Qing Kuang
Chapter 121 Table of contents

Kou Chen and Huo Ran did not stay on the top of the mountain for a long time after they reached the summit, because their phones started to ring.

"Is it a group?" Kou Chen asked.

"It can only be a group." Huo Ran said.

"Change the name of the group in a moment," Kou Chen said, "to a lemon tree."

Huo Ran smiled and squeezed the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and glanced at his mobile phone.

It is indeed a group, and it is a group he has not seen.

A group called "Isolate them".

"What the hell?" Huo Ran gave a glance.

The people in the group knew everything.

The seven-member group is neat and tidy. Except for the two, several people have brushed several pages.

-When will you be home? Late to isolate you

"Fuck." Kou Chen cursed with a smile.

Huo Ran poked quickly at the screen.

-I'm going back. I can get home before five. What's wrong?

Xu Chuan made a statement.


Xu Zhifan immediately threw a photo out below.

A bunch of hands were holding Shuai Shuai collars together, Shuai Shuai grinning at the camera and smirking.

-Shuai Shuai is in our hands and **** late.

"They went to my house?" Kou Chen froze. "I didn't say I was going before."

"What's going on?" Huo Ran smiled and made a voice.

-Uncle Kou called us for dinner and said that everyone had a good test, so do n’t tell Kou Chen and be surprised

-We thought for a while and didn't tell Kou Chen that it was okay, then let's tell Huo Ran, I'm afraid it's too sudden

"Fuck," Kou Chen looked at Huo Ran's cell phone. "What is my dad doing? I do n’t know if I jumped to the college entrance exam and got the liberal arts champion?"

"Your dad is just like a child," Huo Ran said. "This momentum has not passed, and besides, he said that he would follow along and play, you won't let it."

"You didn't let it go," Kou Chen said, "you said, there is no place."

"I ..." Huo Ran stared at him and nodded for a long time. "Okay, I said it."

"I was called to my house so early, what are you doing?" Kou Chen asked again.

Huo Ran looked at the group: "It is said that they will go to the video game city first, and then they will take them to a club at noon to eat and enjoy life ..."

"It's all he likes." Kou Chen snorted.

"At night, your dad is going to make a lemon duck, and also ask Lao Yuan to go." Huo Ran glanced at him.

"Ah," Kou Chen patted the handlebars, "walk around, hurry up, get home before five o'clock."

"I thought he made it for you the day after the exam?" Huo Ran kicked his car and rode out quickly. To be honest, Kou Chen was blowing Kou's second lemon duck, and he really wanted to eat it. I can't help swallowing it when I think of it, especially in this case.

"I did it that day. I wanted to say thank him for all that he had done for me. I was also a grateful person, right?" Kou Chen sighed, "but I don't blame him."

"What happened?" Huo Ran asked.

"He thinks it's too bad, and he still pretends to be delicious. He can't help eating half of it, saying what's going on, what's going on," Kou Chen said, "whatever I hear, can this **** Give me some face, no matter how I make it, it ’s so bad! ”

"What happened later?" Huo Ran asked.

"Later he took it for processing and finished it," Kou Chen said.

"Don't fight?" Huo Ran asked with a smile.

"No, I can't bear it. Didn't Lao Yuan let me communicate well? I just put up with it, mainly ..." Kou Chen said half-stopped, and then turned to look at Huo Ran after a while, "It's really difficult It ’s sour, it ’s sour, so do n’t even mention it, Kou Xiao licked it and stopped eating, and the family ’s best face was my dad ... ”

Huo Ran smiled for a long time: "So he has to do it himself today?"

"Well," Kou Chen snorted slightly, but quickly changed his face again. "I told you, you know what you ate today. The two most successful things in his life are me. Such a good son, the second is this lemon duck. "

"... Oh." Huo Ran nodded.

Huo Ran is still very experienced in estimating the riding time. He said that he could be home before five o'clock, and he had already entered the urban area at more than four o'clock. They rode into Kou Chen's neighborhood just after four thirty.

"I really do," Kou Chen said as he pedaled the car, his teeth grinning and uncomfortable, "I only know today that the street in front of the neighborhood is a **** uphill?"

"I knew it when I first came," Huo Ran said with a smile. "Last bit of strength."

"Don't you feel it?" Kou Chen squinted and squinted at him.

"OK," Huo Ran said.

"I also ... OK." Kou Chen quickly put away the expression on his face and replied calmly.

Huo Ran smiled and said, "I'll be home soon, take a hot bath at night, and get up tomorrow ..."

"Just fine?" Kou Chen asked.

"It's even more sour," Huo Ran said. "It'll be better in another day. You mainly don't ride a lot."

Kou Chen was about to continue talking. Suddenly there were two barkings in front of him, mixed with the sound of Ding Lingying's babble.

They both looked forward at the same time.

Shuai Shuai yelled all the way to them, but the scene was amazing.

Shuai Shuai wears a collar around his neck, and behind him is a stretched traction rope. Behind the traction rope is a chair that is dragged to the ground and is about to fall apart.

This chair is known arrogantly. This is Kou Chen's yard, a small tea table and a wooden chair. A set of Kou's mother likes to sit and play with a mobile phone.

And behind this tragic chair, there are even more amazing scenes.

Followed by a group of people running.


"Stand! Stupid dog!"


"Stop! Give you meat!"

Kou Chen paused for two seconds before braking suddenly, pointing at Shuai Shuai while jumping off the car: "Stand! Don't come over! Stop! Stop!"

Every time Shuai Shuai sees Kou Chen, he is as excited as he has not seen it in 800 years, but almost Kou Chen orders it to listen.

Today, I was probably crazy with a group of people from Xu Chuan. It was like I hadn't heard it. I flew towards Kou Chen.

"Fuck me," Kou Chen pushed the car to the ground, swayed it, opened his arms, and forgot to point at the handsome with one hand, "You listen to me ..."

Shuai Shuai took a chair with one leg dropped into Kou Chen's arms, and threw Kou Chen, who had an unstable chassis because of his sore legs, to the ground.

Huo Ran quickly jumped out of the car, picked up the chair with one hand, and quickly untied the traction rope tied to the back of the chair.

"Ah!" Wei Chaoren rushed to the first, "You are such a dog!"

"The loyal dog is handsome ..." Jiang Lei gasped. "I fuck, like his mother, a bear, Ladu can't hold it."

"Is the courtyard door closed?" Huo Ran pulled the handsome collar and pulled it back from Kou Chen.

"It's closed," Xu Chuan said, "the yard door is also used by it ..."

"The door fell off," Hu Yi added.

The courtyard of Kou Chen's house is surrounded by a half-height wooden fence. It is a beautiful and elegant circle. The door is also made of wood. Although they are all made of wood, they are quite strong. Didn't shake it.

"I forgot to tell you," Kou Chen climbed from the ground. "It cannot be tied to a chair, its table can be towed away ..."

"It was mainly tied there before, and it was lying on its back, and didn't run around." Xu Zhifan said, "That door ... what to do?"

"Just ask the property to repair it," Kou Chen looked at the chair on the ground. "This ... isn't my mother home?"

"What's wrong?" Wei Chaoren immediately became nervous. "Isn't this chair Hermes?"

"... This is what my dad did for her." Kou Chen picked up the chair. "But it's been many years, and it is estimated that many places are loose."

"Is this a token of love?" Xu Chuan said, "It's over."

"Seven bowels on a rope. This is it." Huo Ran also felt the crisis.

Kou Chen laughed: "Fuck, it's not that serious, it's okay for Shuai Shuai to drag it down, but it was brought back by Kou's secondhand, and never murdered it."

That being said, when returning home, while Kou's second child and Kou's mother didn't return, Kou Chen found tools and prepared to put the chair legs back.

I have to say that Kou's second hand is much better than their children. They looked around the chair and couldn't find the nail eyes.

"Have your father learned woodworking?" Huo Ran asked.

"I haven't heard it," Kou Chen looked at for a while, holding his chair leg. "Just go in and just smash a nail outside?"

"Then how can this be the next one? I'm sorry," Huo Ran asked.

Several people were silent into the chair.

"Forget it," Kou Chen lowered his chair. "Just keep it up and let my dad fix it by himself."

Having said that, he entered the room and ran out quickly, holding a piece of paper in his hand and pinching it to a chair.

The words are written on the paper.

Shuai Shuai is bad! !! !!

Three exclamation marks show Kou Chen's strong desire to survive.

After entering the room, Shuai Shuai was also honest, lying contented in front of his own nest.

"Just a few of you?" Kou Chen looked around the room.

"Yes, your parents went shopping," Xu Zhifan replied, "first pick up Lao Yuan, and then go shopping together."

"Why ..." Kou Chen froze. "Aren't all the dishes bought by Aunt Wang? How do you buy food and still pull Lao Yuan, what brain circuit?"

"Aunt Wang has also gone to buy vegetables. It seems that your parents only buy the ingredients for lemon duck, and Aunt Wang buys other vegetables," Xu Chuan said. "Division of cooperation."

"Okay," Kou Chen waved, "I'm exhausted, I'll take a bath."

"I too ..." Huo Ran said half-stop.

"You wash and wash, too," Jiang Lei pointed at him, "go up and go up, you two together, quickly wash away!"

"You go to my room to wash," Kou Chen said, "I go to the guest room to wash."

"Um." Huo Ran ran upstairs.

Kou Chen pointed back to Jiang Lei: "Don't fall in love, you have to fall in love and let you know what revenge is."

"Revenge me quickly." Jiang Lei fell to the sofa with a smile.

Kou's second child does seem to be in a very good mood.

When Lao Yuan was brought to the supermarket and bought vegetables together, he was not angry when he saw a chair with a broken leg in the yard, and entered the room with a smile.

"Is the dog really bad?" He asked Kou Chen.

"Ask them." Kou Chen pointed to the group of six witnesses of the seven.

"Really." Everyone answered neatly.

"We don't know how powerful it is," Xu Zhifan said. "It was tied to the chair. When Kou Chen came back, he didn't know whether it smelled or heard it. We couldn't catch up."

"I guess so, the doors are broken," Kou said, laughing again. "Can you catch up, you may not be able to catch up when Teddy runs."

Kou entered the kitchen with vegetables, and Kou Chen and some of them took Lao Yuan to visit the house.

"This house is my dad's collection room. No one is allowed to enter except the dust." Kou Chen pointed to a door on the second floor.

"What's in the collection?" Lao Yuan asked.

"I don't know," Kou Chen said.

"Probably dust?" Huo Ran said.

Lao Yuan smiled for a long time and pointed to the room next to him: "Is this a study?"

"Yes, when we were reviewing collectively, we were here, crowded a room," Kou Chen said, "especially."

After pulling Lao Yuan around, they returned to the living room. Several people chatted with Lao Yuan, and Kou Chen quietly went to the kitchen.

Kou's second child is packing the ducks, his back to him.

Kou Chen stared at his movements, and felt that the secret should not be to pack the ducks, but should still be cooking and seasoning.

"Peeping." Kou looked back.

"Passing by," Kou Chen immediately raised his face. "I wouldn't be able to do it. Why do you peek at you?"

"Your name will do that?" Kou didn't give a sneer to his face.

"Is it cooked? Can you eat it? Did you diarrhea after eating it?" Kou Chen said.

"It's cooked, it's edible, but it's not pulled," Kou replied, "It's just unpalatable. Do you care to call it lemon duck?"

"Sorry," Kou Chen said.

"Come here," Kou clutched duck wings and waved at him with duck wings. "I teach you."

No need to.

I can do it myself.

He must have answered this before leaving, of course, Kou second child could not have told him so before.

"Is it wrong for me?" Kou Chen walked over.

"You're all right," said Kou, the second child.

Lao Yuan glanced over the kitchen: "Kou Chen still beat?"

"There is always a feeling of playing in the next second," Xu Chuan said with a smile. "Before we went to his house to play cards, I was afraid that his dad would come to the table, and he would definitely have to slap."

"Do you play cards?" Mother Kou came over and asked, "It takes a while to cook."

"Xu Zhifan will fight without going to the table." Wei Chaoren said immediately.

"Why?" Xu Zhifan laughed.

"We won't be able to fight with you," Xu Chuan said, "look next to you."

"Will Lao Yuan? Do two laps?" Huo Ran asked.

"Okay." Old Yuan Yihao stood up.

This stand is like a generation of hemp god.

But then Lao Yuan proved with facts that he is indeed a generation of hemp gods, probably Xu Zhifan's hidden master.

"Who will replace Lao Yuan!" Huo Ran could not help but shouted.

"There is another circle," Lao Yuan said with a smile.

"Can you feed me some good cards?" Huo Ran looked at Jiang Lei. "I ordered two shots. Did you fail the next semester and want Lao Yuan to give you two points?"

Jiang Lei was very dissatisfied: "I made a big pie and he was hustle! What did I say! Did I cry!"

"Did Huo Ran cry?" Hu Yi ate snacks beside him. "Don't cry, don't gamble money."

"Can you eat your cake well?" Huo Ran looked back at him.

"I'm here," Kou Chen walked over from the kitchen. "Horan you go down, I'll clean up Lao Yuan."

"Chuan Brother didn't clean it up," Huo Ran stood up to give up his position. "I'm afraid I won't be able to clean up when I come here."

"I've been very active for a while," Kou Chen sat down. "You show me some cards."

"Um." Huo Ran stood behind him with his elbows on the back of his chair and looked over the tip of his ears.

"No need to help your dad?" Old Yuan asked.

"Now I'm going to be stubborn, I can't help, and I'll be there later." Kou Chen looked at the kitchen side as he coded the card. "I must learn this dish today."

"Very good, I am quite willing to learn now," Lao Yuan said with a smile, and looked at a few of them again. "I will make a closer home visit next semester, and I plan to visit some of your typical ones first ...

"What is typical?" Jiang Lei asked immediately.

"The wild progress is typical." Lao Yuan said.

Several people laughed, and Xu Zhifan raised his hand behind Xu Chuan: "I protest."

"Invalid." Xu Chuan pulled his arm back.

"What do you want me to communicate with your parents, you can talk to me," Lao Yuan said, "I can talk to them from my perspective."

"Can my mother keep thinking," Jiang Lei said, "I know how to do a lot of things, she answers every time before I start, such as she is washing vegetables, I just stood up and wanted to help, she must be Be one step ahead, hey Jiang Lei, you do n’t know how to wash and wash vegetables for me? Am I just going to wash vegetables? ”

One circle was full of joy, Xu Chuan nodded: "My mother does the same."

"This is my grandma," Xu Zhifan said with a smile. "The card is particularly accurate. It is indeed dear."

Huo Ran laughed and listened to all kinds of rational and unjustified complaints from this group, and he glanced at Kou Chen's card from time to time.

However, his playing level is just the same. Kou Chen's cards are good or bad, he doesn't know too much. Only knowing that Kou Chen touches a good card, he will happily bounce back to his leg.

This feeling is very comfortable, they have their own opponents in the lively crowd.

"So my dad ..." Wei Chaoren was summing up his dad.

Kou Chen suddenly squeezed vigorously on Huo Ran's leg.

Huo Ran was sore in pain that he slaped his hands behind the neck.

Kou Chen was unguarded, and he shouted out the tenor: "Hu ~~~~!"

Still trembling.

"What are you singing!" Xu Chuan was startled by him.

The whole room laughed.

Huo Ran's low-minded door clasped Kou Chen's back and laughed wildly.

"You remember to me." Kou Chen whispered, leaning his head.

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

Remember, the box is almost full, and we have to open the second floor.

The author has something to say: 继续 Continue tomorrow.

It's time to drink a few cups of milk tea ⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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