Qing Kuang
Chapter 32 Table of contents

When Huo Ran ran out of the classroom, he found that Kou Chen had already completed a flight of stairs. When he was thinking whether to slide down the handrail of the stairs, Kou Chen jumped up.

嗖 ——

Jumped over a flight of stairs and landed in front of the stairs on the first floor.

Even the auxiliary action of supporting the ground with his hands was unnecessary. When he landed, he kicked his legs and the person rushed out of the teaching building.

Of course, the main reason for going downstairs in this way must be the anxiety of Lao Yuan.

But Huo Ran believed that it was also related to the fact that many people on the first floor had written three articles and four, and landed in front of a group of girls in this pulling style ...

It's more chic than walking down the staircase handrail like him.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖.

Huo Ran glanced back. Everyone had a strong ability to imitate. After he slipped off the armrest, Xu Zhifan who followed them all played in the same way.

Followed by other boys in the class.

They slipped off the armrests one by one.

In this way, the scene became instantaneous.

Even after they ran out of the school building, applause and applause came from behind.

Huo Ran sincerely feels that their seven-member group is almost ready to debut.

Lao Yuan's office is on the second floor, and when you run to the first floor, you can hear the shouts clearly.

A woman was shouting, "Don't be so impulsive! Stop it! Don't fight! Don't fight!"

A man growled and couldn't hear what it was.

And Director Hong Liang's voice: "Alarm! Call the security guard! Don't stop at your own risk!"

When Huo Ran ran up to the second floor, he saw that Kou Chen had rushed to a place only two or three meters away from the office. There were a few students standing in the corridor, and they were holding mobile phones and taking pictures in the office.

There are two faces with excited smiles.

Huo Ran was disgusted with such people for no reason. When he was trying to scold others, Kou Chen who had run past them had already raised his hand.


Three phones fell to the ground.

"What!" One of them shouted angrily.

"Shut up and Lao Tzu!" Huo Ran pointed at him as he ran past him.

Behind him, a group of people passed by menacingly. Those few voices suddenly disappeared, and the mobile phone did not dare to pick it up immediately.

The office was in a mess, and Kou Chen glanced into it when he rushed in. He couldn't see where Lao Yuan was. He only knew that people were piled up at his desk, and even two female teachers were thrown into the pile.

At first glance at this stand, he knew that there must be more than one person hitting Lao Yuan.

"Old Yuan!" Kou Chen shouted.

"Kou Chen! Don't be impulsive!" Lao Yuan still remembers hearing his voice at this time, can judge that he is not alone, and can remind them not to be impulsive.

Kou Chen rushed forward without hesitation, spotted a man who was being pulled by female teacher a, grabbed his back collar, and tugged fiercely.

Just say this to Lao Yuan, how can you live without him?

A man still waving his fist was dragged out of the crowd.

"Shit him!" A woman's voice muffled.

Kou Chen froze. There is only two female teachers in this office, except for a female parent who has hid at the door. This voice is very close to him. It should be the female teacher a who was just pulling. This is the politics of their work. Little sun teacher in class.

"Go away!" Teacher Xiaosun pushed hard against the man being pulled out.

Teacher Xiaosun was obviously too weak. This one had no effect. Instead, he pushed the man's face out of anger, and raised his hand and waved at her face.

"I'll go to your mother!" Kou Chen punched him in the face.

The man shook his head and took several steps horizontally with his body, and tripped on the ground by his twisted leg.

"What's going on! Lao Yuan!" Huo Ran rushed into the office and yelled.

"Pull them off!" As soon as Teacher Xiao looked at so many helpers, he immediately shouted, shouting and pointing at the crowd, "Ms. Yuan is below! Open them! Quick!"

Huo Ran almost took off with a run-up, and slapped a strange head on Lao Yuan who he could not see at all.

He usually gives people a block shot like this.

Playing basketball is still useful.

Then this head was pulled out of Kou Chen's half body.

The group of seven followed closely, followed by almost all of the boys.

The scene suddenly became extremely enthusiastic, yelling, various squeaking noises when the chair and table were squeezed apart, and books and cups falling to the ground.

The people pressed on Lao Yuan were dragged out by them constantly.

Director, Chitose, a teacher, two teachers ... Jiang Lei and Wei Chaoren standing in the back row raise their fists each time they drag out a person.


"Miss Li."

"Mr. Zhang is all right!"

In the end, Jiang Lei was anxious and yelled, "Where's Lao Yuan! Plan out Lao Yuan! It's going to be crushed! Lao Yuan--"

When Lao Yuan finally appeared in front of everyone, the office was in a mess, and three male parents were pulled out, tearing apart from the security guard who had already arrived.

"Lao Yuan!" They couldn't care less, and they all rushed at the sight of Lao Yuan.

"Wait! Wait!" Xu Zhifan opened his arms and stopped them, "Wait a minute!"

He turned his head to the table and looked at Lao Yuan, who was also on the table: "Lao Yuan, don't move first. Is there any pain? Can you move?"

Huo Ran went over and glanced over, Lao Yuan's eyes were cracked, a blood channel hung on his face, and the corners of his mouth were swollen with blood.

"Fuck me!" Huo Ran was so angry that he jumped up and kicked the man closest to him who was still tangling with the security guard and their two boys, "You **** die!"

The man was kicked to his knees, and the security guard came up while he wasn't up and controlled.

Huo Ran just realized why Dad Kou said that Kou Chen had eight hands in his hands. Faced with such middle-aged men who practiced in the family, they are still the boys in the last days of the motherland. The gap between strength and physical strength is still quite high. big.

These theoretically should be the parents of the students, but how do they look like men who beat them? It took them a long time to give them a uniform when they helped out.

Lao Yuan propped himself up slowly while holding the table.

"How is Mr. Yuan?" The director touched and patted Lao Yuan on the same body as Soso.

"It's all right," Lao Yuan wiped his lips, looked at the director, and looked at several other teachers. "Are you all right?"

At this moment everyone is free to observe each other.

Several teachers were a little bit embarrassed. The male teacher's clothes were all messed up, Chitose's glasses had only one lens left, and it was very magical hanging on his face. The pony tail that teacher Xiao Sun had pinched in his head was standing on his head. I don't know how to get up. Another female teacher has long hair in the middle. Now I can't find the middle seam.

"Wen 1's, send the teacher to the school hospital to check," said the director, "I'll wait for the police here."

"You still have a face called the police!" Said the female parents who had been hiding by the door. "You are the key middle school! The teacher encouraged the students to fall in love! What happened now that the police arrested us?"

"I said," said the director. "If you want to make things clear, just sit down and talk. If you don't want to say it here, go to the police station. We are very close to the police station. We only need to walk for two minutes."

"He can't go!" A male parent pointed at Lao Yuan.

"What else do you want to do!" A group of boys yelled, pointing at him all at once.

Kou Chen and Huo Ran immediately stepped forward and blocked Lao Yuan.

"It's okay," Lao Yuan poked his head between the shoulders of them, and looked at the parent. "Encourage the word. You have time to look up the dictionary. You can also look it up on your mobile phone. What do you mean?"

That parent was stunned.

"I can completely ignore this matter. It is not my student. I have not had any contact with me," Lao Yuan continued. "The dual absence of parental communication and companionship. An attitude such as this will only cause children to leave you." As she goes further and further, she is willing to tell you emotional things, saying that she still retains the hope of communicating with you and getting understanding, but you have responded to her in this way. "

"Don't talk to me about these useless!" The male parent snarled. "My daughter has been very good since childhood, very obedient! Now I will teach you to fall in love!"

"Fart your mother's fart," Kou Chen stared at him. "You still have to be taught when you fall in love? Did you learn in class when you fell in love with your wife? Or did you go to school?"

"This is your student? This is the student you taught?" The male parent stared at the director.

"Dare to think, be courageous in expression, and not obedient," said Lao Yuan. "This is the quality we want students to have ... well, I'll go to the infirmary first."

Lao Yuan patted Huo Ran and Kou Chen's shoulders and helped them walk out of the office. He still didn't forget to explain: "Other students go back to the classroom."

When Lao Yuan and a few teachers arrived at the school's medical office, Tao Rui was standing at the door and looking over.

When I saw them, I ran straight up and said, "How about?"

"Don't you ask for leave?" Huo Ran couldn't help asking, "How do you know we're coming?"

"It's quite big," Tao Rui began to check the injuries of several teachers as he followed. "Just got in the two policemen, and I guess some teachers were injured."

"It's not a big injury, it's okay." Lao Yuan said.

"Fortunately, Dr. Zhang is also here today," Tao Rui said. "Check first, if there is anything wrong, you must go to the hospital right away."

Several teachers entered the school medical room. Huo Ran and Kou Chen leaned against the door and stared inside.

"It should be all right," Huo Ran said, "the skin is hurt."

"Other teachers should be," Kou Chen said, "I think Yuan Yuan may be more serious."

"Fuck," Huo Ran frowned. "Whose parent is that? Isn't that the confronting parent in their class in Chitose?"

Huo Ran's fire had not yet been suppressed, and the voice was not too loud at this moment. Chitose sitting in the room pushed and pushed his glasses and glanced at him: "No."

"Mr. Li," Huo Ran was startled, and hurriedly bowed at him. "I'm sorry."

Chitose waved.

"It doesn't matter who it is," Lao Yuan said. "No matter who it is, they don't want their parents to make trouble at school like this."

"Um." Huo Ran and Kou Chen responded.

"Mr. Sun is fighting too?" Tao Rui disinfected Xiaosun, "the mouth is quite deep."

"I don't know when it hurts," said Xiao Sun, "I haven't felt any pain yet."

"Jumping and shouting," Kou Chen said.

"It's so powerful," Tao Rui laughed. "I can't see it."

"You have to be here, you have to do it too, it's too irritating," said Xiao Sun. "I have been a teacher for five years, and I have never seen such unreasonable parents!"

"See my dad another day." Kou Chen said.

"Don't talk nonsense," Lao Yuan said, "your father is very nice."

Several teachers had skin trauma after the examination. There were no problems. They took some medicine and left.

Lao Yuan's condition seemed a bit serious. Doctor Zhang pressed on his ribs: "Does it hurt here?"

"Yes," Lao Yuan nodded, "and it hurts a lot, it hurts if you don't press it."

"Are you lying on the table?" Tao Rui frowned. "It should be broken."

"Go to the hospital right away," Dr. Zhang said, pointing to Huo Ran and Kou Chen again. "You two, please call a car and accompany Teacher Yuan to the hospital for an examination."

"OK." Huo Ran immediately took out his phone.

"Do n’t bring a cell phone during class," Lao Yuan looked at him. "You ca n’t change it without confiscating your cell phones."

"You really educate when you see it." Huo Ran sighed, and drew quickly on the phone.

"Are you rich?" Tao Rui took his bag. "Ms. Yuan estimates that the wallet is not on me. I'll get you some ..."

"Yes, yes, sister," Kou Chen said quickly, "I have."

"Okay," Tao Rui nodded. "Hurry up."

The director and the principal ran out of the school gate when Fu Yuan was put on the bus.

"I heard the school doctor say a fracture?" The principal said, and threw a handful of cash into Old Yuan's pocket. "Everything should be done for the examination. If you are admitted to the hospital, I will deal with Lao Peng immediately Go to the hospital. "

"We are rich," Kou Chen said.

"The school can also give you a student to advance money?" Said the principal. "You and Mr. Yuan are with you. Call me or Director Peng if you have any questions."

"I see." Huo Ran nodded.

Both of them sat in the back seat, sandwiching Lao Yuan.

"Go to the other one," Lao Yuan said. "What's going on around me?"

"Have a little help," said Kou Chen, "what if you drive too fast and you don't sit still?"

"I'll drive slowly," the driver's brother said quickly, "rest assured."

When they arrived at the hospital, they had an emergency call for Lao Yuan. The doctor touched it and basically determined that Lao Yuan had a fractured rib. Immediately arranged a film.

Huo Ran and Kou Chen paid the money, and the nurse took a wheelchair and pushed them both.

When Lao Yuan was waiting in line to film, Huo Ran felt that he was slowly calming down.

I had been buzzing in my head before, and I didn't know if it had been hit by someone's head.

"The police took those people away," Kou Chen looked at the cell phone, and several people in the group were reporting to them the progress of the school. "Director, they followed."

"The school you used to be," Huo Ran tilted his head and looked at him, "is there such a thing?"

"Is the parent hitting the teacher?" Kou Chen said, "No, the parents ca n’t get on. The students want to hit."

"Fuck." Huo Ran remembered the rumor that Kou Chen had switched to school because he had hit the teacher.

"Fuck," Kou Chen followed, and then turned his head, shaking his phone and shaking him, "Do you know whose parents?"

"Who?" Huo Ran asked as he pulled out his cell phone.

Kou Chen pointed the phone screen at him, and he saw a line of Xu Chuanfa above.

-I heard that it was Li Jiaying, her parents, her uncle and her.

"... Who does she fall in love with?" Huo Ran was a little surprised. The followers next to Li Jiaying looked like followers, and couldn't see who was in a relationship with her.

"I don't know," Kou Chen said, "I didn't expect ... but does Li Jiaying have a dime relationship with Lao Yuan?"

"In our class meeting, the school spreads crazy, one by one can't be envious." Huo Ran said.

"This account will not count on Lao Yuan's head." Kou Chen sighed.

Huo Ran sighed and did not speak.

After Lao Yuan was pushed into the examination room, Huo Ran continued to lean against the wall.

Kou Chen chatted with a bunch of people in the group.

After a while, he suddenly got into Huo Ran's ear and said, "Jiang Lei said that Superman scuffled him."

Huo Ran laughed: "Is that so? At that time, I wondered if I would hit the director."

"No," Kou Chen was still by his ears. "I didn't want to say it, but you hit my knee with my knee."

"... What?" Huo Ran turned to stare at him.

"You hit the face of death with your knees," Kou Chen turned his back to him, lifted his clothes with a slap, and pointed his finger at the waist of death, pointing quite right, facing his face "Here, is it a piece of blue?"

"Sorry," Huo Ran looked at his lower back. "The Death Cap is too big. I can't see if his face is blue."

It is indeed a piece of blue, the area is quite large, and the circle around the head of death is green.

But he didn't know if it hit his knee, and Kou Chen always talked endlessly.

"Knead death," Kou Chen said.

"You can't rub it at this time," Huo Ran said. "It will aggravate subcutaneous bleeding."

"... Why are you so annoying," Kou Chen turned his head, "Consolation, I haven't been hurt for so long."

"Isn't it also when he was killed last time that he killed God's face?" Huo Ran said.

"Just say you can shut up?" Kou Chen asked.

Huo Ran didn't speak, and reached out and patted Kou Chen's waist gently: "You have suffered."

The author has something to say: ╰ Continue tomorrow __╯. 2k novel reading network

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