Qing Kuang
Chapter 41 Table of contents


"The response is fast!" The taller stepped forward again, cutting off his path when Huo Ran wanted to make a layup from the left.

Huo Ran continued to take the ball, and the basketball passed through □□ in his left hand and right hand, constantly switching.

Pass it to me!

Kou Chen stood by and looked around. When he wanted to speak, Huo Ran suddenly shot. His right hand carried a ball from the taller left arm. The ball was thrown from behind him and flew obliquely to the hoop from below.

"I fuck," Taller backed his hands a bit, failed to stop the ball, and turned to look at the ball that has fallen into the hoop. "Is this your ancestral lieutenant lieutenant?"

"What's wrong?" Huo Ran smiled.

"Jiang Ye also played this trick, did you still have a captain with the last name Liu or something?" Gao said, "Is this your dog basketball captain's method of playing dog sticks?"

"I don't know," Huo Ran said with a smile, "I only watched Jiang Yan's video, maybe."

When a group of people started warming up to shoot under the basket, Kou Chen walked to Huo Ran and whispered, "I have a question."

"Huh?" Huo Ran took off his coat.

"Is Jiang Yan transferring?" Kou Chen said.

"Yeah." Huo Ran nodded.

"And what about Liu?" Kou Chen asked.

"Liu Yi is from Zhou Haichao's class," Huo Ran said. "Later, I left with my family."

"What about you?" Kou Chen looked at him.

"What am I?" Huo Ran also looked at him.

"Every captain left without graduation. I **** ... what curse," Kou Chen frowned. "And you, do you have any plans to transfer to another country?"

Huo Ran froze and smiled: "You have a good ability to summarize, and quickly undress."

"What do you want to do?" Kou Chen held his arms to his chest.

"You don't play ..." Huo Ran said half-stopped, stared at his hand, and then spoke again after a while. "What? Take off! I'll let you taste your Master Huo tonight."

"It's not human." Kou Chen couldn't help laughing, and lifted his coat and threw it to the stand.

"Can't kill you." Huo Ran cooperated with him to continue playing, and when the ball hits, it feels good.

"Really, you haven't answered me yet, can't you go abroad without going to school?" Kou Chen moved his arms and legs after taking off his coat, and asked again worriedly.

"You can't go abroad without transferring," Huo Ran said. "My ancestors have been here for the last eight generations, and I have no money to go abroad for any transfer."

"The conditions in your home are not bad, can't you go abroad?" Kou Chen asked.

"Why am I going abroad? I failed the English test at the end of last semester," Huo Ran said. "How good are your conditions at home, why don't you go abroad."

"I have failed English since junior high school," Kou Chen said.

They couldn't stop smirking.

"Get out," Huo Ran laughed and turned away. "Don't talk to me, I don't want to be infected."

Kou Chen smiled and didn't speak, and put his hand on his face.

"Why?" Huo Ran looked at him, "come over and warm up."

"Did I have dog hair on my face?" Kou Chen frowned. "As soon as I got my clothes on, I felt hair on my face."

Huo Ran walked over and stared at his face for a while, pinching a long hair from his nose: "This is the girl's hair?"

"Which girl's hair is so hard," Kou Chen whispered. "This is my handsome hair."

"Your handsome hair is so long?" Huo Ran was surprised.

"You used to touch it in the afternoon and grab it casually. You can get down to eight hundred." Kou Chen jumped, ran to the basket, caught a ball that I didn't know who had shot it, turned around and backhanded After a while, the ball scored.

"I haven't seen you before, is it Huo Ran?" Someone asked.

"Yes." Kou Chen nodded.

"Huo Ran has never brought his classmates before," said the man, "I can finally cooperate with my own today."

"My new player is still in the basic training stage." Kou Chen said.

"Have you played before?" The man asked. "You are not new to this technology."

"Not much." Kou Chen said.

As long as Kou Chen is not pretentious, he will be a very easy to communicate person. After a few rounds of back and forth, a group of people will be familiar with it.

After the people got together, they started playing in teams.

"Give me another guard," Huo Ran said, "sixth?"

"Okay." The man named No. 6 nodded, and waved at a big guy next to him. "Little center, plus Lao Luo, all together."

Kou Chen looked at the big guy, and ten seconds later Huo Ran called the man a "little", and he was sure that the old man wasn't talking about "little center", but that the big guy was called Xiaoxiao ... this What is the magic nickname?

"Are you going to make tactical arrangements?" Kou Chen asked Huo Ran.

"Play whatever you want, depending on the situation," Huo Ran said. "There are three teams on the opposite side. You have the opportunity to interrupt their cooperation."

"Um." Kou Chen nodded.

"Lao Liu took the ball to Kou Chen." Huo Ran said.

"Okay." Lao Liu nodded.

"Brother Huo Ran," the small novel, "I'm still a rebounder?"

"The rebound is over to you." Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen was shocked to see that he was half a head taller than he had grown in a circle. How could he be one meter up, and couldn't help asking: "How old are you?

"Fourteen." Small novel.

"Ah!" Kou Chen coughed.

Huo Ran laughed beside him: "Frighten it, brother Kou Chen."

An uncle took the ball to the center line.

Xiaoxiao jumped the ball with a strong guy similar to him.

Did not hit the ball.

The ball was photographed by another strong man wearing the same clothes at the strong man's side. These were from the next mechanic school, and three of them were wearing team uniforms.

Slim got the ball and rushed to the basket.

But after just two steps, a figure flashed over him like an arrow, and he stretched out his arm and copied the ball in his hand.

Then shouted: "Kou Chen!"

Kou Chen realized that it was Huo Ran. He turned his head and ran to the basket. Huo Ran's ball passed very high. He rushed to the three-point line and jumped to catch the ball.

When he took off, he saw that someone was behind him, so he didn't wait for the landing to go straight and threw the ball out.

The goal was scored.

"I depend! You can do it." Several other team members gave him a thumbs up in surprise.

"Score." The uncle leaned next to the scoreboard with a cigarette, said it in an uninteresting tone, and turned the scoreboard one page.

"Niu Bing." Lao Liu came and hit Kou Chen on his shoulder.

Kou Chen smiled for a while, and he didn't play this kind of temporary patchwork basketball. He didn't know how to communicate, but he felt very interesting when the sixth boy hit him.

Huo Ran patted him as he ran past him: "Good shot."

The game continued, the thin man served the ball and passed it to the strong man. The strong man was very fierce when he took the ball, as if forcing.

Little did not succeed when he went up to block, he directly hit Xiao to one side and scored a layup.

After a few rounds, Kou Chen found out that this gameplay does not have any coordination at all. It is not practiced together every day, and it is impossible to cooperate. There is no referee. The rule is a rough rule. Everyone is not accounting.

Basically, everyone splits up and performs individually. When the performance fails, the ball is distributed to teammates, or when others cannot perform, they respond in time and start their own performance.

Kou Chen has never watched Huo Ran play, and usually trains Huo Ran to arrange other old players to practice with the new players, and has never played.

Today is the first time Kou Chen has seen his game.

Like a bolt of lightning.

The defense is as flexible as the offense, and hardly anyone can stop him when taking the layup.

But he usually passes to Kou Chen when he has a chance.

"Do it yourself," Kou Chen said.

"You hit better than me," Huo Ran said. "You don't know. I had a record of failing to make two free throws in the official game, and it was several times."

"Then why do you become the captain." Kou Chen asked.

"I can get the ball in your hand, but you can't touch my ball." Huo Ran took the out-of-bounds ball thrown by the audience in the stands, ready to go to the sideline.

Kou Chen quickly touched the ball: "Look."

Huo Ran looked at him, a little dazed.

"I encountered it." Kou Chen whispered.

"... Don't make me laugh," Huo Ran hooked his lips, pressed his smile back, and lowered his voice. "Pass the ball back to me, you cross the bottom line for three points."

"Um." Kou Chen glanced at the scoreboard, and they were four points behind.

Huo Ran passed the ball to the ground, Kou Chen took the ball, and someone immediately came over to intercept it.

Kou Chen took the ball to the centerline and glanced at Huo Ran. He saw that Huo Ran had flashed past the other two to close the defensive, arms outstretched, palms back.

He immediately rushed forward, followed by a meal, without waiting for the defender to return, grazing the ball and passing the hand: "Here!"

Huo Ran tilted his head slightly, catching the ball with his hands, and rushed forward without any pause, Kou Chen quickly followed, and straightened to the bottom line from the right.

This tacit cooperation in the chaos made him suddenly excited when he caught the ball returned by Huo Ran on the bottom line. When he shot it, he shook it a little, and the ball bounced off the rim.

"I fuck!" He cursed.

Xiaoxiao grabbed the rebound and passed it to the sixth, who passed the ball to him again.

At this time, the time of the three-pointer had been missed, and the opponent's defense was in place. Kou Chen was depressed for a while.

"Vote!" Huo Ran did not know when he cut across from him and stood up with Lao Luo.

The chance of this shot can be up to two seconds, Kou Chen did not hesitate to take off, the ball shot, almost draw an arc parallel to the rebound, and fell into the basket.

"I rely on it," Lao Luo shouted, "This can go in."

Kou Chen raised her eyebrows and did not speak.

"Fuck," Huo Ran ran past him with a smile, "the psychological quality is really **** good."

Halfway through the second half, there were a few more people, but the two courts couldn't make it out, so Huo Ran and Kou Chen replaced them and sat in the stands to rest.

"How?" Kou Chen sat beside Huo Ran.

"What?" Huo Ran was drinking water.

Kou Chen put his arms on his shoulders and staggered to his side, whispering, "Is the ball good? Captain."

"Well," Huo Ran passed him the water, "drink?"

"It's just a matter of um?" Kou Chen took the bottle and took a sip.

"Awesome." Huo Ran smiled and looked at the people on the court.

Kou Chen didn't speak, staring at his side.

"What's wrong." Huo Ran glanced at him.

"You have a layer of fluff on your face," Kou Chen said.

"... you have it on your face, too." Huo Ran turned to look at him. "Who doesn't have it on his face."

"There is no such thing as Guo Zijian, and his face has too many acne," Kou Chen took out his mobile phone, and took a picture of Huo Ran's face. "Does it have on my face? Look, is this true?"

"You are childish and naive. What do you see on the face when you play?" Huo Ran glanced at his face on the screen. "Yeah, you have such a small hair."

Kou Chen laughed: "Am I so cute?"

"... Yeah." Huo Ran glanced at him.

"Probably," Kou Chen looked at the phone. "You said I was cute."

"Usually cool and handsome," Huo Ran said, "others won't notice you being cute."

"I-fuck," Kou Chen glared at him, "you speak too well."

"No way," Huo Ran said, "EQ is so high."

Kou Chen sat on the stands and leaned on him, smiling for a long time.

Huo Ran didn't go home after playing the ball and went directly to Kou Chen's house.

Kou's father and Kou Xiao were not at home, only Kou's mother was there. When they saw them coming back, they immediately stood up: "I'm going to your second aunt's house."

"Why?" Kou Chen asked and whistled again, "handsome--"

Shuai Shuai ran down the stairs on the second floor. When he was halfway running, he was over excited and had to cross the railing directly, then turned out and slipped on the ground several times before getting up.

Huo Ran struck it and rubbed his head hard.

"She called the tailor to make clothes at home today. I used to measure a coat," said Ms. Kou. "Aunt Wang went shopping, and what you want to eat for a while, she made it for you. I ate it at the second aunt. . "

"Oh." Kou Chen nodded.

"You two have to take a shower first. Don't catch a cold in this sweat." Mother Kou went out after speaking.

Huo Ran stunned: "Why is she going? The fog is quite heavy outside."

"My second aunt's house is just in front of him. There is a walk for two minutes." Kou Chen hung from his back to his shoulders and pushed him to the stairs. "Come and show you my room. "

Kou Chen's room was quite large, and it was more neatly packed than Huo Ran's room. There were no spare parts and no tools.

Mainly the decoration is very simple, bed, bedside table, wardrobe, a floor lamp, a coffee table and a bean bag under the lamp, a notebook is thrown next to it.

Shuai Shuai followed into the room, jumped onto Kou Chen's bed and lay down.

"Go on," Kou Chen said.

Shuai Shuai obediently got up and jumped out of bed, then jumped up again a second later.

"Not stupid at all." Huo Ran said with a smile.

Kou Chen pounced on Shuai Shuai, buried his face in his hair and smelled it: "Well, it's still fragrant, and you are allowed to lie down for five minutes."

"Will you play?" Huo Ran picked up a Rubik's cube on the nightstand.

"Will you?" Kou Chen rolled over and lay down, resting on the handsome man.

"I can play one side," Huo Ran slowly turned the Rubik's cube, "I played it when I was a kid, and I can play one side. If I want six sides, I can remove it and press it back."

"Throw it over." Kou Chen reached out his hand.

Huo Ran threw the Rubik's cube in the past.

Kou Chen caught the Rubik's cube with one hand and started to flick with his fingers.

"Is it so cattle?" Huo Ran looked at him, "Are you five seconds with one hand?"

"Fart your fart," Kou Chen laughed, "this is awesome for you, I'm not pretending."

"That ..." Huo Ran didn't finish speaking, Kou Chen shook the Rubik's cube at him, and he took a look and looked at both sides. "It's better than me."

"It took at least forty or fifty seconds to reset everything," Kou Chen sat up. "I'll show you."

"Um." Huo Ran returned the Rubik's cube to him, staring at his hand.

Kou Chen disrupted the Rubik's cube, looked around, cleared his throat, and muttered quietly: "biu ~ start."

Huo Ran held back and didn't laugh.

Kou Chen's fingers are very long, especially when turning the Rubik's Cube, it seems to be long.

Judging from the level that Huo Ran needs to play for one minute, his speed is very fast. Huo Ran estimated to read the second in his heart, about 30 seconds.

"You can continue to practice at this speed, and you can race." Huo Ran said.

"No interest," Kou Chen lay back on Shuai Shuai, and patted the bed next to him, "I have been playing this for many years. From childhood to now, this speed, compared to fart."

Huo Ran glanced at the handsome, fluffy big dog belly that he had always wanted to experience. After Kou Chen gave him a place, he lay down next to Kou Chen and carefully pillowed him. On the belly.

"Comfortable?" Kou Chen asked.

"Um." Huo Ran responded. When Shuai Shuai panted, his head would shake slightly up and down, it felt strange.

"I used to lie down like this when I was a kid, do nothing, don't read books or study piano ..." Kou Chen held up his hand, disrupted the Rubik's cube again, and then turned quickly with his fingers.

"Biu ~ Begin," Huo Ran whispered a command for him when he started to reset for the third time. "I thought you were going out and fighting with the kids."

"You can fight too, but you can't fight too old," Kou Chen said as he turned the Rubik's cube. "Can't you rest after you're tired?"

Huo Ran laughed and sighed for a long time.

Kou Chen didn't speak any more, turning the Rubik's cube again and again, looking at his hand humorously, there was a kind of quietness in him when he was alone in the suburbs.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow. Today the author, who was freezing cold and died of cold rain, shivered beside the heater.

Two teenagers, you have n’t taken a bath yet. It ’s annoying to change the sheets and cover! 2k novel reading network

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