Chapter 45 Table of contents

Zhou Rong stood on the viaduct, holding Sinan in one hand, and holding a telescope in one hand, his mouth twitched slightly.

The highway leading to the airport became bustling overnight. The mountains and the mountains were full of zombies going south, and they continued to the civil airports in the distance. The number was enough to use 100,000.

Unless it has long wings, it is impossible to cross this shocking zombie tide and steal another helicopter.

"We have to drive south." Zhou Rong frowned at Si Nan's face, and asked very gentlely for comments: "Is Comrade Xiao Si disagree?"

Sinan was always in a semi-drowsy state, and hung around Zhou Rong's neck.

Zhou Rong was satisfied: "Very good, the action plan was passed in full ... Rong is very democratic."

The SUV had more supplies than Zhou Rong imagined, so much that he was a little surprised. If they go south at a normal speed, the food on the car will be enough for them to reach the South China Sea, and even Comrade Xiao Si who is picky will have no opinion.

Zhou Rong lowered the back seat of the car, spread a nest with a blanket, laid Sinan carefully on it, undressed and looked at his wound.

Sinan's body was full of tiny scars, almost too many to count. There were some soft tissue traumas on the abdomen and limbs. It was not clear whether it was caused by violent torture or fighting. His wrists and elbows were even more horrible. Zhou Rong recognized that it was a jump injury caused by electric shock, and his anger was overwhelming.

Why abuse him?

Who would carry a stunner with them in this end time?

Zhou Rong moistened the towel, warmed with his own body temperature, and wiped Sinan's whole body a little, his movement was as soft as touching a piece of velvet. Si Nan was very docile in his half dream and awake. He was too tired. Even when the towel passed through the fatal parts such as throat and heart, he only avoided it symbolically two times, and was immediately held in his arms by Zhou Rong, and then he kept silent.

The sky was getting darker, and in the dim carriage, there was a delicate ivory-like white all over his body. Because of the dehydration and desalting for two consecutive days, his thin and sharp body lines became thinner and thinner. Zhou Rong made a gesture and felt that he could now wrap his waist around with one arm, and his heart could not help but feel a little warm.

"Small classmate Si Xiaonan ..." Zhou Rong hummed, changed a clean towel, carefully wiped Si Nan's face and hair, and kissed his eyebrows with satisfaction: "Well, we Xiao Sinan is a clean person Good classmate, isn't it? "

Si Nan stumbled "um".

After all, Zhou Rong is a young, strong, and hormonal Alpha. If it's normal, the less training the day before, I woke up the next morning and missed the bed. Although I was struggling every day after the virus outbreak, as long as I was idle, I would have a spring dream at night.

What's more terrible is that Comrade Xiao Si is very very sticky. Even if he is unconscious, he refuses to let go of Zhou Rong's hand. When Zhou Rong went to change the towel for a few seconds, he would still be dissatisfied. Humming softly, Zhou Rong rushed with blood and rushed overhead.

"Do you want Rong?"

Sinan: "Yes."

"Is Rong handsome?"

Sinan again: "Yes."

Zhou Rong repeatedly kissed his lips and was dissatisfied. He applauded: "Oh, our comrade Xiao Si is also handsome ... as long as I do n’t play missing anymore, he will be even more handsome."

In the warm compartment, the sweet and fragrant smell of Omega pheromones slowly diffused, irritating Zhou Rong for a while and then for a while, it was almost an error. He took a deep breath and bit the small piece of tender, tender and soft meat on Sinan's neck, but did not dare to bite the skin. Then he pulled up the blanket and wrapped Sinan into a roll. He felt noble at this moment Can hang on to Liu Xiahui.

But the drowsy Sinan didn't appreciate Zhou Xiahui. When he was wrapped up, he even struggled, closed his eyes, and looked a little dissatisfied.

Zhou Rong leaned over and turned over the car. He wanted to find something easy to digest to feed Sinan, and suddenly he saw a mountaineering bag in the corner gap.

He didn't drive the inner lights, fearing that the light would attract the zombies, and opened the mountaineering bag by biting his flashlight. I saw two guns and bullets, daggers, batteries, gloves, etc., which were disassembled into parts. There were also some documents, names, birthdays, etc. Needless to say, it is false.

Zhou Rong's eyes touched the white face on the document, and the vague familiarity became more and more obvious. He took a flashlight and looked carefully for a moment.

Suddenly, he had a moment in his head and realized where the familiarity came from-indeed he had seen extremely similar faces before.

Former Vice President of Country A!

When he was not sent down to the 118 security forces, this person visited with the mission!

There are too many people with similar faces in the world. Coupled with years of memory erosion, Zhou Rong was not sure about his judgment for a while. However, he remembered more things in the electric light fire. The secret letter from the country A in the B military area communication office was signed, and his last name was exactly the same as the former vice president of the country A.

Look for the lost military personage, mixed-race Omega, and don't use stimulus to restore his mind, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties ...

Zhou Rong stared at Si Nan, who was curled up in a blanket, didn't sleep well, and frowned.

Will there be such a coincidence in the world?

But if they are looking for Sinan ...

Drifting across the ocean is not far away, and the last days are full of dangers. What is there on Sinan's body that they have to fight for?

Zhou Rong found a few packets of high-protein chocolate powder, which is a military high-energy food in the field. Then he washed it into a paste with water, put Sinan's head on his thigh, and fed him carefully with a spoonful.

Sinan was very resistant to mushy food, and it was very painful. Almost every mouthful had to use various means to coax for a long time to swallow it. After feeding a few spoons, he refused to eat it. Zhou Rong had no choice but to hold him up and pat him on the bottom as a punishment, and then ate the sweet and greasy chocolate paste by himself.

There are various compressed biscuits in the back compartment. Zhou Ronghua turned the flashlight on for a long time. He was deeply dissatisfied with A ** 's lack of innovative spirit in food design. Finally, he finally turned out half a box of biscuits with meat floss. Arcane.

"Very good, Comrade Xiao Si, this will be your special snack box in the future." Zhou Rong murmured, and threw all the maple sugar cans, chocolates, milk powder, etc. that were turned all the way into the biscuit box, and took out the marker. , Wrote the words "Sinan exclusive" on the carton.

Fortunately, Sinan had a high acceptance of maple syrup and ate half a bowl on and off. Zhou Rong also took out the dehydrated and durable cake from the soldiers' rations. A large piece of dried tofu was fed to Sinan, and watching his slightly red lips, he was very satisfied.

"Do you like it?" He whispered Si Nan Juaner in his arms across the blanket.

Sinan seemed to have a little consciousness, and nodded almost invisibly: "Um."

"Are you from country A?"


Zhou Rong thought about it, pondered for a moment, and asked, "They ... the three people, why did they arrest you?"

Sinan's eyebrows were twisted, and his subconscious seemed to have experienced some very painful memories, sending out a weak struggle.

"Why grab you? Did you bring anything?"

Sinan tried not to overdo it, and the frequency of twisting became more and more. Zhou Rong couldn't hold it in one hand, and fastened his arms to his thighs, but saw that his expression became more and more anxious, and his chest was rising and falling sharply, and then he made a subtle and sharp sound, which was out of breath!

"It's okay, okay ..." When Zhou Rong saw something wrong, he immediately pressed him tightly in his arms, stroking his hair and back, and repeated in his ears: "Don't be afraid, it's Rong Ge's fault, don't ask You're ... okay, don't be afraid ... "

It took a long time for Sinan's struggle to gradually calm down, lying in his arms, his brows still locked tightly.

"Brother Rong is wrong. Would you not ask?"

Zhou Rong rubbed his cold face with Hu Jie, making Si Nan unwilling to dodge.

He exhaled and did not dare to ask related questions.

However, the warm body was still clinging to his arms, in the quiet compartment, and even each other's heartbeat was clear and audible. After a while, Zhou Rongxin felt a little itchy again, and could not help but cough:

"Si Xiaonan?"

Sinan was drowsy.

"Do you like Rong?"


Before Zhou Rong had time to go up and down, he was blinded by this clear, affirmative and unhesitating hum word, and he sighed happily, without asking: "Do you like Yanhao?"

It's too dangerous. If Yan Hao is here, it is estimated that he will rush to punch him.

Sinan hesitated for a few seconds this time, "... um."

Zhou Rong: "?!"

"..." Zhou Rong turned his mind and asked, "Do you like spring grass?"


"... Where is Guo Weixiang?"


"Where is Ding Shi ?!"


Zhou Rong said indignantly: "Don't have so many 'um'! Specifically!"

Si Nan made a resistive "snoring" sound, presumably meaning not to speak specifically.

Zhou Rong was eating and eating like a wolf that had been forcibly taken away from him. He sat there and scratched his ears, suddenly a frown frowned, and asked a different way:

"So what's your favorite among everyone, Rong?"

Sinan twisted it, looking a little embarrassed, and whispered, "Huh."

Flowers bloomed and salutes rang.

Zhou Rongzhi was so satisfied that he felt that life was slowly spreading a golden avenue in front of his eyes. Seeing that he was about to reach the pinnacle of collecting wedding gifts and drinking wine and sending it to the cave.

He laughed and laughed a few times, pinching Si Nan's skinny cheek: "Very well, Rong also likes you, and likes you the most."

He said he kissed on Sinan's forehead, stepped on the accelerator to start the car, and drove down to the town in the wilderness where night fell.


At the end of the lunar month, it was freezing cold and dripping into ice.

Zhou Rong drove at night and dared to sleep a little during the day. He carefully discerned the tide of the zombies, tried to pick up the deserted, high-lying route, and went south slowly and safely.

All towns and villages along the way were turned into ruins overnight.

The sky is high and the north wind is howling. The distant village below was silent and empty, and the grass in the field was pressed to the side by the wind, and faint ant-like figures were slowly moving on the field.

That's zombies.

At noon on a cloudy day, Zhou Rong parked the car on the mountainside. After setting up roadblocks before and after, he locked the door, wrapped the sleepy Sinan into a roll and put it on his thigh, and fell asleep on the steering wheel for a moment. .

After a short while, he was awakened by the movements of Sosuo. Opening his eyes, he saw that Si Nan was awake and kept struggling to rest on his thighs, as if very uncomfortable.

Zhou Rong has been accustomed to hugging and hugging in the past few days, and he kissed him on the eyelids: "What's wrong?"

Sinan immediately raised his eyes and looked at him, his eyelashes were very obvious fan-shaped, his pupils were clearly written in confusion, as if asking why you kiss me casually?

"!!!" Zhou Rong responded immediately, with a bad heart.

But he did not show the slightest guilty conscience, but frankly greeted Sinan's eyes, his expression filled with spring-like warmth and love: "Wake up? Where is it uncomfortable?"

"..." Si Nan's head was still confused, he closed his eyes, and then opened again a moment later, with a tired husky: "... hot ..."

Zhou Rong touched his palm, it was really hot, and he loosened the blanket slightly: "Now?"

Sinan made his way up, leaning more comfortably on Zhou Rong's strong legs, and spit out another word:


Zhou Rong: "..."

Captain Zhou felt very pained. Because of the slight change in posture, Sinan's face was now almost in the middle of his thigh, and Alpha's boiling male blood rushed down again.

"Comrade Xiao Si," Zhou Rong fed two sips, and when Si Nan turned his head away, he lowered his head and asked, "Can we talk about the current posture seriously?"

Sinan closed her eyes and gave a slightly steady breath.

Comrade Xiao Si obviously didn't want to talk.

Zhou Rong has fallen into the hard cycle that has been cyclical in the past few days-to stop it-again hard-to stop it-no matter how hard it is. He sat paralyzed in the driver's seat, feeling that the sensitivity of that part increased hundreds of times instantly. Through the thick camouflage pants, he could feel Omega's warm breath spraying on it.

Let me make a mistake, he thought hopelessly.

Comrade Xiao Si likes me very much. Maybe he likes it even more after I have made mistakes?

After a brief and sudden wake at noon that day, Sinan's warning signs gradually increased. The next day when Zhou Rong fed him with dehydrated vegetables and luncheon meat, he even dimly called "Rong Brother"; on the third morning, he was sleeping on Zhou Rong's shoulders, suddenly in the bumps in front of the vehicle Woke up and asked softly, "... where are we going?"

Zhou Rong held a cigarette and said sadly, "Open a house."

The Chinese language is vast and profound, and Sinan's level of understanding is obviously not at that level.

However, Zhou Rong did run to open the house. Before dark in the evening, he found a two-story cement room of a forest ranger in the mountains. The dormitory has all the living facilities, but it has been unoccupied for a long time. The surrounding area is covered with dust. There are half a can of gas and pots and pans in the kitchen. Pots.

He cleverly blocked the car at the gate and became a stern barrier. The door was directly opposite the exit of the corridor to deal with unexpected situations at any time. Then I spent half a day cleaning and cleaning the beds, boiling the hot water, and slowly boiling a pot of warm and fragrant vegetables and congee on the low fire.

"Si Xiaonan?" Zhou Rong squatted beside the bed, pinching Si Nan's sleeping face, and taught gently and seriously: "Tonight, leave the old and welcome the new. Obediently, we must both take a bath, or we can't be foolish."

Sinan issued a smooth and regular breath.

"If you don't wake up, Rong will help you wash it."

Zhou Rong waited a moment, and said to himself, "It seems that I really want Rong to help you wash ... well."

He carefully opened the blanket, took off Sinan's coat and shirt, and took off his shoes. Then he did mental construction and repeatedly meditated on the core values ​​of the socialist eight honors and eight shames and the twenty-four characters before taking off Sinan's trousers. Into the steaming bathtub.

It has been a long journey and it is a luxury to have a hot bath.

As soon as Si Nan lay in the bathtub, he gave a comfortable sigh, dimly hugging Zhou Rong's arm.

"Don't mess around, the water spills, hiss ..."

Zhou Rong sat by the bathtub, picked up a soap head, and rubbed a few hands on Sinan's soaked body. This was indeed very difficult for him. It was not only a question of the core values ​​of socialism, but Si Nan himself was very uncooperative. He seemed to have developed a great deal of interest in Zhou Rong's hands, always struggling to hold and get Water splashes are everywhere.

Zhou Rong's upper body was splashed with water, and his uniform shirt was uncomfortable against his body, which made him quite annoyed.

"Comrade Xiao Si, please cooperate." Zhou Rong nodded and said seriously: "I will spank you like this again."

Comrade Xiao Si murmured in the nasal cavity, and the steam-stained hair was wet on the slender neck.

Zhou Rong didn't dare to take a closer look, and hurriedly didn't go over his head and murmured, "I'll fight again later. Put on clothes and fight again."

Omega pheromone is mixed with warm water vapor, which makes Zhou Rong's heart beat for no reason. He held his breath, went out and drank a few mouthfuls of ice water, and the boiling blood finally calmed down a little.

Hurry up and wash the bath, it will be fine after suffering.

Zhou Rong was so determined that he took off his wet shirt, and Chi | barely wore only trousers, pushed the door into the bathroom, and then stunned.

——Since he was out for a few minutes, Sinan woke up.

Sinan was sitting in the hot water, just awake and a little ignorant. He looked down at himself and looked up at Zhou Rong who was showing his muscular and muscular body. 2k novel reading network

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