Chapter 66 Table of contents

Zhou Rong's soul was like floating in the void, and looked coldly at his body standing on the ground.

Whether the cuffs are tidy, whether the trousers are straight, the angle of sight, the shape of the muscles on the cheeks are tight, are they in full compliance with the etiquette training received in the year, and are accurate to half a silk error.

——To be able to directly pull up to Tiananmen Gate at any time, he suddenly remembered such a funny standard in his memory.

"Open me and see," the old man said again.

Zhou Rong saluted and went forward to open the freezer. The chill came out vigorously, gradually revealing two Yin Hong antibody test tubes fixed on the bracket.

The old man nodded, not seeing any emotions: "Just for this, the military does not know how many people have been sacrificed this year."

Zhou Rong said: "We sent satellite communications when we entered the underground research institute of the military region, and said that we will try our best to find information and go to the South China Sea. Why the military still ..."

"After receiving the communication, the military has been looking for you." The old man sighed with emotion: "But the short-wave communication from Hubei, Hunan, and the coast of Guangdong was completely cut off. The two shelters in Guangxi and Yunnan were filled out by the lives of soldiers. "

Zhou Rong closed his eyes silently.

"Unable to find you, the military did not know if the information in the B military area was brought out, and it dared not carry out missile bombardment." After a pause, the old man said, "According to the calculation of the General Staff, you successfully went deep B military area, and the probability of rushing back to the South China Sea with the information is less than 1%. "

That's true.

If they didn't meet the leader, there were only five special soldiers left, and the journey south from B city was enough for them to die ten or eight times casually.

On the other hand, if they did not meet them, Si Nan would have a hard time living to this day even if he had three heads and six arms.

The encounter in the fall afternoon of that T city, a coincidence of one ten-millionth chance, is enough to change the established trajectory of many things and the fate of many people.

"But you did create a miracle. When you were transferred to the special forces, you never expected to be today."

Zhou Rong wanted to speak humblely, but that was a reaction within the charter, and the old man interrupted him:

"Lao Zheng told you about returning to your original job?"


Zhou Ronglue thought for a while and said, "Yes, General Zheng told me that 118 has been abolished."

The old man bowed his head silently, Zhou Rong looked at him sincerely: "Head, I hope that the Military Commission can consider rebuilding 118. If the soldiers are gone, they can be recruited again. As long as my captain is here, the establishment of the sixth squadron is 118 and 118 is still there. Although not a long time, he has made countless amazing achievements ... "

The old man didn't interrupt him, and he couldn't see whether he was in favor or disapproval. Until Zhou Rong finished speaking, he suddenly asked:

"Two years ago, the Foreign Ministry went to 118 to pick people, you know?"

Zhou Rong froze, "I know."

"Why didn't you sign up?"

Zhou Rong groaned for a long time before he said, "I feel that in the situation in front of me, I am a common major in the special forces, but can do more for the country."

Sinan was right. Zhou Rong is the character of seeing people, seeing people, seeing ghosts, and talking about ghosts. He always finds the most appropriate words to express a less pleasing meaning.

The old man had a bit of a smile under his murky eyes, and obviously felt the same as Sinan, saying, "No, Colonel. I heard that you were cured by serum antibodies. I think you will stay in the military before the vaccine is developed. Headquarters will play a bigger role. "

Zhou Rong said, "Yes, but ..."

"The 118th brigade made indelible feats at the beginning of the virus outbreak, but there are still many troop withdrawals due to the destruction of the entire army. 118 is only one of them, and it will always be recorded in the military history of the Republic together with its brothers. . "

What did Zhou Rong want to say, but the old man keenly saw his mind: "The chance of frontline sacrifice is too great, Colonel. Why do you talk about a country, a man who does not care about his family?"

Zhou Rong was speechless next week, and stood rigidly.

At this time, a cadre-like person hurried in and whispered a few words while leaning beside the old man. The old man raised his hand to signal that he knew, and then patted the table along Zhou Rong: "Okay, you have to go back!"

Zhou Rong was puzzled, and the old man sighed softly.

"You don't know yet? Lao Guo is gone, what happened when he was transferred out of the B military area. Go and see his grandson. The relic has just been delivered to him."

When the B military area collapsed, the military commission organized a large-scale retreat. Vice Minister Guo voluntarily stayed and took command. However, he failed to catch up with the last helicopter that took off.

Zhou Rong nodded and thanked the guards who led the way. There was a small cafeteria at the end of the corridor. It wasn't dinner time. No one was empty at this moment. Only Chuncao and Ding Shiyun stood looking at the door.

"Rong ..."

Zhou Rong's forefinger stood on his lips, motioned for them to snore, and then went in.

Guo Weixiang was lying at the dining table, facing the corner, and he was sitting there alone in the cafeteria. From the back view, he was burying his face in the palm of his hand. Zhou Rong walked past him and went to the vending machine on the other side to buy full of beer and cigarettes. He turned around and piled up on the dining table. Folding chair.

"Come on," he opened a bottle of beer pull ring, and he could not help pulling Guo Weixiang's left hand, and shoved the beer can into his hand: "This is all the cash you have on Rong, please give up your life today."

Guo Weixiang was flushed with red eyes, and his right hand was going to cover his eyes, which was forcibly blocked by Zhou Rong.

"Rong ..."

"How did Father go?"

Guo Weixiang burst into tears and shook his head with a choked throat.

"The virus broke out suddenly from the research institute. When it retreated, he had to go to war. He had to tell others to go first, and he took the password and key to close the security gate on the third floor. He was almost eighty, and he had nothing to do with him. Now, come out temporarily to apply for emergency authority. "

Vice Minister Guo really has to retreat, and in recent years many matters have no longer been done in person. If it were not for him to stand up and demand a tough request, this kind of sacred sacred task would not be given to an old man in his eighties.

"I didn't have time to say goodbye to him." Guo Weixiang had a red nose and said, "The day before I left, the military vehicle drove past the gate of the compound. You asked me if I should stop and give me five minutes to go in and tell my father ... ... but I'm always afraid that people think I'm special, so I'm determined not to. Why didn't I go in? Why didn't I go in? I didn't even see the last side ... "

Zhou Rong lit himself a cigarette and dropped his eyelids in the mist of white mist.

Guo Weixiang has a gray iron box, the size of an ordinary shoe box, sealed with a golden red ribbon. Zhou Rong knew what it was—a relic box containing the odds and ends of Vice Minister Guo's life.

Pens, manuscripts, reading glasses, and at least half a box of heavy merit certificates and military medals.

"You're a 118," Zhou Rong said in a low voice. "The old man has been showing off this to others, and he will be dazzled."

Guo Weixiang cried and shook his head, thinking Rong brother you do not understand, you do not understand.

"He wanted me to do something else. I had to test the special forces ... I want to prove myself, I want to fight for a breath, and yelled at him that I want to realize my ideal ... but he just wanted to be the only one Sun Tzu stayed around securely, never expecting anything great from me ... "

Guo Weixiang's voice was not high, and even crying was a little husky because of crying, but Zhou Rong seemed to be pierced by something sharp and speechless for a moment.

"If I had been with him, he wouldn't have died." Guo Weixiang held his cigarette against his red forehead and mumbled, "If I was there, I wouldn't let him be like this The 80-year-old man closed the gate, I must ... "

Zhou Rong patted Guo Weixiang's arm as if he was passing a certain force. He pressed it hard: "Don't think so. If you live so big, you won't get anything. There is no serious thing except to accompany the old man. Matters, how can Vice Minister Guo feel at ease on the road? "

"You yelled at him to pursue your own ideals, and your grandfather was actually happy." Zhou Rong added, "You don't understand, Xiangzi. The old man must be very relieved when he leaves. He knows you have something to do, and you don't need to rely on anyone. Now. "

Shoko wheezes sharply, his nasal cavity makes a sharp crackling sound, and finally becomes crying.

Ding Shi approached carefully, and Chun Cao followed him lightly. Four people sat around this small dining table, and Ding Shi patted Guo Weixiang's back vigorously, and couldn't help whispering comfort. The cricket of the latter finally turned into a hoarse and low sobbing.

"Rong," Chun Cao asked softly, "Are you sure about the withdrawal ...?"

Zhou Rong spit out a white mist and seemed to smile bitterly, but could not see clearly.

Chun Cao and Ding Shi looked at each other, and seemed a little reluctant to believe, "But ... our sixth squadron is still there. Isn't that as long as there is a captain, is there a preparation? How to withdraw ..."

Zhou Rong did not answer.

Chun Cao asked again, Ding Shi touched her hand, motioned her eyes to look down.

——I saw Zhou Rong smoking one by one with his left hand, but he was listening to the unopened beer in his right hand. He may not realize how strong his hands are, but the aluminum cans have been deformed, and his nails have made deep marks on the smooth can body.

Chun Cao's heart jumped suddenly, no more squeaking.

"What is your ideal?" After a while, Zhou Rong suddenly said in the white mist of tobacco.

Spring grass and Ding Shi looked at each other.

"My ideal is to really do something real." Zhou Rong seemed to be talking to himself, saying: "It is not all day paying attention to the trousers straight or straight, the collar is not straight, standing in front of the camera can not be photogenic, under his hands Has anyone embarrassed himself in front of the lens of foreign media. It is not all day long wondering what the meaning of one's eyes is, which sentences hide several layers of meaning, which person has many intriguing interests with which faction ... I only I want to do something real, even like the PLA army that year, when I got up early, I helped shovel a little snow. "

He wiped his face, turned his hand to extinguish the cigarette butt, and smiled sadly.

Guo Weixiang forgot to cry before he whispered, "Rong brother ...?"

Zhou Rong responded, answering all the questions: "That's it, it's good. Everyone is on the road to achieving their ideals."

He stood up in the inexplicable gaze of everyone, exhaled with his whole body strength, as if he had finally completed a difficult battle, and patted the shoulders of three comrades one by one in the gap between gunfire:

"I'm proud of you."

He smiled briefly and turned out of the cafeteria.

Sinan really didn't cooperate. He relied on the bedside of the ICU, and no one dared to disturb him. It wasn't until he heard the footsteps of Zhou Rong's return that he sat upright, and in a subtle spot that was extremely imperceptible, his condition seemed to be slightly loose.

The supply of materials on the aircraft carrier was okay. Zhou Rong brought meals and sweet soup back. The sea quickly dimmed. At the beginning of the night, they ate their meals with their heads resting on a small table in the ward, and the steam from the pineapple sweet soup in the Lantern Festival was steaming under the lights.

"Is the big **** all right?" Si Nan asked without raising his head.

"It's okay." Zhou Rong said, "Don't go to him and give him some time to be alone."

Sinan nodded thoughtfully.

After a while, Zhou Rong saw him open a lunch box that he had just sealed by himself, and started to eat the two braised chicken legs and half a bowl of sweet soup. Then he suddenly understood why Sinan had to leave this lunch box alone before eating— —Not for breakfast tomorrow.

He wanted to bring it as a gift to see Guo Weixiang.

Zhou Rong smiled and sprayed, and Si Nan spit out the chicken bones without expression: "What are you laughing at?"

"No, it's nothing." Zhou Rong waved his hands again and again, and the dark clouds that had crossed his heart suddenly disappeared.

After eating, the nurse finally dared to draw blood. Zhou Rong watched from the side. Unexpectedly, he didn't draw more than 100CC and stopped. He asked why, the attitude of the nurse was very good: "Dr. Ning of the Institute of Strategy said that he had only taken 800CC a few days ago. He was afraid that the blood draw would affect his body, and he insisted on long-term sustainability ..."

The nurse said she slipped her lips and turned red.

Sinan, however, did not know much about basic national policies, and rarely asked, "What will last?"

The nurse ran away.

The door clicked, and the ward filled with orange and yellow shimmer became a small bedroom. Zhou Rong rushed out of a hot bath, and his black hair stood up in a mess after being wiped by a towel. Water droplets flowed down the strong back muscles, leaning over and supporting his hands on the pillow side, staring at Sinan lying on the bed on the side .

Sinan had a very full dinner-although it was only a few pieces of chicken legs and sweet soup for the Lantern Festival, it was very pleasant to eat.

This is the best meal he has ever encountered, Zhou Rong thought.

You do n’t have to compress the biscuits, you do n’t have to drink cold water in the winter, and you do n’t have to worry about gobbling up half when you are extremely hungry, and you suddenly have to pick up a weapon to fight the zombies.

But none of this is what I can give him, I have nothing.

Zhou Rong swallowed, and there was an inexplicable sourness under his tongue. Sinan moved: "What?"

"... Nothing," Zhou Rong whispered, kissing him on the soft white gauze in front of his eyes.

The next moment, his back was held by Sinan's hand. With a thunderous turn, Zhou Rong was back on the bed, and even when the reaction was too late, he saw the two swapped up and down. Sinan thighed on Zhou Rong's sturdy waist and stood facing his face, raising his eyebrows and asking: " What the **** is going on with you? "

Zhou Rong's ministry threatened up to the top: "Who hits who?"

Sinan: "..."

Zhou Rong said ruthlessly: "Comrade Si Xiaonan, the organization hopes that you can face up to the hardware gap. When have you ever seen someone take a 92-style handgun | The gun and the anti-tank rocket launcher blasted?"

"It's an anti-tank pile driver." Sinan smiled, and backhand fumbled and held the thing in the past: "Anyway, the user experience is not good, so forget it ..."

Zhou Rong kept busy pulling him over, forcing Sinan into the quilt tube, and rolling it into a cake.

You both poked me, I scratched you, and for a long time, Zhou Rong was too hard, holding Sinan tightly on his thigh to prevent him from struggling, and he turned off the light and ordered: "Never play, sleep!"

Sinan: "Ear."

Zhou Rong then rubbed Sinan's ears with his fingers, rubbing him comfortably, breathing slowly and deeply.

In the ward, five fingers were out of reach, and the surroundings were quiet, as if the sound of waves beating against the beach came from a distance. Zhou Rong opened his eyes in the darkness and didn't know how long it took before he stopped.

"Tomorrow the ship will come to shore ..." He said almost silently, wondering whether to ask Sinan or himself: "What should I do in the future, eh?"

There was silence for a long while.

"Cooperate with research, make a vaccine, go out and continue to beat the zombies." Suddenly, Sinan's sober voice sounded in his arms, mockingly, "Will you sleep, Miss Zhou?"

Zhou Rong: "………………"

Zhou Rong's mouth twitched, and Si Nan shrank comfortably toward his chest, and half a moment ordered: "Ears."

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