Chapter 57 Table of contents

Human testing ground.

——These words exited, and the vast laboratory suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Two or three meters away, the man couldn't stop struggling, and suddenly the movement became clear and sharp.

Ning Yu was expressionless, while Dr. Zheng gasped, his hands dropped to his side, and his fists clenched subconsciously.

"Then what are you doing now?" Si Nan watched Ning Yu slowly and asked, "Did you turn me into a zombie?"

Ning Yu seemed to be a bit surprised by Sinan's stability, and replied casually: "No, I will be crazy if I do this." But after a pause, he added: "But if necessary, I will."

"... what exactly do you want to do?" Si Nan frowned.

Ning Yu smiled: "You didn't catch the point. The question is not what I want to do, but what I have done."

He got up and went to the test bed, and Si Nan's gaze followed him. He saw that Ning Yu opened a device on the table that resembled a rice cooker and clamped a blood collection tube with tweezers-Si Nan recognized the rice cooker. machine.

Suddenly he lowered his head, and sure enough he found a blood-stained cotton ball fixed in medical tape in the vein of his right arm.

"This is your serum." Ning Yu put the blood collection tube into the device for capping, and focusedly said, "It should have been blood collection in the left hand, but I heard Romuel said that you are a very outstanding individual combat expert ... so I Decided to take the right hand and take a special insurance. "

Sinan clenched his right fist. Sure enough, he had the sequelae of a large one-time blood collection. His fingers were cold and weak, and he was slightly soft.

"Romuel? Did he tell you that my left and right hands are the same?" Si Nan teased. "If it is safe, you should take 400CC for my limbs."

Ning Yu replied: "If necessary, I will. Don't provoke me."

Si Nan earned the handcuffs and made a rattle, but the metal did not move.

Ning Yu didn't look up. "Don't bother, it's stainless steel."

"..." Sinan finally gave up ridiculously struggling: "What do you do with my serum?"

Ning Yu used the outdated method to perform manual calculations and take off the lid. While recording what was on the paper, it was unexpected that he didn't ignore it, but instead methodically answered the question:

"A few months ago, Romuel came here. Using the semi-finished antibody in his hand as a bait, let us search your tracks along the coast. His inexplicable obsession caused my curiosity until your people brought A group of survivors came here ... "

Ning Yu's calculation speed is fast, not slowed down by his narrative: "I asked Dr. Zheng that when you first joined the survivor camp, you once claimed that you had been bitten by a zombie, and it started that night high fever."

"It turned out that it was not a zombie, because I was not infected!"

"No." Ning Yu said, "I suspect you were infected that time."

Sinan wondered, "What do you mean?"

Ning Yu finally stopped calculating and picked up a string of pendants from the test bed.

"Is this your parent?"

——That is the brass necklace that Si Nan never leaves.

"I'll pay you back." Ning Yu looked at Si Nan's expression and said, "I just saw this photo and found that maybe you are what I've been looking for ... Sorry, I've always suspected the existence of the test target . "

Si Nanxin said, doubt exists?

"I've seen Lingzun Lingtang." Ning Yu seemed to see through his doubts, but did not explain, but turned sharply:

"When I was sixteen at the age of six to study for a Ph.D. in China, Dr. Zhong Wan and his wife, Dr. Elisa Fairman, were my siblings. At that time, we were working on the same mentor to study something related to viral genetics. The main purpose of this project is to invade the gene chain through viruses, promote transformation and improvement, enhance human genetic quality, and extend the average life span. "

Si Nan learned the real name of his parents in a situation that caught her off guard, and stayed for a moment.

"For the sake of everyone being Chinese, Dr. Zhong Wan gave me a lot of professional help, but the good times didn't last long. A few months later, Dr. Zhong Wan was infected with the virus in a trial accident and was unfortunately killed. Dr. Fairman, with his body and you, disappeared from the research base. "

"... You ..." Si Nan's voice began to be unstable: "I don't remember these, you say more, my parents and they ..."

He was eager to know what his parents in life were like, and he wanted to know more and more specific details, even a few trivial childhood matters.

But Ning Yu didn't show the slightest expression, only answered him with six words: "No time, no interest."

"After the test accident," Ning Yu replaced the blood collection tube and continued: "The subject was considered highly dangerous and confidential, so the military funded the entire research institute and began searching around Dr. Fairman's whereabouts. The body of Dr. Zhong Wan she carried, as well as a series of mutated behaviors produced by her body, became targets of great interest to the military. "

Sinan noticed his words: the mutated behavior of the remains.

Can the body behave?

"Although you were very young then, you should remember that there is always a bloodthirsty, mournful father who constantly tries to attack you violently and leave you with various wounds. This behavior of Dr. Zhong Wan ... … Sorry, I do n’t want to use Dr. Zhong Wan to refer to that thing ... After this behavior was monitored by military personnel, it was considered to be a great verification of virus research, which has a milestone significance. That is from then One year on, the scientific research base started living experiments under the direction of the military. "

Dr. Zheng, listening to him, was already aghast.

Si Nan closed his eyes, and countless disorganized memories swept across his mind like a horse, and he opened his eyes and trembled, "... White Eagle Base?"

"I don't know what it was later renamed," Ning Yu said, "because I quit the research team that year and fled back to China."

Ning Yu took out the test tube with tweezers, and the inside was isolated yellowish serum.

Si Nan glanced sideways | The groan continued to thicken and gradually became a dull and sorrowful man, and he looked towards Ning Yu: "After you return to China, you continue to experiment with living people, which caused the virus outbreak ?!"

"Am I sick?" Ning Yu said impatiently.

Sinan: "..."

"To tell you the truth, all capable countries in the world were doing research in this area at the time. The pursuit of human beings to achieve" better self "and" longer life "was endless ... The only difference is whether to insert the virus as a genetic modification technique and whether to use a living person as a test subject. By the way, I am pretty sure that chimpanzees are used in our country, and there is no doubt that this will be a foreshadowing before the disaster. "

Ning Yu walked to the side of the man who was zombifying, pushed out the air in the syringe, and injected biochemically synthesized serum into his blood vessel.

"As for me," he said, "It was after the virus broke out that we started using living people as test subjects ... let's say this one in front of you."

Dr. Zheng closed his eyes heavily as the man's chest swelled sharply and screamed like a human.

Sinan asked hoarsely: "This is why Chen Yajing accepted the survivors ?!"

"Of course not. But I do use opponents and survivors of the order as test subjects, it is more difficult to find." Ning Yu pushed a whole tube of serum and pulled out the needle: "For example, this person, because of pressure some time ago It is too big and mentally disturbed, even if it disappears, it is easy to pass. "

The tone of his remarks was not fierce at all, but was no different from "adding an egg to lunch box at noon" or "the weather is a bit overcast today"-because it was so peaceful and natural that it caused a trace of it to come from the bone marrow. Icy shudder.

"... You injected him with a virus and let him test the serum after infection?" Sinan asked incredulously. "Why not use animals, or simply use the simulated immune system?"

Ning Yu did not answer him immediately, but picked up the camera and took a few pictures of the man on the operating table, then opened the notes and began to record quickly.

The man has been thoroughly infected, but has not fully transformed into a zombie. The serum quickly decomposed and absorbed in his body, locked in the antigen, and began a war that was invisible to the naked eye, filled with smoke, and powerful.

"Zombie virus does not infect animals, presumably you have found it." Ning Yu said without raising her head: "No matter how to reduce the dose and reduce the toxicity, the only result of zombie virus entering the animal body is immediate death; only in humans and chimpanzees Virus injection can produce mutation effects, and I'm not in a zoo. Where can I go to catch so many chimpanzees? "

"As for simulating the immune system, it is even more ridiculous. I need to be infected under very specific conditions and during the transformation process. The requirements are very high in all aspects. Do you know how long it took me to build this laboratory? Do you think Can I build a supercomputer with my bare hands to make an artificial simulation system? "

The man's screams increased sharply, the pupils suddenly spread, and they quickly closed again!

Ning Yu raised her eyes and looked at Si Nan with irony. After more than ten seconds, Sinan whispered a sentence from his teeth:

"How many people have you killed?"

"Who remembers this," Ning Yu said.

"... It's such a scientific spirit, why don't you experiment with yourself first, why not give yourself a shot first ?!"

"If necessary, I will." Ning Yu repeated this sentence a third time. Compared with the previous two, the tone and tone are not the same, which is in sharp contrast to Si An's anger:

"Now, please lie back. The experiment is at a critical stage."

Sinan's eyes were red, his teeth clenched, and he leaned against the reclining chair almost forcibly.

"Ah ... ha ... ah--!"

The man suddenly made a full effort, his bones were almost broken by the bondage!

The explosive power at that moment was simply terrible. Dr. Zheng took two steps back with conditioned reflexes, but Ning Yu rushed forward and flashed his flashlight.

He carefully observed the distorted facial features and wide-mouthed face in front of him. He didn't care that his teeth almost touched his hand several times. Every minute and every second is as long as a century has passed. After a few minutes, the man's pupils have undergone significant changes, his eyes quickly become congested, and his neck and blue tendons are bursting!

Dr. Zheng stuttered a few words: "——Heart, heartbeat!"

Ning Yu and Sinan both turned their heads.

The horizontal line on the instrument suddenly twisted, then jumped up and down, and began to beat.

Ning Yu's hands were loose, his flashlight slammed into the ground, and his bones rolled to the bottom of the operating table.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" The man screamed like a beast!

But everyone here heard that the roar was not the deep mourning of the zombies, but the unconscious venting behavior of human beings in a state of insanity. Ning Yu rushed to the test bed and grabbed a needle. Before he could run back, he only heard the man intermittently made a sound:

"Save, save, save ..."

"——He talked," Dr. Zheng was coughing and panting, and he couldn't tell whether it was extreme excitement, excitement, or fear: "He talked !!"

That was just a few seconds.

The man gripped the sheets tightly, and the whole person bowed upward, like a balloon that had been blown to the limit, and burst into a burst the next moment.

He fell back to the operating table, his mouth, nose, and ears quickly overflowing with blood, and there was no sound.

The curve of the instrument was flattened again, and a monotonous snoring sound was heard, covering the entire dead hall.

Ning Yu panted, her body suddenly slackened, and she took several steps back in dismay.

"He, he's dead," Dr. Zheng shook his hands and finished the examination. "Zombies ... the signs of zombies disappeared, and the serum, serum, serum vaccine actually worked ..."

Although it was only a short moment, the serum did work--

The combined action of virus and serum strangled this life, but the serum successfully prevented the virus from zombifying the body!

Ning Yu raised her palm and covered her face tightly.

"... Impossible," Si Nan muttered blankly. "Impossible, how could I ..."

Ning Yu wiped her face heavily and said, "As I expected."

Both Sinan and Dr. Zheng stared at him, but Ning Yu no longer said anything, turned back to the test bed, and quickly turned on the centrifuge-Sinan only found that there was a row of blood collection tubes on the test tube rack.

Ning Yu's hand was too hard. It seemed that he had drawn 800CC whole blood while he was unconscious.

Sinan was light in weight and the amount of blood in his body was not high. No wonder Dr. Zheng thought that Ning Yu was going to kill him directly.

"I need someone," Ning Yu said suddenly.

At first Sinan didn't realize what he was talking about, but instantly, he responded.

"I want to match the virus again." Ning Yu repeated in a low voice, looking at Si Nan, who was handcuffed in a lounge chair, saying:

"I need a living person."

The two looked at each other for a while, and the gold-rimmed lenses blocked Ning Yu's eyes, and Sinan's heart slowly grew a trace of coldness.

Suddenly a shuddering voice broke the silence: "... here ... here."

The two looked at the same time, and saw Dr. Zheng walking forward, blocking Sinan with his body, and then took out a close-knit hand from his arms | gun, the muzzle pointed at Ning Yu:

"Here is ... a living person," he choked, his muzzle trembling, but he pointed steadily at his own hand: "I can test it for you."

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