Chapter 39 Table of contents

"No one will help you, no one will save you, no one in the world will care about you."

"You are a born monster."


Carrion, poisonous insects, waving dead branches, crickets ... the living dead are all over the mountains, covering the boundless nightmare. Little Sinan Cangjie turned his head, only the cross stood high in the distance in the dream, the church collapsed silently in the black fire, and the voice of the priest sounded through the sky:

"The eternal warrior, the future of the dark age ..."

"Rise from the grave and enjoy eternal life."

The child's amber pupil narrowed subconsciously, he wanted to run but had nowhere to hide, all consciousness was covered by the familiar and cold voice:

"Virtual scenario E7364.1.0. Establish a stress mechanism. If the killing speed is less than 2 / 1s, it means that the confirmation fails and it is subjected to electric shock."

"Timing begins."

Yan Hao shouted in despair: "——Sinan!"

The words did not fall, Si Nan kicked after a note, flew him out of his chest, and hit his back against the wall!

The violent collision caused Yan Hao's body to rebound, and he was caught off guard against bleeding. The next moment, his throat was locked by his fingers, and he pushed him back to the wall with great force, and then lifted up uncontrollably.

"..." Yan Hao opened his eyes and struggled to no avail, feeling that his toes were off the ground:

"Di ... Nan ..." He squeezed two words between the teeth.

Sinan remained indifferent. He is like a cold and fierce fighting machine. He has no thinking and no humanity. The hand that tightly locked Yan Hao's throat is like steel, and he does not move.

But his eyes were half-closed, his eyelashes blocked all expressions, and he could not even see the focal length of his sight.

Yan Hao's face turned red sharply, and then turned blue. The dislocated hand shook and seized Si Nan's wrist. However, in the case of rapid hypoxia, all his struggles turned into a mantis arm, and he couldn't even let Sinan's fingers slacken even a penny.

... why ... he thought in pain.

Wake up ... please, Sinan, wake up ...

His inner begging was bound to be futile.

Yan Hao heard his throat creak overwhelmed, his vision blurred and darkened, and even the pain of dislocation of the wrist was not felt; a second before he fell into the abyss, he saw Sinan raising his hand, and his fingers were sharp as the tip of a knife , Dug to his eyes.


who am I?

How did I get born?

There are hundreds of millions of living things that are difficult to count, old and sick, and joy and sorrow. Time converges into history and scours every rock on the earth. How can there be an "I"?

"What did you turn me into? What did you turn him into ?!"

The sixteen-year-old stood in the barren grass, pointed at the iron-grey stone stele with moss behind, and hissed through the cemetery: "Have you asked our thoughts? Do you know that this is not what he wants at all? Why? Forcibly keep the person who has left, let him go! Let the dead go-! "

The woman's expensive black dress spread on the mud, crying.

"You have made us all monsters, and you have no time or life, you have turned your loved ones into monsters ..."

When the boy shivered, he looked at the woman, and his tears finally fell from his eyes to the pale cheeks:

"Dad isn't sick, he ... he's dead ..."

"... he's not here anymore."

The first flash of lightning finally lit over the manor, and the thunder rolled across the sky.

The boy ran up the stairs, rushed into the hall, and pushed open the heavy peach-wood door at the end of the corridor.

The wind passed by, and the burning candle slammed into the silver plate. The young man stood still, and his eyes reflected a pair of hanging feet.

His eyes slowly moved upwards, and he looked at the woman with a shawl for a long while, finally finally kneeling a little on the ground.

"Noah," a voice came across the corridor.

The hand-knitted carpet turned into pieces under the shivering fingertips. I didn't know how long it took before the teenager stood up and wobbled across the corridor. Even passing by the person, his sight didn't even shift half a minute.

"Noah!" The man grabbed his hand.

The teenager did not break free, and said lightly, "Are you happy?"

All the words of the man were blocked back, and a half-moan hummed from his nose, his expression slightly twisted: "Yeah, of course I am happy, remember how you ..."

Before he could finish speaking, the boy had broken his hand, stepped out of the luxurious hall step by step, and walked out of the manor along the extraordinarily green and gloomy path before the rainy season came.

Rain and rain formed an innumerable line between the heavens and the earth, and the world was completely white. Every step was muddy and heavy, as if the feet were entangled with countless hard to break free, invisible chains, extending to the endless edge of nightmares.

Dead, all dead.

So why are these chains still there?

Obviously there is no longer any connection with this world, but why hurt, pain and **** still clearly exist in the bone marrow, and it cannot be erased anyway?

The respite in the torrential rain was like the sorrow of a beast. The young man's footsteps gradually accelerated, so that he rushed into a crazy desperate run.

No way ... he thought.

Just as countless electric shocks have been imprinted deep in the soul, all fate has determined the final outcome, and there will be no other way except the endless killing.


Yan Hao felt slack, and the fresh air was pouring into his lungs, making him feel awkward and coughing, without even finding that he had fallen to the ground. It took several seconds for Venus in his retina to subside, and Zhou Rong heard roaring, "Be careful!"

Yan Hao rolled on the ground, and the army dagger was inserted into the concrete floor against his body. Si Nan was about to pull out the sword, Zhou Rongfei kicked and kicked the dagger far away, and twisted Sinan to the ground with the tricks of close combat. The two entangled and rolled for several meters, and knocked over all the way. Countless wooden columns and slate.

Yan Hao couldn't bear the pain of struggling in the throat, and he reset his wrist with a click. He picked up the dagger with the well hand, inserted it into the jaw of the zombie behind him, and directly penetrated his skull!

The zombies on the construction site have been shot by Zhou Rong almost, only three or five broken zombies are still humming around. Yan Hao stumbled to find his own guns, and resolved them with a few shots. He only heard a loud noise behind him. Looking back, Si Nan stuck Zhou Rong on his neck against the concrete wall!

But Zhou Rong wasn't Yan Hao. When his toes were off the ground, he bent down and bowed his knees. His legs flew and kicked, and Si Nan fell into a gravel pile a few meters away!

Zhou Rong stepped forward, holding Sinan up from the gravel pile, rubbing his chest first, sitting on him without mentioning anything, using his knees to support his elbows, forcing him to struggle and die. Strived to others: "Sinan! Wake up, look at me!"

look at me……

Si Nan's unfocused eyes moved, staring blankly at Zhou Rong.

"Look at me! How long is this?" Zhou Rong pulled his chin, made him look at his index finger, and then patted his face vigorously: "Don't you recognize me? I'm Zhou Rong! You Rong brother! Damn it! Don't recognize me ?! "

Zhou Rong ...

Sinan closed her eyes and then opened them, like a mental patient in a frantic dream, with fear and aversion shining under her eyes.

This is clearly the brain's hallucination after severe stimulation, which can't distinguish the symptoms of reality and fantasy. Zhou Rong's heart sank, pinching his neck like a feline, forcing him to look at his eyes up close: "Look at me, Sinan. I'm Zhou Rong, we escaped from the city of T together and escaped from the fertilizer Factory, Rong Ge has always liked you, you also like Rong Ge, right? "

"You know Brother Rong won't hurt you, he will always protect you, are you willing to follow me, right?"

Sinan: "..."

Zhou Rong's mellow and domineering voice drew directly into his ears, entering a dream like hypnosis, becoming a distant halo in the world washed away by heavy rain.

"Zhou Rong ..." He whispered nervously, dodging his eyes.

"It's me, look at me." Zhou Rong once again pulled over his beautiful chin: "It's okay, I'm here to pick you up, you're safe ... obedient, obedient, look at me."

Si Nan Youyi's gaze was like a small fish, finally caught by Zhou Rong, tightly clasped in his palm, forced to look at himself.

Zhou Rong's deep eyes seemed to contain some invisible power, but Si Nan was at a loss, and after a moment, something violent finally receded slightly from his eyes, and he called gently, his tone full of uncertainty:

"... Zhou Rong?"

Zhou Rong leaned down and printed a kiss on his trembling eyelids, then fell down and kissed his nose, cheeks and lips.

The gentle and sun-like contact dispelled the heavy rain, and the memories returned to a certain hot summer, in the lush forest, with the saltiness of sweat and the fragrance of grass and wood. A sly light flashed under his eyes.

"... Zhou Rong." Si Nan muttered.

Obviously it was just a common name, but Zhou Rong suddenly felt a soft heart, and he couldn't help but whisper, and rubbed the tender white soft meat on his neck.

Sinan didn't say a word.

Zhou Rong felt that the body below him showed signs of relaxation. Immediately when a boulder fell on the ground, he let go of his sorrow, and made Yanhao wink to push the locomotive, and then he arbitrarily helped the charge | gun The gun straps that were slipping off the shoulders were tightened--

Immediately he reached out, trying to hug Si Nan.

But at this moment, Si Nan glimpsed the scene where he helped charge | gun.

The reality is reflected into the brain through the retina, exaggerated, distorted, amplified, and the chaotic neurons constitute another picture: fully armed soldiers, running barking hounds, and machine guns flashing fire tongues in the dark due to spitting bullets ...

run! Run away! Someone roared hysterically in the flames.

Run away! The woman screamed desperately behind her.

They're here to catch you, run away!

"Why do we lose our freedom and be looted and imprisoned?"

The little boy held his mother's hand and asked, "Mom, does God love the world?"

In the halo, the mother lowered her head, the familiar face gradually twisted and deformed, and the decaying dark spots climbed up to her beautiful face. The worm-like mud covered her amber-like eyes. Eyes of fear of the little boy.

Run away, Noah.

Don't get caught by anyone and run away.


Zhou Rong stood up, but it was too late. Within a thousandth of a second of his relaxed vigilance, Si Nan shot up and rushed out, knocking Yan Hao out!

"catch him!"

Yan Hao rolled up, not yet exerting force, and Si Nan sat on the locomotive sideways, with one long leg on the ground, and looked at them panting.

——No, he didn't actually look at anyone at all. His gaze went straight through between Zhou Rong and Yan Hao, as if looking at something in the void that made him extremely fearful and trembling.

It was the devil buried deep in the ground, and the nightmare that never retreated in this life.

"Come back ..." Zhou Rong trembled softly and opened his hands: "Come back, Si Xiaonan, please come back to Brother Rong ... Sinan!"

The same second the engine started, Zhou Rong stunned out. It was like an arrow off the string, but only hit the corner of the back seat of the car, and then the locomotive turned into a flowing flame, roaring and rushing towards the street!


In the stunned gaze of Zhou Rong and Yan Hao, the locomotive jumped over the guardrail and landed suddenly.

Sinan didn't hesitate anymore, and didn't even look back. The locomotive broke like a meteor, roaring and disappearing at the corner!

Zhou Rong followed two steps and picked up the charge | The gun fell to the ground fiercely, giving himself a slap.

Yan Hao shook his head suddenly: "Why, what's going on, this is ..."

Zhou Rong's voice was full of impatience and depression: "Come back!"

Yan Hao stopped his steps stiffly, only to find that on the street in the distance, the scattered zombies did not know when they came out, concentrated in twos and threes, and slowly approached the construction site.

-They are still on the uncovered street, the core of the city full of millions of zombies, it is too dangerous.

Yan Hao was grabbing the gun, and the roar of the propeller above his head suddenly approached, and then the machine gun blasted suddenly, twitching the zombies on the street!

The two looked up, and saw two large dark green helicopters hovering at a low altitude. The hatch was opened with a boom, and Chun Cao threw down the soft ladder: "Come up!"

"What about Sinan? What's going on?" Ding asked loudly in the wind.

Zhou Rong looked somber and shook his head without answering, saying briefly: "Turn on the strong light, search along the city center, fast!"


The sky darkened drastically, and the darkness fell, and the most terrifying night of the last days was coming.

How long can a person who lacks warm clothing and food, loses a gun, is unconscious and is single-handed, can live in the zombie's millions of city centers until the next day?

The answer is so engraved with the dark clouds in the night, and weighed heavily on everyone's mind.

Both helicopters turned on searchlights and the on-board loudspeaker was turned on to the maximum. However, all calls were thrown into the stormy sea like stones and disappeared instantly in the stormy sea where the zombies gathered.

Helicopters flew down the tops of every building along the streets and alleyways, and no miracle occurred.

The slender and sturdy figure that everyone is familiar with really has no trace of it. It disappeared as suddenly as he came, as if he had no choice but to be doomed.

"Rong brother ..." Ding Shi's voice shuddered, "fuel is limited, we have to fly to the South China Sea, I'm afraid ..."

There is not enough fuel.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Rong was sitting behind the bridge. The handsome and gloomy side of the man, from the forehead, the bridge of the nose, and even the tight thin lips and chin, outlined the astonishing sharp outline in the shadow on the back of the searchlight.

"When I left," he suddenly said without warning:

"I told him, wait for me to pick you up."

——It was obviously a very calm tone, but Ding Shi was overwhelmed by some terrible power in that remark.

"He really waited. When he was on the construction site, he smiled as soon as he saw me, waving at me from a distance."

"But I didn't get him as promised."

"... Rong," Ding Shi choked, "it's not anyone's fault, it's ..."

"He wanted to follow me. He hesitated a bit when he stepped on the locomotive. Looking at me, he probably wanted to give me the last chance. But I shouldn't touch the gun, he was so scared at the time, I scared him Now. "

Zhou Rong closed his eyes. In addition to the roar of the helicopter in the cabin, it was frighteningly quiet.

After a while, he removed a silvery item tied to the rope from his neck, and Ding Shi recognized that he had downloaded all the chips for virus research in the B military area.

Zhou Rong held the chip in his hand, as if hitting the driver's platform unconsciously, and suddenly pointed below: "What's on the top of the building? Take a closer look."

Ding Shi didn't respond. He controlled the helicopter to lower the altitude, and searchlights scanned the roof of the building: "No, the target area is about 200 square meters ... Rongge ?!"

Zhou Rong threw the chip on the bridge, unfastened his seat belt, opened the hatch, and smiled back in the cold wind:

"Wait for us in the South China Sea."

The smile was so chic, Ding Shi suddenly reached out to catch it, but Zhou Rong already leaped and jumped in exclaim!

** The height of the meter whistled down, Zhou Rong landed steadily, and backhand pulled out the assault rifle behind him. He decisively abruptly shouted from everyone, disappearing into the night of city crisis. 2k novel reading network

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