Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 379 Table of contents

Laura knew that she couldn't refute, so she simply closed her mouth.

Thomas stood in front of what he was looking for.

Even if this is not a suitable weapon for me, standing in front of it will still move my heart.

"...No matter when you look at it, you are very handsome."

Facing Thomas with excited eyes, Laura seemed to persuade with regret.

"This item, there are only two in the world-"

"That's right."

"It will be the same in the future."


"Even so, do you want to send it out?"

"That's why I'm sending it."

Thomas laughed out loud.

Although this guy was created eight years ago, the madness they exude has not disappeared at all.

"The best hunters are of course equipped with the best weapons. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave them here to rot?"

As if echoing, the two short swords inserted in the box reflected the light and shone brightly.

Chapter 203 Mourning

The streets are full of sacrificial atmosphere.

There is always something that someone has to do that no one wants to do.

The President of the Hunter Association was originally such a position.

Chairman Gao Jianli.

He didn't hesitate to put together his thriving career when someone was needed to bring the mighty hunters together in one place.

In this way, under the command of Chairman Gao Jianli, the Hunter Association of Country H handled countless incidents.

While managing and protecting the hunters, he also takes the lead in compensating the victims of monsters, and silently helps the survivors of the hunters.

During the commemorative activities in memory of him, the victims who had been helped by President Goh Jianli gathered together and wept bitterly.

The citizens were crowded with people, and all the people did not extinguish the candles until late at night, feeling the sadness together.

The TV station also stopped broadcasting the usual programs, and produced and broadcasted videos containing the records of the deceased's life.

On the large electronic screen in the city, the appearance of Chairman Gao Jianli, who hit the nail on the head with Representative Luo Junxu at the hearing, was played.

"I hope you can think about it carefully, if there is an out-of-control S-level dungeon in this place, who can protect your life. After all, your life can't be bought with a hundred or a thousand times the house price. "

The traffic lights have changed again and again, but no one moves on the street.

The citizens standing in place couldn't take their eyes off the electronic screens and mobile phones.

The media also released an interview video of Chairman Go Gun-li’s attending physician for a long time.

"When Hunter Seong Jin-Woo was fighting the ants on Qizhou Island, the chairman who was watching the show with me told me. He said that his life's wish had been fulfilled, so he had already died without regret. But I didn't expect You really just..."

The attending physician, whose eyes were red before the interview, finally shed tears.

Thinking of Chairman Gao Jianli who wept silently in front of the bereaved family members when they failed in the past few battles against ants, the audience lost their words for a moment.

There are many people who respect President Gao Jianli, and there are also many people who are jealous of him.

But now, regardless of you or me, everyone mourns Chairman Gao Jianli with the same mood.

late at night.

Cheng Jin-Woo was standing on the top floor of the 100-story skyscraper, Daesung Building.

Although strong winds blew in this dangerous position, Cheng Jin-Woo's posture did not waver at all.

He looked down without saying a word, and he had a panoramic view of S City full of mourning atmosphere.

A documentary about the life of Chairman Gao Jianli was still playing on the large electronic screen.


Like an eagle looking for prey, Cheng Jin-Woo looked at every part of the city with sharp eyes.

There were shadows who had carried out the same order before, and shuttled through S city more skillfully than before.

Countless information passed into Cheng Jin-Woo's mind.

But it didn't contain the information he wanted.

No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find any trace of the old white ghost.

'Sure enough, this way is not enough...'

Cheng Jin-Woo also knew that it would be inefficient to use this method to find monsters that can travel freely through the space through the portal.

So before the guy ran away, he wanted to send a shadow soldier to chase it.

But he failed.

If it actually exists, it definitely has that thing.


The guy has no shadow.

It must be a spirit body.

The king of giants said that kings and rulers are composed of spirit bodies, so they cannot become shadow soldiers.

In the same way, if the king cannot generate a shadow, then for Cheng Jin-Woo, it is tantamount to losing one of the best tracking methods.

' doesn't matter. '

At that time, the King of Giants warned Process Jin-Woo that if the existence of Cheng Jin-Woo were known to the kings, they would not sit still.

Kings will come here again soon.

At that time, the target will not be Chairman Gao Jianli, but himself.

'Of course, when the time comes...'

Cheng Jin-Woo showed killing intent.

After coming back alive from the double dungeon and gaining the system ability, Cheng Jin-Woo has never let the enemy escape once.

The only one who managed to escape was the 'Ice Elf'.

In the past, regardless of whether the opponent was a human or a monster, as long as it was the enemy he was targeting, he would definitely eliminate it.

It was so in the past, and it is the same now.

Seong Jin-Woo didn't think of making that guy an exception.

However, some clues seemed to pop up in his head.


After thinking about the enemies he had encountered so far, he noticed something unusual.

So it seems...

'When facing Huang Dongshu or there any system prompt?'

When there are murderous people around, the system will always remind him and give him urgent tasks.

Huang Dongshi, Jiang Haotian, Wang Zhe.

Without exception.

Even during sparring, Goto Ryuji, who attacked him sincerely in just a short moment, gave a warning.

'But whether it is Huang Dongshu, who wants to avenge his brother, or Thomas, who wants to kill me, there is no pop-up prompt?'

strange things.

No matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out.

He began to think about this abnormal point, and then, to confirm the fact, Cheng Jin-Woo took out his mobile phone.

Fortunately, that person's agent left contact information.

It is one o'clock in the morning.

Considering the time difference between country M and the east, it would not be impolite to call at this time.


Just as Cheng Jin-Woo thought, the standby tone didn't ring a few times before the other party answered the phone.

"Mr Cheng, I didn't expect you to call me?"

There was surprise in Thomas' voice.

"I have something to ask."

"You to me? Tell me. As long as I know, I will answer honestly."

"That day, when we fought together."

"…… fight together?”

"Did you really mean to kill me when you attacked me?"

"I remember it being sorted out."

To Thomas who didn't want to recall the situation at that time, Cheng Jin-Woo explained that he was just curious.

There is no need to hide.

Thomas, who was silent for a while, answered honestly.

"When I was angry, I would have become defiant... At that time, I really wanted to kill you. "


The killing intent that Thomas held at that time was not fake.

Even so, the system remained silent.

definitely is.…...

' Something has changed. '

It was just a small doubt at first, but now it has almost become a certainty.

"MR. Cheng?"

Xu Shi's sudden silence after his own answer was a little awkward, and Thomas' voice was excited to change the subject.

"Instead of talking about such boring things, I have prepared a fantasy for you..."



Cheng Jin-Woo was not in the mood to joke with Thomas, and hung up the phone after a brief greeting.

I can confirm it after listening to Thomas' answer.

Today's system no longer reacts to aggressive enemies.

Thinking back to the initial system always asking Cheng Jin-Woo to try his best to protect himself, now this is a big change.

'This is not a problem that can be simply ignored. '

At the very beginning, when he received the system's threatening task of "stopping his heart without killing the enemy", Cheng Jin-Woo guessed the purpose of the system.

'Maybe the system is letting me act in the direction it wants. '

He had speculated so in the past.

But now there are no urgent missions, and the most likely reason for this is...

Perhaps the purpose of the system has changed.

So he had a choice, and he was able to let go of Thomas who wanted to kill him.

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