Qing Kuang
Chapter 33 Table of contents

Lao Yuan's fracture was not too serious, and no surgery was needed. The doctor fixed him, and then rested.

When the director and several teachers rushed to the hospital, Huo Ran and Kou Chen were helping Lao Yuan out of the clinic.

"Good deal?" The director asked. "So fast?"

"Do you want me to have an operation for a few more days in the hospital?" Lao Yuan smiled.

The director was not assured, and ran into the house again and asked the doctor to ask about the situation, and then came out: "I drove over, I will take you home first."

"It's okay, let's go back to school first," said Lao Yuan. "If such a thing happens, the students in the class must not be reliable."

"It's time for dinner," said the director. "What makes them uneasy all night? The two boys won't remain silent when they go back, they must say."

"We have been feedback in the group for a long time," Kou Chen said, "the people in the class know that you are not too serious, rest assured, let me say something tomorrow."

"The sports meeting is coming soon ..." Lao Yuan said.

"I and Huo Ran reported that the project promised to give you the first place," Kou Chen said, "don't worry about this."

"You two said." Lao Yuan pointed at them.

"We both said." Kou Chen nodded.

Huo Ran looked at him.

The old Yuan family was not in the same direction as the school. The director took a little money and gave them both a taxi to go to school by themselves.

Kou Chen did not refuse this time. He took the money and watched the director's car leave.

Standing on the side of the road and watching the car disappear on the other side of the road, Huo Ran turned back to the sky: "I didn't say!"

"Huh?" Kou Chen turned to look at him. "Nothing to say?"

"When did I promise to take the first place?" Huo Ran said.

"Did you not say?" Kou Chen asked with a serious face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was almost unpressed.

"Do you know what the two of us reported? You will come to guarantee the first?" Huo Ran stared at him, "100! 400! 1000! Triple jump! High jump! Relay! Do you not know our school still Sports students? "

"Isn't Zhou Haichao a sportsman?" Kou Chen put his arm on his shoulder and looked over at him. "Do you think I can't do him?"

"Look how to do it," Huo Ran said, "I know you're good at fighting. I don't know if you can do anything else."

"No," Kou Chen stared at him, "Huo Ranran, usually I really think you are a serious person ... why are you so ..."

Huo Ran glanced at him and couldn't help laughing: "Who told you I was serious."

"I feel." Kou Chen said.

"It's too thick to wear, it doesn't feel right," Huo Ran said.

"It's possible." Kou Chen reached into his clothes and felt, "That's it ..."

"Get off," said Huo Ran. "A taxi? Back to school."

"Find a place to eat," Kou Chen said, "I'm a bit excited today and don't want to go back to school."

"Do not return at night?" Huo Ran asked in surprise.

"After you finish eating, do you want to go back to school?" Kou Chen stretched his body and stretched his waist. "If you want to go back, go back first."

"Eat first," Huo Ran took out his cell phone and looked at it. "Would you like them to come out to eat?"

"Stop it," Kou Chen drew a few strokes on his head. "I want to be alone with you. They must be troubled again, and my head hurts."

Huo Ran didn't expect Kou Chen to find a place to eat and find out so far.

The school is in the east, and Kou Chen drove a taxi straight to Xicheng, crossing half the city.

Huo Ran was sitting in the car feeling a long road ahead. The driver was still listening to Buddhist music and humming Armani, his eyelids were always fighting.

Kou Chen is different.

Kou Chen fell asleep directly.

And the sleeping position is very unattractive and unreasonable, the kind that makes him a pillow is unreasonable.

He slammed his arms on his shoulders, rested his head on his shoulders, and ripped the hat of his coat to sleep.

Considering the many fighting friendships, Huo Ran didn't push him away and leaned on the car door.

In fact, he really wanted to sleep, but in this posture of Kou Chen, if he fell asleep, he would have to roll up.

"Ah." Huo Ran sighed and turned to look at Kou Chen.

This angle is just looking at Kou Chen's forehead. He usually didn't pay much attention. It was only after a while that Kou Chen's eyelashes were surprisingly long.

"I fuck," he couldn't help but whisper, "Did you wear false eyelashes today?"

Kou Chen whistled to sleep.

Huo Ran looked for a while, and then glanced at the driver again. After confirming that he could not be seen in the rearview mirror, he sighed at Kou Chen's eyelashes.

Kou Chen did not respond.

He took another breath, this time it was more vigorous, he almost didn't control and spit on Kou Chen's face.

Kou Chen still did not respond.

On how much a person can be bored.

Huo Ran stretched out his hand, very carefully, pinching the eyelashes of Kou Chen's left eye, and then gently pulled out.

Kou Chen's eyelids were ripped up and bounced back.

Huo Ran couldn't help laughing, but didn't dare to speak, but leaned up against the back of the chair and trembled silently.

"The hands really owe it," Kou Chen said suddenly.

"Ah!" Huo Ran was startled and looked at him quickly. "Kou Chen?"

"If I **** fall asleep, I don't know what you can do." Kou Chen didn't move, or held his posture before, his voice was sober.

"Did you sleep or did you not sleep?" Huo Ran asked.

"I didn't sleep," Kou Chen said, "I woke up when you spit on my face."

"... I didn't vomit!" Huo Ran retorted in shock, "I sighed!"

The driver driving in front accidentally laughed.

Huo Ran glanced over there, staring at Kou Chen awkwardly, lowering his voice: "You are looking for death."

"Long?" Kou Chen asked.

"Why ..." Huo Ran froze. "Long."

"Did you find out today?" Kou Chen yawned, turned over, didn't hold him anymore, turned and leaned on him, probably reacted when he habitually lifted his legs to kick the door His car put his feet down again.

"Yes, I usually don't pay attention," Huo Ran said. "Are you wearing false eyelashes?"

"I'm going to wear fake eyelashes, you dare to pull it like that, do you understand?" Kou Chen said, "that thing, just drop it."

"... Did you pull Kou Xiao's false eyelashes?" Huo Ran responded immediately.

Kou Chen didn't say anything, leaned on him for a long time and nodded his head: "I rely on it, almost did not kill me."

Kou Chen brought him to this shop, next to the most beautiful bar street on the back of Xicheng's busiest business district.

It's a small hot pot restaurant.

One small stone pot per person.

When Kou Chen got in the hospital, he called and booked a double deck. Otherwise, he wo n’t even be able to join the table when he comes here.

The waiter took them to the lobby through the corridor to the innermost corridor, and their deck was at the end of the corridor.

The floor-to-ceiling windows next to it can see the outside. Although it is only the second floor, the outside is the backyard of the hotel.

"Honestly," Huo Ran sat down, looked around, propped the table to the opposite Kou Chen, and whispered, "Did you bring someone here when you were chasing any girl?"

"Why is that?" Kou Chen also supported the table, and asked him before him.

"Just feel right here," Huo Ran said.

"Then you can bring the girls here later." Kou Chen hooked his lips.

"No one can bring it," Huo Ran leaned back into his chair. "That day's class meeting, seeing them talk so lively, I'm quite lost, there is nothing to say."

Kou Chen laughed and said after a while: "I used to come here to eat alone."

"Alone?" Huo Ran looked at him. "You don't look like someone who will come out to eat alone."

"Did I say that? I didn't have any friends before, just a bunch of foolish fox friends and dog friends," said Kou Chen. "Since coming to your school, Brother Sichuan and Super Talent are my friends, then you.

"Oh." Huo Ran nodded. "How does it feel to eat alone?"

"It's not rice ..." Kou Chen said.

"It's lonely. Needless to say." Huo Ran interrupted him.

Kou Chen smiled for a long time: "Fart, it's depressing. I go out to eat alone when I'm depressed."

The waiter came to order the two of them, Kou Chen ordered a spicy pot and a big bone soup pot, Huo Ran asked for a tomato pot, and for a long time added a wild mushroom pot.

After the waiter left, he asked again: "What are you depressed? I feel that you are as unconscious as a fool every day, but still depressed?"

"I had a tense relationship with my dad before," Kou Chen poured him some corn juice, "they came out after a fight."

"Your dad ... Zhifan said that others are good, and Lao Yuan also said that he is good." Huo Ran said.

"I didn't say he was bad, he actually cares more about me than my sister, my sister, he is used to giving whatever he wants, whatever he wants," Kou Chen took a sip of water, "As for me, there are too many demands. What's the matter, you are a man."

"Is this idea a little bit wrong?" Huo Ran said.

"Well, my mother also said that, but you can change the concept of this thing, can it be changed, which is so easy," said Kou Chen, "this is how he does it, pet my mother, my mother just needs to enjoy the blessing, Being an old princess ... don't tell my mother that I'm old. "

"Um." Huo Ran smiled and nodded.

"My mother is an old princess, and my dad is her knight," Kou Chen sighed. "Then I just don't want to stand up to the ground, I don't want to do everything hard, I don't want to do everything best, I don't want to be Knight, can't I be a princess? "

"Princess Chen." Huo Ran narrowed his eyes.

"I warn you," Kou Chen reached over and tapped his finger on his chin. "This is the second time I hear it, and you're done."

Huo Ran smiled and said nothing.

"I didn't mean that ..." Kou Chen said.

"I know," Huo Ran nodded. "Men must be man-like, women must be woman-like, but what is man-like, what is woman-like, who rules, and by what rules, right."

"Well," Kou Chen frowned and sighed. "My dad is pretty tough anyway, my mouth is dumb and I can't make sense to him ... and sometimes I think I'm almost the same as him."

"I had to go out and eat a small hot pot," Huo Ran said.

"Yes." Kou Chen nodded.

"Little poor child eats a small hot pot." Huo Ran said.

"Go away." Kou Chen glared at him.

The taste of the small hot pot is still very charming, especially the old stone pots have a special fragrance.

After the hot pot came up, Kou Chen ordered two more bottles of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Did you still have Erguotou for the barbecue," Huo Ran said, "will Jiang Xiaobai change this time?"

"Know you can drink," Kou Chen poured him a drink. "Isn't I as good a drinker as you are, in case I drink a lot here, how can you get me back to school?"

"Why get you back to school," Huo Ran said. "Of course I left you here. I'll go to the toilet and leave."

"Do you know what is written on this bottle?" Kou Chen pointed to the bottle.

"I don't know," Huo Ran said.

"I read it for you," Kou Chen looked at the words on the bottle. "May ten years later, I will still pour you wine. We are still old friends. Seeing that, do you treat me like this?"

"It's interesting," Huo Ran picked up another bottle. "Look at this ... how much it has come to Japan, and it will be endless ..."

"Fuck me." Kou Chen snatched the wine bottle and glanced at it, pressing the service pager on the table.

After the waiter came over, he handed the wine bottle to the waiter's eyes: "Give me a bottle. I don't want to wait for a while and find me a bottle every day."

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter turned around and trot away with the wine.

Within two minutes, the waiter took another bottle over again: "Do you see this?"

"Remove the layers of mask," Kou Chen said, holding the wine bottle seriously, "I'm myself in front of you ... this is fine."

After the waiter walked away, he lowered his voice and said, "I'm myself in front of you."

"I see it," Huo Ran answered sincerely.

"What kind of me do you like? In front of you or in front of others?" Kou Chen asked again.

Huo Ran looked at him and found that the expression on his face was serious, so he quickly and carefully thought about it. After a few seconds, he answered, "I like them all."

"Oh," Kou Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you'd say it was nasty."

Huo Ran was somewhat surprised by this sentence. After watching Kou Chen for a long time, he hesitated to say, "How do you feel a little inferior?"

"Probably a little inferiority," Kou Chen poured the wine, took the cup and reached him, "Come."

"What's coming?" Huo Ran was habitually surprised, and every time Kou Chen's "come" followed, he was followed by 啵 儿 啵 儿.

"Touch one!" Kou Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to kiss?"

"Friendship lasts forever." Huo Ran quickly picked up the cup and slammed Kou Chen's cup.

"Perfunctory!" Kou Chen still gritted his teeth.

"... I'll pour you wine in ten years." Huo Ran stunned again.

"What else! Give me wine, and you haven't poured me now," Kou Chen continued gritting his teeth. "Now it's my **** wine for you."

"... you still pour me wine in ten years." Huo Ran continued to sip the glass.

"Can't you pour me!" Kou Chen said, forgetting to grit his teeth.

Huo Ran stared at a full glass of wine in his hand, too lazy to fight with him, took a big sip on the side of his glass, took the bottle, and filled him with wine again: "This way All right, Princess Chen. "

"You are dead," Kou Chen said.

"Don't you dare to drink," Huo Ran narrowed his eyes, "so much nonsense."

"Your uncle." Kou Chen took a poke on his glass, raised his head, drank a glass of wine, wiped his mouth, and pointed at his glass.

Huo Ran also looked up and drank all the wine.

After putting down the cup, Kou Chen poured the wine again, and said with some emotion: "This is my little secret before. No one has ever known that I am alone here to eat lonely."

"I can also pretend I don't know," Huo Ran said.

"That won't work," said Kou Chen. "Come with me later."

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"I especially like to be alone with you," Kou Chen said, "save."

"Why so pitiful," Huo Ran said, "sincere ..."

"You think about the consequences," Kou Chen looked at him, "you are not afraid of death!"

"Sincere," Huo Ran said.

"Ah." Kou Chen smiled.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow. I can't find the right emoticon and the author is very uncomfortable with .com.jpg. 2k novel reading network

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