Chapter 20 Table of contents

Maybe it ’s fortunate that if you fall to the bottom of the valley, you will be extremely Thai, or you will have a blessing if you are in trouble. Zhou Rong stretched the fighting nerve to the extreme and turned aside from the corner of the corridor with a gun. How many zombies.

Chun Cao randomly shot and killed a few living dead who came along, frowning: "What's going on, are you hiding?"

The front hallway lights were completely off, and no fingers were visible. Zhou Rong took a tactical flashlight and the whole channel was empty.

A faint red light flashed at the door of an office at the end of the distance-that was the Satellite Secret Communications Office, their target for the trip.

"Keep alert," Zhou Rong whispered, his volume almost whispering: "One hundred meters ahead at twelve o'clock, Sinan is ready to blast."

Three people lined up in a row, Zhou Rong opened the road, and after the grass was broken, Si Nan changed his hands and carried Zhang Yingjie, and proceeded cautiously against the wall.

Suddenly Zhou Rong stopped.

"What's wrong?" Si Nan whispered.

Zhou Rong didn't answer him, his fingers lightly touched the messy wall surface, and the flashlight carefully swept from the deep indentation of brick and stone turned into powder, and then cast it forward.

"What do you look like?" He asked a moment later.

In a yellow light reflection, the wall surface turned out several long marks of damage, extending horizontally to darkness.

Sinan's expression changed slightly: "... beast claw marks."

Zhou Rong nodded and said briefly: "Maybe this is why there are so few zombies nearby. Be careful."

Sinan held Zhang Yingjie's arm hanging on his shoulder with one hand, and found out the nitrated explosive pack from the outside pocket of the tactical backpack with one hand. Turning around the corner, after Zhou Rong confirmed that there was nothing in the stairwell, he beckoned Sinan to step forward, pointing to the entrance opposite the side that glowed red in the dark.

"... Zhou Rong," Si Nan said suddenly.

Zhou Rong's sharp eyes glanced forward, and he didn't look back: "What? Something called Rong brother, nothing called Zhou Rong, picky eaters, lazy, and want to take a hot bath all day, bite your ears to hug whenever you are criticized, you ca n’t be so cute ... "

"The door is open," Sinandao said.

Zhou Rong turned sharply.

The portal of the satellite communication office was wide open, and the collapsed masonry ruins stood at a height of half a person, and the alloy plate quietly collapsed in the ruins, distorted into an unimaginable shape.

"..." Zhou Rong's eyes slowly cast into the room. Countless racks of cabinets fell to the ground in the dark, and the corpse was horizontally and vertically. The deepest part of the console was splattered with blood.

"... Very good," Zhou Rong calmly said, "Today we organized and saved an explosive package."

The Satellite Communications Service has two principles, one is confidentiality and the other is urgent.

When the disaster broke out, Living Forces evacuated into this building protected by alloy gates and heavy steel locks. While sending distress signals to other military region shelters via satellites, they conducted internal inspections through surveillance systems and searched for survivors in East A.

However, the fort was still breached. The three stepped on the brick and stone to cross the ruins. The flashlight flashed across the ground, and the rotten body was torn by beasts.

"Major money," suddenly Chuncao screamed extremely slightly.

In front of the gloomy display, half of the corpse in military uniform was crooked on the console, eyes wide open, blood and internal organs had dried up, and wrinkled hands fell weakly. The bright six | four type slipped on on the ground.

Zhou Rong stood still, and after a long time made a silent breath, slowly raised his hand to salute the dead body.

"The head of the 118 unit, more than sixty this year, can reasonably be retired. He said that he can still work for a few more years. Next year, he will recruit 118 new blood. Without him, he will not rest assured. He wants to sit in town again ..."

Si Nan found a chair with four legs surviving from the mess, and put Zhang Yingjie, who was still asleep, on top of it, Chun Cao held the charge | Gun Youyou sighed:

"When Rong Ge had nowhere to go, he also made Rong Ge 118. He didn't say that the person with money was completely fine, but he did have a hand in knowing people ..."

"Why would Zhou Rong have nowhere to go?" Si Nan asked.

"Unclear, it is said to have offended the people in the center."

Sinan nodded, Chuncao glanced at him, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

The two of them guarded by guns and searched for the remaining zombies inside the satellite communications office. Si Nan turned his head and looked at Zhou Rong, who was sitting in front of the communications station, and smiled slightly:

"I'm just thinking ... Zhou Rong's personality of seeing people talk and seeing ghost talk can even offend people."


Zhou Rong took off his identification card from Major General Qian's body, scanned it and entered the confidential communication program, taking a deep breath.

The communication log rolls down from the top row of the screen, in order of security level, source, department, and date. Zhou Rong filtered the less dense part, and the rest was flipped from the beginning, and the bleak fluorescence reflected on his fortitude and beauty.

"September 15, 2019 14: 27GMT + 8

The first and fourth squadrons of 118 units confirmed the sacrifice of all members, and the second squadron lost contact. "

"September 16, 2019 20: 37GMT + 8

The third squadron of 118 units confirmed the sacrifice of all members, and the eighth squadron lost contact. "

"September 17, 2019 16: 26GMT + 8

The fifth and seventh squadrons of 118 units were recalled, and the whereabouts of flight DC918 and target character Z could not be confirmed. "

"September 18, 2019 18:29 GMT + 8

The target person Z is missing, and the progress of the B Military Region Institute is stagnant. After research, it was decided to open S-level samples of the virus source. "

Zhou Rong jumped imperceptibly.

He knows that Target Z is the task object that the 118 special forces were ordered to take. It seems that not only the sixth squadron returned without success, but the other seven squadrons also successively collapsed or failed.

-But a virus source sample?

Where did the zombie virus originate from what is currently called the mystery of human life and death, and where did the S-Class source body samples obtained by the B Military Area Research Institute-before the fall of this shelter, humans have identified the source of the zombie virus? !!

Zhou Rong couldn't help shaking his fingers and quickly pulled down the second page.

"September 28, 2019 01: 23GMT + 8

The virus stock analysis and biological experiments have made breakthrough progress. Primitive antibodies have been obtained from chimpanzees, and injection experiments are underway. "

Zhou Rong stared at the word "antibody" until he saw the next newsletter. The status showed that it had not been sent. The time was the same day as the previous one:

——September 28, 2019 20: 25GMT + 8.

"Playing with fire will eventually **, although we had expected the moment when the S-class virus source sample was opened, we did not expect the results to come so fast.

Eighteen chimpanzees used in biological experiments mutated within three hours after injection. As a carrier of a new generation of super virus, they quickly infected the entire refuge base. The 20,000 asylum seekers in East Area A were basically infected, the troops fell, and electricity, water and basic communications were cut off one after another. The final research force was withdrawn into the satellite communications fortress. After DNA analysis, we did not find the hidden mission target Z from the Omega survivors.

God has not cared for humanity.

The military region no longer needs to exist, please launch a nuclear bomb to clean the shelter. The only good thing is that the research center of Zone E is covered by a nuclear shield. After destroying the shelter, please send troops to Zone E to get the latest research data exchanged by hundreds of top biochemical experts for their lives ...

This will be a protracted war, and the survival of humanity will be the most severe challenge ever.

But we have no fear, every drop of blood shed today is to meet the brighter hope of tomorrow.

——Qian Guoqiang, on the evening of September 28, to the South China Sea Military Command. "

Zhou Rong breathed a little, and stood up arrogantly, and the folding chair drew a sharp rubbing sound on the ground.

Sinan and Chuncao turned around at the same time, and saw him face to face with the display screen, saying, "We are now heading to North E Zone immediately."

Chun Cao said suddenly, "Isn't it a high-risk area?"

"Military Region Institute," although Zhou Rong tried his best to calm down, his tone still shivered with inconceivableness, saying, "Research on zombies has made breakthrough progress and even extracted the original antibodies ..."

Chuncao's pupils tightened sharply, and even Sinan's breath was stunned!

Zhou Rong enters the communication password and presses the confirmation key to send the last message of Major General Qian during his lifetime.

Then he pondered for a moment, picked up the microphone, and cleared his throat:

"On October 26, 2019, at 08:08 Beijing time, here is Major Zhou Rong, the 6th Squadron Captain of Unit 118."

"My only five members and my team members, as well as a civilian volunteer who volunteered to join the death squad, went through the six-hour trek to the completely occupied B military area and saw the death-death message of Major General Qian Guoqiang who was confirmed to have died . "

"Next, I and two team members and volunteers will follow the instructions of Major General Qian before his death to the Biochemical Laboratory in Area E to try to obtain valuable virus research materials and original antibodies."

"The four of us are Major Zhou Rong, Lieutenant Yang Chuncao, Lieutenant Zhang Yingjie, and volunteer Sinan. Regardless of whether we successfully complete the mission or died midway, please start nuclear bomb cleaning to the B military area according to the original plan. If you leave the base alive , We will immediately bring the antibodies to the South China Sea headquarters. "

"Heaven has not cared for humans ... we will do our best to complete this journey alone."

Zhou Rong's low voice became the last communication sent before the satellite communication was scrapped.

He stared at the screen until the green light of the message was successfully sent, and then exhaled slowly, lowering the microphone and preparing to turn off the machine.

——But the moment he touched the switch with his finger, a sudden bang sounded, and the yellow light on the bottom of the screen suddenly lit.

Zhou Rong's first reaction was: Did the feedback from Nanhai headquarters come back immediately?

Then he turned on the decoder and realized that it was impossible. The message read after decoding turned out to be an international secret letter from the A ** party ten minutes ago!

"Rong brother?" Chun Cao packed up his equipment and called away.

Zhou Rong didn't look back: "Wait, it'll be all right."

After the secret message passed the decoder, its text content was displayed row by row in the lower corner of the screen. It was obviously a simple and clear secret communication style of wartime communications, omitting all diplomatic rhetoric, and even using English grammar very clearly and directly.

Zhou Rong is very good in English and German. I do n’t need to go through a translator to understand it myself.

"Your party,

An important member of our country has recently been lost in the North China region of your country. In view of the special nature of the period of global chaos, please immediately assist your search with full strength.

This man is of mixed ethnicity, 26 years old, and is an Omega male, with recent photos below. When you find this person, he may have schizophrenia, dullness and dullness, accompanied by deterioration of sensory functions, etc. Be sure to control him and pay attention to keeping distance. "

Zhou Rong twitched, and continued to look down.

"The arrested person has a potentially anti-social personality, is extremely destructive, has committed multiple first-degree murders, is cold-blooded and most of the time it is difficult to predict the trend. Do not attempt to use any stimulus to restore his mind, In particular, do not try to mark, do not! To avoid unnecessary injuries to your personnel.

If the person has been infected with a virus and zombies, please kill him and burn it thoroughly. All infected persons who have been bitten by him must be burned immediately until the virus is completely decomposed. Conversely, please strictly control and protect it, which will be of critical significance for global anti-virus research. "

The signature was a long list of titles, and Zhou Rong noticed that the person who signed the circular issued the same surname as the former vice president of Country A.

He consciously realized something, quickly opened the picture, and the screen showed loading.

The floor shook slightly, and a dull thick pant came from the end of the corridor outside the door, as if the beast smelled the prey.

"... Rong," Chuncao shivered at the end, and said, "It seems something is coming."

International satellite communications have become very slow, and the pictures have been loaded to 90%. Zhou Rong hoarsely said: "Wait, soon, soon ...


The sound approached rapidly, the ground shook, and a huge shadow reflected in the flashlight—

Si Nan shouted suddenly: "Be careful!"

Picture loading 99%.

An orangutan with rotten body to black and red rushed on all fours, and crashed into the ruins at the door!

The collision was almost shocking, and the pieces of metal masonry and concrete weighing several tons exploded like a heavenly girl. The three people were rushed to different directions by the airflow, and Zhou Rong rolled down along the console, quickly grabbing the charge | gun, and opened fire!

The zombie orangutan's eyesight didn't work in the dark, but his sense of smell and gunfire made it immediately lock on his target, and he turned around and rushed over!

Zhou Rongfei stepped back and glanced at the screen with Yu Guang within a thousandth of a second-he clearly saw that 99% on the screen became 100%.

Immediately following the strong wind, Zhou Rong almost flashed out against the orangutan's forefoot and rolled into the console behind the scene.

Chuncao and Sinan opened fire at the same time, the muzzle spurted wildly, and the flying bullet belt was quickly rolled into the bomber. The zombie orangutan was extremely irritable in the rain of gunfire, and he waved a heavy hand, and shot the steel frame on the side of Zhou Rong into a powder!

Countless steel fragments burst instantly, Zhou Rong was beaten for several meters and fell to the ground, feeling only a pain on the side of his head.

The blood was like tap water that had opened the brakes, and it flowed through his hair between his cheeks. 2k novel reading network

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