Chapter 32 Table of contents

This is an anti-theft chapter. The purchase of user account V is less than a certain percentage. The system randomly shows that the densely populated city will be reduced to **** immediately after the end of the anti-theft chapter. There are crashed vehicles, rolling smoke and flames on both sides of the street, and the dead are alive. Wandering back and forth, the corpses were scattered all over the road.

The store portal was open, broken glass covered the floor, the shelves seemed to be swept by a tornado, and the walls were covered with blood stains and black and red handprints.

Someone was lying on the ground in front of him, his hands and feet were still in conditioned reflex twitching, but his body had already passed through the intestines. Several zombies were around him, biting the flesh of their arms and thighs, holding up their internal organs and swallowing, bloody.

The silver Camry rushed past, the zombies smelled the smell of a living person, and just staggered to catch up, but the car was gone.

The young man looked into the rearview mirror. On the top of the prison building in the distance, an armed helicopter was roaring into the air, over the scorched city, and sailed towards the smoky horizon in the distance.

He retracted his gaze, adjusted the lower rearview mirror slightly, and immediately saw something in the mirror with a slight movement.

Those eyes were cloudy and gray.

Quietly behind him.

The young man stepped on the brake with one foot and turned back in the harsh rubbing sound. I saw a little girl in the back seat looking at the dead end of the seat. She was quietly quiet, maybe only two or three years old, not much older than a cat. Head She also wore a small croissant and hugged a doll.

Her face had been completely black, her mouth was closed, and the fuchsia blood flowed along the corner of her mouth to the neck, staring straight at the young man, with a **** women's bag on her side.

The young man closed his eyes gently.

He can imagine what it was like at the time. The husband was reluctant to give up his infected wife and daughter, fled the city by car, sought rescue along the way, and was eventually killed alive in the driver's seat. Then the zombified wife opened the door and fled.

He opened his eyes and raised his gun at the zombie's brows, but his index finger couldn't hold the trigger.

The zombies in the street crowded beside the car, and numbly slapped the window, making a muffled noise. The half-young young man lowered his muzzle, reached out and caught the little girl's neck, twisted it with a click, and the body hanged softly on the back seat.

He didn't leave the little zombies out of the car. After watching her for a moment without saying a word, he stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

One kilometer ahead, next to the parking building, the yellow sign of the pharmacy was striking in the smoke.


At the same time, the second floor of the parking lot.

There were more than a dozen bullet holes cars scattered in the large space, and dead bodies were all over the ground, and the alarms were one after another. After the fierce battle, the stink of the bullets and carrion mixed together, which strongly stimulated everyone's nerves.

"We are surrounded by zombies," Yan Hao took off his telescope and said hoarsely, "the back door is an alley, and the front door blocked the tide of zombies. The estimated number is hundreds. Adjacent buildings are hospitals, schools, and supermarket pharmacies. They belong to The red first-level danger zone cannot be crossed by a hook cable, and ammunition is about to run out. "

By the side of a biochemical armored vehicle, several team members were quickly organizing their equipment, and they turned around and looked at a certain silhouette.

The rigorous long-term training prevents them from losing control immediately, but the faint despair flowing in silence is not to be mistaken. Dull into the depressed air, the sorrow and knocks coming downstairs became clearer.

"Captain ..." Yan Hao shouted.

Zhou Rong leaned against the blood-stained wall, raised his head in the focus of everyone's eyes, but didn't open his mouth, throwing a cold light first-at the same time twenty steps away, a zombie skull hiding behind a cement pillar , Deep into the handle, plunged and fell down.

"Gather your gear and prepare to break out."

Zhou Rong stood up and walked not far away. He was close to 1.99 meters tall, with black protective clothing all over his body. He could not see his expression in the backlight. As if a team member realized something, Huo Ran stood up: "Rong brother! Where are you going ?!"

Zhou Rong found an Audi sports car full of bullet holes on the side of the car. He smashed the front window with a single blow, pulled out the spare key from the storage box, opened the door and sat in.

"I will lead the zombies in front to the back door. After breaking through, you will drive southeast. The target shelter is underground 30 kilometers away."

He ignited the handbrake and the roaring sports car roared: "Once I get away, I will rush to meet you. If I haven't returned before you arrive, the captain will be replaced by Yan Hao and send a positioning signal to the base."

"Captain!" Yan Hao snarled when he was stunned, and several members stood up unacceptably at the same time: "No, Rong!" "Stop!"

Zhou Rong poked his head out of the window and narrowed his sharp and beautiful eyes: "Huh?"

When Zhou Rong didn't smile, the facial features combination had a kind of cold and daunting suffocation, and even the angle of each eyebrow and the slightly squeezed pupil silently showed the fact that "this person is very tied up". It is enough to make the viewer completely ignore his handsome appearance.

The prostitution accumulated over the years | made the players conditioned reflexes at the same time, and then Yan Hao took a few steps out of control. When he was about to say something, Zhou Rong reached out to him. The irresistible order meant a lot and made him hard. Life stopped.

Then Zhou Rong laughed—the smile disappeared when he smiled, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the corners of his eyes were slightly curved. Instead, he had a kind of unsophisticated elegance.

"My pussy, a few of you." He stepped past his teammates and smiled, "Wait for Rong to meet in the refuge, get out."

The team members rushed forward | submachine gun, look at me, look at you, despair emerged in the eyes.

The sports car backed up, crushed the carrion and slid out a sharp U.

"Wait ... wait, Captain!"

Yan Hao stared out the window and suddenly saw something. He couldn't say anything: "Someone ... someone is here!"

-In the front door of the parking lot, numerous black zombies were mechanically knocking at the door. On the road behind them, a silver Camry came to an abrupt halt, and then backed up and shook the window.


Are there survivors in the parking building?

The young man looked at the eight-story building, and every window he saw was shattered, covered with blood, and he couldn't see the inside. Only on the second floor, a window facing the road faintly saw someone lying on it, perhaps the people who fled into the building in a panic.

The electronically controlled gate of the parking lot itself has been blocked, but under the endless scourge of zombies, the hollow iron gate has recessed a horrible arc inward, and it is only a matter of time before the breakthrough.

The young man frowned slightly, hesitating slightly inside.

He looked at the pharmacy not far from the portal. There were only a few zombie boys there, wearing junior high school uniforms, and stomping aimlessly. It should have come out of the nearby school after the infection broke out.

Although he had momentary amnesia due to excessive stimulation, head bumps or other reasons, basic common sense is there. He needed a pheromone pressure preparation to pretend to be Beta. Now that the survivors have attracted a large number of zombies, it is completely feasible to rush into the pharmacy with a rush.

But the fragile electronically controlled iron gate should not last for a few minutes.

And what if the tide of zombies came in after he ran into the pharmacy?

The young man took a deep breath, his eyes fell on a motorcycle that had been killed by a tree twenty meters away, and after three seconds of silence, he pushed the door open.

The roar of the locomotive suddenly rang through the street, as if to announce a clarion call.

On the second floor of the parking lot, Yan Hao's voice was very light and full of surprise: "This person ..."

"He ... he's helping us drive away the zombies ...?"

Zhou Rong strode closer, took the telescope and looked at the street. At the focal point of the lens, the young man straddled a locomotive, his face and neck were covered with helmets tightly, the leather jacket was zipped to the chin, and the tailpipe of the motorcycle spurted exhaust with the low-pitched sound.

More and more zombies were attracted by this voice, stopped knocking at the door, turned around one after another, and swooped on the locomotive in droves.

Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters ...

When the zombies were almost crowded in front of the locomotive on the road, the number of zombies finally reduced to less than thirty in front of the parking lot. The locomotive raised his left arm and gestured high.


"Yan Hao is going to drive!" Zhou Rong threw the telescope suddenly, set off | the gun aimed, and yelled, "Get in the car, all get in the car and prepare to break out!"

Several shots were fired, the bullet shattered the glass window, and in the tide of corpses in the distance, the few skulls closest to the locomotive burst out.

It seemed to be the signal of the start of the operation. The locomotive started in the same second, and ran out in a roar!

"Walk! Hurry!" "Hurry!"

The team members quickly jumped onto the armored vehicle, Yan Hao slammed the steering wheel with one hand, unloaded his magazine and threw out the window with one hand. Zhou Rong didn't return his head as if he had long eyes behind him. He grabbed the magazine and snapped it in. The barrel was on the windowsill, and ammunition poured out!

During the rain in the gun forest, the locomotive rushed out of the corpse tide with high speed, crushing countless living dead into carrion, and then rushed to the crossroads.

The zombies were chasing behind them, looking from a high place, and even the zombies in the nearby streets were smelling the wind. The more they gathered, the more they formed a spectacular dragon.

Broken, cramped, deadly ... horrible corpse twilight without a head to look at is creepy. However, no one lived up to fear at the moment of life and death. The rider turned around sharply at the crossroads and whistled into Southeast Street!

The bang was loud, and the parking lot door finally rose slowly. The biochemical car pressed several zombies that were too late to dodge under the tire.

"Captain—" Yan Hao shouted.

On the second floor, Zhou Rong supported the window sill with one hand and flew down. "Boom!" He landed heavily on the roof of the car.


Five hundred meters away, at the other end of the intersection.

The locomotive swayed and changed lanes, then the body suddenly stopped.

Another group of corpses suddenly appeared in front of them, rushing over them!

Long-range sniper cover from Zhou Rong stopped, and the zombies intercepted from front to back, and the scene was spectacular. The young man's gaze glanced from behind the helmet to the rearview mirror, and a corner road behind the street led to the east street.

The fingers resting on the handlebars clenched tightly, and the blue tendons exploded, then calmed down. He took a deep breath and turned the car head—


The locomotive ran across the highway like a meteor, almost rushing towards the fork next to the sharp teeth of the zombie on the side. The vehicle flew over and smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass wall of the bookstore on the street corner, pierced through the other end, and covered the sky with glass!

Two male zombies in front of him were knocked over as chests, and the half-rotten viscera exploded to the ground. The third zombie reached up and grabbed the handlebars. He just opened his mouth and suddenly a bullet whistled and burst his brain into the sky.

The young man looked up.

——Two hundred meters away, a silver-gray armored car was rushing on. Zhou Rong lay on the roof of the car with a rifle, narrowed his eyes, and his thin lips were slightly raised, as if hitting him across a distant distance. Hello.

Immediately, the next bullet passed over his helmet and lifted a zombie cap on the side of the locomotive.

"Ten meters behind the corner bookstore on East Street, at two o'clock, ready to rescue."

Zhou Rong's voice came from the headset, Yan Hao nodded, and glanced at the satellite road map: "Not good."


Yan Hao stepped on the accelerator: "East Avenue is a dead end."

The armored vehicle made a rapid roar, but it was too late. When Zhou Rong jumped, he saw the locomotive started and broke through the zombies. He had no choice but to rush into Dongdajie!

"Bypass detour! Search for the best route!" Zhou Rong shouted in Fei Fei's cartridge case, "Ready to turn around!"

In the cab, the route on the GPS screen changed, and Yan Hao killed the steering wheel.

At the same time, on the East Main Street, the locomotive leaned to the limit, and the gallop broke through the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain, and then a whole row of black oil pressure barricades appeared in front!

At this time, the speed of the motorcycle has reached a terrible 200km / h, and the roadblock is no more than 300 meters away, and it can be reached in less than six seconds.

What is six seconds?

——Can't turn around, can't turn, both sides of the road are full of zombies. Once they collide with roadblocks, the car will be destroyed.

The locomotive's pupils are squeezed tightly until they are like a needle. At the same time, the pointer in the instrument panel swayed violently, hitting the bottom line, and there was a furious Warcraft roaring in the tail pipe.

"He wants to punch ..." Yan Hao whispered softly.

As if the rod of Moses who split the sea, the locomotive protruded from the layers of zombie groups, and suddenly rushed to the barricade steel plate—

Time stagnated, and the sound of the wind was still.

In mid-air, the locomotive flipped 360 degrees, drawing a streamer arc.

Zhou Rong threw a hook: "Then—"

The young man stretched his arms in the strong wind, and the rope took an iron hook around his wrist. Then he stepped off the locomotive and flew towards Zhou Rong in the volley.

The heavy locomotive swirled wildly, plunging into the corpse tide, and then sent a shocking explosion!

boom! With a loud sound, the young man fell on the armored roof, rolled over and rushed to the edge under inertia, was hugged by Zhou Rong, and pedaled to drive the top cover. The two fell into the compartment at the same time as the loud noise.

"Rong!" "Captain!"

The team members rushed forward and helped the two together, even Yan Hao in the driver's seat set up automatic driving, signaled his teammates to take over, and hurriedly got into the back compartment from the driver's seat: "Is the captain okay? "

"His hiss ..." Zhou Rong raised his teeth and grinned: "Brother this old waist ..."

Behind him, the young man dodged his hand lightningly and retreated to the corner to get up.

Behind the motorcycle helmet, he said nothing to the people in front of him.

This is a special force, he thought.

But unexpectedly, all of these clever and burly team members were Beta, and there was no trace of Alpha pheromone's extremely aggressive taste in the cars with limited space.

"Well," Yan Hao handed a bottle of water in kind: "Thank you."

The carriage gradually quieted down, and with everyone's eyes staring, the young man neither spoke nor raised his hand.

"..." Yan Hao gestured again: "For you." 2k novel reading network

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