Chapter 56 Table of contents


Zhou Rong put down the piece of paper full of characters, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Your generosity and cooperation surprised me very much, Miss Chen."

"I can be more generous and cooperative," Chen Yajing said.

Chen Yajing leaned back in a wheelchair with her hands folded, and it looked very leisurely: "I can send someone to the port to meet you every ten days, which means that if you can't find the South China Sea base, every ten days I can regularly replenish fresh water and supplies by shore. In addition, I will provide weapons and manpower, and I can send people to search for experienced crew and fishermen along the coast, and persuade them to assist you with good conditions ...

Zhou Rong asked with a smile: "Are you going to run for the top ten people in China, forgive me, there should be no such award now."

"No," Chen Yajing said lightly, "I have the conditions."

Zhou Rong turned and left.

"Team! Do you have any interest in trading?"

Zhou Rong replied coldly: "Missing? Miss Chen, I always offer conditions to others. When is it time for someone else to do a deal with me?"

Chen Yajing was speechless for a while, and saw that Zhou Rong was about to leave the office, and in a hurry, he shouted: "What you call a task!"

"... Your Omega." She saw Zhou Rong's footsteps slowly, and said slowly: "You can all go, not the one you call him Sinan."

"Why?" Zhou Rong asked.

"Don't ask why, but you can pray ..." Chen Yajing said, "Pray for the fate of all humanity you will know one day."

Zhou Rong nodded and sighed, Chen Yajing suddenly drew a flower.

She didn't have time to react at all. Zhou Rong was as fast as it disappeared, and suddenly appeared in front of her. She leaned down and stretched her hands to tear her trousers!

With a stab, Chen Yajing could not dodge, and her entire calf was exposed to the air.

"... Zombies," Zhou Rong sneered, "You are infected, Miss Chen."

Zhou Rong reached out to pull her out of the wheelchair, but at this time Chen Yajing's movement was unexpected-she slammed an extremely unobtrusive electric button on the wheelchair armrest, and the next moment the wheelchair seemed to have a motor, Quit a few meters!

哐 Dang! The door of the rest room was knocked open, and dozens of shotgun guards burst out. Wan Biao stood up in front of Chen Yajing and shouted, "Do it!"

Sudden change of life suddenly emerged, Zhou Rong's pupils tightened, and suddenly quit outside the office. The guards followed closely, and saw Zhou Rong reach out and hook the top of the door frame, taking advantage of the vacancy, kicking the first two guards one by one, kicking blood on the spot and flying out!


The man fell to the ground, twitching, and couldn't get up.

——No one expected Zhou Rong to be so fast and so fierce, Wan Biao scolded: "Damn!" Raising his hand is a shot!

The bullet was clinging to Zhou Rong's heel, and a few tiles were flying.

"Don't kill him!" Chen Yajing shouted.

More than a dozen guards swooped up like a wolf, but couldn't stop Zhou Rong's footsteps at all. As long as anyone touched his body, he had either a broken muscle or a broken head, and his combat power was almost eliminated within one stroke.

In a matter of seconds, Zhou Rong broke through the encirclement, like an enraged lion, flying a heavy kick, flying across the wall and blocking a large wall of gray!


The remaining guards yelled and fired, all aiming at his feet, but Zhou Rong was not afraid and almost stepped on the ground with bullets. Just like the special effects shots in the movie turned into reality, he stepped on the edge of the corridor window and jumped off the ground a few meters into the air, rushed across the corridor in a blink of an eye, and saw the stairs!

In the office, Wan Biao rushed to the wall and pressed the alarm bell.

A sharp sound cut through the entire building, the alarm mechanism suddenly started, and the iron gate in front of the staircase fell suddenly!

Zhou Rong's footsteps hindered him, he was blocked in front of the iron gate, and turned around in a hurry.

咣 Dang!咣 Dang!咣 Dang! !! ——As far as the line of sight is concerned, all exits are closed by iron doors, and the corridor connecting the office suddenly becomes a closed space!

Zhou Rong narrowed his eyes and saw Wan Biao walk out of the office and threw his hand | gun and pulled another gun-shaped thing from his back.

"It's useless, Captain Zhou." Chen Yajing turned the wheelchair and appeared behind Wan Biao, softly: "Do you think I will wait for you to surrender that person obediently? Doctor Zheng should have succeeded there."

Zhou Rong's expression finally changed: "... What did you say?"


After the cafeteria.

"What is Nobel?" Si Nan wondered.

"The Nobel Prize in biology." Dr. Zheng answered as he walked, looking around from time to time, seeming to be very alert.

"When Dr. Ning Yu was studying, the team led by his mentor was nominated once, but unfortunately missed the final award. After returning to China, he expanded his research direction on the basis of his mentor and made a major breakthrough in just a few years. , Again nominated for the Nobel Prize ... Unfortunately, the virus broke out and the end of the world came, otherwise he was very promising to win the prize according to the time. "

The back door of the cafeteria is connected to a secluded path, while leaning against the outer wall of the dormitory building, there are lush trees.

If Si Nan felt it, he stood still: "What is his research direction?"

"Some kind of ... a kind of technology that can extend human life by virus repairing genes." Dr. Zheng trembled. "I suspect there is some connection with the source of the zombie virus."

The surroundings were quiet and abnormal, and the human voice over the cafeteria could not be heard at all. The breeze blew across the trees, making a very slight rustle.

Dr. Zheng took another two steps forward, but Sinan stood still, as if some intuition prevented him from moving forward.

"I ... I want to say," Dr. Zheng swallowed, stuttering, "maybe we can slip into that Ning Yu's lab and see what they are doing ..."

Sinan Sijiu shook his head for a moment, but shook his head: "When Zhou Rong comes back, let's talk, I'm not good with you."


"I've been out too long." Si Nan interrupted him: "The car over there is not finished yet. I'll go back and see."

Sinan turned around and walked back, all of a sudden behind him, "stop!"

As soon as Sinan turned around, he suddenly noticed that several base personnel with live ammunition did not know where they came out, and quickly surrounded the quiet aisle; and the biochemist named Ning Yu in Dr. Zheng's mouth stood with his hand in the distance !!

Been followed? !!

Dr. Zheng's face jerked sharply: "Hurry, run!"

The incident was sudden, but Si Nan calmed down instantly, not only did not step back, but took a half step forward.

——With his action, the encirclement circle narrowed immediately, and several people simultaneously pulled out guns and aimed at Sinan.

Ning Yu pointed at Dr. Zheng and said coldly, "Take it away."

Dr. Zheng yelled, Sinan strode forward, and several of Ning Yu's men rushed at the same time!

"Yan-Hao-!" Si Nan yelled, stepping on the wall, spinning and kicking the two, grabbed Dr. Zheng first, and yelled, "Run!"


"Are you surprised?" Chen Yajing said flatly: "Ning Yu convinced Dr. Zheng. Even if you call that guy you Sinan ... The person actually called Noah is escorted to the South China Sea base, the military will no longer have Bingyu More professional researchers. "

As if the end of a thread was suddenly pulled out in the mess, Zhou Rong vaguely felt that there were any doubts that were influential, "Wait, who is Noah? Escort?"

When he wondered, the cynicism was replaced by the coldness, and the outline of the face became extremely gloomy and sharp.

Chen Yajing thought he was pretending to be stupid, so he didn't want to explain any more, and asked directly: "You're weird why do I know? Colonel Romuel has been here and told me about his brother. But I can tell explicitly You, you, and Romuel, I don't believe in either. He is just an emotionally distorted metamorphosis, and you are a soldier who just wants to complete the task regardless of any overall situation, and wants to let precious test targets bury you in the vast South China Sea ... "

"Romuel came to you?" Zhou Rong interrupted rudely: "What test target is it related to the vaccine?"

Chen Yajing stared at him for a moment and laughed briefly:

"Captain Chou, why do you want to be a soldier, you have already got the Little Golden Man in Hollywood."

Zhou Rong realized that it was impossible to get any information from Chen Yajing. His gaze turned to Wan Biao's peculiarly shaped firearm, recognizing that it was actually an anesthesia | gun.

"Raise your hand and walk over slowly," Wan Biao said quietly. "Don't play tricks, or you will fall."

Zhou Rong thought for a few seconds, raised his hand, and walked towards Wan Biao step by step.

Overturned guards groaned | groaning, painfully covering their belly or ribs. Zhou Rong stepped over their bodies, staring at the anesthesia | muzzle, and walked to the corridor windowsill.

-Immediately, Wan Biao blinked.

I saw Zhou Rong grabbed a guard like lightning, forced to stand in front of himself, Wan Biao pulled the trigger subconsciously, and hit his abdomen instantly!

"Stop!" Wan Biao shouted.

Zhou Rong turned over the window sill with his hands, the whole person broke the glass and jumped from the third floor!

Chen Yajing immediately lost her color, Wan Biao rushed to the window—I saw Zhou Rong like a hawk volley, landed steadily, and stood up instantly!

"What the **** is this monster ..." Wan Biao was frightened and angry, anesthesia | The gun reached out the window and aimed at the rushing Zhou Rong, roaring: "Come! Stop him!"

The surrounding trees were rustling, and Yu Guang's eyes glanced around, and he stopped when he stepped.

I saw the guards around me rising up and forming a tight encirclement in front of them, even dozens of people have been ambush!

"Goodbye, Captain Chou." Wan Biao chuckled and pulled the trigger.


嗖 ——

The bullet came through, hitting the wall close to Sinan's ear!

Sinan supported Dr. Zheng with one hand, and grabbed the oncoming guard with one hand, and cracked the other's elbow with a click. The man screamed and slammed his gun. Sinan was caught by lightning in midair, and the bullet was loaded, breaking the ankles of the left and right guards.

The blood and pain screamed others' ruthlessness. Several others rushed forward, and the turbulent Sinan escaped from the bullet but was kicked in the abdomen and took a half step back. He gritted his teeth and pushed Dr. Zheng tightly behind him.

Dr. Zheng seemed to be frightened, and stood on his feet, looking at Si Nan ceaselessly.

——If you distinguish it carefully, in fact, it can be seen that the flashes of light in his eyes were clearly guilty and pain that could not be concealed.

"Run!" Si Nan did not return to drink: "Go to the front door of the cafeteria to find Yan Hao, hurry up!"

"..." Dr. Zheng took a breath and barely choked.

Sinan tilted his head: "You--"

He said time later, Doctor Zheng raised his hand and sprayed on Si Nan's face.

He had a bottle of medicinal ether spray in his palm.

Sinan's response was actually very fast, he held his breath before he realized what it was. But the ether's volatilization rate was not something he could resist by holding his breath. At that moment, he felt a slightly sweet breath in his throat and immediately sank.

He bit his tongue and cut his nails deeply into the palm of his hand, but there was no sting.


The hand | gun fell to the ground, and all sounds and movements went away at low tide.

why? Si Nan passed this idea subconsciously.

The tense delivery of the zombies that night, the treacherous support of each other, Dr. Zheng, who was crying with his baby in his hands and blood, drifted away in his increasingly stunned sight, and gradually turned into an unknown people.

"I'm ... sorry ..."

Dr. Zheng's eyes flushed with tears. He rushed forward and seemed to want to help him, but was pushed hard by Sinan with his last strength.

Sinan turned and walked for two steps. Each foot seemed to step on the cloud, and was caught by several hands around him at the same time. He no longer had the strength to break the restraint, kneeling down on the ground, and then fell to the left.

"Take him away ..."

"Be quiet, hurry ..."

The voice was muddled and hazy, as if water had come into his ears. Sinan took a short breath, raised her hand, and pressed the left ear locator with the dead angle of sight when she turned to the left.

— But that was his last consciousness before the coma.

Ning Yu stepped forward, half-knelt down, reached out and gently closed Sinan's eyes.


Yan Hao sharply looked up: "Sinan?"

The sun was shining on the open space in front of the cafeteria, not far past three or two pedestrians.

Yan Hao held the vibrating ear studs and looked around the surrounding area, suddenly anxious in his heart. He immediately put down the bumper that was halfway, and walked quickly to the bathroom behind the cafeteria.

A black vest covered with oil and dust hangs on the water pipe, but there are no personal figures nearby.

"... Sinan," Yan Hao's voice was not stable. "Sinan?"

Quiet in the afternoon, no one answered.

Yan Hao's heart jumped wildly, and he didn't dare to shout anymore. He turned around 360 degrees. The locator suddenly trembled when he faced an angle-not far from the trees, followed by a fence.

How could it be behind the fence?

Yan Hao stepped back a few steps to help run, turned over the wall of more than two meters side by side, and shouted a steady landing!

In front of me is the edge of the dormitory area of ​​the base, not far from several abandoned cement buildings; a secluded path connected to the cafeteria in front, winding through these buildings, leading to the depths of the base.

Yan Hao seemed to have found something, his eyes suddenly stopped, and he strode forward.

I saw the green belt at the end of the trail clearly marked by the footsteps of many people, the overturned grass and the broken dry branches were still very fresh. Yan Hao's eyes fell on the concrete wall, and he paused, and saw that there was a hole with radiation cracks at the foot of the wall-it was a bullet hole!

Yan Hao couldn't help shuddering, Huo Ran stood up, and at this moment the positioner vibrated and stopped.

He couldn't believe it. He reached into his ears and touched the earrings.

When the internal organs became extremely cold, Yan Hao looked around and realized that Si Nan was missing.

——Zhou Rong told him that he must not let Si Nan alone in this base.

But now, Sinan is missing.


"... You promised me that I would never hurt his life ..."

"He has protected civilians and saved many people. Without him, many of us would not live now!"

"You must not hurt him, after all, you promised me! ..."

Footsteps and conversation sounded near and far, and consciousness seemed to float in the deep sea, suddenly surfacing to the surface, and then sinking into the ocean floor.

"I know." A cold, steady male voice said, this time close to the ear, every word was very clear:

"I promised you."

Sinan's eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes a few seconds later.

Lights-this is his first impression.

The room temperature is slightly cool, and underneath is a soft leather lounge chair. The white light surrounds the entire space, bright and not dazzling, but the blurred vision just after waking up cannot see the surrounding scene.

Sinan tried to fiddle with her hands, and she was handcuffed.

"..." He reluctantly raised his eyelids, and after a few seconds, his gaze was restored to focus, and he found himself in a huge laboratory with a large and messy test bed not far ahead.

Ning Yu sat in the armchair with her legs crossed, her fingers crossed on her thighs, and her eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses were undisturbed. Dr. Zheng stood at the corner of the door, saw him awake, and took two steps forward impulsively.

Si Nan looked away, without looking at Ning Yu or Dr. Zheng, his eyes fell on his side.

There is an operating table two or three meters away from his left hand. On the table lies a man with gray complexion and dark circles. His body is tied tightly by the restraint bands of the controlling mental patient, but he is still struggling. Then, he made a vague "ah-ah-" sound from his mouth.

He is infected and is turning into a fresh zombie.

Sinan retracted his gaze, hoarse because of the ether residue: "What is this place?"

"Hello, Noah," Ning Yu said, her voice unexpectedly low and gentle:

"As you can see, this is my human proving ground." 2k novel reading network

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