Chapter 18 Table of contents

Chun Cao: "It's **** good, can orangutans grow this big ?!"

Zhang Yingjie: "Zombie has caught up, what will Rongge do!"

Zhou Rong: "I don't know! Lao Tzu has never been so trespassing in missions-!"

Sinan: "... don't say it, run away."

The zombie orangutan shouted with a terrifying roar, breaking the corner of the upper staircase with a fist, and four people simultaneously rolled up and down to the next level, coming face-to-face with the wave of zombies crowding up.

Chuncao and Zhang Yingjie desperately shot at the zombies, but the army of living dead who followed them did not have any fear, and staggered and approached them in the rain of gunfire.

Zhou Rong shot the gorilla backhand, trying to clear the way up-but in the crowded and chaotic corridor, ordinary bullets had no effect on the zombies and beasts. Instead, he even angered it and leaped straight and smashed into the crowd!

The concrete steps couldn't support the weight of the zombie orangutan, and immediately shattered into countless stones, which caused four people to start flying at the same time.

Chun Cao screamed: "Brother Rong! Think of a way!"

Zhou Rong's roar rang through the corridor: "Sinan-"

Sinan landed heavily, lifting a heavy machine gun in the dark, pouring rain-like bullets on the wall of the corridor!

The extremely tight firing distance caused the metal warhead, cartridge case, and cement stones to bounce around. If the special forces squad were not wearing bulletproof clothing in their field suits, they would have been scratched all over at the moment.

Rao was so close to the other three people that he couldn't get closer because of the bullet rain and could only desperately protect his head and face.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, I saw that the concrete wall had been beaten into a honeycomb by the machine gun, and Sinan kicked a large hole in the wall, which was a passage to the inside of the floor!

Zhou Rong turned and fired wildly at the zombie tide, yelling: "You go first, come on! Come in one by one!"

Si Nan, Chun Cao, and Zhang Ying Jie quickly entered the channel in turn. Zhou Rong was the last one. As soon as half of his body entered, he felt his back foot tightened. He was caught by the zombies, and he gnawed his teeth for several times before he could barely escape.


The vision of the zombie orangutan was obviously inadequate in the dark. After suddenly losing his target, he became extremely anxious, violently shook his hands and tore apart a few zombie bodies, hitting the crumbling wall with a more horrible crack.

"The wall can't stand it!" Roared Zhou Rong, "hurry up!"

The sanctuary is mainly divided into eleven floors, but there are also narrow partitions and fire floors between floors. Usually, only the staff routinely checks, and the public is not allowed to enter-this is the space where they pass through the corridor.

Four people ran in the empty corridor, suddenly shaking behind the mountain, and the entire corridor wall was knocked down by a zombie orangutan!

Chun Cao ran out of breath: "Say it's good to fight the biochemical crisis and mix it into the King Kong copy, okay this time ?!"

"It's coming! I can't help but think of a way!" Zhang Yingjie's shoulder bag ran up and ran dangling, it was unbearable: "Rong brother, I think there should be armor piercing bullets in your bag, let's cover you for it?"

Zhou Rong categorically said: "Too late to dig! The armor-piercing ammunition is at the bottom of the magazine, and it was originally intended to be used for blasting the biological research institute!"

"A little bit like this back ?!" Chun Cao wondered.

Sinan: "... Don't talk so much when you escape!"

The corridor has come to an end, and four special forces made a sharp turn at the same time. Suddenly Zhou Rong caught a glance from the edge of the laser night vision goggles:

"Wait, here!" Zhou Rong cried in joyful moments: "——Garbage truck!"

A compact garbage truck stopped quietly at the door of the refuge's refuse collection center, exuding an unpleasant odor.

There is always a way out.

Zhang Yingjie smashed the window glass with one punch, pulled two red, two blue, and four wires from the steering wheel, and his fingers trembled slightly, one by one.

After a while, the engine started roaring, and the other three flew into the bucket. The moment the zombie orangutan flashed from the other end of the corridor, the truck burst out!

Zhou Rong sat on the garbage truck bucket, quickly pulled out the armor-piercing projectile from the tactical bag, and took over the eight | nine heavy machine gun. Si Nan turned over and approached, Zhou Rong erected his barrel with his shoulder as the fulcrum, narrowed his eyes and aimed.

Si Nan was rocky and motionless, and Zhou Rong's body was constantly bumping with the truck. In the sight, the zombie orangutan ran up and down, getting closer to the truck.

On the other side of the bucket, Chun Cao watched them closely, and he didn't dare to say anything, cold sweat slid down his cheek to his sharp chin.

"Roar! Roar! Roar--"

Zombie King Kong leaped up and fell into the air!

——If time is still, it will be a very scary picture.

The zombie orangutan weighs several tons, and looks like a hill. The black shadow completely covers the three people on the truck. The claws are covered with **** carrion.

At that moment, the scope was lit red.

Zhou Rong pulled the trigger.

Huh! !!

The zombie orangutan ’s huge head burst and burst into the sky!

Zhou Rong stood up and flipped the moment he released the trigger, pressed Sinan under him, and hugged it tightly. The **** brain of the gorilla sprayed his entire back the next second.

The truck fled without speed, the headless body of the zombie orangutan tipped over, slammed behind him, and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.


Five minutes later, on the garbage truck.


Si Nan turned over and sat down exhausted, and finally couldn't spit out anything, barely spit.

Zhou Rong depressed: "Is it so bad?"


Chun Cao turned his head and wiped his mouth thickly, surely: "Yes, Rong."

Zhou Rong moved towards them in revenge, and the two immediately backed together, Chun Cao said angrily: "Don't come! Keep your distance and you can still be father and daughter!"

Zhou Rong had a sense of disappointment, leaned down from the top of the car, and knocked on the cab window: "Ying Jie! Let me go in for a parking!"

There was no answer from the cab, and the truck was moving forward smoothly, as if nothing had happened.

Zhou Rong sat up helplessly, with his forehead straight, and the field uniform was full of sticky and semi-dry brain, mixed with garbage in the car bucket that I hadn't treated for a long time.

"Comrade Xiao Si," Zhou Rong cleared his throat, preparing to begin to convince people: "Let's assume a situation."

"If it wasn't Geshe who protected you, who should be covered with zombies' brains now? Who should be isolated, abandoned, and severely hit by teammates? Under such a low morale ..."

"Rong brother drinks water," Comrade Xiao Si kept busy.

Zhou Rong took the water bottle dissatisfied, took two sips, and was almost spit by the stench of his body.


"We crossed the barrier from here and reached West B in twenty minutes, which is directly above the emergency liaison office. There is a dedicated lift for garbage handlers, which can reach the designated area 60 meters downward, and then proceed blasting."

Zhou Rong's finger stopped on the tablet computer map and made a red mark.

Spring grass raised his hand.

"Comrade Xiaocao, please speak."

Chun Cao sat far away from the other side of the car and shouted, "If you encounter more King Kong-what to do!"

"Cold dressing," Zhou Rong said coldly, "Do you really think we are here for the autumn tour?"

Chun Cao couldn't help whispering: "How do you feel that you have been out of luck recently when you are on a mission? Shouldn't you kill bye to Lama Temple?"

Si Nan has been holding Zhou Rong's eight-generation single-passing son, sitting beside him, and focusing on proofreading the scope, this time suddenly interrupted:

"I always wanted to ask, what is King Kong you say?"

Zhou Rong looked at him suspiciously, and Si Nan returned his calm and clear eyes.

"King Kong is an ancient mutant gorilla, Comrade Xiao Si, have you seen Skull Island?"

Sinan shook his head.

"What about the biochemical crisis?"

Sinan shook his head again.

"... Always fight against Counter-Strike."

Sinan said, "I don't play games."

Zhou Rong seems to have discovered the new continent: "As a teenager who thrived in the 21st century, you do n’t even chase drama or play games? Comrade Xiao Si, where are you going to waste your school days? What are the pains and unspeakable concealments? Talk to the organization? "

Chun Cao lazily said: "You don't understand brother Rong——Siao Nan's appearance, he was busy dating in his school days, not watching pure stars with the stars, watching the moon, talking about poems, songs, songs, or giving life ideals Sweet school flowers watching a movie riding a bicycle hand in hand to study in the classroom, different from the birds in your military school.

Sinan said, "I have never been in love."

Spring grass: "..."

Zhou Rong: "..."

The air suddenly fell into silence, only the rhythmic bumps of the garbage truck were heard.

Half a week Zhou Rong slowly said: "Although it is a good thing not to fall in love early on, but Comrade Xiao Si, people should still be a little entertaining occasionally, otherwise the mental stress is too easy to cause problems ... After that, you really don't want to find a place where no one is. Are you biting your ears with Rong? It ’s necessary to relax properly. "

"I have a pastime," Sinan replied, "sleep."

After a long time, Chun Cao covered her nose and moved around Zhou Rong, whispering: "I think what he said to sleep is to sleep."

Zhou Rong: "I think so."

The garbage truck turned a corner in the empty isolation layer, galloping westward, bypassing the generator set and the power distribution room in the front. In the corner, there was a lift dedicated to the staff by yellow and black warning tapes.

As soon as the truck stopped, three people on the top jumped off the ground at the same time. Zhou Rong, carrying dozens of kilograms of equipment, ran and said, "Do you know? I finally remember what Comrade Xiao Si felt to me. White Eagle, It was the one who played against us nineteen to eight last year ... "

Spring grass: "Ah! Right!"

Zhang Yingjie: "Foreign devil pretending to be rough and rough, no! Rongge give me a wrench!"

Zhou Rong said "Hi", "What wrench?" He grabbed the door gap with his bare hands and gnashed his teeth. The muscles in his shoulders and back violently lifted the elevator door open.

In the black hole in the elevator shaft, Zhou Rong shook his tactical flashlight a few times, and the bottomless darkness swallowed the light, only to see the sparkling waves reflected from the bottom.

"What's going on?" Zhou Rong murmured: "Is groundwater coming back?"

Zhang Yingjie pulled out a small sensor from the camouflage pants pocket and threw it into the elevator shaft. After a while, the tablet computer showed a detection depth of 57.6 meters.

Their target floor is two meters underwater and requires diving operations.

"Rong, can't you?"

Zhou Rong pointed inwardly: "Less nonsense, come on!"

Spring grass rigged the hook rope, and fixed the rope head to the elevator shaft wall with eight suction cups. Zhang Yingjie put on leather insulated gloves and grabbed the rope to jump in.

This time the order was changed to Zhang Yingjie, Zhou Rong, Sinan, and Chuncao. Four people lined up from top to bottom, stepping on the walls of the wells in the southeast, northwest, and down to rotate.

"Baiying troops," Zhou Rong booed.

When Zhou Rong kicked his legs on the wall, he fell two meters down. Zhang Yingjie laughed at his feet. "This group of ghosts was awesome before the start of the exercise. What is a full-fighting fighting machine? Each Alpha soldier is trained in an absolutely obedient combat procedure ... "

"I look down on our idle special forces, but the result is not a nineteen to eight." Zhang Yingjie jumped down: "Shame!"

Si Nan said expressionlessly: "It turns out that my image in your hearts is so poor."

Zhang Yingjie hurriedly denied it, Zhou Rong sighed: "But their pervert coach is still very powerful. After the exercise, they were singled out, and they discounted 118 general directors by four ribs-although this behavior itself is only to save respect. That's it ... Yingjie is ready to dive. Did you hit me, Si Xiaonan? "

Sinan stopped falling, clasped the rope with both hands, stepped on the well wall, and stared intently at her gloves, as if suddenly entering a meditation mode.

"You are the typical puppet!" Said Zhou Rong angrily.

Zhou Rong used a tactical flashlight to illuminate the standing water, and when he saw that Heiyouyou didn't know how deep it was, he found the electronic mine from his trouser pocket | The tube was thrown to Zhang Yingjie: "Be careful, this is our last stock! "

Zhang Yingjie made a "receive" gesture: "I can hold my breath for five minutes and get up when I fix it." With a loose hand, he jumped into the water.

The elevator door to the floor of the emergency communication department is two to three meters below the water surface. You need to find a fulcrum to fix the mine | tube and set an encoder. This work must be done by Zhang Yingjie, who has the best diving performance.

Above the water, three people hung quietly, like three grasshoppers hanging from a rope.

After a while, Zhou Grasshopper couldn't help jumping:

"Comrade Xiao Si."

Comrade Xiao Si rolled his eyes.

"Why haven't you been in love?"

"You don't understand, Brother Rong." Spring grass hung on top, staring deep into the darkness.

"This kind of thing is like everyone gathers after winding up. Those students who lament that they have not reviewed at all must be secretly reading books to the early hours of the morning. If you believe them, the rankings will teach you to learn how to be a good person. ... "

"And Xueba, they will see their names appear in the first five grades, and said shyly: 'I really haven't read books!' Luck is so good! 'And even:' Why am I stepping back than last time? One and a half points! '-But they said this only to humiliate you, because only you passed the countdown, and only you honestly faced the fact that you did not read at all ... "

Zhou Rong couldn't help but look up: "Daughter, although your student days may sound miserable, my brother has always been a hegemonist in the military academy."

Spring grass: "..."

"Brother has been the first in the school for four years, and got a medal after graduation. One day I will find it for you."

Chun Cao did not speak for a long time, and his expression was like thunder.

With a splash of splashes, Zhang Yingjie poked his head from the bottom and smiled, "Well, Rong Ge La me! I will go up and detonate again."

Zhou Rong worked hard to adjust his posture, stepped his legs on the left and right walls to fix his body, and bent over to pull half of Zhang Yingjie who was sinking in the water-but at this moment a series of bubbles suddenly appeared on the water surface. , Quickly changed from small to large, as if something was rising rapidly.

Zhou Rong frowned: "Come up!"

Zhang Yingjie also obviously felt ominous and yanked the rope. But as soon as he was about to get up, a few pale, swollen hands suddenly stretched out on the black water, holding him!


"——Zombies !!"

Zhang Yingjie slammed his gun, but the bullet did not hit the target at all, and the whole person was pulled by the zombies in Cangjie!

Huh! The resound accompanied the water arrows and shot, and saw that Zhou Rong didn't even want to think about it, and pulled back the charge | gun from behind, and jumped into the water in a volley. 2k novel reading network

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