Qing Kuang
Chapter 119 Table of contents


The two lay side-by-side in the tent for a while, and Kou Chen felt as if they were practicing the sideways version of the flat support.

"Go out and eat," Huo Ran said. "There will be more people later."

"Can't you eat it?" Kou Chen said.

"No," said Huo Ran. "A lot of people will see two men getting out of such a small tent."

"Fuck." Kou Chen thought, thinking this was really a problem, so he got up quickly and climbed out of the tent.

When Huo Ran came out, he looked around: "Fortunately, we took this one first, there is a tree in front of it, and others will not come too close to this side."

"Did you come out like this before? In high season." Kou Chen asked.

"No," Huo Ran pulled the tent up and threw Kou Chen's bag to him. "I usually don't stay in the camp when there are a lot of people, and I get panic."

"In the field?" Kou Chen asked.

"Now we are not in the sleeping room at the camp," Huo Ran walked to the supply station. "I want to be clean when I come out, so I'd better go out for a picnic with my friends and live with a chicken." Camp. "

"I won't be cooking anymore, as long as you old chicken ..." Kou Chen said half stopped.

Huo Ran glanced at him.

"As long as you are old ..." Kou Chen regained his head.

Huo Ran looked at him.

"As long as you are an old hand! Old donkey!" Kou Chen said, "This is fine! As long as you are willing to take me to play, I am definitely better than many people."

"That's right," Huo Ran smiled. "You are better than many people now. I am mainly afraid that you don't like to play this way."

"Before I didn't like it, I felt bored and tired," Kou Chen said, "but I feel tired after coming back to you two times, and it's quite fun to play."

"Changing someone for you, will you come out?" Huo Ran asked.

"That crap, of course, it doesn't come out. It depends on who it is for fun and fun," said Kou Chen. "If I come out with Kou, I rent ten tents. I live here, and he live there , With eight neighbors in the middle. "

Huo Ran smiled and almost chuckled: "He is so good to you now, are you still like this?"

"There is still an inertia," Kou Chen rubbed his nose. "We have been around for more than ten years. If I can change in a few months, do I have to run away from home before?"

"Little poor man." Huo Ran struck his shoulder and patted his arm.

The meals in the camp were good. They had fast-food noodles, and they could also order food. The crowd was still few at the moment. The two of them circled around the restaurant. Finally, Kou Chen decided to order food.

"I'm so hungry. I may have to eat a few servings of fast food to get full," Kou Chen said, touching his stomach. "It would be better to order."

"Do you still think about money?" Huo Ran was surprised, "It's amazing."

"Did you not invite me to eat?" Kou Chen said.

"... Oh." Huo Ran nodded, went to get the menu, found a table and sat down.

"Are there no waiters?" Kou Chen looked around.

"No," Huo Ran checked with a pen on the menu. "Hook it up and go to the cash register and pay the money and wait for the food."

"I'll order a few." Kou Chen snatched the menu.

Huo Ran looked at him and knew that Kou Chen was hungry.

Moreover, after the dishes were served, both of them had finished eating, and they were not too hungry. They hadn't noticed before.

There are many places to play near the camp. While the sky is still bright, Huo Ran took Kou Chen to the nearest small waterfall to play without having to go too far. .

Some people will leave the car in the camp, and then go into the mountain for a short hike.

Huo Ran generally doesn't play like this anymore. He rides a bicycle just to feel the scenery while riding on the road, and occasionally stops to take a few photos. There was a camera in the past, which is not very useful now, dad. I like to use it when I take him out, mainly to shoot him.

After junior high school, he didn't come out with his dad very much. Now think about it and suddenly feel a little guilty. Since he started traveling on his own, his dad has gone out significantly less frequently, except for a few old donkeys who have a special relationship, He usually doesn't go.

"Call your dad next time. Doesn't he always exercise," Huo Ran said as he walked. "If you call my dad again, you can go on more difficult routes. There are a few lines where I dare not take people alone, my dad. If it is, it will be fine. "

"Huh?" Kou Chen froze. "Take Kou second child? Why take him?"

"I don't know, I think they should want to come out and play with us," Huo Ran said. "My dad always took me."

"Isn't he playing alone without you before? The old donkey so experienced by him can't have grown up with you," Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran snorted: "Isn't there me now!"

Kou Chen didn't speak, and he snorted after a while: "Maybe, when he was handsome, he always ran behind me, and suddenly he became independent and wanted to play by himself. When he took it out, he saw another dog. , The corners of my eyes are nowhere near my side, I am particularly lost. "

Huo Ran opened his mouth and failed to answer the conversation, but although Kou Chen quickly grouped himself with the dog, there was nothing wrong with the general logic. In short, he understood the meaning.

The waterfall can be seen less than an hour's walk from the camp, because it is a falling waterfall. When the water falls into the pool below, the sound is particularly loud and can be heard from a long distance.

But the current is not too big ...

"I rely on it!" Kou Chen, full of interest, ran after hearing the sound, and screamed when he saw the waterfall, "This waterfall is too small!"

Huo Ran laughed for a long time later: "I was originally a small waterfall?"

"Is it one meter wide!" Kou Chen pointed at the waterfall.

"One meter is still there, two or three meters," Huo Ran said with a smile, "mostly very tall."

Kou Chen looked up and looked up: "This is quite high, can climb up ..."

Without saying a word, a gust of wind blew through, and the current of water in the air was blown out by a large mist of water, hitting their faces.

The people on the side of the hike also raised their faces and shouted with open arms.

"It's going to be a big circle up," Huo Ran wiped his face, "and if we were going to climb the mountain, we didn't wear our shoes properly and we didn't bring any equipment."

"Oh," Kou Chen nodded, "Then bring Kou and your dad together next time."

"If my dad is here, don't take this line," Huo Ran smiled. "My dad wouldn't come to this line for money."

"Xing Xing Xing, your old donkey and little donkey are both great," Kou Chen said, "then take me to challenge the peak of life next time."

"No problem." Huo Ran snapped his fingers.

"I can take you to the top tonight." Kou Chen whispered in his ear again.

Huo Ran paused and turned to look at him: "This is like I can't."

"That's it." Kou Chen pointed at him, then threw the bag to the ground, flung shoes and socks, and walked over to the puddle. "This water is so clear. I want to try this. Water, I want to challenge standing in the water ... "

The edge of the pond is slanted, all are wet stones with moss, and soft mud. Kou Chen obviously has no experience. He wants to challenge himself unexpectedly in such a place, so he walks barefoot. past.

"Slip!" Huo Ran shouted, threw away and rushed to hurry up to hold him.

"Where is it slipping?" Kou Chen stepped carefully and looked back at him.

Then he stepped on a small moss.

Huo Ran had no time to speak again, but still roared in his heart, watching the scenery without walking, walking without watching the scenery! Didn't tell you!

He raised his arms and rushed over to Kou Chen. He planned to copy where it was counted. Or if Kou Chen, who was afraid of the water, fell into the pool, he would probably shout the water of the waterfall.

But while his arms were out, Kou Chen's face suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

... Horan felt that Kou Chen probably had any resentment to gravity, and couldn't remember the first time he had disappeared in this way in this way.

When Huo Ran bowed his head, he saw that he had fallen to the ground with his buttocks, sitting on the stones and soft mud on the ground, and slid into the water pool all the way.

Then he went on without even struggling, and the water did not reach his chest.

The passersby laughed.

Yes, if the person who slides down isn't Kou Chen, a young man who fell into the puddle in the summer, Huo Ran will surely laugh wildly.

But only he knew that Kou Chen was afraid of water.

He didn't think about it, and didn't think about other ways. He didn't even take off his shoes, and rushed into the water.

He grabbed Kou Chen's arm.

The water is shallow, very shallow.

Huo Ran estimated that the deepest part below the waterfall was less than two meters. He jumped in here and found that Kou Chen was lying down and only one head was exposed on the water.

If the water is sitting, the pants can only wet the back half.

But Kou Chen was scared, and Huo Ran pulled him a bit, and found that his arms were stiff.

"Relax, stand up, Kou Chen," Huo Ran continued to pull his arm, and then pushed him on the back. "You can sit up, this water will reach your calf."

Kou Chen took a hard breath and turned to glance at him: "Calf?"

"Yes," Kou Chen quickly raised his leg and stomped in the water again. "Look, get up, it's okay, everyone looks at you ..."

Kou Chen gritted his teeth and sat up, then stood up.

Sure enough, those who want face still have to use this sentence.

"Go, go up," Huo Ran took his hand, "step on where I walked and stop slipping."

"Um." Kou Chen followed him step by step back to the path.

"It's okay," an aunty hiker asked, "I just thought the water was deep and scared me."

"It's okay, it's just that the water is too shallow and fell a little bit harshly." Huo Ran smiled.

"Don't go barefoot," Aunt is very experienced. "You can't ride on your cycling shoes, barefoot. You need hiking shoes."

"Thank you." Huo Ran thanked him, and then pulled Kou Chen, who looked cold and indifferent and calm, but certainly had not yet returned to God, walked to the other side of the path and hid behind a large stone engraved with a road map for entering the mountain.

Kou Chen leaned on the stone and waved at him, signalling that he was fine.

Huo Ran ran over again and took his shoes and bag, and gave him a pack of tissues: "Put on your shoes first."

Kou Chen took the paper towel and whispered: "I ~~ **** ~~~"

There was a small tremor in the voice.

Huo Ran straightened up, hugged his head, and patted him gently on his back and shoulder for a while: "It's okay, the water is so shallow, my mother's feet are deeper than the water at night ..."

"You shut up," Kou Chen's voice returned to normal. "Do you **** comfort me or hurt me?"

"Consolation," Huo Ran said.

"Don't be blindly comforted," Kou Chen sighed, and raised his arms around his waist. "That is, I can't bear it. I have to pump you for another person."

Huo Ran laughed.

Kou Chen sighed again and released him. He lowered his head and wiped his feet with paper towels. After putting on socks, he stopped and looked up and down a few times: "Did you fall down too? Why are you on your head? Is it water? "

"How can I think that the water is so shallow, you have a head left," Huo Ran whispered, "I thought there was a hurdle here. Looking at it shallowly, it was particularly deep after going down ... and you lay there! "

"I'm scratching my head." Kou Chen frowned and stroked his head. "I must have fainted before lying."

"Well," Huo Ran touched the back of his head and felt a bag. "I fuck, it's swollen!"

"But it doesn't hurt much," Kou Chen sighed. "Maybe scary."

"I thought you would scream for help while fluttering," Huo Ran said.

"It's strange to shout, I'm scared," Kou Chen thought for a while, "but then ... it seems like ... I don't feel particularly scared."

"Did you attack with poison?" Huo Ran asked.

"Who knows, I won't try again anyway," Kou Chen kicked his shoes in front of him, "you wear my shoes, my shoes are dry."

"Are you barefoot?" Huo Ran looked at him.

"Um." Kou Chen nodded.

"Come on," Huo Ran hurriedly put his shoes back in front of him. "I don't care. You can be steady. I told you that you didn't go down the mountain road? Look at the feet? I said I didn't say our shoes today No, can't you climb a mountain or something? "

"Um." Kou Chen snorted.

"Did you listen?" Huo Ran said.

"I know I'm wrong, Uncle Huo!" Kou Chen said, "Don't teach me!"

"Put on your shoes and go back to camp." Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen's performance was okay, at least more calm than when he saw the mulch and licked his feet by the sea. After putting on his shoes, he even took his mobile phone back to the pool and took a few waterfalls.

"Actually this waterfall is a little small," Kou Chen said, "but it looks pretty good at such a high level."

"Well," Huo Ran nodded, and took a few photos with his mobile phone. "Do you want to send a circle of friends?"

"Have them all together," Kou Chen said with a goo, "Piss them."

"Do you want to take a picture with the waterfall?" Huo Ran asked with a smile.

"You give me just enough." Kou Chen glanced at his impression that he was wet from head to toe.

When I returned to the camp, it was already dark, and Huo Ran took the lamp and hung it on his backpack to illuminate it. Kou Chen snatched the past and hung it on himself. Which one is different? "

"This is a bit bigger," Huo Ran said.

"Here it is," Kou Chen said.

"For you, for you," Huo Ran said, "what else do you want to say!"

"You." Kou Chen answered without thinking.

"You're all like this!" Huo Ran despised him very much, "I'm full of these things!"

"What's wrong, I didn't get water in my head, can these be washed away?" Kou Chen raised an eyebrow.

There are a lot of people in the camp. The tents in the flat place are full, and there are a few near them. However, the place they chose is biased, so the tents can still be kept in an undisturbed distance .

With such a distance, no one next to them noticed that the people who came back for an hour on foot were wet.

"Are we changing without clothes?" Kou Chen asked in a low voice.

"Well," Huo Ran got into the tent. "Take off your sleeping bag, throw your clothes out, and you'll do it tomorrow."

"Okay." Kou Chen's voice flew for a moment, and he bent over and pushed into the tent.

"What are you anxious for?" Huo Ran glared at him. "You can't move even when you come in!"

"What do you say?" Kou Chen pressed directly on him. "Hurry up and take off your clothes!"

"Someone beside!" Huo Ran whispered to remind him.

"I don't do anything," Kou Chen also whispered, "How much motion can be reached by reaching out! I'm shocked! I almost drowned!"

"Turn your broken lamp off!" Huo Ran was helpless. "You're performing a shadow play!"

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow.

Tomorrow is probably ... the last chapter is ⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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