Chapter 76 Table of contents

"Zombie tide attacked the camp at night. The situation is critical. Contact later."

This became the last newsletter that the Blackbird sent to headquarters.

For 36 hours after that, the communications office was around the clock and could not be reached anymore.

Cigarettes dangled in the conference room, and no one was concerned about the no-smoking rules in the headquarters. Lieutenant General Zheng took the lead, standing at the head of the conference table, his eyes covered with bloodshot after staying up late, his voice hoarse and difficult to distinguish:

"The search and rescue has a depth of 200 kilometers, and basically belongs to the mountain forest. About 10,000 zombies wandered and gathered. The Eighth Army that is conducting search and rescue in Hebei has already gone to the scene with heavy casualties, but no signs of survivors have been found. Inner Mongolia base The elite reconnaissance camp is on its way to the canyon, and a follow-up report will soon be sent ... "

"Is there no conclusion from the General Staff?" Someone asked.

General Zheng's smoking movement stopped, and when Bai Miao swelled, he sank a moment later: "If no survivors were found in the reconnaissance battalion, it can be preliminarily determined that all members of the black cricket team have died."

"Fuck!" Someone suddenly exploded in the back row and slammed the tea tank: "Tang Hao's waste, return Lao Tzu's soldiers! Things that are not enough to lose more than defeat! ..."

"Captain Ying!" Admired Zheng.

Immediately someone went up to pull him, Zhou Rong glanced backwards and recognized that it was the paratrooper unit next door—Tang Hao took nine paratroopers of the paratrooper battalion this time, and at first heard the news that the black army group was annihilated. Long emotions immediately got out of control.

"Enough! If all members sacrifice, team leader Tang himself will be among the dead!" Lieutenant General Zheng sternly said: "Besides, the task is extremely difficult, sacrifice is inevitable, who can predict the trend of the zombie tide ?! "

"Each soldier in our battalion was brought out of the Chengdu Military Region by myself, nine!" The battalion leader Kong Ying was inexplicably indifferent: "The youngest is only twenty years old, the family has only one seedling, and the suicide note does not know who it is written to! ... "

Zhou Rong interrupted him: "My soldier was at least eighteen and was a girl."

Kong Ying growled loudly.

"Vice Minister Guo is a martyr, and his only grandson is also inside." Zhou Rong slowly said, "That is the last four soldiers of our 118."

Surrounded by silence, Mr. Kong Ying couldn't speak, and slid onto the chair.

"I believe there are still survivors. All members of the Blackbird team are equipped with secondary antibodies. Even if they are infected, they will never be wiped out." In full view, Zhou Rong got up from his seat and turned to General Zheng: "Inner Mongolia base strength Inadequate, I request that the headquarters personally lead the rescue. "

Lieutenant General Zheng faced the water like water: "The other party is an elite reconnaissance battalion, which is enough!"

"Then I asked for a more specialized special forces rescue team."

Before Lieutenant General Zheng had time to answer, there was an adrenaline slap in the head of Kong Ying! The cormorant stood up: "I want to be the leader!"

Zhou Rong Shen said: "Please lead the team myself."

"..." Mr. Kong blinked his eyes and looked at himself, then Zhou Rong, and said quickly: "I, I am willing to be the deputy of the leader Zhou!"

"You are all enough!" Lieutenant General Zheng couldn't bear it.

Everyone was snoring in the conference room. Under countless anxious gazes, Lieutenant General Zheng finally relieved: "If the search and rescue of the reconnaissance battalion is still inconclusive, the final round of search and rescue organized by the General Staff of the South China Sea after 12 hours will be conducted by the commander Kong. . "


The door of the conference room opened, officers rushed out, and returned to their offices along the corridor in groups.

Lieutenant General Zheng finally sorted out the document materials, took up his ceramic tea pot, and was about to go out, but some people inserted it quickly and slammed the wooden door backhand.

Vice Admiral Zheng stood helplessly: "Colonel Zhou ..."

"I requested a search and rescue to the canyon."

"Request dismissed."

Zhou Rong said coldly: "Why?"

Communication office next door.

Si Nan wore Zhou Rong's military uniform jacket on his shoulders and slept on the table with his arms folded. The officers stepped through the hallway and passed into the covert office door, waking him up.

Sinan moved, rubbing his eyes, "... Zhou Rong?"

Quietly around, Zhou Rong hasn't returned yet.

Sinan yawned, poured a cup of warm water, and drank slowly, and his spirit recovered. Zhou Rong still didn't return. He looked at his watch, pushed the door and walked out of the communication office. He faintly heard the fierce dispute in the staff room at the end of the corridor.

"They have already sacrificed, Colonel Zhou! You and I know this! The Eighth Search and Rescue Brigade has lost so many manpower, how many lives do you want us to fill in to be satisfied?"

Zhou Rong was furious: "Everyone is equipped with a secondary antibody. You tell me that everyone died overnight ?!"

Lieutenant General Zheng: "The cure rate for secondary antibodies is only 50%!"

"Yan Hao even missed a one-thousandth chance of the primary antibody. How could none of the elite teams of thirty people carry the secondary antibody ?!"

Sinan stopped and stood silently outside the door.

General Zheng had no choice but to take a few steps back and threw the large tea pot and documents onto the conference table, and asked, "Don't you force me to tell the truth?"


"Night, forest, thousands of zombies siege the camp. What do you think is the chance of being infected, not eaten alive? Even if Yan Hao of your team can carry it again, he will be torn into several pieces by the zombies and bathed with antibodies It doesn't work! It's not an antibody problem at all! "

Suddenly quiet in the surroundings.

Zhou Rong didn't say a word, stood upright, his cheeks as if frozen.

Lieutenant General Zheng struck him, and probably felt that he was talking too hard, and reluctantly slowed down his tone: "I understand your mood, Colonel Zhou. Everyone hopes that the blackbird group will survive, do I want them to sacrifice? In this way, I assure you that if Yan Hao and Guo Weixiang can all come back alive, I will fight for it ... No, I will help 118 resume the establishment, what do you think? "

After a moment of silence, Zhou Rong whispered, "Yes, I will lead the team to search and rescue myself."

Lieutenant General Zheng thought, "No!"


"No reason! The General Staff does not allow it! You are on the front line, what about the antibody carrier?"

Zhou Rong shouted, "I'll go by myself! Life and death count me alone! Also, he has a name and a name called Sinan, not a carrier with an antibody name!"

Zhou Rong's uncontrollable growl came out the door, echoing clearly in the corridor.

Si Nan had Zhou Rongshang's military uniform with Yu Wen hanging on his arm, put his other hand in his pants pocket, and closed his eyes gently.

"It's late, Colonel Chou." Lieutenant General Zheng was furious, but showed amazing restraint, staring at Zhou Rong's eyes and saying: "Your life and death did not belong to the carrier of the labeled antibody since then You're alone. Have you thought about what to do if you have a crush on yourself after the battle? Or more simply, if he told me that as long as you send Zhou Rong out, I won't cooperate with the experiment, then what should I do? "

Zhou Rong said impatiently: "Sinan, he won't ..."

"What if he would?" Lieutenant General Zheng asked immediately, "Do you think in your heart your life is important, or the life of the four comrades-in-arms?"

Zhou Rong spoke suddenly, but couldn't say anything.

Through the thin door panel, Si Nan stood quietly for a long time, and Zhou Rong's unbearable and painful gasping finally came out of the door:

"... I know they are alive, they are waiting for me ... but I just can't save them ..."

Si Nan lowered his eyes, took a step back, and turned around.

At that moment, General Zheng opened his mouth again, and his voice was a bit cold: "You should have known this day, Colonel Zhou. You are a soldier, or a soldier who often performs high-risk missions to write testament, mark Omega Did you completely forget about it when he was here? Can he be immune to the zombie virus and you haven't noticed it? Did you really have no doubt that he was the target of 118 missions? !! ​​It is completely yours to this day Responsibility, you have found such a burden for yourself! ... "

Sinan was short of breath, covering her eyes hard, her ears buzzing.

A few seconds later he suddenly walked through the corridor without going back to the communications office, and went straight downstairs to leave.


"I don't care what you say." Lieutenant General Zheng forcibly blocked Zhou Rong, picked up the documents from the table, and picked up the big tea pot again: "In short, things have been decided, you must stay with the antibody ... That Sinan, that's it. "

Zhou Rong's eyes were red, like a desperate tiger: "Sinan, he's not ..."

General Zheng Zheng said angrily: "Unless you persuade him to do the surgery to wash off the mark today! Find another one! You must look for it from the military! I will send you to the canyon if I meet the above three conditions, and I will do it!

"..." Zhou Rong stood still for a long time. It was so long after General Zheng even suddenly raised a trace of hope before seeing him shaking his head and refusing: "No ... no."

General Zheng suddenly discouraged: "Then you say a fart, but you can't get out of here."

But Zhou Rong did not roll, watching Zheng Xie unwillingly: "Sinan can join the search and rescue team and act together."

"Are you crazy!"

"No." Zhou Rong was slow and resolute, each word was very clear, saying: "Sinan is not a burden, he has always been a member of 118. He followed us deep into the underground military region and searched and rescued the crowd along the way with us. To protect our comrades-in-arms, we would have been destroyed several times without him. Sinan has this ability. He has never been a weak person who needs to be protected in the rear, but a companion who can fight side by side! "

"No, okay!" General Zheng almost growled. "Don't say it! In case the ultimate antibody comes out, we still need him. I can't allow the carrier of the antibody to be in any danger!"

Zhou Rong asked, "What else can happen ?!"

"More! What if the ultimate antibody wasn't in the valley at all? What if it never really existed ?!"

Zhou Rong stared at General Zheng, like a monster.

General Zheng took a deep breath and reluctantly regained his emotions, saying, "No need to waste time, Colonel Chow. The last batch of search and rescue teams take off at 23:00 tonight, I wish your team members ... No, I wish all the soldiers in the Heihe group Survive. "

General Zheng's anger remained unchecked, bypassing the rigid Zhou Rong, opened the door and walked out of the conference room.


There is a tree-lined road in front of the Military Research Institute. From the third floor, the sun shines through the layers of green leaves of the plane trees and casts a little light spot on the road.

Sinan leaned his elbows in front of the window sill in the corridor, crossed his fingers, and narrowed his eyes slightly with sunlight.

After a while, the laboratory door clicked, and Si Nan turned his face, only to see Ning Yu pick up her mask and poke out her head: "How come you? Why don't you knock? I just saw you when I turned around."

Sinan didn't say a word, slowly turned around.

Ning Yu looked him up and down, "... what happened to you?"

"Nothing, let it go."

Ning Yu blocked the door of the laboratory: "What the **** are you doing here?"

"..." Sinan finally lazily said, "Draw blood."

"Today is not the day to draw blood."

"Just want to draw blood."

Ning Yu was suspicious, and looked at Si Nan up and down, but the latter's calm face was not abnormal. After half a minute, Ning Yu finally loosened, frowned and turned to the side to let go.

"Somehow," he stared at Si Nan and murmured, "dedicate yourself to nothing, you must be a trespasser."

When Si Nan turned a deaf ear to it, he sat on the lounger in the open space in the middle of the laboratory and motioned him to come for a needle.

Ning Yu stepped forward two steps, and suddenly stopped vigilantly: "I don't stick, you must be trying to lie to me."

Sinan asked, "What did I lie to you for?"

"Who knows, maybe you want to hit me?"

"What did I do for you?"

"How do I know what you think?"

To the surprise of Ning Yu, Si Nan was obviously irritated: "Don't you draw blood?"

"..." Ning Yu frowned behind her rimmed glasses and finally asked, "What's wrong with you today?"

Sinan didn't speak, and after a short while said lightly, "It's nothing, but suddenly I especially want to assist you in your work."

Ning Yu shook her head with a smile, turned around and walked to the test bench without answering: "I don't need a lot of serum for the time being. The current research has reached how to overcome the secondary antibody and try to improve the tolerance of ordinary people to antibodies Stage. Of course, follow-up will definitely require you to cooperate with the experiment, draw blood, etc. when needed. "

Sinan ignored him, quietly behind him.

Ning Yu returned to the microscope again, but just lowered her head, suddenly realized something, and turned suddenly: "——Sinan!"

Sinan fastened the blood draw bandage with his teeth and gave himself a needle, and the scarlet liquid was slowly flowing into the blood bag.

"You really took the wrong medicine today!" Ning Yu couldn't tell the truth: "Are you all right? Who are you wearing ?!"

Sinan did not answer. The blood bag was getting fuller and heavier, and his extra pale cheeks exuded cold sweat as he stayed up late. Ning Yu watched the blood bag more than 400CC, but there was no sign of stopping, finally she could not help but scream, "Stop! You can!"

Sinan turned a deaf ear.

"What the **** do you want to do? Stop!"

Ning Yu strode forward, disregarding Si Nan's dodging, holding him down and pulling out the needle, bringing up a thin bloodline. At this time, the blood bag had exceeded 500CC, Si Nan's face was paler than paper, and he wheezed slightly while lying on the lounger, and Ning Yu split his head and covered his face.

"Hey, logistics?" Ning Yu called from the extension phone and said, "Give me a cup of high-protein supplements and add sugar."

Sinan slightly opened his eyes and mocked, "Are you still the unscrupulous scientist who draws my 800CC blood in one go?"

Ning Yu hung up the phone and lipped back: "Are you the Sinan who wanted to kick Zhou Rong into a helicopter and want to kick me down?"

Sinan pondered for a moment: "Really."

Ning Yu immediately backed up three meters.

After a while, the assistant brought in the protein supplement, and Ning Yu personally tore open the sugar bag and stirred three bags of sugar in it, so that Si Nan could drink and sleep while he was hot.

Si Nan was lying on a large leather chair and covered with Zhou Rong's military jacket. He pulled up his military uniform, covered the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and his nasal cavity was filled with the arrogant, domineering and warm Alpha pheromone familiar to Zhou Rong.

Quiet at noon, the laboratory was empty and shady, and in the distance only Ning Yu was walking around wearing soft-soled shoes, and slight movements caused by the collision of glassware.

Sinan closed her eyes, and half a moment suddenly sullenly in her coat, "Dr. Ning?"

Ning Yu distanced: "Huh?"

"How did you feel when you were experimenting at the survivor base?"

Ning Yu's movement stopped slowly, standing in the shadow of the angle between the separator and the incubator, and he asked, "Why do you suddenly want to know this?"

"I just want to know what signs people have before they know what they must do."

Ning Yu put a test tube into the incubator, and after a long time said lightly, "Forget, who remembers so much."

Si Nan nodded silently and closed his eyelids.


Si Nan slept in the lab until late in the evening, and when she woke up, Ning Yu was not there. Only the assistant Cheng Chengcheng was afraid to stay by the side, and said that Dr. Ning went to the office to get information. Sinan rejected the offer of the assistant to drive him. He spent half an hour strolling back to the dormitory area, and it was getting dark. The street lights in front of the dormitory building were lit, reflecting the moths constantly dangled among the trees.

19:30 PM.

Si Nan pushed open the dormitory door, and Zhou Rong was sitting under the table lamp and wiping his gun.

"came back?"


"Where did you go?"

Sinan walked two steps away from the desk, stood still, and replied, "Research Institute."

Zhou Rong had red eyes and nodded silently.

"How are you here?" Sinan asked.

"Lieutenant General Zheng let me come back to rest." Zhou Rong tossed and looked at the tiny red punch that had been rubbed in the hands, saying, "I can't sleep."

The soldiers who had dinner in the cafeteria returned, and murmured voices passed through the corridor, then went away, and gradually disappeared.

The dormitory could only hear the quiet breathing of the two, and the slight humming noise of the lamp on the table.

Si Nan stepped forward and pulled out Zhou Rong's gun and placed it on the table. Then he squeezed between the desk and the chair, sitting on Zhou Rong's thighs with his legs raised, and the distance between them became very close. The breathing intertwined with his heartbeat, and even every trace of emotion in the eyes of each other was lost. .

Si Nanju looked up and down. Zhou Rong's eyebrows were quite thick, rising obliquely, with deep eye sockets, high nose and thin lips. This kind of look made him feel a kind of suffocating sullen man when he didn't smile, and seemed to be a hard-hearted person, but also had a cold and heart-breaking charm.

Si Nan bowed his head and pinched Zhou Rong's nose, then kissed his tight lips.

Sinan's kiss was not very skillful, but he used the tip of his tongue to warmly and intimately describe the shape of Zhou Rong's lips, then went into the teeth and licked each tooth sequence. Because the kiss was deepened at a slightly higher angle, Zhou Rong suddenly raised his hand and grasped Si Nan's arm. The clenching force was very large, and even the back of the hand was bulging.

"... Sinan," finally in the gap between lips and tongues, Zhou Rong panting, don't overdo it: "Wait, now not ..."

Si Nan broke free of his right hand, unbuttoning Zhou Rong's uniform shirt buttons one by one, and then probed into his red | naked and strong chest, slid back to the spine, down the textured back muscles, and slid forward to the front of his pants. The end of the abdominal muscles immediately untied the belt. There are cocoons on the tips of his slender fingers, and scars that are difficult to remove over the years on the abdomen of the fingers, which are the marks left by countless electric shocks and cruel battles; when the hand reached into the military pants, Zhou Rong's nerve suddenly suddenly It felt like a shock from the electric shock.

Zhou Rong grabbed his wrist: "No, Sinan, I really don't ..."

Under the lamp, his brows froze, as if the sleepy beast was restless, and his handsome face was covered with a large shadow.

Sinan watched him coldly for a moment, holding the table behind him with a backhand push, and the swivel chair slid backwards. Immediately, Si Nan slipped down the gap, while Zhou Rong hadn't realized what he was going to do,

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They fell on the narrow single bed, and it took a long time for the gasp to calm down. Zhou Rong pressed Sinan most of his body, put him in his arms silently, and kissed his wet forehead:


Sinan whispered, "It's okay."

They hugged each other like this, a large area of ​​bare skin close to each other, and the warmth without gaps made the nerves relax. Zhou Rong, who had not fallen asleep for nearly 40 hours, finally felt a little tired.


Zhou Rong closed his eyes and forced himself to open: "I'm going to the General Staff meeting in two hours ..."

"I wake you up in two hours." Si Nan froze to his chest, and said in a small voice: "When you wake up, you will find that all the problems have been solved ... believe me."

Zhou Rong flashed a little doubt, but his consciousness quickly blurred. He kissed Sinan's hair, closed his eyes, and soon fell into a short sleep.

The luminous clock on the bedside flickered in the darkness, and Sinan opened his eyes, his eyes calm and sober.

He waited quietly in his rest. 2k novel reading network

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