Qing Kuang
Chapter 29 Table of contents

"I don't wear jewelry," Huo Ran said, "how inconvenient to wear a bracelet."

"Then whether the picture on your head is worn, or is it yellow?" Kou Chen took out his mobile phone and flipped, "I'll show it to you ..."

"That's a mosquito-resistant bracelet," Huo Ran said.

"Can you prevent mosquitoes?" Kou Chen asked.

"... It's no use," Huo Ran said. "It's okay in the city, big mosquitoes in the wild are useless."

"Then why are you wearing it?" Kou Chen asked again.

Huo Ran looked at him and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Yeah, why do n’t you think it ’s useless? And he wears it every time he goes out in the summer ... so why?

Huo Ran fell into meditation.

"Wearing a bracelet with no anti-mosquito effect," Kou Chen said, "the only reason is that you look good."

"Huh?" Huo Ran froze.

"Then it is jewelry," Kou Chen pointed to him, and came to a conclusion. "You wear jewelry, and I will give you a bracelet on your birthday, which is definitely better than 20 six mosquito bracelets."

"Not 20 for six." Huo Ran sighed.

"Four roots?" Kou Chen dismissed.

"Mine is the one that can put mosquito repellent ..." Huo Ran said he waved his hand halfway. "Forget it, 20 is 20, I don't wear a bracelet."

"I see. I saw it in the outdoor store that day, just like a sports bracelet," Kou Chen nodded, ate some dishes and looked at him again. "I do n’t want it? A birthday present, someone wants to give you a birthday You **** reject it? "

"No," Huo Ran quickly explained, "I didn't refuse, I mean, I don't want a bracelet, you can send something else."

"Oh," Kou Chen stared at him for a moment, then smiled suddenly, "OK, I see."

Huo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "Hurry up, I'm going to sleep for a while at noon, sleepy."

"Are you like this," Kou Chen bowed his head and ate, "I asked someone to eat with urgency."

Huo Ran lay on the dining table and looked over at him: "Then eat slowly."

"Actually, this ant tastes good on the tree," Kou Chen said as he ate. "Some dishes in our cafeteria are really well done, although it looks a bit ugly when cooked in a pot."

"Um." Huo Ran responded, his eyes sweeping away in the cafeteria, and many people were eating. Some seniors didn't even leave after finishing high school. They took the book and started reading.

The cafeteria is the school beings, who eat, learn, chat, play on mobile phones, wait for someone to eat at the table, and confess ...

"Well, who is that girl?" Huo Ran had no interest in such things, but once the other party was so mysterious, he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Don't inquire," Kou Chen said, "**, understand."

"Go." Huo Ran smiled.

"I just thought about it," Kou Chen ate the dishes almost and put down the chopsticks. "This girl may not want me to know who she is."

"Why?" Huo Ran held his head.

"It's fun to have a crush," Kou Chen said, "people just play with themselves, without you."

"Have you been in secret?" Huo Ran was curious.

"No, my sister has a crush on her all day long. Before Lao Yang chased her, she had a crush on no more than ten and eight," Kou Chen said, "just committing idiots at home every day."

"Ah?" Huo Ran froze.

"He glanced at me today," Kou Chen began to learn, holding his throat. "Fortunately, I washed my hair, ah, I sent him an anonymous text message today, ah, he looks so nice, ah, I do n’t know if I give him chocolate Did he throw it or eat it ... oh he actually talked and laughed to other girls today and my heart broke ... "

Huo Ran couldn't smile: "Shut up."

"Anyway, I'm so happy playing with myself, I really met the one she secretly turned around and confessed to her," Kou Chen picked up the dinner plate and stood up, "the gameover immediately."

"You put it all together, in fact, you are a theoretical expert, right, neither chased nor secretly loved nor talked." Huo Ran stood up and waited for him to put away the dishes and put them together. Out of the cafeteria.

"Well," Kou Chen thought for a while, "It's such a terrible conclusion ... I'm going to fall in love!"

"Come on," Huo Ran said.

The topic of falling in love is still very attractive to high school students. Compared to junior high school, everyone feels like an adult now. Now Lao Yuan gave such a chance to let them release the discussion. They are all very excited.

On the blackboard are posters made by a few girls in the class after two days of hard work. The fans are all red hearts and bubbles, and the little people holding hands.

The desks are scattered and placed at random. There are no rows or circles. You can sit at an angle that you think is comfortable.

Kou Chen's life may be because of pretending to make people break the bones. The word comfortable is probably leaning on someone else.

At this moment he turned the chair upside down and forcibly leaned on Huo Ran.

"Are you bad for your waist?" Huo Ran had a wall behind him, a little helpless.

"Don't say this blindly," Kou Chen said, "it won't kill you if you change someone, your **** waist is not good."

"Then you can sit up and prove it to me?" Huo Ran said.

"No." Kou Chen said and put his arms on his knees.

"Will you lean on ..." Huo Ran pointed to Xu Chuan and found that Xu Chuan's waist was not good enough. Xu Zhifan Xu Chuan Wei Superman leaned together, only Jiang Lei and Hu Yi is still an independent teenager, looking at the poster on the blackboard with a chatty expression.

Huo Ran let go.

"I didn't press your eggs," Kou Chen said.

"... No," Huo Ran said.

In contrast to the relaxed and relaxed state of the people in the classroom, the director who had just entered the classroom ten seconds ago and sat next to the pink poster.

Unfathomable expression on either face.

Watching everyone eagerly.

The scene is a bit weird.

Old Yuan probably felt it too, and he looked at the director: "If you sit in the back of the classroom, your classmates may be nervous when you see you."

"Okay," the director immediately stood up, picked up his chair and walked over to the back door. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm just a classmate's dress on the chair now."

"Who in our class wears such ugly clothes." Kou Chen leaned back against Huo Ran and said lazily.

There was a sudden laugh in the classroom.

The director leaned on the chair, uncomfortably unstuck, and gave him a smile.

"Okay," Lao Yuan clapped her hands. "The class will begin, and everyone can express their ideas at will, but we still have themes. In order to prevent you from going off the topic, let me say something about the person you like. What it is like to feel like a person, what kind of changes a person has brought to you, or if you do n’t have a person you do n’t like, do n’t have such an idea at this stage. Speak freely. "

"What about confession?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"Yeah! Confession!" Everyone shouted, "What if someone wants to confess!"

"It's okay to confess," Lao Yuan laughed. "But it's just to confess. Whether the other party accepts or not, the confessioner must accept it."

"Okay—" Everyone continued to shout, and some people patted the table.

"Let's get started," Lao Yuan nodded. "Who said it first?"

As soon as this sentence came out, a group of people who had shouted before were dumb, looked at each other, and murmured in a low voice.

After a brief embarrassment, Wei Chaoren stood up, shook off Xu Chuan and Xu Zhifan from his body, and raised his head: "I'm coming!"

The warm applause and whistle sounded.

"Thank you, thank you." Wei Chaoren seemed to accept the award. "Thank you for your encouragement."

"Come on!" Someone shouted with a smile.

"I used to like a girl when I was in elementary school," Wei Chaoren was very generous, and cut into the topic. "In fact, for no reason, I think she smiles nicely, especially sweet. I like to watch her laugh, I think it's something It ’s so beautiful. I do n’t even remember what she looks like now, but I still remember how I felt when she laughed. I was very happy. ”

There was a sudden applause in the classroom.

"I rely," Kou Chen pressed Huo Ran back, "I didn't see it, Superman can say it?"

"Not like usual." Huo Ran also sighed.

"The power of love," Kou Chen said.

"So I don't understand why there are so many people, parents, teachers, school leaders, to oppose these things. This is obviously a very good thing and a happy thing," Wei Chaoren said, raising his head, "I'm finished."

"Well said." Lao Yuan gave him a thumbs up.

Wei Chaoren sat down in applause, Xu Chuan and Xu Zhifan quickly hung back to him, expressing his respect to him.

"The bull is pushing super," Xu Chuan said.

"The bull forced everyone." Xu Zhifan said.

"Rewarded and rewarded." Wei Chaoren wasn't satisfied, and turned back to Kou Chen and they looked over here.

Several people here hurriedly raised their thumbs and swayed at him.

After everyone was quiet, the class leader stood up: "I have the same idea as Wei Chaoren. This is a very good thing, but I want to say ..."

Huo Ran clamped Kouchen with his legs: "What's her name?"

"Wu Xiaochen." Kou Chen said, "Aren't you? The squad leader doesn't know the name?"

"As long as the girls in our class are not in the same class as me, I can't even call a name ..." Huo Ran said.

"Huo Ran, is your surname Liu?" Kou Chen turned to look at him.

Huo Ran smiled and ignored him.

"I want to say that Wei Chaoren said he couldn't understand why so many parents and teachers objected," Wu Xiaochen put her hair together. "Actually, because many of us don't know how to deal with emotions, we don't know how to deal with feelings. Learning and life have had opposite effects. In the eyes of some teachers and parents, this is a bad thing. "

"This view is also very good." Lao Yuan nodded.

"Actually," Xu Zhifan said, without standing up, hanging directly on Wei Chaoren and waving his arms. "Probably since junior high school, many of us have never had a chance to come into contact with 'like someone'." This topic is like a taboo. I ca n’t mention it. No grown-ups will discuss it with us. What I hear is not allowed, no, no, wrong, right ... It ’s all negative. No one told us. After liking a person, what to do, how to treat ourselves, how to deal with her, and how to deal with feelings, then the chance that we make mistakes and affect our learning life is of course very high ... Seriously, it is because of this attitude that we rebellious The so-called treason is all about falling in love, how amazing. "

"Oh fuck!" Kou Chen shouted, raising his arms and clapping.

The people in the class shouted and patted the table.

"Zhifan is right, so ah, dating is also something to learn," Xu Chuan summarized. "If you don't study, you will take the exam. Those who can pass are all geniuses. There are only a few geniuses."

"That's it!" Everyone agreed, and the head in the classroom went up and down.

"Student Xu Zhifan surprised me a bit, and Mr. Xu Chuan's summary was in place," Lao Yuan smiled and applauded. "Speaking very well, it is similar to some of my ideas."

"Don't give yourself gold," Kou Chen said with a smile, "whoever speaks well says that they have similar ideas."

"Student Kou Chen," Lao Yuan laughed, and suddenly took two steps to his side. "Do you have any different ideas? Come listen and see if they are similar to my ideas."

"Me?" Kou Chen paused for a second, leaning back swiftly, his hands swayed, "I have no idea, I have no idea."

"Kou Chen talk about it!" I did not know which girl shouted.

"Fart." Kou Chen whispered.

"Does Kou Chen like anyone?" Another girl shouted with a smile.

Banry was suddenly full of girls' laughter, and then the boys started to coax.

Huo Ran understands this kind of scene where a girl is picking up her head. After all, Kou Chen, who is unknowingly looking at the surface and looking handsome and can return his cool boy, is mysterious and full of girls. attractive.

However, Huo Ran would like to say that if you are willing to peel off his heart layer by layer, you will find that you will be surprised ...

He is actually a husky!

Huo Ran was amused by the behavior that he couldn't help but sing in his heart, and laughed with everyone.

"Don't you **** help me and laugh?" Kou Chen was shocked and turned back.

"I didn't laugh." Huo Ran felt that when Kou Chen was in a crisis, he was a little bit unfriendful, and quickly slumped his face.

"You laughed as much as I leaned on a massage chair!" Kou Chen pressed his voice.

Huo Ran couldn't hold his breath when he said that, and laughed with no image.

Sorry, shame on the school basket.

"Kou Chen! Kou Chen! Kou Chen!" Maybe everyone's atmosphere came up at this moment, but there was no serious and lively situation that the class club should have.

No one dares to make such a mess with Kou Chen, but at this moment, it is different.

"Just say a few words," Xu Chuan said with a smile. "It's all right, I said it."

"Where do you summarize for Zhifan? Who do I summarize for?" Kou Chen said.

"You summarize for yourself." Jiang Lei reached out and patted his shoulder, "Come on one."

"I fuck." Kou Chen was very distressed.

"Don't ask, just do it." Huo Ran happily clamped him with his legs.

"You **** wait." Kou Chen glanced back at him, clearing his throat.

The classroom went quiet for a moment.

"... Don't do this," Kou Chen looked around. "Give some background sound."

bgm immediately sounded, everyone's laughter stereo effect is very strong.

"I don't really have anything to say. I haven't liked anyone except the teacher in my kindergarten class." Kou Chen frowned, his face tangled. He hasn't read reviews in front of him since he was a kid. After talking, I always feel that my voice is flying. "If I have to say something, I think that it is natural to like this thing. It is natural for teachers and parents to stop trying. We do n’t want to like anyone, You can like who you are, so it's not that you don't let me like who I can not like ... "

Speaking of which he stopped, he felt that he should sum it up, but he didn't know how to sum it up.

He turned his head subconsciously at Huo Ran.

Huo Ran was smiling, and when he turned his head, Huo Ran froze.

Then the two glared at each other for a while. He heard that girls began to laugh around in four weeks. The laughter was not the same as before.

"You fucking," Huo Ran stared at him in shock, and whispered, "What am I doing?"

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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