Chapter 58 Table of contents

When the door slammed loudly, Guo Weixiang looked up from the bedside, and saw Yan Hao rushed in. His face could be described as blue and white, and his head was covered with a split head and asked, "Where's the spring grass?"

"People went on patrol." Guo Weixiang somehow: "What?"

Yan Hao stared straight at him, his eyes were awkward, and he uttered a sentence from his teeth:

"... I lost Sinan."

"Oh, is that right?" Guo Weixiang turned the comic book page with a lack of interest: "Don't you throw Si Nan to Rong Ge earlier, let this disease-free first love go with the wind, deputy captain. Rong Ge The incense burned for thirty years in this life has caught Sinan such a blind mouse, but from the perspective of your face, there are still many opportunities ... "

Yan Hao removed the comic book: "Follow me."

"Hey, what are you doing! Give me back! I finally borrowed the latest words from someone!"

Guo Weixiang, who was irritated by Yan Hao, was blowing into the house like a gust of wind. In a blink of an eye, he had grabbed the miniature charge | gun and two tactical backpacks, and threw one of them in front of Guo Weixiang:

"The captain told me not to let Si Nan alone, but I didn't keep an eye on him. He disappeared."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Guo Weixiang opened his mouth incredibly, Yan Hao hoarsely said, "He was taken away by the people at this base."

"... team flowers," Guo Weixiang said earnestly, "Rong will kill you."



The dizziness caused by the anesthetic was still in his mind. Zhou Rong opened his eyes and turned around every moment.

"Give him water," a male voice said coarsely.

Liangshui was forced into his mouth, but the response of the trained special forces was different from that of ordinary people. Zhou Rong did not swallow subconsciously but vomited out. He immediately coughed and became awake.

The carriage continued to shake as the car moved, the sky was dark outside, and the mountain road quickly retreated.

Wan Biao sat opposite, pointed a gun at Zhou Rong's head, and there were five big and three thick men staring.

Zhou Rong closed his eyes tightly, his eyes gradually adapted to the dim sky, "... what time is it?"

"Five o'clock," Wan Biao said coldly, "you sent me more than twenty men into the emergency room, don't move around, or I'll really crash you."

"Where are you going to get me?"

"Get on board."

"What about my team members?"

"The baby girl and the country boy went out to patrol the base with my people. Xiaobailian and the second-generation official will call someone to deliver them later. Don't worry, you can't miss any of them, and you can all get on board."

Zhou Rong rubbed his eyebrows hard and remained indifferent to the muzzle that was close by. He asked, "Where is my wife?"

"Your wife?" Wan Biao grabbed Zhou Rong's neckline and seemed ridiculous: "Have you figured out, all of your lives are in our hands, delicious and delicious to send you to the sea has been done, you are still here Got an inch? "

Zhou Rong said lazily: "Speak well, don't move your hands."

Zhou Rong's appearance is so oily and unlike the special forces, even the recruits who have just joined the army are more serious than him. Wan Biao felt that the last thanks to Zhou Ronggang who had been busy guarding the city late that night had disappeared cleanly. He just wanted to punch him with a fist, and took a few deep breaths to suppress the thought.

"The one is Sinan," Wan Biao pointed his mouth at Zhou Rong, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care if he is your wife, your father or mother, or your ancestor. Dr. Ning said that there may be antibodies in his serum, he is All human beings, he should stay and experiment, do you understand? "

Zhou Rong pondered for a moment, and solemnly said, "You're right."

Wan Biao: "..."

"I marked him. He is indeed my wife. That's right. I was raised by the people's taxpaying government. He is a people, and it is okay to be my parents. As for the ancestors, everyone in the team knows that he is our little ancestor. , So you are indeed right ... "

Wan Biao couldn't hold back anymore, and shot Zhou Rong backwards with a backhand shot!

The blood slowly flowed from Zhou Rong's forehead, the man was already stunned, and Wan Biao couldn't help gasping.

"Haha ..." Zhou Rong didn't feel the pain at all. He slaped the blood stains and licked his tongue. The corner of his mouth brought up an undisguised smirk: "Why can't I make such a joke, buddy?"

Wan Biao said, "Who the **** is going to be joking with you" stiffly in his throat, and saw Zhou Rong's complexion suddenly disappeared, and the dangling smile disappeared without trace: "——Dr. Ning Yu said that Sinan's serum might be There are antibodies, did Romuel say to your base? "

"……do not know!"

"80% is right."

Lying on the back seat, Zhou Rongyang soaked a burst of blood, making his handsome features even more shady. But he seemed to be unaware and muttered meditatively: "So Romuel arrived in China many miles to come to him, because he knew that Sinan was the key to survival in the last days ... but if Sinan really has antibodies, why did Romuel shock? What about torture? Wouldn't it be okay to tie it back and draw blood? Logically, it doesn't make sense. "

Wan Biao didn't understand what he was talking about, but was nervously subconscious: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Rong ignored him:

"Unless Sinan knows a secret that is more precious and more critical than antibodies, so that Romuel must know the answer at the expense of torture ... but it is impossible, what is more important than antibodies? Unless Sinan has no antibodies at all, or his Antibodies are not useful to the average person. "

Wan Biao's eyes widened: "What ... what are you talking about? Impossible, Dr. Ning has asked Dr. Zheng. The Sinan was bitten by a zombie but was not infected. He must have antibodies!"

Zhou Rong's eyes rolled, and he seemed impatient: "What about it?"

"Whatever, he should stay and experiment! People around the world are waiting to develop a vaccine ..."

"Should?" Zhou Rong asked coldly.

Wan Biao froze.

"No one owes anyone in this world. Nothing is right. If you really say yes, even if Sinan's serum can really save the world, you must explain the situation to him and get consent before doing the **** experiment. That's the real 'should'! "

Zhou Rong suddenly got up and roared, Wan Biao subconsciously flinched back, and when he reacted, he was immediately ashamed and angry: "What are you doing ?! What do you know, if he disagrees? If he is greedy for life and afraid of death?" People don't understand anything ... "

Zhou Rong was extremely arrogant, using his index finger to point at the black hole in front of himself: "I tell you what Sinan is like. He took the risk to save us in his life, rescued the crowd with us, was born to death, countless times for protection Others have bet on the cost of life, and have not flinched from the siege of hundreds of thousands of zombies ... he is much braver than the cowards you have crouched in the survival base! "

"If he thinks his serum can make the vaccine out, he will draw the last drop of blood to you!" Zhou Rong's roar was deafening, the next hand didn't dare to move, and Wan Biao's lips were speechless. Come, you can only stare at Zhou Rong: "--- but you tied him! Hypocrisy! Villain! Generosity of others, mother of saints! What are you supposed to do with me here? of!"

咣 Dang!

The body shook violently, as if it hit something, and the driver stepped on the brakes.

Everyone crooked under the influence of inertia, and looked back at the car. Wan Biao's scolding was blocked back, only listening to the driver's shivering voice coming from the front: "Wan, Wan brother, it seems not right ..."

In order to save power, unless the visual conditions are very poor, driving on this familiar mountain road base will not turn on the lights. The crowd was quiet for a while, just listening to the cold wind outside the car window sobbing, as if the sorrow of the grievous soul was swiftly sweeping from a distance.


A rotten hand was shot again on the side window!

The banging sounded one after another, and the driver immediately turned on the high beam, and everyone was stunned.

As I saw it, dozens of zombies staggered from the mountain road and surrounded the car. In the wilderness not far away, more zombies were pouring in, and soon gathered into a spectacular crowd of living dead.

"Van," the driver immediately cried. "It's over, it's over ..."

Wan Biao blurted out: "Reverse! Fast!"

The driver reversed the car in a hurry, but he changed the block in the panic, and almost hit the guardrail. Just in the eyes of this knuckle, just listening to the crackling noise of the car window, several bare hands reached into the compartment at the same time!

"Ah ah ah--"

The driver and his staff collapsed and screamed at the same time, Wan Biao caught the back collar caught by the zombies. On the occasion of a critical strike, Zhou Rong rushed up and grabbed his gun. A shot fired the zombies that caught him headshot and shouted, "Don't shout! Stop!"

Wan Biao passed by with death, and his brain was blank for a moment.

I saw Zhou Rong pulling his dagger with his backhand, and chopped off the zombies' arms that had been scratched into the car window. He grabbed the driver who was about to urinate and pushed it to the co-pilot. Everyone else did not respond in great fear. Zhou Rong had shifted gears and reversed, knocking over two or three zombies in the tires of the squealing rollers, followed by a clean three-point U-turn.

哐 Dang!

With a few crackling bones, Zhou Rong pushed the zombies on the side of the car door and pushed them onto the highway guardrail, squashing the corpse hard, and then stepped on the throttle with one foot to the end!

There was a steady stream of zombies, but the jeep was already full and flying out of the way!

The jeep whistled all the way, leaving the zombies constantly surrounded from all sides behind the car. However, under the high-beam light, in the distant wilderness, countless zombies are gathering into an army and trooping towards the base.

The driver stammered and asked: "How ... how is it possible, where did it come from, how can this be ..."

Wan Biao was actually terrified, but he was still a bit brave, biting his tongue sharply, forcing himself to calm down: "Don't panic, afraid of a fart! As long as we return to the base and report quickly, the base must be able to defend live!"

"But, but this battle is bigger and much bigger than the previous two days ..."

"Shut up!" Wan Biao said angrily: "I held on the other two days, don't worry now! Besides, I'll scoop out your eggs!"

The driver was frightened, his teeth were rattling. The man with a naked eye on the edge was stunned, and then suddenly uttered a sentence: "We, we should not go back."

Wan Biao scolded: "What nonsense ?!"

"We shouldn't go back!" His colleague collapsed: "Too many, you see that there are at least tens of thousands! We should and should continue to the port, and get on the boat as soon as possible!"

The driver and Wan Biao were stunned, then Wan Biao was furious, and punched the man to the seat with a punch: "Closed for Lao Tzu! Are you still talking? Whose wife and child are not at the base? Here, don't we just go like this— "


The bullet rubbed against his ear, and his whole man froze.

Zhou Rong drove a gun in his hand, facing the head of the bodyguard behind him, his sharp and gloomy eyes reflected in the rearview mirror.

"My wife was detained by you," he said lightly. "Whoever doesn't want to go back, get me off the car now."

His hands trembled and urinated his pants slowly.


The night, symbolizing the smoke of smoke and death, is like a castle in the night. The high beam flashed from the end of the mountain road, and the jeep was roaring and flying, and in the distance, Wan Biao heard hissing and screaming, "Open-door-"

In the sentry several guards poked out their heads: "Van?"

"Vange is back, so fast?"

"Open the door!" Wan Biao's growl shrieked sharply: "Zombies are here! First-level combat readiness !!! Open the door !!!!"

The jeep rushed into the base almost next to the booming door. The car did not stop, Zhou Rong had already jumped down, and saw two people running out of the duty room not far away, namely Chun Cao and Ding Shi.

"I knew there was a ghost! Didn't you say Rongge and Sinan went to the boat ?!" Chun Cao dragged a guard and growled: "What is going on? What are you doing?"

The man also made a strong argument: "Sister Chen said that Captain Zhou set out during your patrol and asked you to meet at the port as soon as you come back ..."

Without saying a word, Zhou Rong stepped forward and unloaded his gun to Chuncao, and then kicked the man wildly and sprayed blood for several meters.

Chun Cao and Ding Shi simultaneously: "Rong brother!"

"Sinan was **** by Chen Yajing and Ning Yu for testing." Zhou Rong said briefly, "Lao Tzu lost his forefoot, and was taken away by them to the boat. Halfway along, he found that a large number of zombies were heading for the base and fled.

The people around the base originally came forward aggressively to settle accounts. Upon hearing this, the color changed instantly.

Wan Biao rushed forward with rushing speeds: "Pull an alarm! Hurry! Tens of thousands of zombies are coming to our side and telling everyone to come out!"

Zhou Rong's legs stretched out and tripped Wan Biao stoutly.

Others couldn't stop it, and saw Zhou Rong hit Wan Biao on the ground with one knee, holding his elbow around his neck, and with a little effort, Wan Biao almost got an eyeball.

"Where is Sinan?"

Wan Biao was blushing and did not send a word.

Chun Cao reacted, and immediately reached forward with a gun against Wan Biao's head: "Say it or not? Don't say your mother, you'll have a peach blossom on your face!"

"Don't come over!" Ding Shi raised his gun and pointed at the people around him, shouting with majesty.

"You can choose not to say, but we can kill you now." Zhou Rong whispered in Wan Biao's ear, his voice murmured like a demon: "Then we kill everyone here, open the door, and let Zombies came in, pulling the lives of tens of thousands of people in this base together to **** ... "

Wan Biao twitched fiercely, and could hardly believe what he heard: "You, you ... aren't you an officer ?!"

Zhou Rong said coldly: "Oh, do you believe that there are good people in office? Where does Lao Tzu look like a positive character?"

Wan Biao: "..."

The alarm sound cut through the night sky of the base, and the guard sent out from the high post sent out in fear and shouted, "Here! See!"

Everyone was stunned, only to hear the guards scared: "tens of thousands of zombies are coming from the north side, ready to prepare weapons! Notify sister Chen-!"

Severely afraid of being embarrassed, embarrassed by being afraid of death, Zhou Rong is the one who is completely dead-the situation is extremely hot, Wan Biao finally collapses.

"The southernmost part of the abandoned dormitory area, there is a secret ... secret laboratory underneath the institute." Wan Biao swallowed, hoarsely: "Ning Yu stays there usually, all the research materials are in ..."

Zhou Rong held his throat and forced him to stand up: "You go with me."

"No! I'll take the command, and the weapons and staffing ..."

"Don't **** give me nonsense." Zhou Rong interrupted rudely: "Chuncao Ding, you two stay here to coordinate and command, let this waste open the arsenal. Go and tell Guo Weixiang to come here to assist the defender. Yan Hao went to the lab to find me. Hurry, you know why. "

Chun Cao did not hesitate: "Yes!"

"Listen, we don't want anyone to die." Zhou Rong held Wan Biao's head with a gun, his eyes were cruel and fierce, but every word was calm enough to make people creepy: "I hope everyone lives peacefully tonight, But don't force me, otherwise I will always have a way to make each of you pay ... Lao Tzu has killed more zombies than you, understand? "

Wan Biao stopped in front of the car door, panting, half a moment trying to smooth the tone: "I see."

"Very good." Zhou Rong pushed him into the car and said, "Now take me to that hell's lab, and always pray for your life, Sinan, to live well."


At the same time, the experimental hall.

Ning Yu narrowed her eyes and stared at the muzzle not far away, then moved her eyes upward, and smiled slightly ironically:

"Now think of the safety of life-saving benefactors, it's late."

Dr. Zheng yelled: "You promised me to just take the serum and detain him for a period of time. You didn't say you would take him for a ** experiment! You, you want to study the vaccine, wouldn't you take me for a test? Am I not a living person? ?! "

"Don't be naive," a voice sounded from behind him.

Dr. Zheng turned his head subconsciously, but it turned out that he had been reluctant to look straight at him, let alone Sinan who had just talked about it. At this moment, there was a noise in front of him. Dr. Zheng reacted, and immediately turned back to Ning. Yu.

Ning Yu had stepped out from behind the test bench, and stood still, sneering.

"What, what do you mean?" Dr Zheng asked, stuttering, in a state of confusion.

Si Nanping said indifferently: "He originally intended to treat you as the next experimental subject. If you fail, he will catch a few more people and try to achieve a major breakthrough in serum research. This period may take weeks, months or even A few years, but his subjects will one day turn to me and can't escape. "

Dr. Zheng asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Si Nan was silent, and didn't answer him again, and seemed to be caught in some kind of thinking.

The experimental hall was quiet and silent, and the air was almost tense, like a cold gel filling everyone's nasal cavity.

After a long time, Sinan suddenly said something softly: "... you improved the virus."

Dr. Zheng was there, and Ning Yu held up her hand, applauding:

"go on."

"What we found outside the base, and the zombies who had bypassed the guards and came to the siege two nights ago, possessed the primary intelligence and instinct of hunting in social animals, because you improved the virogen."

Sinan paused slightly and continued: "The reason why Pandora virus is difficult to overcome is not only because it has never been seen in human history, but more importantly, its state is extremely unstable. For example, the incurable HIV virus is activated in cells The life cycle can be completed in a day and a half, and the zombie virus can be completed in a few minutes; its structure and function change rapidly when it spreads, making it difficult to develop an effective vaccine to deal with this situation. "

"Oh, did Dr. Fairman name it Pandora?" Ning Yu frowned. "Human beings have finally known its name after being killed by billions of compatriots. It is really gratifying."

Sinan didn't agree with him.

"I don't know what method you have adopted, whether to symbiotic Pandora with other viruses, or to use other means to slow down the mutation rate ... In short, you have allowed the virus to evolve and become a new type ... organism."

"The evolved new virus has some changes in the symptoms of infection compared with ordinary zombies: the infected people show extremely low intelligence and biological instincts, so the zombie group is more cunning and difficult to deal with. But at the same time the new virus's The mutation speed is greatly reduced, making it possible to be defeated ... "

Sinan slowly said, "In other words, it can be cured now."

Dr. Zheng was stunned and listening, his face looked like thunder.

Ning Yu closed her palms as if thinking about something, and half a while acknowledged: "It's not symbiosis, it's decoding."

"I unraveled the last human loop in the Pandora virus gene and made it complete its final evolution."

"... Pandora's box is already open. There is no antidote in this world, and I can do nothing ..."

"From now on there will be no gods, and human beings can achieve eternity by themselves!"

"The punishment for stealing Prometheus from the fire was completely annihilated under the flames ..."

At that moment, the pieces of memory flew up like snow flakes, and Sinan's eyebrows tightened tightly, and his head was raised gaspingly.

"And I am not the first to do this," Ning Yu said calmly. "Although there is no evidence, I am convinced that the first one was Dr. Elisa Fairman. The virus has initially developed some kind of antibody. Her only child, you, has been receiving alternating injections of virus and antibody since a few years old, and your immune system has reached a state of perfect symbiosis with the virus. "

Sinan closed her eyes hard, trying to capture more clues from the chaotic mind, but he failed.

Whenever he tried to remember anything, the intense dizziness and stinging felt like a needle and swept through his entire consciousness.

"So you're right, I'll keep experimenting until the best balance between the new Pandora virus and the antibodies in your body is analyzed, and the vaccine is developed."

Ning Yu said with a smile, with one hand in his white coat and stepping forward leisurely: "The key to verifying the above theory must be the last position of this battle of human life and death ... You are around Not open. "

"Stand, stop!" Dr. Zheng conditionedly retorted, "Stand there! Don't move!"

Ning Yu walked in front of Dr. Zheng, with his chest against the muzzle, and mocked at will: "Shoot it."


"I'm a murderer full of evils. At least a hundred lives are in my hand. Come and shoot me. Why don't you dare?"

Dr. Zheng's hand with a gun trembled violently. Ning Yu pinched his wrist and stunned with lightning. Then he unloaded the gun and threw it away into the corner.

"Coward," he laughed.


The alloy door of the laboratory was suddenly remade, and Ning Yu didn't look back: "What?"

"Dr. Ning, the base issued a special alert." The voices outside the door couldn't hide the fear: "Zombies ... Zombies are here again, tens of thousands, and they have surrounded the door."

Everyone changed colors at the same time!

"Wait," Ning Yu said briefly, hurriedly walked back to the test bed, swept a bunch of test tubes and information such as serum into the medicine box, held the alloy door in his hand, and walked out.

"——You stay here," he finally glanced at Sinan, warning, "don't come out no matter what happens."

Then he pressed the button outside the door and slid silently on the alloy door panel. 2k novel reading network

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