Chapter 19 Table of contents

At the moment when he entered the water, Zhou Rong had only one feeling—it was so cold.

The groundwater was cold and biting. He strove up and down two times, and opened his bones. By the light of the helmet lighting, he saw the two huge white shadows of Zhang Yingjie not far from his feet entangled, and he could not break away from the entanglement of the zombies.

Zhou Rong was afraid of hitting Zhang Yingjie and felt that he had fired after aiming at the zombies, but the underwater shooting skewed the bullet angle and hit only the back of the zombies!

It doesn't help!

Vigorous movements intensified the consumption of oxygen. Zhang Yingjie finally couldn't hold his breath, and the air in his lungs was squeezed out of a series of bubbles, sinking down silently.

Zhou Rong scolded the sound mother and dived decisively. One zombie immersed in the Giant's view returned to arrest him, while the other chased Zhang Yingjie down.

Zhou Rong backhanded the zombies with a buttstock, and the reaction force caused his back to hit the elevator wall and rebounded back. The zombie opened his mouth, which had almost been melted, and moved forward again. Zhou Rong pressed his muzzle against his upper jaw, and a bullet smashed his head!

The zombie dragged the dark bloodline quickly sinking, Zhou Rong felt that the oxygen had reached the peak, but at this time he could not score without hesitation, and plunged in the direction that Zhang Yingjie disappeared.

In many cases of drowning, jumping a well is the least likely to be rescued. Because the well wall is smooth and there is no stress point, it is difficult to struggle to float in a narrow space; accelerated diving like Zhou Rong will cause the water pressure to rise suddenly, and the oxygen consumption will reach the limit in an instant.

The lungs jerked violently, Zhou Rong gritted his teeth and held the last oxygen. Suddenly, the water on the side suddenly surged, and the zombie who had previously chased Zhang Yingjie floated up!

-I fuck!

Zhou Rong had only this last thought in his head. He was **** and punched hard!

If it were on land, Zhou Rong's right punch had a maximum impact force of 400 kilograms, and he could at least be a little boxer on the platform. However, the lack of oxygen and the current restrained a considerable part of the blow, and the zombie's chest was knocked over and collapsed, and then he staggered towards him.

Zhou Rong turned black, struggling to raise his gun and pull the trigger!

A few shuttle bullets fired randomly made the bottom of the water turbid. Numerous cotton-like tissues burst out of the zombie's head and body, and finally drifted away completely.

At this time Zhou Rong could not even feel the existence of his limbs. He retracted the gun, sank mechanically, and fumbled with both hands until he finally hit a foot that didn't move at the bottom.

Hard bottom military boots, legs, tactical bag with armed belt ... It's Zhang Yingjie!

It was like a heart-stroke needle struck into the body in an instant. Zhou Rong struggled to lift the person up with his last strength, struggling to float upwards.

— Immediately his foot sank!

Two cold, stiff hands extended from the bottom of the elevator shaft and grabbed his ankles.

The water rushed upwards, and a somber and soft zombies rose like a ghost, biting Zhou Rong's calf through camouflage pants!


Zhou Rong kicked his legs madly, and the water was rattling, but the dizziness caused by extreme hypoxia made his eyes dark, and he couldn't even pull them out. He struggled with a mouthful, and this trivial little action almost ended his life--

Because of the slackness of the throat, the last air in the lungs was instantly cleaned, and a large number of air bubbles burst out.

Is this ... over?


The glare came down from above, and a figure dived quickly, passing Zhou Rong by now!

Zhou Rong had really reached the end of his crossbow, and his scattered sight almost couldn't see anything. The last scene before the coma was a bit of a dagger in the population, straight toward the zombies, and the lights reflected his cold and handsome face.

——It is Sinan.

Zhou Rong closed his eyes and finally completely lost consciousness.


"And the pulse ..."

"Stay! ..."

"Moved! He moved!"

Zhou Rong opened his eyes sharply, struggling to sit up, and took a big mouthful of water.

The cough was almost dim, the sun and the moon were dark, and the lungs were almost torn into pieces and twisted out of the throat. After a long while, Zhou Rong finally felt embarrassed and stopped coughing, panting constantly, and said hoarsely, "Yingjie ..."

Chun Cao was pleasantly surprised: "Rong brother is all right!-Hey, Si Xiaonan ?!"

As soon as Zhou Rong looked up, he saw Si Nan kneeling on his side, and at the moment he heard the words "It's all right", he fell silently and softened backwards.

Zhou Rong was not surprised. He reached out and hugged, but saw that Si Nan was soaked and pale, and passed out.

"Physical overdraft," Chun Cao's face was full of exhaustion: "Let's change hands and give you two more than ten minutes of artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation."

Zhou Rong leaned against the corner, put Sinan's head on his belly, and looked around exhausted. They have arrived in West B area. This should be a staff office. The concrete wall is covered with blood, the documents and paper are scattered all over the floor, the alloy doors are closed, and the dull and empty roar of zombies comes from the corridor.

Zhang Yingjie was lying motionless beside him. At first glance, he looked dead, but he looked at his chest slightly and regularly.

Zhou Rong opened his mouth and coughed two times. After soaking in the water, his throat was sore, and he barely asked, "What's going on?"

"Lift shaft space is limited. Si Xiaonan and I were afraid that the two of you could not perform. However, after waiting for two or three minutes, I could only jump down to find it. It turned out that you were entangled in the zombie, and Si Xiaonan tangled with a dagger and bite Your zombie's brain, and then I blasted the electrons, and we were all washed out of the elevator shaft by the water ... "

"But the impact was too strong during the blast, and you and Yingjie hit your head," Chun Cao looked at Zhang Yingjie with anxiety: "Shouldn't be silly."

Zhou Rong remembered something and looked down at his calf.

The camouflage trousers had been bitten and ragged, but the body was not hurt by the blessing of the full body body armor.

"Have Yingjie been zombie ..." Zhou Rong whispered.

"No, he was wearing a gas mask when he was rushed out. He must have protected his head and face as soon as he was dragged into the water by the zombies. But his clothes were bitten and his body was bruised and bruised. It was too late. an examination."

Zhou Rong turned over and explored Zhang Yingjie's pulse. Although weak but steady, this relieved him.

Suddenly he found a trace of blood that had not been completely wiped off Zhang Yingjie's nasal cavity, and he realized what he was doing. He raised his hand and touched his nose, and he was also burst out of blood by the water pressure. "What happened?" ?! Sinan just now-- "

Si Nan's face rested on Zhou Rong's strong abdominal muscles, groggy and unconscious.

"Dad, you are lucky today." Chun Cao was helpless. "You haven't seen Si Xiaonan's state when he rescued you. He is no longer conscious, and he is not so conscious. I suspect he can do it during external cardiac massage. Broken your ribs with your bare hands. I asked him to take a rest and let me change hands, but he couldn't hear the ears at the ears ... "

Zhou Rong listened.

"And," Chun Cao sincerely said, "you and the zodiac who have been jumping so close to the disco for so long, the taste is also touching enough, then Siao Nan may be fainted by you two, maybe ..."

Zhou Rong finally relaxed completely and leaned back against the corner, exhaling a long breath.

Although Si Nan did not realize the Alpha pheromone, it was physically affected, and seemed a little uncomfortable in a lethargic state. Zhou Rong hugged him and moved upwards, letting his body snuggle in his powerful arms, and patted his back lightly, trying to appease in this way.

After a long time, Sinan finally calmed down a little, breathing gradually deep, but his brows frowned unconsciously.

He is still very young, because of mixed blood, his eyes are more three-dimensional than ordinary people, and his skin has a chilling white after soaking in water.

But there were lines in his eyebrows prematurely, as if always wrinkled slightly, his mind was heavy.

Zhou Rong fed him some water, wiped the traces of water with his belly, leaving a slight red mark on the corner of his lips.

"I was negligent. I should have thought of it when I didn't see the car in the elevator shaft." Zhou Rong said lowly: "The moment the virus broke out in the sanctuary, the elevator car fell directly to the bottom, Some of them did not fall to death, and the wound was soaked with virus-containing groundwater and became infected with zombies. They have been operating at the bottom of the elevator shaft ... thankfully everyone is fine, otherwise. "

He said without a word.

"Otherwise, do you lose your life?" Chun Cao laughed lazily: "Don't be stupid, Rong, you have a life or death, everyone knows this kind of thing."

Zhou Rong laughed and stopped talking about this topic. Si Nan took a restless nap in his arms and slowly opened his eyes.


Zhou Rong leaned closer, only whispered: "... you have a taste ..."

Zhou Rong paused and patted his face with a smile: "It's all soaked in the groundwater, do you still expect it to smell like Chanel No. 5? It tastes normal, isn't it?"

Sinan closed her eyes and opened them again a few moments later. After repeating several times, she finally awoke and sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

Chun Cao was leaning on the opposite side and stared at her cheap dad with condemnation. He heard the words and dialed the luminous dial: "At half past eleven, it has been five and a half hours since we entered the base."

"Very well, I'm done, I'm ready to go!" Zhou Rong kicked Zhang Yingjie's ass, and the latter slept silently, even making a slight snoring sound.

Zhou Rong had no choice but to let Chuncao carry Zhang Yingjie, carry his own equipment, and stood up staggeringly.

"We are now at the entrance of the base communication office, and the emergency satellite communication room is here." Zhou Rong made a red mark on the map, saying, "The distance is about 200 meters in a straight line. You need to cross two corridors and add an alloy security door. Comrade Xiao Si Responsible for blasting. "

"After sending satellite communications, it is expected that area E can be transferred within two hours. The Biological Virus Research Institute is here ... This is a high-risk area. Don't fight in love. Once you confirm that you can't attack it, immediately evacuate. The evacuation route is calculated according to our previous calculations. Gather at the entrance of the light rail station. If Yan Hao's group is not overwhelmed by the army, we can take a new armored car when we go back. "Zhou Rong shook the tablet computer:" ——What's the problem? "

No one raised their hands.

Chun Cao dragged Zhang Yingjie difficultly, and the latter could only drag his feet to the ground. Sinan rubbed his eyes sitting cross-legged, rubbing the corners of his eyes red, apparently not completely awake.

"Yes, everyone is very aggressive!" Zhou Rong clapped his hands, expressing his spirits: "Please follow me below and march towards the dawn of victory!"

Zhou Rongpa turned around, suddenly Si Nan's voice came from behind him: "Rong brother."


Zhou Rong looked back and was hugged tightly before he could say anything.

Si Nan's face was almost buried in Zhou Rong's neck, and he did not speak or move. He maintained this posture for more than ten seconds, finally raised his head, and patted Zhou Rong's tight, rocky, fiery back fiercely.

"Great, you are not dead."

Sinan took a step back, looked at Zhou Rong's eyes, and said seriously: "I won't let any of you die."

Then he bent over and picked up the tactical backpack, bypassing Zhou Rong's motionless body and leaving on his own.

The air froze for a long time, and Zhou Rong's eyes blinked at last, as if the switch was powered on and finally came alive.

"... Caoer," he seemed to be drifting in the clouds as a whole: "Dad gives you one last chance ... Yan Hao and Dad, who are you standing on?"

However, Chun Cao looked at him sympathetically, and slowly shook his head:

"I only know that in the future, after he finds that he has been deceived by us, you will be miserable, and it will be worse than Yan Hao ..." 2k novel reading network

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