Chapter 75 Table of contents

Five minutes ago, the South China Sea headquarters.

"The first wave of communication from the front has arrived!" A second lieutenant in the office of the communications department said, "It is from Captain Yang Chuncao ... uh ... the temporary channel connecting to Colonel Zhou."

"Huh?" Zhou Rong looked up. "Need off-court guidance so soon?"

The second lieutenant gave way, Zhou Rong stepped forward to sit down, put on a headset, and listened only to the unclear voice in the rustle current:

"On the day Rong was infected ... I found out that it was still a little sad ..."

Zhou Rong: "..."

Inside the communications office, staff members are paying attention to the latest news feedback from search and rescue brigades across the country. General Zheng yelled at the phone: "What? What is it that you just parachuted into a pile of zombies? Colonel Tang! You speak clearly point!"

The second lieuteman stood on the side with a little panic, and Zhou Rong made a gesture to let him leave, signalling that he could get it done.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Chun Cao's voice sounded in the private channel: "Or should I talk to Si Xiaonan and let him apologize to you?"

Zhou Rong held his breath gently. After only a moment, he heard Yan Hao's vague smile, saying, "No, what's the matter with Sinan? His words hurt only because he told the truth."

There is no sound in the channel, only dull breathing and walking.

After a long time, the sound of the stream suddenly became obvious, probably they finally reached the bottom of the canyon. The ear grass spring grass “feeded” and lowered his voice and asked, “Rong brother? Rong brother are you there? Urgently requesting off-site assistance, the team flower has entered a state of mourning. He is now almost a dog's tail flower, why? do?"

Zhou Rong glanced around: "Be quiet, can Yan Hao hear?"

"No, he's ahead, we're almost there."

"Is there any sign he's going to mutate into a cannibal?"

"No, but I'm not sure ... Yan Xiaohao took a big picture on the mountain wall when he parachuted. Now he's almost disfigured. I think he should be in a bad mood ..."

"Let him maintain the state of the dog's tail flower, do not inspire the cannibal flower mode." Zhou Rong solemnly said, "I'll let Si Xiaonan come to the communications office and talk to him a while."

Chun Cao said: "Understand, ah! I saw Ding and Xiangzi! We are almost at the meeting place, we will talk later!"

On a small patch of rocky beach in the valley, the yellow signal smoke followed the wind and went straight up into the sky, and the zombies were densely packed in the surrounding area, with a rough count of no less than a hundred. Tang Hao apparently went through a fierce battle. His parachute hung on a treetop not far away. His whole body was splashed with black blood and carrion, and he was kneeling exhaustedly to wash his face by the stream.

More than a dozen players have gathered in the open space. When Guo Weixiang saw them, he was shocked at the scene: "Team flower! How did the team flower disfigured? When you landed, your face hit the ground first!"

Yan Hao: "..."

Chun Cao immediately desperately winked at him, and then Ding Shi carried his gun across the rocky beach. He looked up and saw a dramatic change in his face: "Vice team! How did your face swell like this? When you landed, your face touched the ground first!"

Yan Hao: "............"

Chun Cao forcibly hooked their necks, dragging them away with one hand, and Yan Hao turned to Xiaoxi to wash his dry nosebleeds. As a result, he just squatted down, and Tang Hao looked up in a wet manner, their eyes collided.

After five seconds of weird silence, Yan Hao said coldly, "Face first ..."

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao interrupted him: "No, needless to say. Everyone has bad luck."

At that moment, Yan Hao was stunned by his reasonableness, and the next second, Tang Hao smiled violently, and struck out the miniature camera of spy from his arms--


Tang Hao ran away, Yan Hao roared: "You come back to me !!"

Half an hour later, Yan Hao was tired of running around the rocky beach, leaning on his knees and breathing heavily. Tang Hao stopped, proudly threw the camera into the tactical bag, and clapped, "All gather points!"

Team members who came one after another from the valley concentrated on the open space, but Tang Hao swept carefully and suddenly felt wrong. He asked everyone to stand in line and count, and it turned out that it was really wrong-four less.

How can it be less? Did something go wrong while parachuting?

The danger coefficient of canyon skydiving is already large, and there are many zombies nearby, which can be forgiven for accidents; but the four special soldiers disappeared without even sounding. For a moment, Tang Haosi looked around, and the narrow sky over the valley was getting darker and darker, and it was almost six o'clock.

Once it gets dark, the hordes of zombies will bring them great danger.

"Maybe I'm lost for the time being, I can't wait for them here." Tang Hao groaned. "Enter the search area first, look for the leeward to set up the camp, arrange the staff to take turns at night, and start a thorough search tomorrow morning."

Everyone responded collectively and acted separately.

"What?" Lieutenant General Zheng frowned. "Four people missing?"

Lieutenant General Zheng turned his head back, Zhou Rong's pen turning at the tip of his finger stopped abruptly and shrugged: "It may be lost or sacrificed."

Before Zheng Xie had time to comment, Tang Hao's roar had been transmitted from the phone: "Zhou-Rong! How are you again! Please stay in the rear and don't jump out and talk, every time I touch you, the emperor I ’m so unlucky, thank you for your family! "

Lieutenant General Zheng hurriedly covered his receiver with his hands, but Zhou Rong slowly picked it up on the side: "I'm sorry, Team Leader, Ben Ou ... This Colonel is now a long-range combat consultant for your blackbird team, and has the right to Ask about the latest battle report on the front line. This morning's appointment of the General Staff, you can verify with your superiors ... "

"What?" Tang Hao angered. "Combat consultant? You?"

Lieutenant General Zheng covered his earpiece and microphone, and was blasted by the scalp for a while, and finally pressed Zhou Rong's head in a hurry and forced him back to the swivel chair.

"Colonel Zhou was appointed as a remote guide due to his experience in the group operations, and temporarily opened a communication channel for him." Zheng Xie said with a face to the phone: "Alright! Stop the protest, Team Leader! Stay alert, always Report the direction of movement. "

Lieutenant General Zheng hung up the phone and finally sighed.

Zhou Rong was deeply trapped in the swivel chair, and he found the cigarette case in a concealed action. Before he could click on it, he was taken away by Lieutenant General Zheng.

"... Okay." Zhou Rong reluctantly began to play with his pen, groaning: "The four people who were left behind may have been attacked by zombies and landed in the distance with the airflow, unable to reach the meeting place in time. Canyon terrain and wind direction data Tang Hao Has it been returned? Let the fighter pilot report the skydiving time and altitude of the four team members, and the wind speed can be used to preliminarily calculate their landing location. "

Lieutenant General Zheng finally looked better.

"But Tang Hao's decision to order the promotion was right." Zhou Rong sighed and said, "No matter who is left behind, you can't save it. You must give up when you give up."

Lieutenant General Zheng nodded in approval: "If the topographic map returned by Tang Hao is correct, there must be at least 10,000 zombies in the canyon. It is too dangerous. It must be decided quickly, but it will change late."

Zheng Xie got up and went to the flight team for a parachute report. Zhou Rong was full of awe, and respectfully watched the back of the old Lieutenant General Wei An leave, immediately crooked like a bone was drawn, and beckoned to the outside of the communications department: "Xiaonan Nan Si Xiaonan! "

Sinan Mao went into the office with his waist, seeing nobody around, and magically turned a lit cigarette.

Zhou Rong took a long and pleasant sip, and his thighs were crooked in the swivel chair, and Sinan's waist sighed: "This is the life I want ..." Then he put on a headset and switched on the channel, lazily "Hello, girl? How are you doing?"

In the woods under the waterfall, the soldiers were well-trained, and quickly set up military green tents, lit fires, and armed with guns.

"So far everything is fine!" Chun Cao sat cross-legged on the big rock beside the tent, whispering while marching her high-protein beef sandwich special for march: "Four people lost, we ordered a red signal cigarette to let them gather There are so many zombies in the canyon, and they have just been bombarded for several rounds! Yan Hao ’s dog tail flower pattern is still going on, and the mother egg is unfavorable. How do you feel this time? ”

In the communications office, Zhou Rong glimpsed that General Zheng was passing by, and immediately took the cigarette out of his mouth and hid it under the table.

"..." Zheng Xie seemed to smell a scent of smoke, stood suspiciously and looked around, and ran into the eyes of Si Nan.

Sinan sat not far away and stared at him quietly. His complexion was pale and bloodless, and his light amber eyes were cold and indifferent, like an inorganic dummy.

Zheng Xie: "..."

A chill climbed back to the brain, Zheng Zhong jumped up his eyelids, turned around and walked away.

"I said earlier that there was a problem with your group's code." Zhou Rong watched from behind the console and looked at Lieutenant General Zheng before he took out the cigarette and continued into the microphone: "The original name of Tang is already dark enough, without thinking Looking for a master to calculate a good code, what is it called 'black cricket', do you think it is not enough, or do you want to use poison to attack the virus?-Tell me that you should be coded as' Golden Rooster ',' Wangcai ', really not panda' 'It's also good. Go out and make a flash appearance, hey! The ninth search and rescue team Panda Panpan special team came to report! ...'

Chun Cao wanted to cry without tears: "Don't say this now, okay? The above bad name has to quarrel with the white eagle troops of country A, can you do it?"

Zhou Rong said, "That's not right. You can ask Si Xiaonan yourself. Baiying's opponent has always been our 118. The surname Tang also wants to stab the white eagle troops. This is purely a leapfrog, first of all in the mentality. I didn't put my coffee in the right place ... "

There was a slight noise in the woods, spring grass raised his head, and distant figures were moving in the dimness.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Rong asked, "Are there zombies?"

Chun Cao grabbed the charge | gun, but then Guo Weixiang strode from the side of the camp and waved her away: "It's okay! I found a small group of wandering zombies, it's done!"

Spring grass then relaxed.

Zhou Rong thoughtfully: "Daughter, your camp feng shui is not too auspicious."

"I don't know. The neighborhood was quite clean when I camped just now." Chun Cao frowned. "There are suddenly more zombies that seem to be wandering towards us ... but it may be the reason that it is getting dark. ... "

She stood up from the rocks covered with dirt and moss, and looked out in all directions with her remarkable eyesight.

The night gradually came to this inaccessible open space, and the fire around the camp was burning with flames, reflecting a camouflage tent, and a distant forest of ghosts and whimpers in the distance.

Spring grass took a deep breath.

I do n’t know if it ’s a psychological effect. She always feels that the night air contains the decaying smell of forest trees, the smell of insect carcasses in the soil, and the brackish water vapor of the waterfall in the distance; The stench is gradually gathering here with the cover of the night.

She shivered.

"No, don't talk about Feng Shui anymore. This ghost place is really uncomfortable. The more I say, the more ill I feel ... I have to go back tonight to solve the poor dog tail Huayanhao."

In the communications office, Sinan raised his head somehow.

Zhou Rong asked cheerfully: "What happened to Yan Hao's face?"

Sinan: "... What does dog tail flower mean?"

Chun Cao in the earpiece prolonged his voice and asked, "Hey, Dad, haven't you had a dark history of old love with your new love science?"

Zhou Rong laughed and lit a bit in the air with a cigarette in his mouth. He said, "Our 118 team's personality model is basically divided into three types."

"First, in the normal state, it is a humanoid rose with long feet. Although the thorn is particularly hard, it is generally harmless as long as he is not anxious. When he encounters a heart target, such as you, he will make a special gesture. And the bee attracts butterflies. The second is the dog's tail flower, which only appears when the sentiment is low. The external manifestation is melancholy, sad and touching. When it is displayed to the cafeteria aunt, it can often receive surprisingly winning results. "

"The third state is a cannibal flower, also called pitcher plant." Zhou Rong shook his index finger and said, "The most intense attack so far has been the airborne captain's time. Comrade Yan Hao used it to squeeze me away. I learned all sorts of evil methods such as gang formation, open provocation, sharp weapons, plotting assassinations, and almost drove me directly into the morgue ... "

Chun Cao said: "I must be fair to Yan Hao. If you are not anxious about stepping on rice three times a day, Yan Hao will not die. He said before that he only intended to knock you into a vegetable. Come. "

Sinan: "..."

Sinan raised his hands and applauded, showing courteous admiration.

"The tricky part is," Chun Cao stood earnestly on the tall stone, "Yan Hao's dog tail flower mode and pig cage ... and the cannibal flower mode occasionally switch to each other. For example, when he cast a success on the cafeteria aunt With half a spoonful of potato and beef, he can quickly return to normal from his self-pity in the wind; but if the warrior brother is eating and the other person does not eat his set, Yan Hao is likely to become a cannibalist out of thin air Flower, force the other party ... "

At night, a dark shadow flashed from the woods, and gradually approached behind Spring Grass.

"Forcibly?" Si Nan laughed and asked, "How did his dog tail pattern come about this time?"

Chun Cao: "Well, it's a long story, but it's because of you ... Ah!"

A cold hand grabbed Spring Grass's ankle.

The communicator slammed to the ground, and the channel cut off in response; Chun Cao grabbed his gun and turned the bullet. The other side held the muzzle with lightning and raised it. The next moment a quiet question sounded:

"what are you guys saying?"

At the close of the moment, Chun Cao's forefinger holding the trigger stopped, crying and laughing: "Yan Hao!"

Chun Cao jumped off the stone and picked up the communicator, but falling from a place nearly three meters high was broken. No matter how it was debugged, there was only a rustling current.

Yan Hao stood behind the rock with his arms crossed and angered, "I'm fine! I'm in a stable state without any abnormalities! My emotions are very smooth! What are you worrying about blindly? Don't tell the captain everything!

Chun Cao held the communication instrument to cry without tears. Tang Hao, who was in the middle of the camp, noticed the movement here and shouted, "There! Why don't you go to sleep?"

Yan Hao immediately clutched the back of Spring Grass and lifted her away.

A tent for four people, Ding and Xiangzi are ready to sleep. Chun Cao groped into the sleeping bag, only listening to Yan Hao still whispering: "Don't tell Rong Ge everything, okay, what if Sinan knows what to do? What do you let Sinan think? He is a very simple person, A mind that didn't do anything wrong, you will make him have a bad impression on me ... "

Spring grass: "..."

The sound of the wind burst through the forest in the night, sharp and screaming, with one cry after another.

"He will think that I am very careless, very stingy, and a little bit of trivial matters are still upset. In fact, I feel nothing now, Rong is indeed a good partner, I will try to calm my emotions and straighten my mind ..."

"and many more."

Yan Hao: "After all, it's my own problem ... eh?"

Chuncao listened carefully, and sat up slowly, her eyes flashed a gleam of cold light in the darkness.

"Listen," she said softly. "Did you hear anything?"

The cold wind leaked into the tent, and tens of thousands of branches shook together, as if they were shaking their hands, making rustling and rustling sounds.

Yan Hao's brows gradually tightened, Ding Shi and Guo Weixiang seemed to have found something, and at the same time turned over and sat up.




The familiar screams rang, and they gathered quickly from all sides, and several people's faces changed at the same time!

Spring grass scooped out of the sleeping bag, grabbed a gun and went straight to the tent. Just as she lifted the curtain, a sharp alarm blew up across the camp!

"Everyone!" Tang Hao roared through the night sky: "Ready to fight! Immediately! Zombies are coming !!!"

A hundred meters away from the camp, the flames reflected the rotten faces of the zombies and the bare hands that stretched out like a forest. They blinked and looked densely, but it was impossible to count how many.

And farther away, the head swayed in the dark night, his footsteps dragged, like an endless army of living dead, and instantly surrounded the entire camp into an island in the sea of ​​corpses!



Zhou Rong and Si Nan Qi Qi turned their heads together, and saw Zheng Zhong's complexion complexion, hurried forward, slammed a stack of documents on the table, and whispered dumbly: "The news that the flight team has just feedback. Romuel's plane returning to country A disappeared inexplicably halfway, the radar could not track it, and now it is initially suspected that it crashed. "

Zhou Rong's pupils shrank.

Lieutenant General Zheng and Zhou Rong looked at each other, and they fell into a brief and helpless silence.

"It's ok."

The two turned to look at the same time, and saw Si Nan sitting sideways, with a dull expression: "I expressed my understanding as Romuel's only surviving family member and did not hold anyone accountable. I felt sorry and sad for my brother's accident. To Write a signed letter to you? "

Lieutenant General Zheng: "..."

Lieutenant General Zheng refreshed his perception of the former White Eagle instructor, but he was just relieved and had not had time to perfect the plan proposed by Sinan. Suddenly footsteps rang out in the corridor. :

"General! Things aren't great on General's side! The latest news from the Blackbird group, the zombie tide attacked at night, and the camp has been surrounded!"

Zheng Xie's old heart hadn't fallen into his belly yet, and was immediately mentioned by his throat. Zhou Rong Huo Ran got up: "What did you say ?!"

"Too many zombies can't be estimated, and everyone is in the camp." The Lieutenant trembled: "Lieutenant Colonel Tang Hao cut off the communication, and now ... it is impossible to reach them at all now."

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