Chapter 37 Table of contents

"Can you see the pharmacy?"


"None here either--"

The tourist bus driver turned the steering wheel and said seriously: "No, comrades. Older brothers used to run long distances along the Xiangjiang River. They are familiar here. There is no big pharmacy, and the small pharmacy doesn't have the one you want ..."

"Inhibitors," Guo Weixiang reminded.

"Yes, the inhibitor," said the driver. "There is a Tongrentang in front of the street. A few years ago, I didn't know whether it was open or not ..."

Dr. Zheng shouted: "Xiao Ren, let's see?"

Ren Junyang is a little O who is quiet and introverted, does not like to speak, and blushes before speaking. One night after he came, Zhou Rong had a fight with Yan Hao because of the question of whether the organization of forced marriage could be organized. After the fight, he was very helpless and had to ask Xiaoren for his own opinions.

However, it is possible that Zhou Rong has just finished the fight and is not prepared to take Xiao Ren's opinion seriously, and his tone is not as warm as spring. Xiao Ren was at a loss with helplessness, and for a long time he didn't come up with a complete sentence. Zhou Rong asked two questions, and he even cried out on the spot, bluffing Zhou Rong a short walk of 20 meters.

Dr. Zheng slowed his tone even more: "Little Ren?"

Xiao Ren rubbed his fingertips for a while, his voice was like a mosquito, "I, I don't know ..."

Several people looked at each other, Guo Weixiang patted the driver's seat, but said helplessly: "Go and see."

However, the brother ’s memory failed everyone ’s hopes. After going around for more than ten minutes, he did find a Tongrentang a few blocks away, but the sign reads: The store is located on the second floor of the mall.

In the winter season, in the late evening weather, most of the zombies hid under the large buildings to protect themselves from the cold. Sinan took a gun and glanced into the underground passage and shook his head: "Can't get in, forget it."

Dr. Zheng reminded: "Captain Zhou should have succeeded, we must quickly find a pick-up location nearby. Xiaoren, what do you say?"

Everyone looked over, Xiao Ren blushed, and stunned not to speak.

Si Nan glanced at Guo Weixiang, who shrugged.

"You," Si Nan pressed Ren Junyang's shoulder, and could not refuse to say, "Come with me."

He pulled Ren Junyang to the corner of the last row of the bus, his slender eyes were horizontal, and the man who had originally sat in this position immediately stood up, let out without hesitation, and pleased him with a smile.

Si Nan pushed Xiao Ren to make him sit down, and he sat down, looking at Xiao O's timid face with his arms: "What are you going to do?"

Ren Junyang's big eyes flashed with water immediately, and he was ready to start yelling.

Sinan frowned.

"..." Ren Junyang's uncle who had not yet exited was frightened.

"If you are going to die, the special forces will desperately go back to save you out of responsibility. But in estrus, if the inhibitor is to be replaced at the cost of life, no one owes you."

Sinan ’s voice was born with a slightly hoarse texture, which was touching when he murmured on his ears, but when his voice was flat and flat, like a dead man ’s heartbeat, it felt cold and scary:

"You make the decision yourself. Don't want them to give you an Alpha, just tell who you like, and I'll let them respect your opinion, otherwise it will make it difficult to escape. Cooperate."

"..." Xiao Ren's face turned pale and he looked at Si Nan dumbfounded, seeming to be scared by the phrase "You make your own decision".

Sinan knocked on the dial: "My patience has thirty seconds."

Xiao Ren didn't seem to believe he could be so cold-hearted to himself as Omega, only a moment before he trembled out a sentence: "... I, I don't know anything, I have no opinion ..."

"You have no opinion?"

Xiao Ren bowed his head and rubbed the corner.

"I'll give you one, you don't matter? Zhou Rong, Yan Hao, Chun Cao, Ding Shi and Guo Weixiang, don't you care?"

Xiao Ren blushed and was about to bleed, making an inaudible "um" sound.

Sinan remembered Zhou Rong laughing at him that day: "What opinion does Omega need to express?" Suddenly he couldn't say a word.

To add even more jealousy, Xiao Ren immediately buried his head deeply, and the mosquito added a humming sentence:

"Just ... just be responsible to me ..."

"Even if you choose a partner of your own and he accepts you, you have the obligation to be responsible for each other. What's the problem?"

Xiao Ren didn't squeak, his body twisted slightly, a look of fear that he wanted to say but did not dare to say.

It took him a while to say, "I ... I'm just Omega."

Sinan looked at his expression carefully, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

He has never thought of himself in the situation of the weak-not physically, but psychologically weak. But if you think about it, Ren Junyang's performance has already clearly explained his heart, and he wants to be dominated by others.

He hoped that Zhou Rong would help him make a decision so that in the future, no matter whether it was good or bad, he would have objects to thank, complain or rely on.

He hoped that he would be selected by Alpha and dedicated as someone's personal property, and given it to the other party for protection and possession. In this way, he avoids all the risks brought by his own choice. He can wind the tree like a dodder flower, and gladly accept the other party to take full responsibility for him.

This is actually an idea that many Omega will have more or less now.

Sinan vaguely felt that he had seen such an Omega. He closed his eyes and squinted, but his mind was blank and he didn't remember anything.

"Sinan!" Guo Weixiang shouted at the front of the car. "Come here, there is a platform here!"

"I see," Si Nan said briefly, no longer watching Ren Junyang, and got up and left the seat.

During his tenure, Ai Ai looked up, and seemed to hear a slight sigh as he turned. But before he had time to tell if it was his own illusion, Sinan crossed the carriage and strode towards Guo Weixiang and others.

He carried Wuzi on his back, and the black riot police uniform appeared to be tall and flexible, and a neck extending from the collar was contrasted with black hair, looking snow-white.

Because of the uniform fit of the coat, the trousers were shortened by two inches. But the trousers were stowed in the high-top black leather short boots, and they couldn't be seen as short. It only made him feel that his legs were unreasonable, and he walked fast and firm, as if someone trot to keep up.

... how did he understand, Ren Junyang thought with a bit of regret.

He is not us Omega, where do we know our pain.

But—he immediately thought: It's not bad to be Omega, at least it can be protected in the rear, and you can rest assured that you can have children. You don't have to face those terrible monsters directly, and no responsibility or obligation is spread to us.

Thinking of this, he was subtlely satisfied again.

"Maternity Hospital." Guo Weixiang pointed to a three-story building at the end of the street and signaled Sinan to look at the top of the building: "Hard flat roof, visually observing no fixed obstacles, the general hospital roof meets helicopter landing standards. The first round of the virus outbreak Infected people are basically sent to public hospitals and police stations. The obstetrics and gynecology department should be safe. Try? "

Sinan thought for a few seconds, nodding a moment.

"Okay!" The uncle driver shouted, stepping on the accelerator suddenly, and the tourist bus rushed to the sidewalk, all passengers shook at the same time!

After a few loud noises, the bus stopped in front of the building after hitting several zombies. Guo Weixiang and Si Nan rushed out of the car, back to back, and emptied the zombies chased on the sidewalk and the white zombies emerging from the hospital building, and the bullet shells slammed to the ground.

Dr. Zheng and the driver quickly got out of the car with the survivors, spontaneously lined up, and rushed into the hospital under the leadership of Sinan.

There were not many zombies in the lobby, and several mother-in-law's family members dragged their feet in a daze, before being responded, they were sent to Xitian. Only the two nurses behind the front desk reacted fiercely, screaming and chasing after them, seemingly very dissatisfied with the intruders who did not know where they came from.

Guo Weixiang shot back at them and shouted, "Si Xiaonan!"

The escape team was panic-free, quickly and orderly, and was running up the stairs under the leadership of Sinan: "Why?"

"Did you notice! Although Rong Ge is usually nervous and not normal!"

Sinan: "..."

"But he has an IQ! It's actually very high-!"

Sinan: "………………"

Sinan kept pace, charging and firing, firing back more than 20 zombies swarming in the corridor, causing short-term exclamations for the escapees.

But no one's feet fell softly or caused confusion, and soon they regrouped, guarding the women and children in the middle, and continued to run upstairs.

"Look!" Guo Weixiang proudly chanted: "Everyone's escape skills are trained by him! The sequence of the team is also arranged by him! There are many foresights! Have you felt a hint of pride?"

"——Four places!" Uncle driver agreed while running: "Captain Zhou is a capable person!"

Wu Xinyan: "Good person!"

Dr. Zheng: "The genes are also very good!"

Guo Weixiang: "Do you agree if he proposes?"

"..." Sinan murmured, "I really want to leave you alone."

In the rest station, more than a dozen doctors and nurses rushed out, all holding sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes and surgical forceps in their hands, screaming and running towards the corridor. Sinan responded extremely quickly, first firing and flying as the first batch of zombies, and then firing a few to solve them, but there are still several attending doctors who rely on their agile skills and anti-attack ability trained for many years to deal with medical troubles. He rushed to the front, and Sinan flew into the chest with one foot, and then Kaka unscrew his head.

"You are too violent," Guo Weixiang said dissatisfied. "It is very difficult for our doctors to treat them tenderly."

Sinan: "It's just work. Doctors are high-income people ..."

Guo Weixiang: "What do you know, Comrade Xiao Si! Don't talk nonsense! Five-year undergraduate and three-year discipline-"

"Two years of training, no money at all!" Dr. Zheng growled.

Dr. Zheng was panting as he climbed the stairs, grumbled murmurously: "One day of surgery arrived at a foreign doctor for a month, and when he got out of the operating table, he had to deal with the doctor's trouble. At work, he was at risk of being scrambled-I am When I was old, when I was young, I heard the director's call to withdraw quickly. I can run in the 50-meter emergency department corridor in six seconds ... "

When a loud bang sounded, Sinan pushed open the roof door on the top floor of the corridor and felt a headache: "Sorry, okay."

Guo Weixiang emptied the few zombies that followed him. All the staff went to the rooftop, closed the iron door with his backhand, and quickly fell into the lock.

"Safe!" He shouted. "You're done!"

The roof of this three-story building is flat, wide, and unobstructed, and can be used for helicopter landing. It is indeed a rare lifting platform in the urban area. Sinan looked around the dim sky, raised his hand and pressed the ruby ​​earrings, and felt the rice-like button gently recessed inward.

The crowd was shocked, and they did not care about the wind on the top of the building, and they sat down to rest.

"Okay, beautiful job." Guo Weixiang stepped forward, looking down at the scene around the hospital building, and said, "Let us rest assured ... wait for Rong Ge to pick them up ... eh? Is that a pharmacy? "

The back door of the hospital is a building site, and the zombies are probably running out, empty and depressed.

There is a small path behind the construction site, and after the bare branches in winter cover up, a corner of the green signboard of "People's Pharmacy" is exposed.

Guo Weixiang estimated the next distance in his mind, felt it should be feasible, and exhaled heavily: "I'll go and see."

Si Nan glanced at him.

"Why?" Guo Weixiang was very sensitive.

"..." Sinan slowly said, "I thought you liked him ..."

"Well, there isn't." Guo Weixiang paused and laughed at himself: "Physical attraction does exist, but more I want to get out of the way, I really like it ... not much ... do you understand? 唉, Even if he doesn't like me, he has to find someone. "

Sinan politely said: "You are a happy person, you are a good person."

Guo Weixiang: "Why did you send me a good card!"

Guo Weixiang touched his nose and took out Zhou Rong's 118 black technology-rope climbing gun from his tactical backpack. He said, "I'll go there for up to five minutes. Give me your spare bullets, and you're here to stay alert. . "

Sinan was indispensable. He watched him nail the climbing rope into the ground, then slid down the sidewalk along the rope, and flew across the construction site. He was fit and flexible and disappeared into the pharmacy like lightning.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the sky was gloomy and the cold wind was howling.

Dark clouds gathered and writhed at the end of the sky, as if there was a vague omen.

Sinan frowned, for some reason his eyelids suddenly jumped twice, and then he saw two small black spots appearing indistinctly in the sky.


Sinan immediately pressed the locator again, and the crowd behind them stood up talking and issued a relieved and surprised shout.

at this time.

The gunfire in the distance was great, and Si Nan suddenly lowered his head, and saw the window of the large pharmacy explode. Guo Weixiang rushed out frantically with the broken glass covering his head.

Two seconds later, a group of zombies followed and rushed to the streets!

Why is there so much in the pharmacy? Si Nan stunned, grabbed the climbing rope, but only listened to Guo Weixiang without raising his head and yelling, "Can handle it! Don't come down! Stay on top!"

Guo Weixiang's sprint speed of 100 meters is not comparable to zombies. He crossed the road like a phantom, rushed into the construction site, jumped over the gravel pile, left the zombies behind, and ran. Go to the sidewalk with the climbing rope at the back door of the hospital.

However, he made a mistake.

There is a brick wall between the construction site and the hospital's back door, and there is a door in the corner of the brick wall for people to enter and exit.

Guo Weixiang went through the door, but at this time, he might want to save some time, maybe he was too confident in his skill. When he rushed to the wall, he didn't think about it. He jumped up and flew up to the wall. Yi pedal-

Eighty kilograms of weight plus forty kilograms of equipment, plus the impact of this cracked stone.

The temporary brick wall at the construction site was not an obstacle wall for their special forces training. It couldn't bear it at the moment and collapsed.

Guo Weixiang was caught off guard, and even people with equipment were buried under the bricks!

Sinan was unexpected. He didn't even respond in the first two seconds, and then just listened to Dr. Zheng's voice: "No!"

I saw the zombies attracted by the fresh flesh, staggered into the construction site, and moved towards the brick wall step by step. And Guo Weixiang climbed a few times hard, pierced his head out of the pile of bricks and stones, and saw that the zombie was about to be overtaken.

Sinan withdrew his hand from the outside of the thigh | threw the gun at Dr. Zheng, grabbed the climbing rope, and said briefly: "Protect the crowd."

Dr. Zheng took the gun in a hurry, and a flower bloomed in front of him, and Si Nan had disappeared from his eyes. Looking down again, he appeared out of nowhere on the sidewalk downstairs and rushed straight towards the site.

"What are you doing!" Guo Weixiang gasped, being silent by Si Nan, grabbing his hand and pulling out.

At the critical moment of escape, Si Nan was not indifferent, even if Guo Weixiang was a sumo wrestled by the truck, he could be pulled alive at this moment. However, he did not expect that when he made a force on his side, Guo Weixiang screamed in disbelief: "--ah!"

"what happened to you?"

Guo Weixiang was pale, his cold sweat was like a ball, and he shook his head, "Don't worry, fast!"

Si Nan overturned the zombies within 20 meters with a few shots, and severely dragged Guo Weixiang out of the masonry ruins. He saw blood dripping from his calf, and his ankle was bent at a strange angle-dislocated.

The two cooperated extremely well. Si Nan got up and shot at the zombies. Guo Weixiang sat on the ground with his buttocks, grabbed his ankle, and clenched his teeth.

"can you?"

"Okay! Run away!"

The anxious roar of the crowd came from the distant roof: "Come on!" "Come on!" "Here here!"

Si Nan helped Guo Weixiang, who was full of cold sweat, with one hand, firing at the approaching zombies with one hand, and transferred to the back door of the hospital. However, the ankle that has just been dislocated is difficult to focus on. Guo Weixiang is desperate to jump forward. There is a limit. Not only are the zombies in the large pharmacy chasing after them, but even zombies on the nearby streets smell the Alpha pheromone in the blood The smell came, one after another.

boom! boom!

boom! Bang!

Guo Weixiang gritted his teeth and killed a few zombies who rushed to the right, shouting: "Don't worry about me, I can't climb the rope!"

Si Nan yelled at the sound of the gun: "Keep on, Zhou Rong is back!"

"Can't stick to it!" Guo Weixiang snarled in his ear: "Don't be dragged by me, run away! The inhibitor is taken away!"

The zombies were surrounded from all sides, Guo Weixiang was so heart-struck that he forcibly broke Sinan and pushed him forward: "Go!"

Si Nan took a step, opened fire and shot away the front rows of zombies, and turned back to Guo Weixiang. But he couldn't cross a person of Guo Weixiang's weight side by side, and the latter didn't cooperate. He struggled and yelled, "Go! Go! Go! I don't know you, but don't roll ---!"

Bang Bang Bang!

Gun Lin Biaoyu fired wildly, Guo Weixiang made a gap in the zombies that were gradually closing in front, and then pushed Sinan in that direction: "Come on! Come on!"

Si Nan ran a few steps, but stopped again, staring back at Guo Weixiang's **** calf, and the amber pupil trembled sharply.

Guo Weixiang marched forward violently as he pushed forward, but his roar was indistinctly blurred in the continuously flying shell case.

Zhou Rong, Yan Hao, Chun Cao, Ding Shi, and the dead Zhang Yingjie ... As the bullets flew, those people laughed and fought side by side, flashing from the depths of their heads like horses and flowers, with Guo Weixiang in front of them. The silhouettes of resentment shouts gradually overlap.

Sinan's lips trembled slightly, and his chest was undulating.

Guo Weixiang suddenly smelled a touch of sweetness.

The smell is soft and misty, but it has a strong penetrating power, and the thick gunpowder smell when the bullet is ejected is pushed back.

At the moment of life and death he didn't immediately recognize what the taste was, but then he turned back subconsciously—

Sinan strode closer, his face was generally pale, and his pace was slightly icy.

On his naked left arm, the army dagger cut out seven or eight long bloodstains, crisscrossed and dripping with blood.

"Division ..."

Guo Weixiang couldn't believe it and murmured dreamily: "... Sinan ...?"

Sinan stepped forward and flew forward!

The zombies found fresher, sweeter, and more attractive targets, and hissed and snarled--in their extended and withered hands, Sinan was like a raptor who did not fear death, and rushed directly to the piece in front of Guo Weixiang. The most dense group of zombies.

The next second, he jumped flat and stepped on top of the zombies! 2k novel reading network

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