Qing Kuang
Chapter 30 Table of contents

Kou Chen could hear the laughter around him as he and Huo Ran's gaze grew louder. A few girls laughed wildly and arrogantly.

"What's the matter with you?" Kou Chen fought back against Huo Ran's doubts.

Huo Ran suddenly made him speechless.

It's unexpected that he can still perform in such a scene now.

"What else should I say?" Kou Chen asked again.

The laughter and screams in the classroom were out of control. Huo Ran had only experienced this kind of sound on the court. He also wanted to laugh a little and felt awkward.

"What do you want to say?" Huo Ran looked at him, with a speech of "Who will rescue this dog".

"I know I need to ask you ... forget about me," Kou Chen turned his head and patted the table, "I mean, when we want to fall in love, we can fall in love, like it People can also say it generously after all, after all, if you have this idea, it means that the fire is here, and it will have a reason to germinate as spring comes. "

"We are going to sprout!" Someone shouted.

"Sprout!" Everyone shouted.

"Wu Xiaochen, I like you!" There was a sudden burst of laughter and shout.

"Who!" Jiang Lei stood up, "Who shouted!"

The various laughter and shouts in the classroom attracted the teachers downstairs, presumably worried that the ceiling would collapse again.

"Okay, germination is fine, confession is fine!" Lao Yuan raised his hand with a smile and motioned to everyone, "turn down the volume."

After everyone's voice was reduced by Lao Yuan, their attention finally shifted, and they began to look for the confessors who were just caught in the crowd.

"Who I fucked, I didn't even notice," Jiang Lei was very excited. "I didn't hear who I was when I heard my throat."

"It's probably not as chaotic as it was just now," Hu Yi whispered. "This guy didn't dare to shout out.

There was a mess in the classroom for a long time, but no one came forward to admit it.

"Well, don't look for it," Lao Yuan clapped his hands. "This classmate must be embarrassed. I guess who he is and let him keep it secret for the time being. His confession Wu Xiaochen received it, so you can La."

"Thank you." Wu Xiaochen stood up and said generously.

Everyone applaud.

"Actually," Kou Chen leaned back to Huo Ran after his remarks, his legs stretched out, and he was rushing forward, and he couldn't hear anything, "Just now ..."

"What?" Huo Ran bowed his head to his face.

"I said, in fact, this person wasn't embarrassed to stand up just now," Kou Chen whispered, "He didn't plan to stand out at all. Although Wu Xiaochen didn't say it clearly, it definitely belonged to those who didn't plan to fall in love with anyone. He just wanted Wu Xiaochen to know that someone liked her. "

"I rely," Huo Ran whispered. "How do you feel a little romantic? There are still such people in our class?"

"Romantic fart," Kou Chen said, "If I knew I would be rejected, I wouldn't have said it at all."

"Why, haven't you always been arrogant? Are you afraid of being rejected?" Huo Ran said.

"I know you won't accept it anymore, why should I let you know that I like you," Kou Chen said, "beautiful, let's talk about it, then I have no face."

Huo Ran laughed.

Halfway through the smile, he found Kou Chen glanced aside, and he followed, and the girls in the front row were laughing at them and couldn't stop.

Huo Ran quickly leaned back against the wall.

Kou Chen's hand followed immediately, and he patted him on the face. The girls suddenly lay on the table, squealing and screaming.

Huo Ran slapped away Kou Chen's hand.

He only discovered today that there are so many girls in their class, and they feel that they can meet the eyes of girls everywhere they look.

"Can you sit still?" Huo Ran asked.

"No," Kou Chen answered very bluntly. "You have the ability to hit me."

Huo Ran did not speak at the beginning.

"Okay, let's continue," said Lao Yuan. "Just a few of my classmates spoke very well, were very representative, and surprised me as a teacher. I like you who dare to think and think about it, let us continue. "

With Lao Yuan's encouragement, and the excitement of laughter and shouting in the first half, everyone was let go, and many people who didn't usually talk were open.

Huo Ran looked at the director sitting in the back of the classroom.

The director's face was okay. Although he did not smile as usual, he could not see that he was not angry.

He glanced down and looked at the speakers around him.

If you let him say, he really doesn't know what to say, even a few words as simple as Kou Chen can't say, let alone Xu Zhifan.

He usually doesn't think about these issues at all. He hasn't thought about who he likes when he grows up. Even when he sees a few couples in the class, he has no idea.

Looking at the classmates now, some talk about the people they like before, some say that they have people they like now, some parents support, and some parents object, he suddenly feels very interesting.

These usually don't look any different from myself. When I heard that those who like who and who are paired with one another will be coaxed, so many words are hidden in their hearts.

In this comparison, it seems that he has been alive for seventeen years, not even a favorite person.

The class meeting can't be finished at the first time.

In the end, the director came to the podium and finally let everyone stop intently. Many people seemed to have returned to their minds when they were here. The director's unsmiling and hideous clothes watched the whole conversation that they had freely talked about. process.

"Today's class meeting is very exciting," said the director. "I don't make specific evaluations on the content, but I think this form and direction is good. What everyone is saying today is what a class meeting should be like. In terms of form, it can function as a class meeting, which is very good. "

Everyone applaud.

Huo Ran applauded while waiting for the director's "but".

But it doesn't seem to be however.

"Your teacher Yuan asked me to listen to your voice," said the director. "I want to say that I heard it and heard it."

The applause rang again, a lot louder than the previous polite applause.

"Thank Teacher Yuan, and thank you for your trust." After the director said, nodded at everyone and walked out of the classroom.

"Well, I thank everyone for today's class meeting," Lao Yuan stood in the middle of the classroom. "Everyone calm down and put the tables and chairs. Anything else you want to say, you can write it in the weekly diary."

Everyone in the class stood up and continued to chat excitedly while dragging the tables and chairs back halfway.

"Get up." Huo Ran pushed Kou Chen, who was still resting on him.

"Ah ..." Kou Chen stretched his voice, and it took him a long time to sit up slowly, and then he slowly stood up and stretched himself.

"My stomach has made you numb." Huo Ran rubbed his stomach, pushed him away, and dragged the table back to its place.

"Can we save the Chitose pair in this class?" Wei Chaoren said.

"Even if I can't save that pair," Xu Chuan said, "should be able to give some protection to the future pair, at least don't say a word, see the parents of the two sides, and talk with the banquet. It ’s the same. "

Huo Ran thought about it, what would happen if he fell in love with his parents?

What might not happen?

Mom and Dad seem to be full after going through the ditch, and they can treat everything that happened to him calmly, and falling in love is probably not a thing, right?

Kou Chen may be different, he glanced at Kou Chen.

After all, his dad is a gourmet and his specialty is sausage.

After class, the stamina was still quite enough. At dinner, the people in their class were still lamenting that Yuan was cute than his dad.

"Auntie just told me," Kou Chen took the plate over and put it on the table. "From this evening, for four days, it's our canteen hygiene."

"These senior rounds are over?" Xu Zhifan asked.

"No, we will be them again in four days," Kou Chen said. "It is said to be enough for half a month, except on weekends."

"If you go this round, can you finish this year?" Wei Chaoren said.

"Lunhuan, we don't suffer anyway," Xu Zhifan shook his cell phone. "I asked for a few words. Their gang was punished for both crimes and penalties. We should have a white list in the past two days. Check it out. Look."

"The school games are coming soon," Jiang Lei asked, "what projects do you report?"

"I'll report a fun tug of war." Xu Zhifan said.

"To be shameless, all the fun tug of war participate in the class." Jiang Lei said.

"Then I report a cheerleader." Xu Zhifan thought about it.

"How about you, Huo Ran?" Jiang Lei gave up Xu Zhifan.

"Let me report for basketball." Huo Ran said.

"You must have you if you don't report," Jiang Lei said, "but the basketball game of our school sports game is boring. In the end of the knockout game, we accidentally play it and it ends."

The school organizes basketball games in grades each year, but compared to the annual inter-school basketball games, the scale is very small and the time is short. After all, it must match the time of the school games.

"Where is Kou Chen," Jiang Lei inquired one by one, "how can I get a better project?"

"I'm from the school basket," Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran turned to look at him. Those who had participated in the training only three times had no reservations when introducing themselves.

"If you don't train again this week, you can stop coming next month." Huo Ran said.

"Go tonight," Kou Chen replied with a smile, "I'm mainly afraid of conflicts with Zhou Haichao. I glared at me yesterday when I met him. I counted the crimes and fined them, and didn't converge at all."

Most of the team's training is arranged in the evening, only two days a week will use the afternoon time, try not to delay the day course.

Huo Ran will arrive early for each training session. When Kou Chen arrived today, he had already completed two laps around the playground.

"What am I doing?" Kou Chen asked.

"Run two laps to warm up." Huo Ran said.

"I'm alone?" Kou Chen pointed at himself.

"There are others on the playground. Generally, those who come will run two laps by themselves." Huo Ran said.

"Aren't you running with me?" Kou Chen asked.

"I'm done." Huo Ran sighed.

"My new player," Kou Chen said, "don't you worry about something wrong with me? Something like a fall?"

Huo Ran looked at him, and said after a while: "If you can drop two laps on the playground, you can just quit."

Kou Chen snorted, turned and ran to the playground.

"Ah." Huo Ran stooped and sighed.

"Tonight's technical training," Huo Ran began to arrange after everyone warmed up. "The senior one and the old team tried to play a half-time to see the effect of coordination."

Kou Chen pondered it for a moment, and suddenly felt a little confused.

He is not a freshman or a veteran.

What is he doing?

After Huo Ran arranged the other players, he tilted his head and said, "Kou Chen, come with me."

"Okay." Kou Chen followed happily.

Compared to training with other players together, he still prefers one-on-one with Huo Ran. After all, his interest in basketball is like this, and he can talk with Huo Ran.

"Still old rules?" Kou Chen asked, "are you defending me?"

"Today you set your shot." Huo Ran said.

"... What?" Kou Chen froze.

Huo Ran threw a ball over: "Ten a ball for ten points, start."

"Why?" Kou Chen picked up the ball, stood under the basket, glanced over the basket, and threw the ball out.

Come in.

Huo Ran brought the second ball over: "Where's so much nonsense."

"If you dare to play with me," Kou Chen caught the ball and threw it out again. "You will be dead."

The goal was scored.

"Continue." Huo Ran passed the third ball.

Kou Chen didn't say anything, and continued to throw after receiving the ball.

Ten out of ten shots.

This result surprised Huo Ran. Before that, he only saw that Kou Chen would play basketball and the basics were okay, but he didn't expect such a stable pitch.

"Change to the left." Huo Ran passed the ball again.

Kou Chen took the ball and looked at him.

"Change to the left!" Huo Ran repeated. "What do you want?"

"Fuck." Kou Chen changed the ball to his left hand, shot it out, and scored it. He raised an eyebrow at Huo Ran. "Want to play with me? Is it that easy?"

Huo Ran stunned for a few seconds: "My **** let you cast to the left of the basket!"

"... Oh." Kou Chen froze and picked up the ball and walked over.

As he was about to continue shooting, Huo Ran said, "Left hand."

"What do you mean!" Kou Chen was furious, looked at him with the ball under his arm, "Dare you play me?"

"Vote." Huo Ran smiled. "Can I still make it?"

Kou Chen raised his left hand unhappyly and threw the ball out.

Did not enter.

"Your uncle," Kou Chen suddenly couldn't hold his face, and waved at Huo Ran. "Pass."

Huo Ran passed the ball.

Kou Chen took the shot with his left hand again.

Come in.

He gave a triumphant glance and looked at Huo Ran: "Tell you, I was left-handed before the second grade."

"The second pulse of Ren Du was suddenly opened after the second day of the second year? Is it possible to use both sides?" Huo Ran asked.

"I don't want to conceal this secret that we can use with both hands after the second grade," Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran looked at him and seemed to be thinking.

"But I ca n’t take the ball with my left hand, I can only shoot," Kou Chen added. "The left hand with the ball is about the same level as elementary school students."

"I see it," Huo Ran said.

"How can you tell?" Kou Chen asked.

"Before our offense and defense, you have to be able to use your left hand to bring the ball with your left hand," Huo Ran said. "Do you still need to ask?"

Pretending to force a great cause for ten thousand years is too long, only fighting for the day and night.

Kou Chen laughed, picked up the ball in the past, and cast another: "Know me so well."

"Continue your right hand," Huo Ran said.

"Um." Kou Chen nodded. "Who is participating in the class basketball game?"

"Two of us," Huo Ran said, "add the rest of the boys together."

"Isn't there a third person who can be named?" Kou Chen was a little surprised. "The liberal arts class is as weak as the legend?"

"Wei Chaoren," Huo Ran said.

"What about Xu Zhifan?" Kou Chen asked, "can't he be a tall man?"

"Xu Zhifan's only hobby is morning running and night running. In addition, you don't want him to participate in any sports." Huo Ran said.

"Just as we add a Superman, he plays ... it's okay," Kou Chen thought for a while, "then we're losing?"

"Fart," Huo Ran said, "I have it."

"Are you alone?" Kou Chen said, "I didn't think you were too good to play with your class last time. I almost lost."

"I only have to hit your class," Huo Ran stretched out his little finger, pinching his fingertips, "so little effort."

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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