Chapter 33 Table of contents

For unknown reasons, Chun Cao and Guo Weixiang ate the chocolate, and Wu Xinyan, who was not afraid of getting fattened, came to share a piece.

But in the afternoon, when Sinan woke up yawning, he had forgotten everything. He stretched a lazy waist and asked inexplicably, "What about people?"

"Going forward to search for supplies," Wu Xinyan said while washing her clothes. "Captain Zhou took more than a dozen people and didn't call you when you fell asleep."

"Because I'm not the puppet of their 118," Sinan said coldly at once.

Wu Xinyan laughed: "How can you remember this two sentences?"

Zhou Rong and they drove one car and parked the other by the river. The dark clouds were so thick last night, but today is unexpectedly good weather. The sun was shining on the river, reflecting the sparkling golden light.

Wu Xinyan washed her clothes and hung them up. Not too far away, everyone packed up and prepared for dinner. It was a rare and peaceful atmosphere in the last days.

Si Nan got out of the car to move his muscles and took a deep breath of the cool air in the early winter. When he saw Dr. Zheng in the open space behind him, Yan Hao was examining the wounds. The aunt was holding the baby and flushing the milk in hot water—not to mention that the full cup was for For the wounded, half a cup is for the baby.

Si Nan looked at the bag of milk powder that he hadn't had time to dismantle, and was quite stunned, knowing that he would never have the chance to encounter dairy products along the way.

Wu Xinyan drew up her clothes and went to pick up the glass of milk for Yan Hao. Dr. Zheng and Dr. Zheng squatted beside the bunk and didn't know what they were discussing. After a while, Dr. Zheng got up and left, and she talked to Yan Hao a little more, and covered her mouth with her back of her hands and laughed.

Sinan shook his head, rubbed his sore neck bone, and sighed very well.

Who are these ...

At this time, Dr. Zheng returned with a crutch cut from a tree branch, and signaled Yan Hao to move in two steps. Yan Hao sat up in pain, Dr. Zheng couldn't help him up by himself. Wu Xinyan wanted to see him, but was stopped by Dr. Zheng. After beating the open space, he beckoned to Sinan: "Comrade Xiao Si, help me!"

Sinan rubbed his neck and walked over, but before approaching, he saw Yan Hao smile at him.

Sinan tried the splint on his chest: "Will you be dislocated now?"

Yan Hao whispered: "Sinan."

Dr. Zheng said, "No, the fracture has already been connected. This clean closure hurts them Alpha."

Sinan didn't want to jump in the river to take a bath. The aunts would definitely not allow him to intervene in the stove, and there was nothing else to do, so they obeyed Yan Hao's right arm obediently, and Dr. Zheng helped him slowly forward.

At this time, the grass was full of slopes, and afterglow west, the towns in the distance seemed to melt in the golden water, and looked at a golden red. Si Nan didn't take the initiative to speak. Dr. Zheng stared at Yan Hao as he walked, using boiling water and paying attention to disinfection. After a while, the two also calmed down, and Yan Hao coughed gently.

"... Sinan."


"At that time ..." Yan Hao paused complexly, and said hoarsely, "I seem to hear you say that Yingjie also survived, but I didn't even hear the truth ..."

"I lied to you," Sinan whispered.

Yan Hao sighed: "It doesn't matter."

After a while, he seemed to be struggling for a long time, and then he asked quietly, "Since then ... from me, do you know we are all Alpha?"

Dr. Zheng was listening to each other, and he seemed to feel something after hearing the words, and the corners of his mouth jerked suddenly.

Sinan froze, "... wo."

He looked up at Yan Hao, before catching the other's eyes.

Among the glittering golden dots on the river surface, Yan Hao had some kind of warm light deep in his eyes—that was when the two members of the underground tunnel in the B military area broke up. When he came forward and hugged tightly, his eyes burned. The temperature at which the **** is still alive.

Si Nan lowered his head and thought for a moment, and frowned slightly, and his brows that had a fine texture had been twisted again.

Yan Hao has been paying attention to the slight changes in his expression, probably realized something, and immediately said: "I have something to tell you, at that time ..."

Unexpectedly, Sinan interrupted him politely: "I have something to do, or should I let that girl help you walk around?"

Sinan let go of his hand and was caught by Yan Hao the next moment.


The two looked together, and Dr. Zheng's expression was very serious: "Well, the child over there is crying. I'm going to see. I'll call you two later for dinner!"

Si Nanxin said that the child was crying about what mattered you, the child woke up four hours a day and cried for three and a half hours, and you couldn't stop her from crying—but he couldn't stop it at all, and Dr. Zheng escaped with oil on his feet.

Yan Hao slightly awkward, "Are you still listening?"

Sinan swept around, washing and cooking in the open space. Dr. Zheng had already picked up the child like a slap, clapping and coaxing, no one wanted to come over.

"..." Si Nan sighed. "Listen."

The two sat down on the bank of the river. Yan Hao had a medical restraint **** his chest. The sitting position was strange. Si Nan picked up the grass around him and formed a pillow. He placed him behind to make the sitting position more comfortable. .

"I wanted to tell you when I was in the city of T, but everyone thought you were bitten by zombies, and you were in a mess, and then the helicopter crashed into the top of the building ... When you came to the fertilizer plant, I heard that you looked down on Alpha, I I dare not mention it. "

Yan Hao paused, staring down at his hand and whispering, "I know that there are some very outstanding Betas, and they really look down on Alpha and feel chauvinistic. But our team is not that kind of person in general, and I ... … Neither am I. I have always respected you, especially when you saved my life twice. If you find an antibody in the base and give me an injection, it should be three times. "

Sinan shook his head and said, "That kind of situation can't be counted."

"The first two times should be counted."

"The first two times were smooth ..."

"We don't have to fight this," Yan Hao interrupted him decisively and mildly. "Every day in the last days is full of crises. No one will take his own life and go" hands down. "You can take it seriously, but I But it must be appreciated. This is a question of position. "

Yan Hao is obviously different from Zhou Rong-Zhou Rong has no longer been scrupulous since the Alpha gender was exposed. In many cases, it makes people feel extremely strong and oppressive, and even confronts people with a touch of oppression. . But Yan Hao didn't change much. He was very gentle, and even when he was eager, sometimes he passed quickly.

Sinan looked at him. Since leaving the B military area, the turmoil in his heart has shaken countless times, and his suspicions have surfaced again.

Should I take this opportunity to ask the exit? he thinks.

... but it's a little awkward, what if these two Alphas are shocking?

He was thinking about it that way, and then listening to Yan Hao: "I had thought about it for a while, and I will ask you when I think about it ... but in the last days, I may die at any time, and I do n’t know if I close my eyes at night Can you still open and see the sun the next day, if I haven't been able to ask the question, I should regret it for life. "

He slowly raised his hand and held the back of Sinan's hand, the movement was very gentle, but he could feel the cocoon with thick palms and old scars.

"I just want to know ..."

Sinan's cheek muscles were a little stiff, and I saw Yan Hao getting closer, his eyes were very, very focused:

"How do you feel in your heart after this time ..."

There was a loud noise not far away, and the crowd exclaimed.

Both of them paused for a moment and looked at the sound source at the same time. Sinan pulled his gun and aimed at the highway--

However, it was not a zombie attack. I saw their armored vehicles and a tourist bus parked at the station before and after. Zhou Rong jumped out of the cab and kicked Guo Weixiang from the co-pilot.

"You get me over there!" Zhou Rong's roar was so clear from that far away: "Shameful thing! Get out! Don't come over!"

"I'm wrong, okay ..."

"Get off! Shame!"

Zhou Rong obviously moved the real fire, which was completely different from the morning training Xun Cao training halfway to the sacrifice of the flag, and Guo Weixiang crawled with several feet, almost did not spit bleeding. Dr. Zheng was afraid that under the anger he would let another injury number in the camp, he went up and talked to block it with a persuasion, and signaled the ashamed Guo Weixiang to run away.

"Don't let me see you, you bastard--"

Zhou Rong also had to go up and down, and a few people ran down on the tourist bus, so that he said that he hugged him.

Yan Hao asked Si Nan to help him slowly walk past him. As soon as he moved to the middle of the camp, he saw a lot of people on the tourist bus. Among them was a juvenile boy, who was estimated to be sixteen or seventeen years old. He had a thin eyebrow, and a large piece of gauze was stuck on his forehead.

Sinan paced.

"What's wrong?" Yan Hao asked sensitively.

"..." Sinan said softly, "Omega."

"I don't hit him." "I really don't hit him." "I'm just out of breath ... I promise not to kill him!"

Zhou Rong finally convinced the multitude of people to believe him, exhausted exhausted, and asked Dr. Zheng to take people to check the supplies, to do a physical examination of the newly rescued survivors, and then opened a bottle. water. He was really thirsty, and the drops of water flowed down his chin to the protruding neck of his bones. He filled most of the bottle with anger and wiped his mouth.

"Yo, Comrade Yan Hao!" Zhou Rong exhaled, squinting his eyes and looking up and down on the crutch in Yan Hao's hand: "What are you doing, don't lie down well, and pull our comrade Xiao Si for a ride?"

Yan Hao was angry: "Who is your comrade Xiao Si, our family may not be sure."

Zhou Rong: "Hey, you're still on the run. Who did you tell Si Xiaonan to own? Yesterday, Ding didn't tell you my farewell message?"

Sinan: "..."

Si Nan, with two pairs of eyes staring, raised his hand and nodded a little with his thumb. Guo Weixiang was squatting down on the ground and weeding:

"What did he do?"

In fact, when they saw the Omega boy, everyone had a faint guess. Indeed, Zhou Rong's answer did not exceed their expectations: "That," he said referring to the boy who was shrinking by the coach bus, solemnly "It's the last thing I want to deal with in my life, especially the species I'm most afraid of encountering on the road, Omega."

Sinan was expressionless.

Yan Hao immediately said, "Don't say that, Captain, you are a good match. The hero saves the beauty."

"But I have Comrade Xiao Si. We met this group of people when we were cleaning the supermarket. They were the survivors who hid in the warehouse when the virus broke out. They eat and drink every day because of the abundant supplies, and even have self-heating. Instant noodles. Do you know the kind of instant noodles that are heated by a pull line? They were eating dinner when we went in to save people, a steaming pot of Master Kong old sauerkraut with sliced ​​ham sausage ... "

Si Nan and Yan Hao swallowed at the same time.

"What kind of expression are you two, we really want to save people." Zhou Rong dissatisfied: "And they are very eager to go with you, you two did not see the scene at the time, they are almost 25,000 workers and peasants Red Army The Long March march was the same ... or just as the General Washington of Comrade Xiao Si successfully crossed the Delaware River, but this is not the point. "

"The point is, one of the survivors is Omega." Zhou Rong sighed deeply, his expression very tired: "This child was chased by the zombie during the transfer process, and his head was bleeding from the ground on the shelf. The smell of pheromone It was almost. I was on guard outside at that time. After only a few minutes without seeing it, Comrade Guo Weixiang almost made the mistake of being shot ... "

The teenager probed his brain not far away and seemed to want to know what they were saying, but his expression was timid.

"Don't come over! Go away!" Zhou Rong glanced at Guo Weixiang's eyes and seemed to want to come over, yelling immediately.

Guo Weixiang was stunned and had to go back and continue weeding.

Zhou Rong hummed angrily.

"The child's blood pheromone smells very, very heavy. He has entered sexual maturity and will soon be in estrus. We must take him with him, but soon he will not bleed, the pheromone will soon be in estrus. Ten miles from the wind, a large number of zombies followed, and everyone was exposed to danger. "

"Either we set off immediately and get him an inhibitor as soon as possible; or let him pass the estrus and be a clean one hundred." Zhou Rong patted Yan Hao's shoulder and said sincerely: "The organization decided after careful research and decided Give you a chance to get off the bill. "

Yan Hao immediately stepped back two steps, the wind on the soles of his feet, the agile movement was just like the two who were weak and helpless by Si Nan just now: "No, no, captain, brother Rong! It is better if you are the boss, or do it yourself." Read novel

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