Chapter 65 Table of contents

It took a long time for Zhou Rong and the military commissar to speak before getting permission to send Yan Hao out. As a result, before Yan Hao entered the door of the special care ward, several soldiers under Tang Hao forcibly blocked the door.

"That surnamed Yan's little white face" leaned against the wall of the hospital corridor, lowered his head intently, and played with the PSP lent by his nurse's sister. Was called and looked up, surprised: "Well, aren't you saying you can make it?"

Yan Hao smiled wryly, and his expression was similar to that of Zhou Rong—it was really a raging nest.

Then he unfurled his entire jacket, slipped his PSP into his back pocket, and staggered into the ward with the indescribable gaze of the deputy battalion commander and several soldiers.

Si Nan was sitting quietly on the bed, and when he heard the footsteps, he tilted his head slightly: "Yan Hao?"

"Ah." Yan Hao greeted casually, as if Tang Hao and more than a dozen soldiers around him were as if nothing: "Xiao Xiaonan quickly put down the doctor, what to do if you are strangled to death."

Sinan's fingers loosened slightly. This force neither let the doctor really suffocate, nor gave him any chance to escape, and asked, "Where is Zhou Rong?"

"The captain was invited by the military chief to drink tea. Are you looking for him?"

Sinan didn't answer, "Are you injured?"

Yan Hao said, "No."

"How about spring grass, Ding Shi and big cock?"

"All in the military."

Si Nan nodded almost invisibly, and remained silent for a while.

Everyone in the ward was holding their breath, and dead silence was like countless small bombs, constantly shaking everyone's eardrums.

Banan Sinan finally opened his mouth and said, "Where does the Military Commission go?"

Tang Hao immediately pointed at Yan Hao and whispered, "Take him out."

However, the deputy battalion commander has not yet responded, and Yan Hao preemptively asked: "Captain Tang camp, do you want to start?"

"...!" Tang Hao immediately realized it was bad.

But no matter how fast the body responded, it was half a step slower than consciousness. Tang Hao hadn't had time to start, only to hear a thump from behind. Sinan pinched the doctor's neck to bring him to the bedside, pulled all the needles on his backhand, turned over and got out of bed, landing as light as a feather, and instantly knocked the two soldiers up!

Tang Hao: "What do you want to do with the surname Yan?"

Yan Hao touched the PSP from his pocket and started playing.

Tang Hao: "..."

Sinan started to act like a ghost, and didn't even need his eyes to see. Anyone was brought down half a step. The wind, footsteps, and intuition were all weapons that he used to discern the surrounding situation. The deputy battalion yelled and threw a gun. He jumped into bed with bare hands and fists, and before he could control Sinan's throat from behind, he saw that Sinan had a tall man The Alpha soldier sprang up in a violent turn, smashing the deputy battalion commander together with the bed he borrowed in the bang!

The doctor screamed and ran out. Sinan didn't care about him. He didn't turn his head back like long eyes. He sideways avoided Tang Hao's knife and grabbed his arm to pull it forward. Suddenly, the two passed by, Tang Hao bent his knees and swept the temple, kicking the messy medicine bottles and infusion bags.

Sinan avoided lightningly, Yan Hao didn't lift his head, and stepped back from the battlefield. He laughed loudly: "Captain Tang Ying! What is the skill of bullying the invisible Omega?"

Tang Haoxin said the rogue army 118, can't you **** shut up!

Sinan stepped on the infusion stand, slipped a hook on his feet, and grabbed the iron frame in his hands, without saying anything. The loud noise was deafening, and the iron frame slammed into Tang's wall next to Tang Hao's side face, and took a picture of Tang Hao's face when the wall was gray!

"——Can you still fight?"

Tang Hao was choked with a few coughs, and his red-eyed man rushed up.

The intensive care unit has been turned into ruins all over the place, and there is pain all over the place. Sinan tilted his head, as if a wounded and cautious cheetah, half a moment when he threw the infusion stand and retreated in the direction of the ward door.

Yan Hao was behind him, Si Nan turned around and held his neck, but only released after half a second.

"Is this recognizable?" Yan Hao put away the PSP.

"Your skin is smoother."

Yan Hao: "..."

Sinan asked him seriously: "Where does the Military Commission go?"


"You searched and rescued forty-eight hours alone in the city center where the zombies gathered?"


"Not infected?"

"Very lucky," Zhou Rong said, "No."

In the aircraft carrier conference room, a long table lay across the east. Lieutenant General Zheng, the group's military political commissar, and the chief of staff sat in a row behind the table, each with a glass of boiling water.

The conference room was empty in the back with a folding chair. Zhou Rong was sitting on it, washed, wearing a new gray-white city camouflage suit, and the gun was lying on the ground next to his feet.

The voice of Lieutenant General Zheng echoed in the empty room: "Did you guess that he was an antibody carrier?"

"do not know."

"But you bet your life on it, Colonel," said another political commissar.

Zhou Rong looked directly at the long table and seemed to have fallen into some contemplation. The eyes of the four chiefs fell on him, and Zhou Rong said lightly for a moment: "At that time, I just wanted to bring him back. I didn't think too much."

"Then you knew that antibody carriers were on the verge of estrus?"

"do not know."

Several captains exchanged hidden eyes, Zhou Rong didn't need to look to know what that look meant.

They don't believe a word.

But they do not plan to pursue it for the time being.

"Get here today." General Zheng coughed and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, Colonel."

Lieutenant General Zheng picked up a metal suitcase on the table and strode forward and handed it to Zhou Rong. Zhou Rong was slightly surprised, but Lieutenant General Zheng did not explain and just shook hands with him: "We all think that it is better for you to hand it in."

Zhou Rong immediately said: "I don't need such lifting. My captain and I just want to complete the task ..."

"What do you want?" Lieutenant General Zheng was slightly displeased.

Zhou Rong looked at him suspiciously.

Lieutenant General Zheng did not know if he saw it, and then his tone eased, explaining, "This is the meaning above."

He didn't say exactly where to go above. It seems that by default, Zhou Rong should have a heart in mind, and then patted Zhou Rong's shoulder vigorously, regardless of his obstacles, personally leaned down and picked up Zhou Rong's gun, inserted into him In the holster on the outside of the thigh.

"In this battle for survival, hundreds of thousands of troops, armed police, firefighting and scientific research personnel have been sacrificed. The special forces represented by 118 have even saved countless people at the cost of flesh and blood. Your establishment has been abolished, but your English name will always remain in the military history. "

Lieutenant General Zheng paused and coughed twice before calming down his hoarse voice, looking directly at Zhou Rong's eyes:

"You and your team members rescued the virus research materials and primary antibodies, and found the serum antibody carriers. You have seized valuable time and resources for the research of detoxification vaccines by the General Administration of Strategic Research. Major General Qian, General Staff Liu, and 118 Heroes There is spirit in heaven, and you will be proud of you. "

Zhou Rong smiled sadly and did not answer.

Lieutenant General Zheng said gently: "Let your team members take a break. There will be some people on top and they will take you ..."

The knock on the door interrupted him, and the political commissar asked, "Who?"

"Report!" The guard's stuttering voice came from outside the door: "Captain Yan and Captain Yan Hao of the 118th Team are back!"

Lieutenant General Zheng somehow pushed the door in person.

In the hallway, the guards looked weird and helpless. Comrade Lvhua Yanhao in the legendary famous army stood expressionlessly against the wall.

There was a young man on the bench beside him. Half of his face was covered with gauze. The upper body covered with bandages was naked. When he sat cross-legged, a thin white ankle was exposed, and his elbows rested on his knees. Bowed slightly like a contemplative beast.

The severely ill, who was supposed to be unconscious in the intensive care unit, appeared here, and there were obviously signs of wrestling on his body. Zheng Zhong shook his body uncontrollably on the spot.

Zhou Rong lost his voice: "Sinan?"

Sinan looked up, accurately captured the source of the sound, and stretched out a hand.

Zhou Rong stepped up quickly, clinging to the hand that was still in purple because of the infusion, and was embraced by Sinan sitting cross-legged, burying his face in his fiery arms and taking a deep breath .

"Why are you here?" Zhou Rong's voice was unstable, and he rubbed hard in the back of Si Nan.

Sinan said briefly: "Invisible. I want to know where you are."

"The chief and deputy battalion commander of the ninth battalion and several soldiers were injured. No one dared to stop all the way. Captain Yan helped him point the way and came over ..." The guard reported hesitantly to General Zheng, several veterans Chang came out of the conference room and watched Zhou Rong holding Sinan with his bare feet horizontally. Each one was very strange, as if he saw something completely unexpected.

Zhou Rong did not expect that Si Nan would kill him all the way to find himself. He bowed his head and kissed Si Nan's soft black hair. Jun blushed a little: "Then I will go back first, and I see him ... I don't seem to need to go back to the ward It's ... "

There was no expression on the small half of the face exposed under Sinan gauze. But everyone knows that his eyes are across white veil, and he is alert to any movement here.

Lieutenant General Zheng thought for a few seconds and unexpectedly loosely nodded: "Okay. But the institute may need to draw some blood later. Please cooperate with it at that time."

The general staff frowned, seeming to feel wrong, but was stopped by Lieutenant General Zheng, shaking his head invisibly.

Zhou Rong said, "Yes, I must cooperate." Then he signaled Yan Hao to come with him, holding Sinan, and turned out of the office area.


The aircraft carrier was sailing on the sea and could not feel any movement at all, as if walking on a huge island.

Zhou Rong put Si Nan in the tea seat of the officer's office, went to report, got a pair of new shoes, came back to half kneel, and put on Si Nan himself. Yan Hao ran out of power on the PSP, squatted to play the frozen suitcase, and asked, "How is the tea drinking? Has it been sun?"

Zhou Rong said, "I find that you are a little bit big now, Major Yan, have you grown timid since you got promoted?"

Yan Hao didn't hear him for a moment: "What do you call me?"

"When Minger arrived at the headquarters, he downloaded the red-headed documents. Each of my brothers has been promoted to the first level, and I have two levels. Congratulations on your being a school official."

Yan Hao was very surprised: "Yo!"

Zhou Rong lowered his head to tie the shoes to Sinan, and said lightly: "Anyway, I can't pay any wages, so I'm good, don't take it too seriously."

Having said that, it is always good to be promoted, at least after the sacrifices are written on the monument. Yan Hao laughed: "Did you not return to the level before decentralization, Captain? I think this is a good sign. Call Shang Xiangzi tonight for a celebration party. Lively."

Who knew Zhou Rong said, "I refused."

Yan Hao froze.

Zhou Rong got up and patted Sinan's face, and his fingertips scratched gently on the blindfolded gauze.

Yan Hao wanted to ask why, but when he saw Zhou Rong's expression, there was no trace of joy at all. Instead, he frowned deep in the cold gloom.

This isn't Rong, who seems to be haggard and unscrupulous in ordinary days, but the real Zhou Rong who is deep in his heart, careful and alert.

But then Zhou Rong laughed again, and put it in Sinan's ear and asked, "Er brother Rong has been a small officer in his life, don't you think it is too bad?"

Sinan kept his head on his side and listened to them, heard a smile on his lips, stretched his hand into Zhou Rong's brand new camouflage pants pocket, squeezed jokingly to the crotch, and then touched out a fruit candy.

"Hey! Little hooligan!" Zhou Rong laughed and scolded Si Nan's ear.

Yan Hao glanced at Zhou Rong doubtfully. Although the face that could be pulled straight to take a hard and wide smile was smiling, there was no warmth at all in his eyes. If it wasn't for Sinan sitting in front of him, Yan Hao had no doubt that Zhou Rong's low pressure would allow light snow to float out of the sea.

"Captain Zhou!" An officer came from outside the event office, saluted, and touched out his credentials. "The military commissioned me to ask you to go there. The car is already waiting outside."

Zhou Rong snorted, and then picked up the frozen suitcase: "Yan Hao, send Sinan back to the intensive care unit."

Yan Hao vaguely guessed, and Zhou Rong motioned for the officer to wait, squatting down and pulling Rasnan's slender fingers full of Band-aid: "Rong must go to do something, come back to the ward to see you at night, is it okay? "

Si Nan bowed his head slightly, his eyes behind the white gauze facing Zhou Rong quietly.

"If you don't come," Sinan said softly, "I won't cooperate."

This was almost a bright threat, and the officer's complexion suddenly changed.

However, Zhou Rong pressed the back of Si Nan's head hard, printed a kiss on his hair, and smiled, "I know, when will Rong have a good date?"


The car drove past the long ship island, and the huge tarmac in the distance was densely lined with fighters and military helicopters. The fleet took off and hovered under the blue sky, like an orderly seabird, transporting survivors and weapons supplies back and forth.

"The Central Committee and the Military Commission were forced to move out of the B military area, and many people were killed midway. Some officers and men went to the northeast to establish a survivor's refuge base, and another came to the South China Sea. The large artificial islands and military bases built in the country in the early years were stationed and established. New military headquarters. "

The officer explained dutifully as he drove. Zhou Rong sat on the co-pilot, holding his forehead with one hand, and let the sea wind blow his hair, and nodded thoughtfully.

"After the establishment of the base and the headquarters, the army was reorganized and reorganized. The search and rescue teams began to repair the communications towers from the north and south ends of the motherland, rescued the surviving people, and chose appropriate locations to build evacuation fortifications. The military sacrificed countless soldiers , Set up six large-scale refuge centers on the land of the motherland at a heavy price. "

Zhou Rong glanced at him suddenly: "We went down thousands of miles from North China, why didn't we see one?"

"Guangxi, Yunnan, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang." The officer smiled bitterly: "The Zhou team is going south across the two lakes. The zombies in the Central Plains are dense and the army cannot advance. It is estimated that only your 118 special forces can survive. "

Zhou Rong didn't answer, and lowered his eyelids heavily.

"If search and rescue can't be launched by this fall, the Central Plains is estimated to be turned into a no-man's land."

There was only the sound of the sea breeze in the compartment, drowning the officer's solemn sigh.

The car stopped in front of the passage on the center of Ship Island, Zhou Rong got out of the car with a suitcase, and the officer shouted behind him: "Colonel Zhou!"

Zhou Rong turned around and saw him trot over, solemnly solemnly, standing in front of himself.

"At the beginning of the year, a lot of troops were sent by the headquarters to the B military area to try to rescue the research materials, but all failed. Fortunately, Colonel Chou took the risk in the first time when the virus broke out and brought out the results. I very much admire you."

The officer was about to raise his hand to salute, but in the end he raised his hand to half and was impatiently stopped by Zhou Rong and pressed:

"Major, thank you, don't shout."

Zhou Rong was facing the gale, and walked into the bridge without looking back, leaving only the officer standing outside with a hair bun, and he didn't return for a while.

Five or six minutes after entering the bridge, after a familiar inspection, two scout guards with live ammunition took Zhou Rong into the explosion-proof elevator in person.


The elevator door opened, and two guards greeted each other, one of them turned and knocked on the door of the solid wood conference room: "Head, Colonel Zhou is here."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, there was an aging voice inside:

"Come in."

Although he was very familiar in his early career, even to a somewhat casual level; at this moment, Zhou Rong raised his breath and raised his eyes.

If Yan Hao were there, they would find that Zhou Rong's temperament had changed at this moment-he was no longer the lazy, casual, special-squadron captain who laughed even a bit of evil. His iconic sly and sharp look completely receded from the corner of his eyebrows, and instantly transformed into a well-trained solemnity and quietness.

The momentum may even be oppressive, but it blends with the solemn atmosphere around him, as if he belonged here and is a key part of it.

The guard opened the door, nodded to Zhou Rong, and stretched out his hand.

Zhou Rong pulled out his gun and walked in with the freezer.

The door clicked shut behind him.

At the end of the meeting room was a glass curtain wall. An old man with gray hair was facing the door, sitting on an armchair behind the long table. His body was slightly bent because of the irresistible years, casting a vicissitudes of silhouette on the single-sided glass curtain wall.

Although the appearance has changed greatly in recent years, no matter who is present, he can immediately recognize this serious and unsmiling face that once appeared in the news webcast every day.

Zhou Rong Lizheng, saluting, said nothing.

The old man sat upright at him, his spotty hands folded on the table, and his chin was raised slightly. Although his voice was not as strong and loud as he was getting older, the calm power when he spoke made people still unable to concentrate--

"It has been decentralized for three years, Colonel Zhou." The old man slowly said, "You have not disappointed me." 2k novel reading network

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