Brother, where are you uncomfortable?"

Xie Chi took it, without any appetite: "I have a fever."

"Did you not sleep well?" Yan Jing felt that his question was a bit counterintuitive. In the horror movie, Xie Chi slept the most unscrupulously.

Xie Chi but smiled.

"No. 47!" The doctor in the examination room behind him called him.

Yan Jing accompanied Xie Chi in, and the female doctor pointed to a few numerical values ​​on the test sheet, her expression a bit solemn: "Your platelets and red blood cells have fallen, and your white blood cells have increased..."

Xie Chi's heart said as expected, listening with a smile.

The female doctor originally saw that this man was handsome, gentle and young, and she felt a little regretful and worried, but when she saw that he was calm and gentle, she couldn't help but wonder, do people take their lives so seriously now?

The female doctor put it euphemistically: "You may need to stay for a while and have a bone marrow puncture to see what's going on."

Yan Jing originally didn't understand the meaning of those values. Hearing the bone marrow puncture, he was shocked to lose the burning wheat in his hand.

"No need." Xie Chi got the answer he wanted, nodded slightly to the female doctor, and pulled Yan Jing out of the clinic.

"Come back!" The female doctor stood up quickly, calling him from behind, "The problem is really serious! It may be leukemia! Don't take it seriously...hey!"

Xie Chi thanked her for her kindness and waved to her helplessly.

The female doctor stomped her feet behind her back: "What kind of person is this! You are not afraid of death if you are sick!"

[What did I say before]

[He is so keen that he didn't bother to come to the hospital to check it, but fortunately he kept a mindful eye]

[This is the key information, right? ]

[I am a little curious about what is going on with that Gu]

Yan Jing Shao Mai is not fragrant anymore, drooping his eyes, and cautiously said: "Brother, are you sick in the real world and come here hoping to be cured?"

"No," Xie Chi touched his head and whispered, "I am 100% sure that it is the cause of the horror movie."

"Fuck!" Yan Jing was shocked, "I got seriously ill just two days ago, how could it be—"

Realizing something, Yan Jing suddenly lowered his head and looked at his index finger.

In the next second, his expression was extremely ugly: "Because Gu??? Is this thing so damaging?? Can it cause people to get sick??"

Xie Chi lightly said "Yes".

Yan Jing panicked: "Brother Xie, if you were bitten by Gu, then we have all been bitten...Should I also go for a blood routine?"

Xie Chi: "Yes."

Waiting for Yan Jing's results, Xie Chi went to dispense some medicine to relieve symptoms. The longest horror movie lasts for seven days. Now two days have passed, and he only has to stay up to five more days.

It seems that the process has to be speeded up, and he has to quickly figure out the truth about the details eighteen years ago.

It is certain that the female boss killed the female ghost, and the female boss’s motive for doing so needs to be explored and considered.

Asking the victim in the party can’t tell the whole story...

Xie Chi chuckled, then he could only go up to the difficulty and "ask" the murdering female boss, and could not attack, he had other ways.

Yan Jing came out soon, and walked to Xie Chi with a dazed expression: "Brother Xie, my blood routine is all normal, but the platelets are a bit high. The doctor said I was anemia."

Xie Chi was silent.

The side effect of his being bitten by Gu was illness. The negative effects of Gu worms on Yan Jing and a few others had not yet appeared, but Xie Chi was sure that they had, after all, they had all been bitten by Gu.

It's just that the effect is different from his current situation.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the female boss came to the company for inspection. At six o'clock, she entered the underground garage. Three minutes later, her luxury car drove out of the underground garage.

The driver drove and the female boss sat in the co-pilot.

Yan Jing and Xie Chi are sitting in a humble green taxi right now.

Xie Chi watched the female boss's car slowly merge into the traffic flow: "Master, please help me follow the car in front, the one with the license plate number xxxxx."

The driver master stared suspiciously at the two in the rearview mirror, and shook his head again and again: "I don't do this kind of business! You guys go down quickly..."

Xie Chi hurriedly said: "Master, it is true that there is my buddy and girlfriend in that car. My buddy just received news from his girlfriend that she was going to work overtime, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw her on the man car……"

When Xie Chi stopped, he looked embarrassed. The driver's master instantly blessed his soul and glanced sympathetically at the shabby Yan Jing on the side of Xie Chi's body.

Yan Jing clenched his fists at the right time, his face was full of anger, and he secretly said that he was forced to play this role.

The driver's master suddenly relaxed his vigilance: "That's OK, but I just follow outside and won't go in..."

Xie Chi thought without hesitation: "No problem."

[I feel like I'm going to show up again hahahahaha]

[What is he doing? Even if he stalks the female boss to her house, what can he do, he can still get in?]

[Want to steal information? How easy is it? How could there be no security in the place where the female boss lives? He can't even enter the door, let alone enter other people's home]

[Don’t set the flag too early, you can’t think of a normal person like this person]

[No, we are also in modern society anyway, do you really think there is a kind of **** who sneaks into people's home without knowing it, and can you get what you want without being discovered? ]

The taxi finally stopped at the gate of the high-end community.

"Here is one hundred thousand yuan per square meter." The driver's master babbled, sympathizing more and more with the short man next to the handsome guy.

It seems that Dwarf's girlfriend is really getting a big money.

The female boss came down from the front, and the driver master saw her with a big belly. She was stunned and didn't hold her back. He blurted out: "Little brother, you are too miserable. This child is probably not your kind."

The blue veins on Yan Jing's forehead jumped twice: "..."

Xie Chi patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he would remember Yan Jing's sacrifice.

When the two got off the taxi, Xie Chi pulled Yan Jing aside and said in a low voice: "You are playing around here. The volume of your mobile phone is turned on. Wait for my call. After receiving my call, we will immediately call for rent. Hurry back to work."

Yan Jing listened carefully, inexplicably excited: "Okay."

Xie Chi took out the small mirror from his pocket and began to tidy up his appearance.

[How do I think this routine is a bit familiar]

[Hahahahahaha I seem to have guessed it]

Yan Jing couldn't help saying, "Brother Xie, can you really get in? This neighborhood looks like a good security thief, there are cameras everywhere, and you don't even have an access card..."

Xie Chi said: "Try it."

When Yan Jing walked away, Xie Chi first went to a nearby flower shop, bought a bouquet of roses, and walked back to the gate of the community.

A few young girls who came out for a walk at night caught a glimpse of the well-dressed and gentle man, and couldn't help whispering: "Is this here to meet my girlfriend? It's so romantic! And bring flowers!"

"The single dog ate a mouthful of dog food."

"So handsome! So long legs!"

"Hey? He came over to us! Come on, is he who boyfriend?"

"not me!"

Xie Chi stepped forward a little embarrassed: "Hello, I just got off work and wanted to surprise my girlfriend, but when I arrived, I realized that I couldn't get in, so can you..."

Xie Chi glanced awkwardly in the direction of the security room, and the handful of roses in his hand was gorgeous, expensive and gorgeous.

The girls are very refreshing: "We will take you in!"

"That's troublesome." Xie Chi thanked very gentlemanly. He looked at the specific building with a faint smile like falling in love on his face.

"Where does your girlfriend live?" One person realized, laughing and joking.

Xie Chi nodded with a smile.

"She is so happy!"

Several people talked and laughed at the card swiping place. The property saw a stranger and came up and asked, "This is..."

One of the girls rolled her eyes: "It's my friend."

The property immediately nodded and let go.

Xie Chi entered the community smoothly and smiled: "Thank you."

"With a little effort, a happy date!" The beautiful girls winked at him.

Xie Chi nodded slightly and smiled like a spring breeze.

When they left, the smile on Xie Chi's face instantly reduced, and he glanced blankly at the building the female boss had entered.

The next step is to get into her house.

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