Chapter 38 Table of contents

Divine soldiers could not describe the shock at the moment, Guo Weixiang was stunned, petrified in place.

It was just a blink of an eye. Sinan ran wildly, almost stepping on the shoulders and necks of the zombies and jumping, almost leaving only a few faint afterimages.

Countless rotten hands stretched and grabbed his trousers, but before touching them, he was ruthlessly trampled into flesh. He was like a thunder flying at a low altitude, jumping off the ground from the end of the zombie, rolling up without rushing forward.

"Roar roar--"

Most of the zombies were attracted by the strong Omega pheromone, and they turned their directions and chased them up!

Sinan is very strong, no less than any carefully selected special forces of Unit 118, Guo Weixiang always knows.

But for the first time, he felt that this person was so strong.

Close and unveiled, the wild cheetah-like explosive power remained on his retina for a long time, making him even unable to believe his nasal cavity.

That can never be Omega.

But floating in the air is indeed the smell of Omega pheromones.

The roar of the helicopter's landing came from above, and Guo Weixiang hit a stunner and quickly pulled the trigger on the dozen or so zombies staying around him. The machine gun bullets emptied instantly. He had not yet installed a new drum. Several high-altitude bullets passed by, and the head of the zombies responded.

"Rong brother!"

Two dark green helicopters circled and landed on the top of the hospital building, and had not yet landed completely. Zhou Rong had violently broken off Ding Shi's obstruction and jumped down from the cabin. The jacket was hunting and hunting in the hurricane that the propeller wrung.

Dr. Zheng's hands and feet were so soft that he stumbled up and down: "Zhou, Zhou, Zhou team, Si Si Si Nan don't know what's going on, often go ..."

Zhou Rong didn't say a word. He grabbed the climbing rope on the edge of the roof and slipped off the ground. He shot a few shots to clear the zombies, and was stopped by Guo Weixiang: "Rong Rongrong, quickly, that direction, Sinan going in that direction-"

"Are you OK?"

Guo Weixiang even knotted his tongue and shook his head crazy.

Zhou Rong nodded and was chasing the direction where Si Nan disappeared.

Yan Hao followed, and it seemed that he had found something, and stopped unbelievably.

From Guo Weixiang's expression, maybe he didn't believe what he said, but in this race against time, time could not provide any buffer or cover up, only the bare truth was torn in front of everyone. :

"O ... Omega."

Guo Weixiang trembled: "He ... he ... he's Omega."


Looking down from a high altitude, the zombies in several blocks moved by the wind, and more and more gathered, chasing behind behind the small black dot that was moving quickly, gradually converging into a terrible torrent.

Cold air poured into the lungs, and the internal organs were like a knife cut, but Sinan knew he couldn't stop.

After the zombies emerged from the corners of the street and the garbage dump, they came out of various unexpected gaps. On several occasions, he felt that his coat was caught on the back of his zombie nails. With a short pause, he would immediately be torn into the street. Bloody debris.

The buildings on both sides of the street swept back quickly. Suddenly, he saw something in the corner of Sinan's eyes. He turned his head and saw the big red character on the wall—demolition.

Demolition of the old city, the street is a construction site across the fence.

On the construction site, the crane soared to the sky, the dense steel and cement slabs were half-built, and it was too strange to see concrete at first sight.

Sinan couldn't care whether he had rushed to the construction site today. He stepped abruptly, ran to the sidewalk with the hands of the front row zombies, rolled over the fence sideways, rushed into the construction site, grabbed the scaffolding three or two times Climbed up.

The zombie tide was mostly tripped over by a half-height guardrail, and the rest stepped on the site of the companion, howling and chasing to the site, clumsily climbing up the hands and feet.

However, the knees of the zombies were stiff and totally uncooperative, and they often fell down after two steps, and the zombies were full of excitement.

Sinan climbed to the scaffolding more than ten meters above the ground, rolled into the building, and finally stopped on a concrete board, exhaling convulsively.

Seventy-eight blood ports on his left arm had dried up, the scars were staggered, and he looked rather scared. Sinan shuddered and dangled his sleeves, only to feel the pain of a pinch with a slight force on his arm.

Excessive blood loss made him slightly dizzy, and his cold white tone was pale and scary.

In fact, you don't have to scratch yourself so hard, and it will be very troublesome if you hurt the ligaments and carotid arteries. However, if you cut the abdomen, thighs or other parts, it will affect the running speed, because it will be injustice to be caught by the zombie.

Sinan half-knelt on the suspended cement board, thinking for a moment, and finally concluded that he can only scratch his face next time he comes back.

He laughed at himself, suddenly heard something, and looked up at the street.

The engine was from near to far, a motorcycle rushed out of the street corner, turned the direction in the harsh drifting sound, and accelerated towards the construction site-the two riders on the locomotive ran one after the other, separated by such a long distance, Si Nan recognized at a glance Out of that is Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong and Yan Hao!

"You two ..." Sinan hooked his lips, even though he didn't realize it was a smile:

"What the **** do you two have | love."

Si Nan Huo Ran straightened up and waved his hand vigorously, and saw the locomotive rise into the air, jumped over the guardrail beautifully, and the machine gun opened fire!

The zombies were slain, found new targets, and roared back. As soon as Zhou Rong stopped the car, the giant force struck the body horizontally and knocked a few zombies instantly; Yan Hao cooperated with each other, the machine gun fired wildly, and the bullets poured out like a storm. When the first round of zombies was about to break, they were interrupted. Broken hands, twitching and falling down.

Zhou Rong got out of the car, took a stride, and headed towards the zombie tide while firing, and the roar interrupted intermittently in the rain of gunfire: "Si Xiao ... Nanyou ..."

The smile under Sinan's eyes gradually disappeared, and he began to realize a problem-they knew it.

They must already know.

What would Rong Zhou say?

What do other people think?

The thought flashed through his mind, before he had time to scrutinize it. Suddenly he knew that the dangerous nerve was stretched, and his head was conditioned reflexively, avoiding the sharp claws that stretched out his head.


The large, decaying objects accompanied the blistering wind, and Sinan rolled on the spot, avoiding the teeth of the zombies when they hit the ground.

However, the cement slab erected between the steel bars of the building was very narrow and there was no way to avoid it. The zombie turned to him, and when the chest was pressed, Sinan snorted and almost did not spray his lungs out of his throat. !!

The zombie wore a yellow helmet, and he must have been a contractor during his lifetime. He probably was the one who owed a lot of wages to the migrant workers. He was born with a fat brain and a huge body, weighing three hundred pounds, and was afraid he was as tall as Zhou Rongyanhao. Sinan slammed against the zombie's neck to prevent it from biting it down. It was impossible to imagine how fat it was, how could it climb to more than ten meters high-but perhaps because it was too fat, when the virus broke out, it desperately climbed up and became After the zombies could not climb down, it was possible to stay on the reinforced concrete scaffolding.

"Guru ..." The throat of the zombies was rattled, and Yinpan's face pressed closer and closer.

Sinan grasped the charge | The gun strap was pulled twice, and he couldn't move. He pulled the dagger backhand, and planned to give the zombie a face full of peach blossoms, but at this time he suddenly made a rattle.

Sinan didn't immediately respond to what it was, but then, her body sank down.


Cement board!


Sinan didn't even have time to scold a tofu project in his heart, the cement board was torn apart, and he fell down from a ten-meter-high scaffold!

In fact, if the slow motion breaks down, Sinan's stress response at this time can be called a textbook-level standard-holding the head, arching, protecting the heart and lungs, struggling to curl up into a ball, rebounding and striking in the rebars that cross over. Avoid all deadly parts.

The zombie, who was a few laps older than him, was not so lucky, and was directly passed through by the steel bars that penetrated through it, and stopped in the air.


The recoil caused Si Nan to bounce up, spit out a spit of blood, and the back of his head hit the cement floor heavily!

He tried to keep his eyes wide open for the first few seconds, and seemed to want to stay awake, even trying to get up.

But that was in vain.

Dizziness, nausea, visceral pain, thick and thick blood ... including the whole hustle and bustle of the world, are gradually leaving him, like a river next to the world.

It seemed like he had fallen like this before, not long ago, but he couldn't remember anything.

The black mist rose flatly and gathered from all directions, slowly covering the sight, turning the five senses into a plain of silence.


"... search quickly ..."

"Damn, can you survive if you jump so high ..."

"Take this boy, catch him! ..."

The city in the distance is brightly lit, but the wind under the cliff is so cold. Footsteps and dog barking came in the night, and the soldiers shouted and scolded one after another, and numerous flashlights swept around.

Suddenly someone yelled, "There!"

Sinan had blood on his face, and he got up from the grass under the cliff, stumbled and ran forward a few steps, and was thrown by several military dogs at the same time.

"Caught, fast—"

"Bit him and teach him some lessons!"

who am I? where am I?

What is this place?


All the severe pains and struggles were blurred in the chaos. He only found himself very small, his hands and feet were too small, and he couldn't even push away the giant dog.

"Ha ha ha look at him like that ..."

Harsh laughter, scorching flashlights, hot beasts panting, and icy wet grass; countless scenes are strange, turning into blades in the void, severely cutting the brain's center into blood.

The last trace of human consciousness was broken.

The hatred was burning into the pupil with blood, and the moment he fell into the darkness, he heard only a roar that sounded inhuman in his throat.


"Four military dogs, two soldiers died unfortunately, six were wounded, and two were seriously injured ..."

Si Nan opened his eyes in the pale laboratory.

The hexagonal space was covered with mirror walls. He raised his head, countless familiar and immature faces stared at him from all sides, blood-stained bandages messed up in black hair, handcuffs and several wires tied him to a In a dentist-like chair.

……what happened?

He closed his eyes and couldn't remember it anyway. All that left in his mind was despair, resentment, and severe pain.

"Electric shock," someone said coldly.

Suddenly, the electric current crawled all over the body, and Sinan suddenly made a scream. The small body shivered violently, and then he struggled hard!

After a few seconds, the shock was over.

Little Si Nanwu kept convulsing and opened his eyes with difficulty, only to see the laboratory mirror in front of him change, and several testers wearing white masks flashed:

"What's your name?"

"..." Si Nan gasped, gritted his teeth.

"electric shock."

"Ah ... ah--!"

The electric shock stopped, and Sinan twitched and his eyes slackened. The painful afterglow made him unrecoverable, and it took him a long time to see the surrounding scene slowly.

Not long after the tester appeared on the screen, he looked at him coldly:

"What's your name?"

Sinan, don't overdo it, and his chest is dying.

"electric shock."


"electric shock."

"Ah, ah ... ah ...!"

"electric shock."

Time became extraordinarily long in the never-ending torture. After not knowing how many rounds of pain, Sinan's whole body was just removed from the cold water. His black hair was wet against the pale forehead, his lips were blue, and his hands and feet were bare. | The exposed skin is covered with tiny electric shock scars.

"What's your name?"

"..." Si Nan gasped for a long time and finally opened his mouth. The six-year-old's voice was hoarse as it was rubbed by sandpaper:


The tester makes a record.

After a few seconds, the screen changed, and the screen became a row of test tubes. From left to right, different liquid medicines, light blue, light red, turquoise, and red, were lined up until the deep black on the far right.

The sound line of the tester sounded again after mechanical sound change:

"Your mother injected the test subject daily, and you injected it."

"Which two potions are they?"

Xiao Sinan's pupil dilated, staring straight at the test tube, half of his eyes gradually exuded some fierce look-

The desperate beast was forced into despair, burning with anger and madness.

The wires creaked, and the handcuffs creaked extremely tightly. The tester closed the screen, and the next moment a voice sounded: "Shock."

The heartbreaking scream rang through the lab until it disappeared.

After some time, Sinan woke up from the coma again, her brain was chaotic, and her memory was broken. He stared blankly at the white metal ceiling, staring blankly at countless himself.

The door slid open silently.

He moved and barely looked forward.

A middle-aged, blond man in a leather suit and leather shoes approached steadily. He had a face that looked very familiar because he appeared in TV newspapers many times.

——But this face is not as exhilarating and gracious as it is when speaking to the public, nor as solemn and solemn as it is when speaking on television; he looks cold, because of his condescending sake, and even has a neurotic gloomy feeling.

He stood in front of Sinan, glanced at the six-year-old child's convulsive body due to electric shock, narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly felt the knife on the keychain to cut the wire, and opened the handcuffs with two clicks.

"Do you know me?" He stood up and asked lightly.


"Do you know who I am?"


The silence lasted for a long time, but the man did not drop the word "shock" coldly like the tester. Instead, he had abnormal patience, staring at Sinan's vigilant eyes like beast cubs, saying slowly: " I'myournewfather. "

Snapped! With a crisp sound, Si Nan's swift punch stopped abruptly, and the man clenched his wrist tightly, forcing him to drop his hand inch by inch.

"You are not my father ..." Si Nan stared at him hoarsely.

"My dad is ill, sleeping in a wooden box ... he's just sick ..."

"Are you sick like this?" The man chuckled, easily dragging Sinan to the corner of the laboratory, swiping a card to open a metal door.

A few ragged, skeleton-like people lingered in the open space, staggering their feet, struggling to reach forward, and making unconscious screams. Probably the breath of the living people shocked them. A few of the living dead slowly turned around, stared straight up, and started moving towards the door.

Sinan took a half step back in fear, immediately caught by the man, and pushed into the room.

"Unscrew their necks or you will die."

The demon-like voice of the man sounded from behind, and he has penetrated his memory ever since, taking root and sprouting in the subconscious, and growing crazy for a lifetime nightmare:

"Kill them, destroy their brains."

"Otherwise you will die."

Changsha, construction site.

"... Sinan ..."

"Sinan, wake up ..."


The bullet splattered the hot sand. Some people were running in the haze, and some people were shouting. The sound was dull as if they were across the water.

Si Nan opened his eyes slightly, and the pupils blinded by the blood suddenly spread, raising his hand with shaking.

Kill them ...

Kill them ...

"He's awake! Sinan, how do you feel, Sinan?" Yan Hao turned back and shouted, "Captain quickly! Breakout retreat-!"

The ending changed suddenly, Yan Hao's voice stopped abruptly, and he felt a cold hand because of excessive blood loss, which was exactly on his wrist.


The lightning strike came, and Yan Hao turned back, almost unable to believe his eyes--

His wrist bone was weirdly bent, and he was broken alive. 2k novel reading network

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