Chapter 43 Table of contents

06:08 AM

Early morning on the third day.

Zhou Rong was paralyzed on the eaves, and at the moment when Yubeiqing appeared on the eastern sky, he exhaled exhaustedly.

The last twenty-one rounds of bullets were left, four grenades, one tactical knife and one dagger, one assault, one □.

All water is depleted.

Although it was the end of the strong crossbow, he actually spent the whole two long nights in the city of zombies, and even Zhou Rong felt that there was some kind of power in the meditation to protect him.

But Si Nan is still alive?

Looking into the vast corpse sea, which crevice corner is he hiding in the city?

Zhou Rong looked at his watch. It had been 36 hours since Si Nan's disappearance.

— Has he been discouraged, giving up hope, or even ... dead?

No, it won't-although there is no basis, Zhou Rong inexplicably feels that Sinan will not be killed so easily. The biggest possibility is that he was defenseless and unable to break through, and gradually lost his confidence in the 118 team returning to pick him up, just wondering which corner to hide in to wipe his tears; otherwise, he was packing up and preparing to forcibly set off for a walk to the suburbs. Heliport.

Hold on, Zhou Rong gritted his back molars and forced himself to sit up.

If the search has not been completed for 48 hours, you will bet to go to the airport and decide whether to wait for the rabbit or drive back to the city to continue the search according to the actual situation.

"Hold on," he murmured, wondering whether it was to himself or to Sinan who smiled at him in the void.

"As long as you hold on, you will always see you again."

Zhou Rong tightened the bandage on his left thigh and was chased by the tide of zombies. He had no choice but to jump off the tree. As a result, the wound larger than the slap that was pierced by the branch was no longer bleeding. Dirty and yellow bandages left only dark, solid blood stains, which seemed a little scary at first, but fortunately it didn't affect the action.

Zhou Rong jumped off the roof tile with a loudspeaker, ignored the zombies that were gathering near him, jumped from the treetop to the street, was about to continue to yell, and suddenly stepped.

——A man on the street corner with his back to him is walking into a hardware equipment store and killing the zombies coming out of the store.

The man was wearing a hoodie and his back was extremely majestic. Zhou Rong looked around and thought he might be half a head taller than himself. And that man's Yao Ming-like height was even matched with Tyson-like muscles, so far away, it made people feel a sense of looking at the rocks moving on the flat ground.

There are still living people?

Zhou Rong groaned for a moment, without revealing himself, and followed silently.



Romuel turned over and pressed Sinan: "——Jane!"

The female Alpha rushed into the room, pressed Sinan's leg, pressed the whole person to the ground, and left handcuffed on the edge of the bed. The whole series of moves were extremely skillful, as if it had been repeated many times in the past day and night.

Sinan's eyebrows were locked tightly, and she tried to curl up her body, making a painful growl. Romuel motioned for the female named Apha to go out, and then sat across Sinan, suppressing all his struggles, and squeezed his chin and shouted, "Noah! Look at me!"

Si Nanchong turned a deaf ear.


Romuel pressed his lips against his ears repeatedly, and the volume was so awake that even the dead could be awakened. After a few minutes, Si Nanhun's uncomfortable hissing wheezing ceased gradually, and his eyes opened murmurously.

"Look at me!" Romuel roared.


"What do you think of?" Romuel stared at his bloodshot eyes forcibly and asked, "How did you get in touch with C ** when you were at the White Eagle Base? Where is the ultimate antibody?" tell me!"

Sinan moved his lips. But the fresh water did not enter for more than ten hours, and the continuous high-intensity interrogation made him extremely tired, and it was difficult to make a sound.

Romuel sipped a cup of sugar water with maple sugar, came back to kneel beside him, and condescended, "Drink."

Don't overdo it.


no answer.

"Like chocolate, isn't it?" Romuel finally gave up his effort and asked coldly.

Sinan didn't mean anything, and closed his eyes.

The silent refusal of this copper wall and iron wall made Romuel helpless. He broke the maple sugar cup severely, and the glass **** splashed all over the floor.

The burrow was very quiet for a moment, and the cold wind whistled through the window slits. In addition, only Romuel forcibly suppressed the angry gasp.

The suffocating stalemate lasted for several minutes.

"... Okay, I admit it." Romuel said again, unexpectedly, it wasn't overwhelming, and the epilogue was even calm and self-control. He said, "OK, I admit that I did the wrong thing with chocolate."

——In Romuel's life, there are only a handful of words that say "I am wrong", not even his dad may have heard it twice.

But Sinan remained indifferent.

"I shouldn't let you turn on your stunner and use chocolate as an inducement to punish you when you are extremely weak."

"-But you know," Romuelton paused, and then said coldly, "the bite of a zombie in the test scene would have been punished. As a specially trained soldier, you and I have experienced .Although the intensity of the simulation you accept is indeed greater than anyone in the White Eagles, and you consider the use of food as an inducement as an insult ... "

Sinan did not respond.

"Are you listening to me?"


Romuel took a deep breath to control his emotions: "Your childish persistence is meaningless, Noah. Suppose if you are dying hungry now, you have only one piece of chocolate in front of you, and you will die if you do n’t eat it Will you stick to this pale and ridiculous personality to me? "

What he didn't expect was that Si Nan opened his eyes, turned his head back, and smiled, "No."

——The short two-character tone was barely audible, but the slight curvature of the corner of the mouth was true, and Romuel looked dumb.

"I've been eating chocolate for a long time," Sinan said, with an unmasked maliciousness in his smile:

"Someone gave it to me two days ago and ate a large piece."

Romuel had no idea what to say, and he was there.

Sinan was sitting on the ground and pillowed his head and neck on the edge of the bed again. It seemed that those two sentences had consumed all his strength.

Noah's true character has an extremely extreme and puzzling side, and Romuel has always known. If he is to be compared with a normal person, he is actually like a child in some aspects, or he is particularly naive and vengeful.

He hates others and hates himself.

He would be willing to accept Romuel's condition when he was suffering from hunger because of the extremely strong demand for the inducer, chocolate, and he would press the electric shocker by himself to bear the dual torture of physical pain and mental insult.

But he also developed stress disorder later, and since then completely refused chocolate, even conditioned vomiting whenever he eats this kind of food.

Romuel observed that his vomiting, like some anorexia, was forced at first by self-punishment and aversion. But then it turned into a real stress response, and for a time it couldn't even touch anything chocolate-flavored at all.

—— Paranoid, self-control, horny. Once you identify something, you will continue to strengthen your self-awareness, which will burn into your mind and catalyze as part of your instinct to act.

This personality is usually not changed.

Romuel had no idea that his so-called younger brother would have one day to overthrow self-awareness if he didn't lie.

Romuel moved somewhere deep in his heart, and seemed to want to try something, but stopped talking.

He gave a complicated cough, and pulled down the zipper of the jacket, exposing the corner of the inner scarf: "... Noah."

"Look at this, Noah." He squeezed Sinan's chin to make him look at himself, but this time his hand strength was deliberately softer: "Do you remember?"

It was a very ordinary dark gray cashmere scarf, with no pattern and very thin texture, because the edges of the old relationship had been burred, but in fact it did not match the temperament of the superior social elite of Romuel.

Si Nan glanced.

"The year my mother died, I flew from New York to Los Angeles to attend her funeral, and you were there, too." Romuel slowly said, "I went into the woods alone after the funeral, and it was raining all of a sudden, and suddenly you came over , Gave me this scarf ... "

"'Isn't it cold to stay this way?' You asked me like that at the time. And my response was to wave my scarf and throw you in anger. You didn't talk anymore, watched me for a while, and turned out of the woods."

Many years later, Romuel could clearly recall all the details of that scene, including the pale face of his brother in the black coat, the wet eyes with the wet rain, and when he turned away without a word, The radian of the dress angle in the air.

I was impressed because it was the first time in his life that Noah had spoken to him so softly.

But that was also the last time, so Romuel never had a chance to verify that he had repeated countless conjectures later-if he responded with a completely different attitude at that time, wouldn't many things change from then on?

"When I left Los Angeles the next day, I returned to that wood, picked up your scarf, and has kept it to this day."

Romuel took off his scarf from his neck and stared at Sinan's calm eyes:

"I took it with me before I went to China, because I know that an unprecedented disaster has already begun, and humanity is likely to be extinct from the earth. So today when you and I meet again in the last days, many of them have ended before they even had time to start Do you still have a chance to go back to the situation before it happened again? "

"——If you agree, tell me where the ultimate antibody is." Romuel whispered, his voice almost whispered: "After the vaccine is developed, human beings will build the ultimate fortress of security, and you and I can both enter The first people in the fortress of security ... I promise that all painful memories will always be memories, and I will let you live a good life, a life you never imagined before, a good life. "

"Really," he solemnly said, "as long as you believe me."

After a long silence, Sinan said gently, "I never believed in you."

"I know." Romuelton paused and asked, "But like chocolate, the things you thought you would stick to the end changed, didn't you?"

Si Nan raised his uncuffed right hand and touched the raw edges of the scarf that had been worn for many years with two fingers.

Romuel looked at him, his eyes full of encouragement, and there was still a trace of anxiety that he hadn't even noticed.

"..." Si Nan suddenly smiled slightly.

Although the smile was weak, it had the weird meaning that could not be mistaken, and then he shook his head with a loose hand.

"What?" Romuel couldn't help asking.

"I don't remember," Sinan said with a smile, "but I'm not someone who can do this kind of thing, especially to you. So either you're lying ..."

"I do not have!"

"Is that so?" Si Nan lazily said, "That should be I want to strangle you with a scarf while you place an order, but it was misunderstood."

Romuel rose up horribly, his complexion was blue and red; however, before he said anything, Sinan's last sentence successfully became a lead to ignite his anger:

"You are too affectionate,‘ brother ’.” Si Nan sympathized. “It ’s like your father treats my mother ... she did n’t give him a serious look until she died.”

A sharp roar suddenly came from the room: "Jane!"

Female Alpha quickly pushed the door and saw her boss standing by the bed, turning her head back, and her pupils had completely turned into a dreadful dark gray.

"Confession." He gritted his teeth, and anger made every word chill:

"... take all the confession in!"


Abbas casually shot a few of the half-rotten zombies in the alley, walked into the courtyard with a cardboard box, and saw his female teammates stand under the locust tree with arms folded, and the floor door was hit by a hit in the closed room Loud sounds, and a squeaky sound when the debris fell over.

"Come back?" Jane smoked out of her mouth. "Are you gaining?"

Abbas lowered the carton in silence and took out the contents one by one.

Batteries, knives, hardware parts, half pot of motor oil, small half bottles of white wine.

Jane picked up the liquor bottle and drank up, sighing, "This place is not good, the area along the southern coast is much richer. Have you seen a living person?"

Abbas shook his head.

Suddenly he glanced behind him and yelled, "Who?"

Abbas turned back sharply, and both looked at the courtyard covered by the canopy at the same time.

There was no movement for a few seconds, and then the bushes moved, and a dark shadow screamed violently across the wall—a skinny gray cat.

"Gizmos," Jane mocked, wondering whether it was a cat or a person in the house.

Abbas answered in a sullen voice: "When you first entered the White Eagles, that was not what it said when he was trained in the army."

Jane laughed: "So don't you think it would be nice to see such people being abused?"


"Especially a cruel and high-minded instructor like him, a genre who never has to look straight at people ... it really feels tortured."

Abbas thought about it and said nothing, the door opened.

Romuel strode out with a violent stride, and did not look at his two standing men: "North."

Jane didn't respond: "What?"

"The plane crashed to the north," Romuel said coldly. "He must have left something there. Abbas, got him in the car and was ready to go."

The cast-steel-like man replied that when he lowered his head into the room and came out a moment later, he carried a coma and unmoving figure on his shoulders.

At the corner of the courtyard wall, Zhou Rong's pupils tightened silently after the trees were covered.

——Although vaguely expected along the way, when I saw it with my own eyes, the steel needle pierced the heart and lungs, causing his blood to go into spasms.

That's Sinan.

Sinan will not approach the strange Alpha, let alone be easily caught. Zhou Rong could almost imagine the scene at the time: the thirsty and hungry Sinan heard the sound of a car from a distance, thinking that it was the 118th team to come back to save himself, so he ran out of his hiding place and shouted into the car; He found that it was too late when the visitor was not good. The other party was not only three trained Alphas, but also live ammunition ...

Zhou Rong forcibly suppressed his hot nose and grasped the wall tightly.

His nails plunged deep into the wall, leaving four clear white marks on the old masonry, a trace of blood spilling out of the seam of the nails.

What should we do now?

Zhou Rong landed silently, quickly moved to the corner of the courtyard door, the whole body was hidden behind the wall, and looked at the three Alphas back and forth from the sight.

Two men and one woman, the man who gave the order somehow made him feel familiar, but it was too late to think about it.

Under the current shooting conditions, Zhou Rong determined that he could shoot the person with his own marksmanship, or at least make the target incapacitated; but the other party has two mobile forces left, what if he takes Sinan as a bunker?

They have a car. Once they escape by car, it will be difficult to catch up. What will they do to Sinan then? !!

The muzzle shifted slightly, and the sight was replaced with the strong man who held Sinan, and Zhou Rong narrowed his eyes.

If you attack this person, Sinan will have the opportunity to break free from the shackles and run away quickly; but from this perspective, Sinan may have lost consciousness ...

Calm, Zhou Rong cautioned himself, calm.

He has worked in the country with the most stringent political review and the highest level of security. He has personally protected the highest leaders and has also been responsible for the safety of more than a dozen heads of state foreign guests.

He has experienced many dangerous situations and made many achievements; on professional issues, Zhou Rong's official record error rate has always been zero.

——He has never felt like a trace of anxiety and anger, as he is now, crawling along the spine to cover the whole body.

Zhou Rong's muzzle moved to the left, the crosshair was on Romuel's leg, and his index finger snapped on the trigger.

-But at this moment, the female Alpha roared, "What's going on!"

Zhou Rong turned his head.

Sinan was suddenly convulsed in a coma, making a terrible whimper like a beast, and fell to the ground fiercely!

He has been on a hunger strike for nearly 72 hours, and his functions are extremely weak in all aspects, but this struggling strength has made Abbas unable to stop him, and he was caught off guard and snarled, "Hurry help!"

Romuel and Jane flew up, Abbas grabbed Sinan's arm, and his elbow dislocation sound came clearly.

However, Si Nan seemed to suddenly lose his pain, and even this severe pain of heartbreaking didn't slow down his movement by half a minute. Between the electric light and fire, he turned his elbow back and flew up to catch Abba His back, the other elbow pounded into the opponent's cervical spine!

Abbas yelled in pain, flashed and threw Si Nanfei out--

At this moment, Zhou Rong pulled the trigger three times.

The first bullet was in the middle of Abbas's calf, and the strong man fell to his knees suddenly;

The second bullet hit the female Alpha's shoulder, and the gun in her hand flew far before being pulled;

The third bullet flew to mid-air, and Romuel turned in a flash, sending a series of shuttle bullets to Zhou Rong's hiding place!

Zhou Rong evaded quickly, and the brick wall was beaten to dust!

"There!" Roared Romuel, struggling with high firepower so that Zhou Rong could not fight back, striding toward the brick wall!

"Sir!" Jian Zhen's deafening scream exploded flatly. "Come back! He's out of control!"

I saw Si Nan standing up tremblingly, her pupils were extremely enlarged, her eyes were covered with blood, her pale complexion was alive, like a mad zombie; He reset it and stared at Abbas.

He growled slowly in his chest-the sound was like a scream of confusion and madness before some sleepy beast was dying.

Killing them, a voice kept repeating in his mind.

Everyone turned into a vague zombie, and the illusion caused by excessive confession flashed in front of him. He couldn't see what kind of faces were in front of him.

Kill them.

All the moving things are zombies, kill them.

Suddenly, Abbas was chilling, and he shuffled back two steps, and then saw that Si Nan rushed forward, without even having time to dodge, and punched him backwards with a punch!

Female Alpha yelled, rushing to Sinan, holding her injured shoulder.

Zhou Rongfei's body was against the wall, facing the rain with guns and falling down in the air, pressing Romuel down. At that moment, all the bullets were rubbed against his carotid artery, and the two shot the other's gun at the same time. Circle the crater!

Zhou Rong elbowed against Romuel's throat and shouted, "Sinan!"

Sinan looked up.

Zhou Rong saw his eyes when he was about to hit, and his heart sank severely.

Sinan's sight was sparse, blood vessels burst, and people were thin and out of shape. He looked even scarier than that on the construction site that day, and even had a life-threatening bloodthirsty feeling.

——Sinan didn't recognize him.

He looked at Zhou Rong's gaze, and looked at the other three Alphas, even without looking at the zombies. 2k novel reading network

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