Qing Kuang
Chapter 40 Table of contents


The haze was very serious. When the two of them walked out of the gym, the visibility outside began to decrease.

The school was closed for two days, and all the students who lived on campus returned to their homes to find their mothers.

Kou Xiao called and said that he would go to school immediately and let Kou Chen wait at the door.

"Do you want to slap your classmates? Lao Yang didn't come today. I drove the car," Kou Xiao said. "There can still be two classmates in the car."

"Nobody, Superman and Brother Chuan are going to go electric. Jiang Lei and Hu Yi have already taken the subway, and they live close together." Kou Chen said.

"Of course? Does he pick him up at home?" Kou Xiao asked again.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since I returned to the dormitory ... I don't think I'll pick him up. He's assured at home if he goes to the mountain for a few days. There should be no one to pick him up at this moment." While packing up his clothes while calling, he yelled at him, "Horan!"

Huo Ran turned to look at him.

"My sister will be here in a while and I will take you back." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran hesitated for a second, nodded, and continued to call again.

Kou Chen stuffed his unwashed dirty clothes into a bag, walked out of the dormitory on his back, and stood at the door of Huoran's dormitory for ten seconds.

One, two, three, four, five ... nine, ten.

For ten seconds! Huo Ran's phone call was finally over and he came out with a bag.

Kou Chen habitually wanted to ask whose phone number, but in the end he still didn't ask. In case it was Xu Zhifan's phone number, he didn't ask for it **.


Why is it so awkward?

"Is your sister here?" Huo Ran asked.

"It is estimated that we are almost at the gate of the school, and she is on the way." Kou Chen said.

"My dad just called me. He went to my grandma's house with my mother," Huo Ran said. "My grandma is sick."

"Serious?" Kou Chen quickly asked.

"Not serious," Huo Ran said. "She is in good health, that is, she will say that she is sick every month. It is estimated that she is alone and wants someone to accompany her. Last month, she said she was paralyzed. She was playing Tai Chi, and said last month that she couldn't see anything clearly. My dad and my uncle were arguing with other old women when they passed by. This month, she said she fell down again, and her cause became more and more casual. Now. "

Kou Chen laughed, and couldn't stop smiling.

"Almost," Huo Ran glanced at him. "Is it so funny?"

"It's not just your grandma," Kou Chen took a breath, stopped his smile, and pinched Huo Ran's shoulder. "I just want to laugh suddenly."

Huo Ran naturally talked to him about the contents of the phone, which suddenly made him feel a bit arrogant. Even if he really called Xu Zhifan, as a friend, he asked who it was, and what was the big deal.

Sometimes people just think too much about themselves.

"I have two days off in my spare time, so silly," Huo Ran said.

"Um." Kou Chen nodded.

"There is no shortage of homework," Huo Ran said.

"I'm afraid of homework. I'll copy yours." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran sighed: "Don't copy me, I don't necessarily finish it at any time. If you don't copy Xu Zhifan, his grades are good."

"I thought you were going to educate me to let me do my homework instead of copying it?" Kou Chen said.

"I'm still waiting for others to educate me in this regard." Huo Ran laughed.

Kou Xiao's own car was much hotter than Lao Yang's. A red Infiniti was very pleasant when he got on the car. There were two seats in the back row with a small coffee table in the middle. He arched.

"Thank you," Huo Ran said.

"You're welcome," Kou Xiao pointed to a paper bag on the co-driver, "Did you eat snacks? I just bought a bunch."

"Eat." Kou Chen took the paper bag to the back seat as soon as he came up, looked inside, took out a small chocolate cake and handed it to Huo Ran, "You eat this, chocolate."

"Um." Huo Ran took the little cake.

"Let me get one in the industrial park for a while," Kou Chen gave himself a wife's cake. "Isn't there anyone on that broken road?"

"Get off," Kou Chen drove out. "Take Dad's car, or Lao Yang's, don't touch my car."

"You're dead, you are the master of the Grandpa's barrel." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran stunned and almost smiled, Kou Chen patted him back.

"You didn't even want to drive my car. You nearly ran down the garage when you helped Dad back," Kou Xiao said with a scornful expression. "Where's your face driving?"

"Give you a year to hurt me, and you will shut up after I finish the car next year," Kou Chen whispered. "If someone has taken the second test five times, you still have one year to go."

"Go!" Kou Xiao shouted, turning on the music.

"I'll tell you," Kou Chen crooked to Huo Ran, and whispered, "the performance has begun."

Huo Ran looked at Kou Xiao and whispered, "What performance?"

The small coffee table in the middle clearly prevented Kou Chen from leaning on him. After trying twice without leaning on him, Kou Chen quickly pulled a small pillow from the back of the seat, put it on the coffee table, and then lay down and leaned on him. Huo Ran's arm.

Huo Ran sighed.

"You look." Kou Chen leaned against the coffee table in a very uncomfortable posture, but his expression was very pleasant.

Kou Xiao drove forward for a while and hit the crosswalk. She stopped and waited for the pedestrian to cross the street.

"Sister!" She cried suddenly after waiting for a few seconds, "Polite to pedestrians! Can pedestrians also be a little polite! Or you just stand here and dance!"

Huo Ran looked at the front. An elder sister on the phone was walking with a small trumpet, walking past the car at the speed of walking.

"Nervous!" Kou Xiao cursed, and she was about to start after she had passed easily. The car behind her honked, presumably she thought she would not leave after the car was over. Kou Xiao scolded while driving the car forward. , "Just you have a horn! You press one more and I will show you a flameout on the spot!"

"You have a big temper," Kou Chen said with a smile. "Course all the way, but don't worry, she scolds in her mouth, and her hands and feet are still stable."

Kou Chen was right, Kou Xiao was scolding all the way.

"The green light has been on for an hour. Are you awake or not? Big brother in front!"

"Grab! Grab your pumpkin! Grab these two meters and get closer to you, right?"

"Do you know how to change lanes and lights! Your driver's license is copied! You're not afraid to hit me and I don't want to touch you!"


"Sister, take a sip?" Kou Chen took a box of yogurt, inserted the tube, and handed it to Kou Xiao's mouth.

"I'm so mad that I'm annoying on the road. All my mother is mentally handicapped. Go to the driving school to learn to eat shit," Kou Xiao took a sip of yogurt. "What kind of car do you drive here, stick a road killer in the **** I thought I was humorous at the back, and people who would open it posted it as humor. If you posted it like that, you would be shameless. You should post a fool, and you can still count on your job!

"Don't scold," Kou Chen said with a smile, "Huo Ran is still there, destroying the image."

"Of course, you close your ears," Kou Xiao said, "I'm scolding for fun, don't be afraid."

"Huh." Huo Ran responded with a smile, "but people can't hear you scold."

"Is that audible," Kou Xiao said, "I'm mainly out of anger, cursing so that people can hear what to do, what to do when fighting, who can I beat?"

Huo Ran laughed out loud and couldn't stop for a long time.

He found that Kou Chen and his sister were quite entertaining.

The car stopped downstairs in Huo Ran's house. Huo Ran was ready to get off. Kou Chen lay on the small coffee table and looked at him: "Go to my house tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"Xu Chuan Superman they all went, and called Xu Zhifan together, they can play cards and games or whatever." Kou Chen said.

"I will play in the morning," Huo Ran said, "afternoon?"

"Where to play? School?" Kou Chen immediately asked.

"No," Huo Ran said, "go to the public stadium ..."

"The haze is okay," Kou Chen was surprised. "Are you so addicted to playing?"

"Haze is used to it, and it's an indoor court. I made an appointment with someone yesterday, and didn't say cancel." Huo Ran looked at Kou Chen and asked for a while, "Do you want to go?"

"He wants to go anywhere to play." Kou Xiao said.

"Let's take someone?" Kou Chen asked.

"Take whatever you want, all friends," Huo Ran said. "If you want to come to me tomorrow?"

"OK." Kou Chen nodded.

After Kou Xiao's car drove away, Huo Ran entered the building and took the mobile phone out when he waited for the elevator.

Mom and Dad have to go for two or three days. He has to eat takeaway for two or three days. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that Kou Chen would live quite well, and knew that he would eat a small hot pot.

He would only order a takeaway, and always only the casserole rice at the back door of the neighbourhood.

Ah, I really want to eat Sichuan pot.

When he returned home, he found that the large vase at home was broken, with a note on it, written by his mother.

-Baby Ranran, come back and scan, we are in a hurry to see grandma

"Is you too lazy to sweep?" Huo Ran sighed.

On the squatting floor, he easily picked up the glass fragments into the trash can, and just as he was about to sweep the debris, his cell phone rang.

Xu Zhifan sent a message.

-What is the relay?

Huo Ran smiled. He was afraid that Xu Zhifan would be a little depressed if he didn't see the scene when he went home, so he didn't tell him about today's game.

-the first! Cow?

-Too great!

Huo Ran hesitated and called.

As soon as the phone was connected, before Xu Zhifan's voice came out, he heard Granny Xu's voice: "Your father? Or your aunt?"

"It's Huo Ran, it's your turn to play the cards, just forget it, don't order any more guns," Xu Zhifan said, "I still have months to earn money for the New Year, and I can't afford you to buy some guns."

"How about playing grandma with grandma?" Huo Ran asked.

"Well, it basically depends on her losing money," Xu Zhifan smiled. "Where are you?"

"At home, the haze is two days off," Huo Ran said, "is your dad home?"

"Back, I'm going to take a shower now," Xu Zhifan sighed, lowering his voice, "No one has been looking after going out for so many days."

"The person you told your dad was wrong," Huo Ran said, "how could I not contact the family when I came back?"

"I told him, it's useless, next time I hear something, I have to find it." Xu Zhifan said.

"Then your mother hasn't got any news at all? It's been more than half a year, if it really is ..." Huo Ran frowned. "Are you neighbor Aunt Hu, have you all called to ask relatives for money, they are together Go ... "

"None of my mom's friends and classmates are here. We don't know if she asks others for money," Xu Zhifan said. "No one can contact us. Aunt Hu has no news now. Her daughter didn't say anything when she saw me Even if cursed, I can't ask. "

"What to do?" Huo Ran sighed.

"If it doesn't work, I'll take a trip in the New Year." Xu Zhifan said.

"With your dad?" Huo Ran asked.

"Myself," Xu Zhifan said, "I'm afraid my dad is going to be in a hurry."

"I'll go with you," Huo Ran said.

"Say it then," Xu Zhifan said, "it's no use following you, a child."

"I will be 18 Uncle Xu next year." Huo Ran said with a smile.

Xu Zhifan also laughed: "It's okay, I have two months to go on vacation, and maybe there will be news during this time."

"Well," Huo Ran nodded, "Kou Chen will let him play at his house tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay," Xu Zhifan said, "I want to see his dog. Is he handsome?"

"Yes, it's very annoying. You lick your face without paying attention. You should be careful tomorrow." Huo Ran said.

After talking a few more words, Xu Zhifan hung up the phone and said he would take his grandmother to dinner.

Huo Ran wanted to ask him if he could tell them about the group of seven, but he didn't speak for a long time.

He feels that there are a few people discussing it, and maybe he has more ideas, but Xu Zhifan has always been the kind of person who doesn't like to trouble his friends. He should try to handle everything himself. If this thing is not to go to him arrogantly When the family heard that Aunt Hu's husband was scolding, he would not let Huo Ran know.

It would be nice if Xu Zhifan had a character like Kou Chen and couldn't help it.

"Who'd you like to play with?" Kou Chen came here early in the morning, and was a little excited on the way to the stadium. "Do you know anyone? School basketball?"

"No," Huo Ran drank yoghurt. "Just a few people who often go there to play, they will be familiar with it after a long time. Today, there may be a school next door. I have encountered high school leagues and secondary schools before."

"How is the technology?" Kou Chen whispered.

"Very good," Huo Ran glanced at him. "It may not be easy for you to pretend."

Kou Chen didn't care about his words at all: "What about you?"

"What am I?" Huo Ran took another sip of yogurt.

"Can you pretend?" Kou Chen asked.

"I don't pretend," Huo Ran whispered. "You think it's all like you. Call of Duty pretends."

Kou Chen froze for two seconds, and couldn't stop smiling: "Little cute, you are so cute."

"Get out," Huo Ran replied briefly.

Kou Chen went to a basketball court outside of school for the first time. Of course, he didn't have much interest in basketball before.

But this indoor court surprised him a little bit, something completely different from those he'd seen.

This stadium is at least twenty years old. The predecessor may be a large warehouse. The two courses are side by side, with stands in the middle and around.

The basketball stand is very new, and the line on the ground should have been redrawn recently, but the surrounding walls, roof, and stands made him suddenly think he had opened street basketball.

The stand is a little rusty iron shelf. There are many welded places that have been broken. A wooden board is placed on the top. The shelf next to the scoreboard is also of the same material. The lower bracket is broken. With.

The lamp frame on the top is very cool, and the big white light is hanging on the iron pipe horizontally and horizontally. The various wires are pulled. The most pulling is the surrounding wall. It is full of graffiti. I don't know how many layers are stacked. Anyway, the wall is not exposed at all.

"I trust," Kou Chen took out his cell phone. "This place is interesting."

"Horan is coming!" Someone said hello from the stand.

"How many people?" Huo Ran walked over there.

"A few more come over in a minute, you can warm up first," a college student in the stands jumped, pointed to the few sitting in the back row, "I don't know if you have seen it, the 6 of you next to you . "

"I don't know." Huo Ran smiled.

The six of them nodded to him: "Are you the current school basketball captain?"

"Um." Huo Ran answered.

"Your former captain, you played with us, it was great." A tall man also jumped from the stands and suddenly threw the basketball in his hand.

"Is Jiang Yan?" Huo Ran caught the ball and slowly took the ball back two steps. "He is very good."

"He's a defender," the tall man bent over, shaking his body gently, "what about you?"

"Forward." While Huo Ran said this, his right hand suddenly brought the ball behind him.

The taller man rushed to the ball and missed.

Kou Chen was a little surprised to be standing next to him. When Huo Ran took the ball to dodge, the taller body just started to lean over, and his hands were not extended.

This reaction is a bit handsome.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow. The very depressed author said only because two commonly used emojis can be displayed normally. 2k novel reading network

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