Chapter 44 Table of contents

"Sinan," Zhou Rong trembled, and at a glance he saw Abbas dragging, trying his best to reach the gun, and yelled, "Run! Hurry!"

——He is holding Romuel, and he has no gun in his hand. The urgent task is to let Si Nan run away. Even if he finds him in the crisis-stricken city for three days and three nights, he will not let Si Nan Zhiyu stand here. Killed in one shot!

But Si Nan stared at Zhou Rong, as if he didn't know him, and didn't run or move.

"... It's you," suddenly Romuel gritted his teeth.

Zhou Rong frowned, and Romuel got up and waved his fist over him. The two tumbling on the ground, punched to the flesh, almost rushed to each other's fatal point, and it turned out to be an endless situation.

"Fuck, how are you again!" Romuel roared, holding Zhou Rong's throat with one palm!

Romuel's skill is actually the same as Sinan's, tricky, fast, and heavy-handed, but as Alpha muscle strength is much greater than Sinan's, and it can be seen that it is not the same order of magnitude as that woman and strong man. Rong's surprise.

Zhou Rong's palms clamped Romuel's hand that tightened his neck, sharply twisted, at the same time, he bent his knees and kicked, blocking Romuel with his back--

Zhou Rong's waist and leg strength was half-ton class. Romuel flew out more than ten meters in an air, crashed the brick wall, and spewed a spit of blood immediately!

Bang Bang!

The gun exploded in my ear, and when Zhou Rong's blood was cold, he could not care about Romuel, who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood. He rolled on the spot, picked up the gun, and frowned.

I saw that Sinan did not run, but scuffled with Abbas. Compared to this Alpha, which is more than two meters tall, Si Nan is just like a thin boy, but when he was confused, he burst into unimaginable extreme power, dragging Abbas's hand with a gun and pulling the trigger. Shuttle shuttle bullets poured out, shattered the glass window and exploded, and the branches shook violently.

The female Alpha hid behind the corner and scolded, struggling to find the muzzle and aimed at Sinan.

The point she showed behind the wall was really just a sniper target that was not much bigger than a fly, but was hit by a swift and precise shot by Zhou Rong.

Only the last bullet was left, Zhou Rong clearly realized.

He aimed at Abbas, but Sinan's rage was always flashing in the sight. Zhou Rong hesitated to pull the trigger, and suddenly the wind came in his head, and he fled to avoid, meanwhile, the bullet behind him hit the ground against his heels.

It's Romuel!

Zhou Rong yelled at your ancestor, and while falling down, Volley pulled the trigger.

The last bullet leaped away, passing beautifully through the barrage formed by AK47, and fangs penetrated Romuel's abdomen, bringing out a bloodline!

Romuel fell over with a gunshot wound.

Zhou Rong roared: "Sinan!"

As soon as the violent gunfire stopped, Sinan forcibly shot the charge in Abbas's hand. The latter turned him on the ground, and the big fist of the sea bowl hit Sinan to spray blood, and the second punch had not yet gone. Zhou Rong had already arrived, dragging Abbas' hair to topple him to the ground, and punched !!

The strong man roared and couldn't help but struggle, but Zhou Rong didn't give him any respite. The steel artillery-like phalanx was hammered, which broke Abbas's nasal bridge bone in the first stroke, cracked his teeth in the second stroke, and collapsed his sternum with the third punch!

Zhou Rong got up and kicked Abbas, his handsome face was full of fierce gas, and his eyes were **** like a wolf king.

He exhaled, tried to adjust his facial expression, and turned around.

Si Nan had already got up, took several steps backwards, and stood with his back close to the courtyard wall, his body seemed slightly bowed--Zhou Rong recognized the reason at a glance.

It is not because of being beaten and injured after a long period of fasting, which can't stand upright.

Instead, the trapped beast was full of vigilance and hatred before it tried its best to attack the last force.

Zhou Rong slowly shook his head and spread his hands, motioning him to look at his empty palm: "Sinan."

Sinan kept silent, narrowing his eyes alertly.

"Come here, Sinan, I won't hurt you." Zhou Rong took a half step forward and trembled: "Rong brother didn't abandon you, look, this is here to pick you up."


The zombies took a step forward, Sinan thought.

He tried to close his eyes, and then opened again. The intense madness caused by the excessive use of leukorrhizate severed the central nerve, forming a strange picture in front of his eyes.

——He seems to be back to a very young age, in a simulated special training scene, he can't go out without killing all the zombies.

Behind the wall are zombies, on the ground are zombies, and in the distant ruins are zombies. This face with vague open hands to him ... is also a zombies.

Killing them all, the sound in his head made him more urgent, which made him have a headache.

Kill them all, or they will shock you.

Kill them all.

A coughing smirk suddenly sounded behind him: "Not ... useless, look at him like that ..."

"No one knew when he was out of control. In his eyes, we are all zombies ... okay?" Romuel leaned into the brick wall ruins and laughed intermittently: "The conditional reflexive fantasy of the brain under severe stimulation. Even if his mother is useless, he will hang everyone ... all zombies, oh ...

Zhou Rong growled: "What did you do to him?"

Romuel didn't answer, changed his sitting position, and exhaled hardly: "Your surname is Zhou, isn't it?"

"... Who are you?" Zhou Rong narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Romuel didn't answer, and turned to Sinan, and smiled maliciously.

"You can't help it," he coughed and laughed. "Let's go, in his eyes you are the most dangerous zombie here ... he will hang you with his own hands, if you don't believe it, try it."

Si Nan gasped and backed away, but he had squeezed to the corner, and then backing could only squeeze the back of the wall tighter.

It hurts, he murmured to himself.

... I really hurt.

The extreme hunger had turned into pain and tears of the internal organs, and the injuries caused by electric shocks and beatings were like a thousand needles that tortured every nerve in his body.

However, he heard it countless times from small to large, but the cold and ruthless sound of electronic synthesis did not let him go, like the sacrum of the cheekbones, and the horrible electric light from the cracks of each bone whipped him all over.

kill him.

kill him.

Kill them all.

Otherwise punish you.

Kill them all.


Si Nan's chest screamed like a leak, and tried to cover his ears, but to no avail.

Not far away, the zombie took another step forward, and seemed to be shouting, going to eat him.

But I really hurt, Si Nanmo thought vaguely.

I beg you ... I really can't move ...

"... Division ... South ..."

"Sinan ..."

Another voice sounded in the subconscious, lingering in the ear, and suddenly far away in the sky, the fluttering mist disappeared with the wind. Unconsciously, Sinan put down his hand, his mind was completely blank, and he stood in place.

The zombie who could not see his face had approached him.

"... Brother Rong ... pick you ... Sinan ..."

Sinan shook his head, not knowing what that meant.

He was confused and chaotic, using his last strength to push away the zombie. In the struggle, his back elbow hit the concrete wall behind him severely, and his bones gave a chilling and crisp sound, but he felt no pain at all.

There was no pain, not even a touch.

-As if at the last minute of this sore body, fate is finally willing to give a little goodwill, and relieve part of the heartbreaking pain.

Si Nan knelt down suddenly, moving backwards, knowing how embarrassed he was at the moment.

But the zombies who could not walk away would not let him go, grabbed his shoulders, and lowered his head.

Si Nanzhang knew he was going to be bitten. He would be torn apart by decayed sharp teeth, watching his skin flesh, blood splashing, tendons and blood vessels being stripped away, and he could even see his blood-red bone marrow burst from the fracture.

He would then be shocked or killed.

He would skim over the collapsed spires of the church, and ascend under the overcast sky to never have a hungry, lonely and painful paradise.

Sinan was convulsed, curled up, and the zombies had reached his ears. However, the warmth and coldness of the blood flowing out of the body are not expected. In the confusion of consciousness, the faint voice gradually becomes clear:

"Look ... Look at me ..."

"Si Xiaonan, don't you know Rong Ge? ..."

Rong brother.

Everything in Si'nan's eyes is ghosting. Muted and distorted lines and cluttered black shadows switch between each other, just like hero | because it stimulates the brainstem center, turning everything into a beating light spot.

However, in the hustle and bustle of the dying, something seemed to come out of the water, gradually becoming clear.

Rong brother.

Zhou Rong.

"... Brother Rong hasn't left you ..."

"You look at me ..."

——Sinan Sinan felt a hot hand.

It seemed as if hot water droplets hit his palm, and his pain shrank.

"... Brother Rong has come to pick you up and look at our Xiaonan ..."

In the quiet night of the jungle, the bonfire burned and shimmered, and someone gently said in his ear: "Call Rong, as far as possible to save you."

"My name is Rong Zhou, Rong Ge Rongma."

"Si—Xiao-nan-! Brother Rong has picked you up!"

"I'm sorry, Rong shouldn't yell at you ... hey, I brought you chocolate."

Countless scenes and pictures are popping up in my head, hovering like snow, gently smoothing the spiritual world of insanity.

Si Nan gasped and exhausted, his eyes scattered and blank, looking at the "zombie" and kneeling in front of himself.

The two were so close enough to see each other's faces clearly.

"..." Sinan murmured: "Rong brother."

He didn't know what he was talking about, nor could he recognize the familiar face in tears.

But from this short two-character syllable, he obtained some kind of warm and powerful comfort, and the power to calm down.

"Rong," he repeated in a low voice.

In all unbelievable gazes, Si Nan stretched out his hand, completely revealing the soft and undefended palm, and Zhou Rong held it tightly in his hands.

The next moment Sinan buried his head, like hiding in a safe cave in his dream.


Romuel's pupils dilated sharply, unbelievably, his face was enough to describe it as gray failure-this is impossible!

how can that be? !!

When Noah enters the mental illusion of conditional reflection, he only treats all moving objects around him as a zombie and makes indiscriminate attacks until you die. This is his instinct that he has cultivated through thousands of electric shocks since he was six years old. He will never forget it if he forgets to breathe. Even if his mother died before his eyes, his instinct cannot be broken!

So what now? !! Why didn't he attack? !!

Is he willing to be killed by the "zombie" named Zhou in his spiritual illusion? !!

Romuel shook his head in horror, watching Zhou Rong hold Si Nan tightly in his arms, and couldn't help kissing in his dirty forehead because he was stained with blood and dust, stroking his skinny back and whispering comfort what. After a while, Sinan's spasms and tremors gradually stopped. Zhou Rong kissed his ear and hugged him with one hand.

Romuel held a gunshot wound to his abdomen and shook his other hand tightly.

But Zhou Rong stopped looking at them, walked out of the courtyard, and kicked the zombies who were looking for the sound, took Si Nan into the co-driver's seat of the blue and white SUV, and wanted to board the cab from the other side.

Sinan was reluctant to leave Zhou Rong, clutching his cuffs tightly. Zhou Rong whispered a few words of persuasion, seeing that Si Nan shook his head and didn't listen, he gave up, took him out of the co-pilot, and got into the cab with his arms in his arms.

The zombies were slowly gathering towards this side, looking far away, and the ghosts swayed all the way, all densely packed with dead people. The SUV turned around and drove to the small courtyard. The window lowered. Zhou Rongju stared at Romuel and asked, "Who are you?"

Romuel said coldly, "Your name is Zhou Rong, isn't it?"

"Yo, when is brother so red?" Zhou Rong sneered casually: "Why, do you want to sign?"

Zombie's characteristic procrastination gradually became clear, but Romuel did not have the slightest fear of death. He was leaning against the brick pile covered with blood, and through the gap in the window, he could see Si Nan leaning against Zhou Rong's side, with his head buried in Zhou Rong's arms.

It was like a murderous body that had not faded and was covered with blood. At the time of exhaustion, it finally supported the little beast that finally found its nest.

Romuel's heart seemed to be soaked with sour hatred, and sneered slightly.

"No, Zhou Rong." He said lightly, "It's really nice to see you alive. Keep your little life ... we will meet again soon."

"Really?" Zhou Rong teased. "I don't think so."

The more the zombies got together, the more they blocked the alley. Zhou Rong no longer talked to the dying man, the SUV stepped back and spun, and the wheels made harsh noises on the ground. He finally lost the sentence: "Thank you for your supplies!" Immediately stepping on the accelerator, he flew away in the bang of the engine.

Romuel watched the dust rising behind the SUV and narrowed his eyes slightly.

His brow bone is high, his eye sockets are deep, and his nasal bone is straight, which is typical of Aryan white. Because of being trained by military elites all the year round, the body is also tough and tough. Alpha in this form is actually very popular in Europe and the United States.

But at this moment his expression was so treacherous that it made people feel chilling.

Zombies swarmed and were approaching the courtyard. Romuel coughed up his mouth, pulled a sealed needle from his chest, tore it open with his teeth, and injected all the light red liquid into his arm.

Then he threw his hands up.

The injection syringe traced an arc and broke in front of the first zombie foot squeezed into the gate of the hospital.


The carriage kept bumping along as it moved forward, rolling the zombies into the bottom of the car all the way, finally bursting out of the smoke from the explosive sound of grenades and flying along the endless highway.

Zhou Rong controlled the steering wheel with one hand, holding Si Nan's groggy body in one hand, and patted him gently on the shoulder: "Si Xiaonan?"

Si Nan curled up without saying a word.

Zhou Rong stepped on the brake, turned over on the back seat, and threw the three Alpha's miscellaneous personal belongings out of the window. He saw a maple sugar bottle in the corner.

There should be more medical supplies in the back compartment, but at this time there is no way to organize them carefully. Zhou Rong opened the maple sugar jar, rubbed Sinan's pale face with his belly, and whispered, "Drink two, huh?"

Si Nan didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He smelled the smell of maple sugar and barely tilted his head.

His silent refusal was obvious, but Zhou Rong could not condone his inexplicable picky eaters at this time, kissed his hair, and coaxed: "Good."

Then Zhou Rong himself drank maple syrup and fed it from mouth to mouth, licking the corners of his tight lips with persuasion.

Somehow, Sinan was very resistant to the taste of maple syrup, but after a while, his cold lips seemed to be gradually warmed by the breath of Zhou Rong, his teeth were slightly loose, and a slight soft gap opened.

The 48th hour of the fall.

Zhou Rong's eyes were slightly red, staring at Si Nan's sleepy side face, and printed a gentle, honey-scented kiss again. 2k novel reading network

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