Supernatural Movie Actor App
Chapter 184 Table of contents

At two o'clock in the morning, the music in the biggest nightclub nearby was loud. After dancing on the stage for a while, the dancers rode on the shoulders of the men who flocked to them, guessed the box with the men, and lost the fruit wine with whiskey.

The sleepy waiter saw the manager hurried out and asked in a low voice: "Someone is making trouble? Or is someone pickpocketing? Is it serious?"

Male manager: "No, Mr. Xie is here. The boss has a little friendship with him, let me come out and pick him up."

The waiter's mind is still not clear: "Which Chief Xie?"

"The one who was a horror painter before."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized who the manager was talking about.

More than a year ago, the well-known horror painter Xie Chi disappeared bizarrely. The police conducted various investigations and carpet searches, but they did not find him. In the end, he was basically determined to be dead. After the fans' grief, even a memorial service was held for him. The result was less than six months. He appeared again magically, but he no longer became a horror painter, but switched to the development of the horror industry.

The action is so big, it must have start-up capital. Xie Chi is also very poorly connected. No one is optimistic about him as a business man who is engaged in art. He waited to see the jokes. As a result, he did not ask for money, nor did he borrow from the bank. He just relied on himself. One person quickly devised an industrial model, and it quickly became a mess.

The adversary picked up part of his funds for unknown sources, thinking it was black money, and wanted to follow this investigation to send him in. The result was found to be nothing, and the money fell out of thin air.

After that, he didn't know where he got countless excellent horror movie scripts. The scripts covered a wide range of different things, and included all kinds of magic, science fiction and fantasy.

The horror movies produced in Xiechi's industry chain are "realistic" ghosts, without special effects, compact plots, and endless reversals. They cater to the current fast-paced and high-quality market demand, and soon have attracted young people seeking excitement. Strongly sought after.

Xie Chi, a young, promising, handsome and long-sleeved former painter and entrepreneur, has naturally become the darling of the media. His experience is legendary, and his uninterrupted disappearance adds to his mysterious "color".

Xie Chi said in an interview that this is not his exclusive horror industry. He is just joining a chain and standing on the shoulders of giants, but apparently no one believes it. After all, no one can find the source of those amazing scripts.

Xie Chi only smiled at the camera at the time, without saying more.

After the cusp of the storm and everything was on the right track, Xie Chi gradually turned behind the scenes and stopped publicly "showing" his face. The waiter did not expect to see Xie Chi here.

Xie Chi is actually a "sex" type who can go to nightclubs.

"Come!" The manager was shocked when he saw the people coming in, pushing away the crowd and running down.

The waiter looked at the door. Two men with low-key clothes but hard to hide their faces came in. The taller one on the left was covering his hands for the one on the right.

Not long after the Chinese New Year, at two o'clock in the morning, I just came in from the garage and it was quite cold.

The one on the right should be Xie Chi, and the one on the side is his lover of the same sex.

Everyone knows about Xie Chi’s "sexual" orientation. He did not conceal anything in public. Perhaps he was from an artistic background. The outside world was very tolerant of his behavior and did not produce any negative public opinion about his "sexual" orientation. And criticism, more just kind ridicule.

It seems to be an artistic expression that all the things that are different from ordinary people in him are rationalized.

The music in the nightclub was too noisy, and the legendary Mr. Xie looked helpless and had no choice but to go over and bite his ears with his lover.

The demeanor is intimate, with a little ambiguity.


The manager laughed and asked, "Are you two?"

Xie Chi: "Four people, I booked the deck before I came, so I can take us there."

The manager hurriedly said: "Then I will pick up the other two?"

"No," Xie Chi coughed and said, "They've already arrived. They've gotta play first, and they're waiting for us."

"That's it," the manager suddenly realized, apologizing, "we don't even know, let's neglect."

"No, they love to play." Xie Chi let him relax.

The manager felt that Xie Chi had a strange expression on his face, but he didn't think much about it and led them upstairs to sit down.

"Call me whenever you have anything!" said the manager.

Xie Chi nodded his head with a smile, and yawned comfortably when he saw the person leaving, put his head on Xie Xinglan's shoulder, and said dullly: "Brother, I'm so sleepy, let me fight for a while."

Xie Xinglan "rubbed" his head and said in a low voice, "We can only get together with the two ghosts, it's late at night, and go back to sleep well during the day."

"Um... OK."

Xie Xinglan: "Where are they?"

"The ghost knows."

As soon as Gui Xie Chi and Gui Xing Lan came in, they saw that they were getting tired. Gui Xie Chi coughed, and Xie Chi moved his head nonchalantly: "Come and sit down."

Because they look exactly the same as Xie Chi's pair, they wore masks, sunglasses, and hats for fear of causing trouble to Xie Chi. Now they entered the nightclub. The lights on the deck were dim and the visibility was extremely low from three meters. They also took them off. Occlude.

"You still wear sunglasses, right?" Guixiechi said.

Xie Chi: "No, I say red "color" color contact lenses when they are found."

Gui Xie Chi and Gui Xing Lan: "..."

Things have to start more than half a month ago.

Xie Chi was idle about half a month ago, and in accordance with the agreement with the app, he returned to the app to film. The film happened to be the sequel to the horror movie "Hospital" "The Morgue". The worldview is almost the same, but the story changes. Become a morgue, the story is different.

When Xie Chi came out of the movie "The Morgue", he remembered the Gui Xie Chi and Gui Xing Lan he knew when he was filming "Hospital". After spending points to get in touch, there was the meeting in the appointment.

Since Xie Chi entered the app, he has learned a lot of news.

For example, the app welcomes actors from all over the world to join their horror film industry after they leave. As long as the points are delivered in accordance with the contract, the app will provide scripts, ghosts, and even guide horror scenes.

The actor encounters a ghost in the app, and the ghosts that the app rents to franchisees are all ordinary ghosts. Normally, the ghost audiences who watch him make horror movies are about the same as ordinary people. Even the thinking is no different from normal people. , After all, ghosts change after people die, and after Xie Chi bought them props, they can pretend to be an adult in the human world, and they can become ghosts when needed.

There are ghosts and ordinary ghosts in the app, and people can also be variable ghosts and immutable ghosts.

After death, people will normally become ghosts, that is, they will enter another dimension. Under the control of the order of another world, human audiences will also become ghost audiences.

And these actors who voluntarily enter the app cannot become ghosts after death in horror movies. In other words, they completely lose the possibility of extending their lives.

This is the price they paid for their wishes.

The actor died in the dungeon, and it was really gone, there was nothing left. If you want to resurrect them, you can only make a wish in the app.

This was also known to Xie Chi later.

Gui Xie Chi and Gui Xing Lan are equivalent to being in a small world independently created by the app for the horror film "Hospital".

At about the same time as him, Gui Xie Chi also joined the app to develop the horror film industry in the world he lives in. It is not ruled out that there are actors from other worlds doing the same thing as them. The app welcomes agents from every world.


Gui Xie Chi asked about Shen Yi's follow-up, and then went to play with Gui Xing Lan. When they came back, Xie Chi and Xie Xinglan upstairs were holding the cup, shaking the dice and playing bragging.

Ghost Xie Chi will also, Xie Chi inevitably has to socialize in the past, these things on the scene, more or less touch.

He walked over, listened to Xie Chi's report "seven six", and paused.

Seven six?

Bragging. Generally speaking, there are five dice. You can tell how many dice you have here, and then add them to each other. For example, there are three sixes at the beginning. If you add them, it can be four sixes. If one of the two players is playing If you feel that the opponent’s actual dice is not as big as what he reported, you can open him. After the dice are drawn, the dice of the corresponding number in the dice of the two people are added. If there is, the side that opened it loses. If it is caught and bragging , Is the side that was opened loses.

The loser will be fined alcohol.

Xie Chi reported seven sixes, five dice per person, and his maximum is five sixes. If he has five sixes, the leopard counts six sixes. Xie Xinglan has at least one six. Xie Chi is not bragging. No need to be fined for alcohol.

Xie Xinglan may have a lot of six in his own place, so he didn't open Xiechi.

Gui Xie Chi and Gui Xing Lan sat down and watched, Xie Xing Lan continued to add: "Eight six."

Xie Chi: "Go on!"

He leaned slightly and opened Xie Xinglan's dice gu. To the surprise of Gui Xiechi, there were no six in it.

Xie Chi reported seven sixes, and he only had six at most. Xie Xinglan didn't have any. As long as he said that, he won no matter what, he could let Xie Chi punish him.

Gui Xie Chi was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted with a secret tusk.

Xie Xinglan didn't want Xie Chi to be fined for drinking.

He glanced at the wine glasses on Xie Xinglan's side and Xie Chi's side. Xie Chi only drank a small half glass of fruit juice, but Xie Xinglan drank four or five full glasses.

He thought Xie Chi was great.

Xie Xinglan had to be taken back when Xie Xinglan was drunk. How could Xie Chi be drunk and taken home by Xie Xinglan.

Ghost Xiechi smiled secretly and knocked on the table: "Xiechi, I will play with you."

Xie Chi was stunned. He scanned the ghost star around his eyes and suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. He smiled and said, "Okay."

Gui Xie Chi sat across from Xie Chi.

Xie Chi: "Two and one."

Ghost Xie Chi: "Three Ones."


Xie Chi: "Six one."

Gui Xie Chi: "Open, I don't have a single one."

Xie Chi: "Excuse me, Leopard. Five and one counts as six. Drink."

Ghost Xie Chi drink.


Ghost Xie Chi: "Three Twos."

Xie Chi: "Three Three."

Ghost Xie Chi: "Open."

Xie Chi's face changed slightly: "Three threes will you open?"

Gui Xie Chi: "You didn't, drink, do you think I am your boyfriend who spoils you and can't drive you?"

"..." Xie Chi drank.

Xie Xinglan coughed.


Time passed quickly.

Gui Xinglan and Xie Xinglan were left alone, watching the tit-for-tat play in full swing over there, and they walked to the side and whispered: "What should I do?"

Looking at this posture, it is probably endless if you are not drunk.

I have already had a few big cups, even if it is a fruit wine of around 8 degrees, I will definitely be drunk after drinking too much.

Gui Xing Lan: "I'll persuade Gui Chi to pretend to be drunk and surrender."

Xie Xinglan glanced over there, "...Do you think it is possible?"

Ghost Star: "..."

Also, when did Xie Chi admit defeat.

"Don't look at me, Koike can't admit defeat." Xie Xinglan said lightly.

Ghost Star Lan: "What should I do?"

Xie Xinglan: "I don't know."

He paused: "And I can't beat him, I can't drag him away."

"..." Gui Xinglan patted his shoulder.


The two in the middle went to the bathroom, and Gui Xinglan was called away by Xie Chi, but Gui Xiechi was not angry, but instead called Xie Xinglan away as if in the middle.

At the same time, Xie Chi Chong Gui Xinglan smiled intriguingly: "I'll return you a drunk ghost pool later."

Ghost Xiechi smiled intriguingly against Xie Xinglan: "I'll return you a drunk Xiechi later."

Ghost Star: "..."

Xie Xinglan: "..."


At four o'clock in the morning, Gui Xinglan and Xie Xinglan each led the drunk Gui Xie Chi and the drunk Xie Chi from the nightclub, and looked at each other in despair.

Xie Xinglan pointed to the direction of the garage: "Go, don't come to this kind of venue with competitive games next time. Obviously both of them are chickens."

Ghost Star Lan: "I see."

"Come to my house for dinner."

Ghost Star Lan: "Definitely."


Half-hug and half-hug to the garage, Xie Xinglan was afraid that Xie Chi would catch a cold, so he zippered and buttoned his clothes. Xie Chi was not very obedient and moved. Xie Xinglan could only take him two restless. Hold your hand, eyes full of helplessness.

"Don't make trouble, be obedient." He whispered.

In the most prosperous neighborhood in the city center, at four o'clock in the morning, there were still many people on the main road. They were mostly off night shifts or just came out of entertainment venues. They looked at the pair with a bit of teasing in their eyes.

Xie Xinglan dressed Xie Chi, led him to the garage, and asked in a low voice: "Xie is three years old, are you drunk?"

It seemed that an unusually sensitive nerve was being pricked, and Xie Chi immediately replied, "No!"

Xie Xinglan smiled: "I still lied."

"Not lying!"

It seems that I can't get it out. Xie Xinglan changed his method: "Xie is three years old, does it hurt?"

"Um... it hurts."

"Do you want to sleep?"

"Somewhat thinking."

"Drunk or not?"

"Not drunk!"

Xie Xinglan laughed out loud. He was so clever when he was drunk, and he was shocked to find that sentence from so many words, and he answered "not drunk".

Xie Xinglan got him into the race, and "kneaded" his red and hot face: "Going home, you said you were not ashamed of being seen, so adult."

"No shame."

Xie Xinglan didn't laugh angrily. He straightened his body and was about to close the car door, but was pulled by Xie Chi's tie. Xie Xinglan had to bow his head, and a kiss with a soft drink was as nothing as snow. It fell down as a sign.

"You are used to it." Xie Chi said, too tired to open his eyes.

The driver driver on the side was not listening, shrinking his head, deliberately reducing his sense of existence.

Xie Xinglan's heart was soft, and he said softly, "Go home."

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